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Online proceedings - EDA Publishing Association

Online proceedings - EDA Publishing Association

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24-26 September 2008, Rome, ItalyFigure 8. Plane Fin Geometry with a fin base of 0.2mm, atip of 0.1 mm and a pitch to base dimension of 4.0another approach should be taken. An optimum configurationshould have been sought for a given mass flow rate. Theconfigurations that yielded a temperature that was withinallowable limits could then be evaluated to see which wasmost suitable based on the maximum effectiveness.Nevertheless, the results demonstrate that significantimprovements can be made by solving the conjugate problem.The axially uniform morphology and heat fluxassumption made in this work is easily relaxed so that themorphology variation can become part of the optimizationprocess. This would enable one to try and make the heattransfer coefficient high where temperature differences aresmall leading to an even more optimal configuration. It shouldbe noted that the staggered pin fin may not be the best whenthe heat flux to the heat sink is non-uniform. Both morphologyand its variation would be different.As far as we know this is the first complete optimizationof a micro heat sink.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe support of a Department of Energy NERI grant, Award NumberDE-FC07-07ID14827,is gratefully acknowledged. The CFDcomputations were performed using a commercial version ofSC/Tetra.Hwang, G., J., and Cao, C., H., 1994``Heat Transfer Measurementand Analysis for sintered porous channels.``, Journal of HeatTransfer, Vol.116, pp.456-464.Jiang, P., Si, G., Li, M. Ren, Z., 2004, ``Experimental andNumerical Investigation of Forced Convection Heat Transfer of Airin Non-sintered Porous Media``, Experimental Thermal and FluidScience, Vol.28, pp.545-555.Kawano, K., Minakami, K., Iwasaki, H. and Ishizuka, M., 1998,``Micro Channel Heat Exchanger for Cooling Electrical Equipment``,in Proceedings of ASME Heat Transfer Division – volume 3, HTDvol.361-3/PID-vol.3, pp.173-180.Koşar, A., Peles, Y ,2006, ``Thermal-Hydraulic Performance ofMEMS-based Pin Fin Heat Sink`` Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol.128, No.2, pp. 121-131.Lin, Y., Y., Semenic, T., Catton, I., 2005,``ThermophysicalProperties of Biporous Sintered Copper``, ASME InternationalMechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Orlando, Florida,November 5-11.Peles, Y., Kou, C., Koşar, A., Mishra, C. and Schneider, B.,``Forced Convective Heat Transfer Across a Pin Fin Micro HeatEchanger``, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol.48, No.17, pp.3615-3627.Rizzi, M., and Catton, Ivan, 2002, ``Experimental Results forEndwall and Pin Fin Heat Transfer Coefficients``, Proceedings of the12th INHTC, 2002Travkin, V.S. and I. Catton, 1999a, ''Compact Heat ExchangerOptimization Tools Based on Volume Averaging Theory,'' in Proc.33rd ASME NHTC, NHTC99-246. ASME, New Mexico.Travkin, V.S. and Catton, I., (1998), "Porous Media TransportDescriptions - Non-Local, Linear and Nonlinear Against EffectiveThermal/Fluid Properties", Advances in Colloid and InterfaceScience, Vol. 76-77, pp. 389-443.Travkin, V.S. and I. Catton, 1999b, “Turbulent Flow and HeatTransfer Modeling in a Flat Channel with Regular Highly RoughWalls,” International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research, Vol 26,No. 2, pp 110-135.Travkin, V.S. and Catton, I. (2001), "Transport Phenomena inHeterogeneous Media Based on Volume Averaging Theory",Advances in Heat Transfer, Vol. 34, pp.1-144.Wakao, N., Kaguei, S, 1982, Heat and Mass Transfer in PackedBeds, Taylor & FrancisWatanabe H, 1989, `` Drag Coefficient And Voidage Function OnFluid-Flow Through Granular Packed-Beds ``, International JournalOf Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Vol.2, No.1:, pp.93-108.REFERENCESBejan, A. and Morega, A.M. (1993), "Optimal Arrays of Pin Finsand Plate Fins in Laminar Forced Convection," Journal of HeatTransfer, Vol. 115, pp. 75-81.Bird, R., B., Stewart, W., E., Lightfoot E., N., 2001 TransportPhenomena, 2nd ed., Wiley, pp.178-179.Catton, I. And Hu, K., 2003, ``VAT Based Optimization of HeatTransfer in a Flat Channel Filled with a Porous Media``, inProceedings of Summer Heat Transfer Conference Summer HeatTransfer conference Las Vegas, Nevada, USAGratton, L., Travkin, V.S., and Catton, I. (1996), "The Influenceof Morphology upon Two- Temperature Statements for ConvectiveTransport in Porous Media," Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer,Vol. 3, No. 2, pp.129-145.©<strong>EDA</strong> <strong>Publishing</strong>/THERMINIC 2008 182ISBN: 978-2-35500-008-9

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