PCAP - Presidential Climate Action Project

PCAP - Presidential Climate Action Project

PCAP - Presidential Climate Action Project

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Direct the DOT, the Department of Aviation and the Federal Rail Administration todetermine if current rail-safety requirements are relevant for high-speed rail technology.B-11DOT, Department of Aviation and the Federal Rail Administration should investigate currentrail safety requirements and analyze if current regulations are relevant when using high-speedrail technology. <strong>PCAP</strong> Report 7:7.Background. In addition to its implications as a climate change strategy, high-speed rail isbeing considered as a strategy to relieve aviation congestion. The Federal AviationAdministration (FAA) is the federal department of aviation.Statutes. The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) is an administration in the Department ofTransportation (DOT) created to carry out all railroad safety laws of the United States. TheSecretary of Transportation (“the Secretary”) is responsible for all acts taken under those lawsand for ensuring that the laws are uniformly administered and enforced among the safetyoffices. 232 The Administrator carries out the duties and powers related to railroad safety vested inthe Secretary by 49 U.S.C. § 20134(c) (demonstration projects for grade crossings), 49 U.S.C. §§203-211 (the safety provisions for rail programs), and 49 U.S.C. § 213 (enforcement provision)in carrying out the powers and duties related to safety. The Administrator also carries outadditional duties and powers prescribed by the Secretary. 233The purpose of the FRA, as self-reported, is to: promulgate and enforce rail safety regulations;administer railroad assistance programs; conduct research and development in support ofimproved railroad safety and national rail transportation policy; provide for the rehabilitation ofNortheast Corridor rail passenger service; and consolidate government support of railtransportation activities. 234 By statute, high-speed rail is under the authority of the Secretary. 235Thus, this proposal falls within the mission of the FRA and the DOT.The FAA is a division of the Department of Transportation. 236 It is an agency of the DOT withthe authority to regulate and oversee all aspects of civil aviation in the U.S. 237 There is not aclear connection between the mission of the FAA and rail safety. However, rail transportationsystems would be used to transport people to and from airports, and airports may serve as hubs.232 49 U.S.C. § 103(a).233 Id. at § 103(c).234 FRA Web site, About Us, available at http://www.fra.dot.gov/us/content/2 (no update date provided).235 49 U.S.C. §§ 26101-26105.236 Id. at § 106(a).237 See Id. at § 106(f).CEES 58 | P age

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