Strong Start Workbook - Arbonne
Strong Start Workbook - Arbonne
Strong Start Workbook - Arbonne
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<strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> <strong>Workbook</strong><strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> <strong>Workbook</strong>AUSTRALIA
WHO ARE WE?the OriginalWe are Trailblazers, Star Reachers,Bridge Builders. We are Life Changers,. We are Leaders,Teammates. Soulmates. We are Doctors, Lawyers, SwimCoaches, Professors and Hockey Players. Locked armin arm. Connected at the . We areMothers, Daughters, Fathers and Sons.We are Friends. We are <strong>Arbonne</strong>. We are Earth LoversGreen and Protectors. We are And.And big on Botanicals. We are Pure, Safe and Beneficial.Always have been. Always will be. We are Worldwide. WorldClass. We’re for Simple, Elegant and Vibrant. We’refor Freedom. From radicals, glutens, the 9 to 5. We’re forHappy and Natural.Champions of Wellness. We’refor generosity. Giving big and giving back. We’re Forwardthinking.Forward-looking. Future-friendly. We believe inand Optimism. And Awesome.Dreamers We are Warriors who work hard. whodream big. We are owners of our own lives. We are Positive.Unstoppable. We are pure.Through and through. Inside andout. Pure Energy. Pure products.Pure he rts.
<strong>Arbonne</strong>’s Statementof PurposeTo develop, produce and market <strong>Arbonne</strong> skin care and related products that areunparalleled in quality, purity, safety and beneficial results.To create and organise meaningful and challenging opportunities for people seekingfinancial, professional, social, cultural and intellectual rewards superior to anythingavailable in the industry.To contribute locally, nationally and internationally to the improvement of our ecological,social and cultural environment.4 |
Chapter 1Welcome to <strong>Arbonne</strong>!Congratulations, you’ve done it … you’ve taken control of your life and your future. You’rean <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultant, and now it’s time to launch your new consultancyand get off to a strong start.We developed this workbook to help you do just that. In these pages, you’ll find arecommended step-by-step action plan to build an <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy that we believeis simple, successful and easy to duplicate. You’ll learn how to sell <strong>Arbonne</strong> products,sponsor new <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultants and build your own team. By following therecommendations in this workbook during the first few months of your consultancy, you’llget on the right path to achieving your goals with <strong>Arbonne</strong>. And you’ll be on your way tohelping your team do the same.| 5
Your Personal Support SystemWith <strong>Arbonne</strong>, you never need to feel alone and there’s always somebody to answer your questions and give youadvice. Use this space to write down your upline’s contact information:My Sponsor______________________________________________________________________________________Phone____________________________________________________________________________________________Email_____________________________________________________________________________________________My Upline Leaders________________________________________________________________________________Phone____________________________________________________________________________________________Email_____________________________________________________________________________________________<strong>Arbonne</strong>Customer Service Phone Number: 1800 650 760Website: <strong>Arbonne</strong> ID_____________________________________________________________________________________My <strong>Arbonne</strong> PIN___________________________________________________________________________________6 |
Chapter 2Your Life Changes TodayLet’s Get <strong>Start</strong>ed!We know you can’t wait to begin your <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy, and this chapter will set astrong foundation for a great start. Your passion and commitment, plus <strong>Arbonne</strong>’s exceptionalproducts and dynamic income opportunity, add up to the potential for unlimitedsuccess. As with any journey, it’s helpful to know your destination before you take off. Solet’s look first at where you hope to go…| 7
