PCAP - Presidential Climate Action Project

PCAP - Presidential Climate Action Project

PCAP - Presidential Climate Action Project

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D. Protect American Taxpayers from LiabilitiesDirect the federal <strong>Climate</strong> Change Science Program and/or the National ScienceFoundation to project future taxpayer exposure under the Federal Crop InsuranceProgram based on projected impacts of climate change on U.S. agriculture. D-1Anticipate and manage the budget impacts of climate change on the Federal Crop InsuranceProgram . . . The President should direct USDA to: Estimate future exposure levels for the FCIPbased on assessments of the <strong>Climate</strong> Change Science Program, the Intergovernmental Panel on<strong>Climate</strong> Change and other highly regarded assessments of climate impacts. Analyze implicationsfor the federal budget, insurance rates and the continued availability of insurance. Assess andprioritize climate adaptation measures based on their potential to reduce insured crop losses.<strong>PCAP</strong> Report 5:8.Background. The Department of Agriculture (“USDA”) administers the Federal Crop InsuranceProgram (“FCIP”). 368 The purpose of the program is to “improve the economic stability ofagriculture through a sound system of crop insurance and provide the means for the research andexperience helpful in devising and establishing such insurance.” 369The Interagency <strong>Climate</strong> Change Science Program (“CCSP”) is an executive branch committeethat serves the dual function of integrating research pursuant to the United States GlobalResearch Act of 1990 (“Act”) 370 and research conducted under President Bush’s <strong>Climate</strong> ChangeResearch Initiative (“CCRI”). 371The National Science Foundation (“NSF”) is an independent agency that provides funding andgrants for all fields of science and engineering with the exception of medical research. 372Statutes. The USDA administers the FCIP pursuant to the Crop Insurance Act, 373 which createswithin the USDA the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation. 374 The purpose of the program is to368 See “Crop Insurance Act” (7 U.S.C. § 1501 et seq.).369 7 U.S.C. § 1502.370 See 15 U.S.C. § 2933 et seq. (§ 2921 of the Act creates the “Committee on Earth and Environmental Sciences” asan executive branch committee tasked with implementing research under the Act. The transfer of these functions tothe CCSP was implicitly recognized by the General Accounting Office in a 2005 report. See GAO-05-338R“<strong>Climate</strong> Change Assessment,” page 2 (“CCSP is now responsible for producing and submitting the climatechange assessment”). The court in Center for Biological Diversity v. Brennan also recognized this aspect of theCCSP’s functions. See Slip Copy 2007 WL 2408901 (N.D. Cal. 2007).371 According to a CCSP fact sheet, the CCSP resulted from cabinet reorganization in 2002 intended to “improve thegovernment wide management of climate science and climate-related technology development.” See Fact SheetCCSP-1 available at http://www.climatescience.gov/infosheets/factsheet1/CCSP-1-Overview14jan2006.pdf.372 See NSF website (www.nsf.gov/about/), last visited June 25, 2008. See also 42 U.S.C. § 1861 et seq.373 7 U.S.C. § 1501 et seq.374 Id. at. § 1503.CEES 101 | P age

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