PCAP - Presidential Climate Action Project

PCAP - Presidential Climate Action Project

PCAP - Presidential Climate Action Project

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There are numerous executive orders that direct agencies to submit reports or other informationwith, or as part of, their budget submissions to OMB. The following are some examples of theseexecutive orders:E.O. 12780, Federal Agency Recycling and the Council on Federal Recycling andProcurement Policy, October 31, 1991. The Federal Recycling Coordinator shall review andreport annually to the OMB, at the time of agency budget submissions, the actions taken by theagencies to comply with the requirements of this order --to promote cost-effective pollutionprevention and the conservation of natural resources, by reducing waste and recycling theresources.E.O. 12873, Federal Acquisition, Recycling, and Waste Prevention, October 20, 1993. Thecoordinators/executives shall generate an annual report to the OMB, at the time of agency budgetsubmissions, on the actions taken by the agencies to comply with the requirements of this orderdirecting the head of each Executive agency to incorporate waste prevention and recycling in theagency’s daily operations and work to increase and expand markets for recovered materialsthrough greater Federal Government preference and demand for such products.E.O. 13123, Greening the Government Through Efficient Energy Management, June 8,1999. Budget submissions shall include the costs associated with: encouraging the use of,administering, and fulfilling agency responsibilities under Energy-Savings PerformanceContracts, utility energy-efficiency service contracts, and other contractual platforms forachieving conservation goals; implementing life-cycle cost-effective measures; procuring lifecyclecost-effective products; and constructing sustainably designed new buildings, among otherenergy costs.E.O. 13179, Providing Compensation to America’s Nuclear Weapons Workers, December7, 2000. The Secretaries of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Energy shall, as part of theirannual budget submissions, report to the OMB on their activities under the Energy EmployeesOccupational Illness Compensation Program.E.O. 13031, Federal Alternative Fueled Vehicle Leadership, December 13, 1996. As part ofits budget submission to the OMB, each agency shall submit a report on its compliance withsections 303 and 304 of the 1992 Energy Policy Act. 288 The report shall state whether theagency is in compliance with the Act, and substantiate that statement with quantitative data.E.O. 13270, Tribal Colleges and Universities, January 3, 2002. The agency’s performanceindicators and objectives should be clearly reflected in the agency’s annual budget submission tothe OMB. The Order is referring to indicators of the agency’s success in its efforts to increasethe capacity of tribal colleges to compete effectively for any available grants, contracts,cooperative agreements, and any other Federal resources.288 The Energy Policy Act of 1992 generally requires that, of the vehicles acquired by each agency for its fleets,subject to certain conditions specified in section 303(b)(1) of the Act, 25 percent should be alternative fueledvehicles (AFVs) in (FY 1995). AFVs in fiscal year (FY) 1996, 33 percent in FY 1997, 50 percent in FY 1998, and75 percent in FY 1999 and thereafter.CEES 71 | P age

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