An Invitation to ReflectWe all lead busy lives, and there are always demands on our time. So it’s rare for people to take the time to stopand reflect. What are you looking for in your life right now? More fun? More money? More time? More friends?More freedom? As you begin your <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy, now is the perfect time to stop and think: What do youwish to be, do or have in the next year?For example:During the next year, I want to:BE … (less stressed, more confident, closer to family/friends)DO … (reduce my debt, add to college funds, take a vacation, pick my kids up from school every day)HAVE … (more free time, new carpet, new friends, extra cash)Now it’s your turn to think about what you’re looking for to build the life you’ve always wanted.During the next year, I want to:BE:DO:HAVE:Your WhyNow put a star (*) next to the items that your <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy can help you achieve. Look at those starreditems together — you’ve started to define your Why: the reason or reasons behind your decision to become an<strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultant.Your Why is the best “commercial” you have for telling others why you started your <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy. Beingcomfortable and familiar with what to say while sharing a compelling story of how and why you decided to buildyour <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy is a great way to generate interest in others. It’s important to think about and writedown your Why statement:What’s your Why? Write it down:Now that you have written your Why, practise saying it to other people. Getting comfortable talking about yourWhy is essential to building your belief in this new venture. <strong>Start</strong> with one Why, but feel free to have many — afterall, building an <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy can help you in many different ways. When you know and believe in yourWhy, your passion and commitment to your <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy will shine through!8 |
Your GoalsNow that you know your Why, it’s time to clearly define your goals for your consultancy.Just as important, make a list of your goals to give you a starting point for building a plan to reach them. <strong>Start</strong> bylooking at those goals, and fill in the blank in the following sentence:To reach my goals, I’m willing to invest ____________ hours per week.Achieving your goals and knowing how much time you have to devote to your <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy aredirectly linked. For instance, having a goal of making $2,000 a month and working two hours a week on your<strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy is an unrealistic goal. So, either the goal or the hours need to change in order for thisgoal to be realistic.Write down your goals for the first three months of your consultancy:Month 1:Month 2:Month 3:Congratulations … writing down your goals is the first step toward achieving them! Sharing your goals with yourSponsor is a great way to enlist his or her support in helping you on your <strong>Arbonne</strong> journey.Now that you’ve got your goals on paper, it’s time to work on the specific steps you’ll take to reach them. That’swhere the 30-, 60- and 90-day plans in this workbook will come in handy. By following these recommendedplans, you’ll build a solid foundation for your consultancy that you can expand upon for years to come.| 9
<strong>Arbonne</strong>: The Opportunity of a LifetimeYou’ve chosen well.<strong>Arbonne</strong>’s pure, safe, beneficial products have been helping women and men look and feel better for morethan three decades. We’re a global, world-class company, and our botanically based products provide beauty,health and wellness through pure, safe and beneficial formulas. And your <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy provides anopportunity for personal independence and growth as you share your success with others.Your Consultancy, Your WayBest of all, with <strong>Arbonne</strong> you have the freedom tobuild the consultancy you want. You’re not limited bya set schedule or a long commute — you can workwhen and where you want, according to your prioritiesand on your terms. You’re working with an ethicalcompany with a history of success — as an activemember of the Direct Selling Association of Australia(DSAA), <strong>Arbonne</strong> operates under the DSAA’s strictCode of Ethics.As you build your team and your team’s productsales grow, you’ll be leveraging the time you put intoyour <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy. Teamwork is the secret toyour long-term success.It all adds up to a life without limits: working whenyou want, with the people you choose, earning therewards you deserve.TIP:Check out It’s aninformational website operated by the DirectSelling Association of Australia, and it’s a terrificresource for both new and experiencedIndependent Consultants. You’ll find informationabout the industry, which can help youexplain it to others who may not be familiarwith our industry and its benefits.Become a Product of the Product<strong>Arbonne</strong> is a pioneer in botanically based anti-ageingproducts. We’ve earned a global reputation forpremium products that improve the way you lookand feel.