PCAP - Presidential Climate Action Project

PCAP - Presidential Climate Action Project

PCAP - Presidential Climate Action Project

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Subchapter IV. Energy Savings in Government and Public InstitutionsPart B. Energy Efficiency in Federal Agencies§ 17143. Government efficiency status reports(a) In generalEach Federal agency subject to any of the requirements of this title or the amendments made by this title shallcompile and submit to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget an annual Government efficiencystatus report on--(2) the status of the implementation by the agency of initiatives to improve energy efficiency, reduce energy costs,and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases; and42 U.S.C.A. § 17154Title 42. The Public Health and WelfareChapter 152. Energy Independence and SecuritySubchapter IV. Energy Savings in Government and Public InstitutionsPart C. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants§ 17154. Use of fundsAn eligible entity may use a grant received under this part to carry out activities to achieve the purposes of theprogram, including--(11) the purchase and implementation of technologies to reduce, capture, and, to the maximum extent practicable,use methane and other greenhouse gases generated by landfills or similar sources;42 U.S.C.A. § 17193Title 42. The Public Health and WelfareChapter 152. Energy Independence and SecuritySubchapter V. Accelerated Energy Research and DevelopmentPart B. Geothermal Energy§ 17193. General geothermal systems research and development(c) Environmental impactsThe Secretary shall--(1) support a program of research, development, demonstration, and commercial application of technologies andpractices designed to mitigate or preclude potential adverse environmental impacts of geothermal energydevelopment, production or use, and seek to ensure that geothermal energy development is consistent with thehighest practicable standards of environmental stewardship;(2) in conjunction with the Assistant Administrator for Research and Development at the Environmental ProtectionAgency, support a research program to identify potential environmental impacts of geothermal energy development,production, and use, and ensure that the program described in paragraph (1) addresses such impacts, includingeffects on groundwater and local hydrology; and(3) support a program of research to compare the potential environmental impacts identified as part of thedevelopment, production, and use of geothermal energy with the potential emission reductions of greenhouse gasesgained by geothermal energy development, production, and use.CEES Page | OO

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