Edition 8 Winter 2013 - York Regional Police

Edition 8 Winter 2013 - York Regional Police

Edition 8 Winter 2013 - York Regional Police


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In this Issue:Editor’s GreetingRecent &Upcoming EventsA Look Back....Special OlympicsHoliday Heroes2012New VolunteerOrientationInternationalVolunteer WeekKickoffVolunteerSpotlightVolunteer GroupFocusContactInformationEDITOR’S GREETING<strong>York</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>Police</strong> Volunteer Newsletter<strong>Edition</strong> 8<strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2013</strong>In the midst of the hustle and bustle of theholiday season, YRP volunteers were still able tofind time to assist in the various events going onaround the region. Each of our volunteer groupscommitted to numerous hours of service toenhance the work of YRP, making the holidayssafer and brighter for our communities.We hope you all found time to relax and be withthe ones you love. <strong>2013</strong> is set to be another busyyear, with planning already underway for newinitiatives for the YRP Volunteer Program. Moreinfo can be found in the following sections in thisnewsletter.Santa posing with YRP volunteers, who obviously made iton the nice list.RECENT & UPCOMING EVENTSFebruary 2 Black History Month, Newmarket <strong>Winter</strong>festFebruary 9 Annual Georgina Sno*FestFebruary 23 Hockey Tournament Fundraiser for Special OlympicsFebruary 28 Crime Stoppers Student SymposiumMarch 1 Charity Basketball Game at St. Joan of ArcMarch 7-8 52 nd Annual International <strong>Police</strong> Hockey TournamentMarch 14 March Break Community SkateApril 7 International Day for the Elimination of RacismMay 4Cops for CancerMay 11 <strong>Police</strong> Week Open HouseFarewell, Inspector Ahrens!Inspector Maria Ahrens has officially ended her time withCommunity Services. She will continue to serve <strong>York</strong>Region as Inspector of 2 District. Throughout her tenureas Inspector of Community Services, she consistentlysupported the Volunteers Unit. Her dedication and hardwork is appreciated and will be missed.At this time, we would like to welcome Inspector RussellBellman to the fold as the new Inspector of CommunityServices! Many of you know him as our Youth BandManager, so he is already familiar with our VolunteerProgram. We are excited to have him join us inCommunity Services.

REMEMBERING ANDY ALLANAndy Allan, a retired member of the <strong>York</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>Police</strong> Male Chorus, passedaway at Southlake Residential Care Village in Newmarket on December 11 th ,2012. Andy, a resident of Aurora, joined the Male Chorus on January 9 th , 1996.He was a proud and dedicated member who volunteered his time in thecommunity on behalf of <strong>York</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>Police</strong> until his health forced hisretirement from the chorus on December 8 th , 2008. Andy, who sang as amember of the First Tenor section, gave credit to his singing in the chorus asimproving the quality of his singing. He mentioned to his brother Jim that hewished he had joined the chorus sooner than he did. One of Andy’s favouritesongs was Danny Boy. At the encouragement of his fellow chorus members he would entertainthem by singing it at many of their informal functions. Although it will never sound the same, we willalways remember our friend Andy when we hear Danny Boy.SPECIAL OLYMPICS ONTARIO SUMMER GAMESDreaming of summer? This year, <strong>York</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>Police</strong>has even more reason to look forward to the summerheat.<strong>York</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>Police</strong> has been a long-time supporterof the Special Olympics, and we will be hosting the<strong>2013</strong> Special Olympics Ontario Summer Games. Ofcourse, your assistance as volunteers will be critical tothe event.The games will take place July 11-14, <strong>2013</strong>. For thosewho are interested in participating as a volunteer.please visit http://www.specialolympics<strong>2013</strong>games.comfor more information and to register as a volunteer.The deadline to sign up is April 1, <strong>2013</strong>.

Holiday Heroes 2012This year’s Holiday Heroes program was another resounding success. Commitment between our volunteers,auxiliaries, uniform and civilian members of YRP helped to support those in need in our community. Below isa thank you letter written by PC Kim Tanczos, coordinator of this year’s Holiday Heroes.DEAR VOLUNTEERS,We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers for participating in the 2012 HolidayHeroes campaign. Without your support our goals would not have been achieved.<strong>York</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>Police</strong> has been involved in the Holiday Heroes program since 1996 and has relied on thegenerosity of volunteers like you to help make holiday wishes come true.This past season, we surpassed previous campaign goals and were able to collect close to $30,000 inmonetary donations, more than an 84% increase over last year, and approximately $250,000 in toys toassist the Salvation Army, <strong>York</strong> Region Children’s Aid Society, and various shelters in the Region.Together our community assisted approximately 4,000 families throughout <strong>York</strong> Region in 2012.Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule and being away from your own family for thoseless fortunate than us. Your dedication to our community and our organization is a credit to <strong>York</strong> <strong>Regional</strong><strong>Police</strong>.-PC Kim Tanczos