<strong>Arbonne</strong> is a product-driven company that highlyrecommends you use the products before becomingan <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultant. Chances are,you’ve experienced some of <strong>Arbonne</strong>’s products,and that’s probably one of the reasons you decidedto become an <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultant.While <strong>Arbonne</strong> does not require the purchase of<strong>Arbonne</strong> products for personal use to become an<strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultant, to remain registeredwith <strong>Arbonne</strong>, or to move up in rank withinthe SuccessPlan, you may find that your personalexperiences with <strong>Arbonne</strong> products are among yourstrongest selling tools as you talk to more people inGroup Presentations, One-on-One Meetings and justin your daily life. Your belief in and enthusiasm for theproducts will be infectious, and the people you talk towill be excited to try them.That’s why it’s so important for you to experienceas many <strong>Arbonne</strong> products as you can. We call itbecoming “a product of the product.” As you use ourproducts, we believe you’ll develop strong personaltestimonials about the benefits you experience yourself.These testimonials are great to share with othersand to further build your own belief and enthusiasmfor <strong>Arbonne</strong>.And it’s not just you. Your whole family may appreciatethe difference the <strong>Arbonne</strong> products can make forthem, every day.Your personal product testimonial is a powerful form ofword-of-mouth advertising. It’s definitely an importantpart of your “I” story, or 30-second commercial, aboutyour <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy. This is the statement youshare when someone says … so what do you do?Your “I” story is a brief response to that question andneeds to draw people in, giving them just enoughinformation so they are curious to learn more aboutyour consultancy and <strong>Arbonne</strong>. How can you make itpowerful and passionate?Boring Example: I’m a mother of three. I love whatI do and I really enjoy the skin care line. I’m excitedabout <strong>Arbonne</strong>.Better Example: I am earning an income whilehelping people transform their lives. I am anIndependent Consultant for <strong>Arbonne</strong>, which offers10 |
ultra-premium skin care, cosmetics and wellnessproducts that are botanically based. The flexibilityof being my own boss has been the perfect fit, as Iam also a busy mother of three beautiful children. Ilove what I do, and <strong>Arbonne</strong> is helping me achievemy personal and financial goals.You, your family, your home — you’ll all benefit from<strong>Arbonne</strong> products. So shop at your own store, andbecome a product-of-the-product. You’ll be gladyou did!TIP:Check out how to “Arbonnise” your home byprinting out the “Arbonnise Your Home” Flyeravailable at >Internet Consultants > Customer Service >Download Forms.Your Life as an <strong>Arbonne</strong>Independent ConsultantNow that you are an Independent Consultant, you’llbe encouraging people you meet to become a partof <strong>Arbonne</strong> in whichever role suits them best. All roleshave significant benefits. Let’s review them now:Client• Unique login to shop for <strong>Arbonne</strong> products.Host• Rewards for bringing family and friendstogether for an <strong>Arbonne</strong> Group Presentation.Preferred Client• 20% discount off the Recommended RetailPrice (RRP) on all <strong>Arbonne</strong> products.• Access to ongoing product specials, includingthe Ultimate Value Pack available to PreferredClients in their <strong>Start</strong> Month and renewalmonths, and other monthly promotions.• Ultimate Value Pack (UVP) — In a PreferredClient’s <strong>Start</strong> Month or renewal month, he orshe has the opportunity to select $464 RRPof products for $286. When IndependentConsultants sell a UVP to a new PreferredClient in their <strong>Start</strong> Month, they will receive acash bonus. The 15% Preferred Client commissionis not paid on the sale of UVPs.• New Preferred Client Free Product — When aPreferred Client orders $195 RRP in his or her<strong>Start</strong> Month, the Preferred Client will receivethe opportunity to select a free product from aselected list of <strong>Arbonne</strong> products. This productdoes not have QV.There are two ways to become a Preferred Client.Your new preferred client can register online or through your personalMy<strong>Arbonne</strong> website, or he/she cansubmit a hard copy application to you as his/herIndependent Consultant.Independent Consultant• 35% retail commission on the RRP on all<strong>Arbonne</strong> products — excluding Business Aids,Sample Packs, <strong>Start</strong>er Kits and product promotionsand the sale of UVPs — which is thedifference between the RRP we recommendyou offer to your Clients and the wholesaleprice you pay to <strong>Arbonne</strong> for such products.