PCAP - Presidential Climate Action Project

PCAP - Presidential Climate Action Project

PCAP - Presidential Climate Action Project

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42 U.S.C.A. § 17352Title 42. The Public Health and WelfareChapter 152. Energy Independence and SecuritySubchapter VIII. International Energy ProgramsPart B. International Clean Energy Foundation§ 17352. Establishment and management of Foundation(a) Establishment(1) In generalThere is established in the executive branch a foundation to be known as the “International Clean EnergyFoundation” that shall be responsible for carrying out the provisions of this part. The Foundation shall be agovernment corporation, as defined in section 103 of Title 5.(2) Board of DirectorsThe Foundation shall be governed by a Board of Directors in accordance with subsection (c) of this section.(3) Intent of CongressIt is the intent of Congress, in establishing the structure of the Foundation set forth in this subsection, to create anentity that serves the long-term foreign policy and energy security goals of reducing global greenhouse gasemissions.(b) Chief Executive Officer(1) In generalThere shall be in the Foundation a Chief Executive Officer who shall be responsible for the management of theFoundation.(2) AppointmentThe Chief Executive Officer shall be appointed by the Board, with the advice and consent of the Senate, and shall bea recognized leader in clean and efficient energy technologies and climate change and shall have experience inenergy security, business, or foreign policy, chosen on the basis of a rigorous search.42 U.S.C.A. § 17353§ 17353. Duties of FoundationThe Foundation shall--(1) use the funds authorized by this part to make grants to promote projects outside of the United States that serve asmodels of how to significantly reduce the emissions of global greenhouse gases through clean and efficient energytechnologies, processes, and services;(2) seek contributions from foreign governments, especially those rich in energy resources such as member countriesof the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, and private organizations to supplement funds madeavailable under this part;(3) harness global expertise through collaborative partnerships with foreign governments and domestic and foreignprivate actors, including nongovernmental organizations and private sector companies, by leveraging public andprivate capital, technology, expertise, and services towards innovative models that can be instituted to reduce globalgreenhouse gas emissions;(4) create a repository of information on best practices and lessons learned on the utilization and implementation ofclean and efficient energy technologies and processes to be used for future initiatives to tackle the climate changecrisis;CEES Page | TT

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