New Volunteer OrientationIn our continued effort to better educate and equip ourvolunteers, we have established a newly developed NewVolunteer Orientation for individuals sworn in as avolunteer in the past two years. The orientation willcover topics from our recently developed YRP VolunteerManual, and will also be an opportunity for volunteersfrom our various programs to meet and mingle with oneanother.The orientation will be held on Thursday, March 21,<strong>2013</strong> and repeated on Saturday, March 23, <strong>2013</strong>. Pleasenote that this orientation is only open to those who arenew volunteers.International Volunteer Week KickoffCommunity Partnerships is celebrating this year’sInternational Volunteer Week by hosting a day of workshopsdesigned to enhance our volunteers’ health and wellness, aswell as familiarizing volunteers with YRP’s daily operations.This day of workshops/ presentations will be in lieu of theannual Volunteer BBQ, and is scheduled for Saturday, April20, <strong>2013</strong> at Aurora High School. Lunch will be provided.We hope to see as many of you there as possible! This willbe a great opportunity to meet and network with otherfollow volunteers.Information on how to RSVP for the event will becommunicated to you via email. Please contact Deb or Alexif you have any questions about this event.

VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHTIn this issue, we are putting Ho-Jin Chung in the spotlight! Ho-Jin is a member of two of ourmusical groups. Read more about him in the Q&A below:Ho-Jin ChungYouth Band and Pipes & Drums Band Member1) Tell us about yourself.My name is Ho-Jin Chung. I’m in grade 12 attendingRichmond Hill High School. I volunteer with the YRP as amusician with the youth band and the pipe band. I play thealto sax with the youth band and snare drum with the pipeband. I love music, and have been doing music since the ageof 3. My future ambition is to become a health careprofessional, most likely a paramedic and to join the CFreserves. I also do martial arts: Kendo and Iaido. I’m also partof the Richmond Hill Community Band as a saxophone player.2) How did you come to learn about the YRP VolunteerProgram?I learned about the YRP volunteer program when I saw a flyerfor the YRP youth band on my school music room door. Ijoined the band, and a couple years later, joined the pipeband as well.3) How long have you been volunteering with the <strong>York</strong><strong>Regional</strong> <strong>Police</strong>?I’ve been with the youth band since its beginning (Fall of2009) and have been with the pipe band since Fall of 2011.4) Describe what your volunteer position role entails.My volunteer position entails going to weekly rehearsals andputting on good concerts when needed, whether it be on amarch in a parade or a sit-in concert setting.5) What volunteer experience is the most meaningful toyou and why?The most meaningful experience I have since joining the YRPas a volunteer is meeting new people and the chance to playwith other fantastic musicians.

In This <strong>Edition</strong>: <strong>York</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>Police</strong> Youth BandVOLUNTEER GROUP FOCUSAs the newest of <strong>York</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>Police</strong>’s volunteer musical groups, the YRP Youth Band was formed in thelatter part of 2009. Since its inception, the Youth Band has performed at a number of special events asrepresentatives of <strong>York</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>Police</strong>. The band travels to the various municipalities of <strong>York</strong> Region andperforms at parades, festivals, and community events.The band is led by Band Conductor - Peter Fudge and Band Manager - Inspector Russell Bellman. Currently,the band is comprised of over 20 young and talented musicians who dedicate their time to weeklyrehearsals in addition to the hours spent performing. The band continues to impress audiences everywherethey play, and is often sought after by community agencies to perform.For more information on the YRP Youth Band, please contact the Co-coordinators of Volunteer Services atvolunteers@yrp.ca.On behalf of Chief Jolliffe and all members of the <strong>York</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>Police</strong>,we would like to thank ALL volunteers for their contributions to the <strong>York</strong><strong>Regional</strong> <strong>Police</strong>."No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted"-AesopDebbie RobinsonCo-Coordinator of Volunteer Services5459@yrp.ca905-830-0303 ext. 6717Alex TangCo-Coordinator of Volunteer Services5731@yrp.ca905-830-0303 ext. 2794

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