• 15% Preferred Client Commissions onQualifying Volume (QV) orders — excluding QVon product promotions and the sale of UVPs— placed by your Preferred Clients. Note thatQV from Preferred Client and Client orders iscalculated into your PQV.• 4% override on the Override Volume (OV) of allpersonally sponsored Independent Consultants.• Access to ongoing product specials, the<strong>Arbonne</strong> Incentive Trip (AIT) and othermonthly promotions.• Right <strong>Start</strong> Value Pack (RSVP): In anIndependent Consultant’s <strong>Start</strong> Month, or thenext month, he or she has the opportunity toselect up to $1,000 RRP of products for $500to resell for increased retail commissions, oruse for product demonstrations or personaluse. Any <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultantwho orders an RSVP during his or her <strong>Start</strong>Month or next month, and also achieves 1,000PQV of sales in that same time frame willqualify to earn a second RSVP, an additional$1,000 RRP of products for an additional$500. The sale of RSVPs to new IndependentConsultants in their start period generatea cash bonus to the upline. IndependentConsultants may also purchase an RSVP eachyear they renew with <strong>Arbonne</strong>. RSVP purchasescarry 350 QV.• New Independent Consultant Free Product:When an Independent Consultant orders 150QV in his or her <strong>Start</strong> Month, the IndependentConsultant will receive the opportunity toselect a free product up to $140 RRP value.This product does not have QV.| 11
TIP:Remind your prospects to read the Terms & Conditions (printed on the back of the application and/or availableonline during the registration process) and the SuccessPlan and Procedures Manual they receive withthe <strong>Start</strong>er Kit and/or view during the online registration process before they sign up. All applications aresubject to acceptance by <strong>Arbonne</strong>. These documents are also available for viewing and downloading > Internet Consultants > Customer Service > Download Forms.The Cycle of Your <strong>Arbonne</strong> Consultancy<strong>Arbonne</strong> is a network marketing business, which simply means that products are sold directly to consumersby <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultants such as you. It’s a stunningly simple, effective business model: the highcosts of marketing, warehousing, advertising and distribution that are part of a retail business are all but eliminated.This enables you to market exceptional products, and create the potential to build a substantial incomeat the same time.The Cycle of Your <strong>Arbonne</strong> Consultancy … 5 essential habits:1. Prospecting — Your consultancy is morelikely to stay vigorous and healthy if youcontinually introduce it to new people.Prospecting means you are actively lookingfor and adding Clients, Preferred Clientsand Independent Consultants to your team,thereby growing your consultancy as thesales of you and your team grow.2. Booking — One-on-One Meetings andGroup Presentations are ideal situationsfor business growth. By gathering peopletogether specifically to hear about <strong>Arbonne</strong>and its products and opportunity, you’reable to share your experience and yourenthusiasm. Booking is crucial in order forPresentations to happen.3. Selling — Your <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy isyour very own “store,” so of course sellingproduct is a vital activity, and the key toearning your overrides and commissions.That includes introducing new Clients andPreferred Clients to <strong>Arbonne</strong>, and it alsoincludes building a strong and active repeatbusiness among the Clients and PreferredClients you gather each month.4. Sponsoring — When you talk to peopleabout your <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy, yourenthusiasm should pique their interest.Some of them will see the benefits of an<strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy of their own and willwant to join you as an <strong>Arbonne</strong> IndependentConsultant. When you consistently sponsorand generate product sales, your consultancygrows as the sales volume of yourteam grows!5. Promoting and Leading — As your teamand sales volume grow, you’ll reach higherlevels in the <strong>Arbonne</strong> SuccessPlan. Thatmeans that you’ll have more opportunitiesto earn — and it also means you’ll have thesatisfaction of guiding and leading your teamto greater success.Each activity is important, and doing them all consistentlywill increase your success with <strong>Arbonne</strong>.Consistent activity is the key — looking at yourbusiness on a daily, weekly and monthly basisand making sure that you’re following your plan toperform all of these business-building activities consistently.This workbook is designed to help you dojust that, and you’ll learn more about each of thesebusiness-building skills as you progress throughthis information.In addition, you’ll learn some invaluable tips on howto plan and schedule your activity.12 |
