PCAP - Presidential Climate Action Project

PCAP - Presidential Climate Action Project

PCAP - Presidential Climate Action Project

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16 U.S.C.A. § 2105Title 16. ConservationChapter 41. Cooperative Forestry Assistance§ 2105. Urban and community forestry assistance(a) FindingsThe Congress finds that--(1) the health of forests in urban areas and communities, including cities, their suburbs, and towns, in the UnitedStates is on the decline;(4) urban trees are 15 times more effective than forest trees at reducing the buildup of carbon dioxide and aid inpromoting energy conservation through mitigation of the heat island effect in urban areas;(5) tree plantings and ground covers such as low growing dense perennial turfgrass sod in urban areas andcommunities can aid in reducing carbon dioxide emissions, mitigating the heat island effect, and reducing energyconsumption, thus contributing to efforts to reduce global warming trends;[It is the purpose of this chapter to authorize the Secretary of Agriculture, with respect to non-Federal forest lands inthe United States, and forest lands in foreign countries, to assist in the coordination of policy, to encourage certaingoals and to conduct other activities. The purposes of this section include improving understanding of the benefitsof preserving and expanding tree cover in urban areas, encouraging the activities of private property owners,providing education programs and grant money and the like.]16 U.S.C.A. § 2461Title 16. ConservationChapter 44b. Antarctic Mineral Resources Protection§ 2461. Findings and purpose(a) FindingsCongress finds that--(1) the Antarctic continent with its associated and dependent ecosystems is a distinctive environment providing ahabitat for many unique species and offering a natural laboratory from which to monitor critical aspects ofstratospheric ozone depletion and global climate change;16 U.S.C.A. § 2621Title 16. ConservationChapter 46. Public Utility Regulatory PoliciesSubchapter II. Standards for Electric Utilities§ 2621. Consideration and determination respecting certain ratemaking standards(iv) SourcesPurchasers and other interested persons shall be provided annually with written information on the sources of thepower provided by the utility, to the extent it can be determined, by type of generation, including greenhouse gasCEES Page | P

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