What’s in it for You: How to Make Money with <strong>Arbonne</strong>Retail profit (selling <strong>Arbonne</strong> products for a commission) is only the beginning of your earning potential with<strong>Arbonne</strong>. In fact, there are four ways in which you could get paid. As you grow in the <strong>Arbonne</strong> SuccessPlan,you will discover which mix of the following are most meaningful to you:1. Personal SellingRetail Commission — You will make 35%profit through retail sales when you sell<strong>Arbonne</strong> products to others at RRP.2. Building a Loyal Client BasePreferred Client Commission — You willreceive a 15% commission on the RVof all the sales to your Preferred Clients(excluding sales of Ultimate Value Packs).3. Personal SponsoringOverrides — You are eligible to earna 4% override on the sales volume ofyour personally sponsored IndependentConsultants. This increases to 8% at thenext title in the <strong>Arbonne</strong> SuccessPlan,District Manager (DM), and also includesoverrides on your central district. Becauseyou are part of your own central district,you will also begin to earn overrides on yourown PQV, which includes the QV from yourClients and Preferred Clients. The amountof overrides you can earn continues toincrease as you move all the way up toNational Vice President (NVP) title.4. Cash BonusesMonthly Bonuses — When you promoteto the rank of DM and above, you mayearn a cash bonus when you increaseyour team’s sales volume halfway to thenext rank requirements and meet certainsponsoring requirements. For example, asa DM, you are eligible to earn a DM Bonusof $250 when you accumulate 5,000 QV insales in your Central District and register 5Preferred Clients and/or new IndependentConsultants with at least 150 PQV each intheir <strong>Start</strong> Month.Mercedes-Benz Cash Bonus — When youachieve the rank of Regional Vice President(RVP) or higher, you can earn a cash bonusbased on the monthly sales volume of yourcentral team for the purchase or lease of anyMercedes-Benz you want to drive … as longas it’s white and you provide the necessarydocumentation to <strong>Arbonne</strong>.TIP:Refer to the SuccessPlan found in your Independent Consultant <strong>Start</strong>er Kit for complete details regarding<strong>Arbonne</strong>’s compensation plan, title benefits, and qualification and maintenance requirements. Inorder to receive payment from <strong>Arbonne</strong>, you must achieve 150 PQV for that month and be in compliancewith your agreement (including the Policies & Procedures). Please carefully read the SuccessPlan andProcedures Manual. If you have any questions, discuss them with your Sponsor, or the Customer Serviceor Compliance Departments at <strong>Arbonne</strong>.| 13
<strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong>: The Best Way toKick-start Your ConsultancySometimes just getting started can be the toughest part of any business. That’s why we’ve developed the<strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> Program and this workbook … to help you start strong with <strong>Arbonne</strong>.The <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> Program is an optional, easy-to-follow, three-month program recommended by <strong>Arbonne</strong>. If youparticipate in this program, we believe it will help you reach goals that are both aggressive and achievable — andhelp you to start earning money right away!*The <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> Program emphasises consistent activity, selling and sponsoring each month. As you workto achieve the monthly requirements to earn the <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> Program rewards, your awareness and competencewill increase as you develop business habits that have the potential to lead to long-term success.Let’s take a look at the <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> goals:Month 1Month 2Month 3Volume Goals**1,000 QV2,000 QV3,000 QVSponsoring Goals3+ Independent Consultants(with 150 PQV eachin their <strong>Start</strong> Month)*The <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> Program is optional for new <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultants. As a new Independent Consultant, youmay begin the program in your <strong>Start</strong> Month or the next month.**Volume goals include: Your Personal Qualifying Volume (PQV) — which includes the QV of orders placed under your<strong>Arbonne</strong> account ID, and the QV of your Preferred Clients and Clients. Your volume goals also include the PQV from yourpersonally sponsored Independent Consultants during the <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> program period.If you follow and achieve the <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> Volume and Sponsoring Goals above, at the end of your third monthyou will graduate from the program, earn all rewards, and be on the path toward promoting to District Manager.Fast <strong>Start</strong>: Reach a total of 6,000 cumulative QV in 1 or 2 consecutive months to earn all three rewards.Additionally if you sponsor 3 or more Independent Consultants with 150 PQV each in their <strong>Start</strong> Month (withinthe three-month <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> period), you will graduate, earn a $1,000 voucher, and be on the path towardpromoting to District Manager. Refer to the Fast <strong>Start</strong> Program FAQ section of the <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> Program for more detailed information.Why <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong>• You’ll start earning money right away.• You’ll advance your consultancy through consistent activity.• You’ll develop habits that lead to long-term success.• You’ll be well-positioned to promote to District Manager.• You’ll earn some exclusive items that are only part of the <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> Program.• You’ll be learning skills you’ll be able to teach your new Independent Consultants.And, of course, while you’re meeting your <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> goals, you’re building your consultancy and working yourway steadily toward achieving your personal goals.14 |
Chapter 3Your First 30 DaysIt’s time for the fun to start! And it’s time for you to start making money and earning your<strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> rewards.In this chapter, you’ll start to learn how to perform the activities recommended by<strong>Arbonne</strong> to make your consultancy a success. You’ll also learn a step-by-step way tomake a detailed plan for your first 30 days with <strong>Arbonne</strong>.In This Chapter• Setting Your Goals• Planning Your Calendar• Marketing Your Consultancy• Prospecting• Booking• Selling• Sponsoring| 15
Setting Your Goals<strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> goals for Month 1: Achieve your 1,000 Volume Goal and sponsor at least 1 Independent Consultantwho accumulates at least 150 PQV in his or her <strong>Start</strong> Month.*Month 1Month 2Month 3Volume Goals**1,000 QV2,000 QV3,000 QVSponsoring Goals3+ Independent Consultants(with 150 PQV eachin their <strong>Start</strong> Month)*The <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> Program is optional for new <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultants. As a new Independent Consultant, youmay begin the program in your <strong>Start</strong> Month or the next month.**Volume goals include: Your Personal Qualifying Volume (PQV) — which includes the QV of orders placed under your<strong>Arbonne</strong> account ID, and the QV of your Preferred Clients and Clients. Your volume goals also include the PQV from yourpersonally sponsored Independent Consultants during the <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> program period.Remember, the <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> Program is designed to help you set recommended goals for consistent activity thatwe believe will assure you a successful start. At the same time, you’ll earn money and rewards that will makedemonstrating products and doing business easier. And you’ll be on the path to promoting to District Manager!TIP:Visit > Internet Consultants > Featured > <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> to review more programdetails, training materials and your <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> progress.What’s a Business Builder?As you share your <strong>Arbonne</strong> story (your Why), the benefits of the products and the business opportunity,you’ll find a wide range of responses from the people you talk to. Some will have a strong interest in theproduct, and they’ll make great Clients. Some of those will want to be Preferred Clients or Hosts, to reapthe ongoing benefits of the relationship with you and with <strong>Arbonne</strong>.Others will see the same business potential that you do, and you’ll sponsor them to be IndependentConsultants on your team. These are the people we refer to as Business Builders — the ones who will workwith you to build a successful <strong>Arbonne</strong> team. It’s important to focus on sponsoring at least one IndependentConsultant in your first month, and every month! It will get your new consultancy started off on the right foot,and it will also give you someone to work with as you “learn the ropes.” You’ll be there to help and encourageeach other, and to build your team together. It’s this supportive team approach that makes <strong>Arbonne</strong> such aunique business.16 |
It’s as Simple as 2+2+2As you progress through this chapter, you’ll discover something: <strong>Arbonne</strong> is all about people. It’s about meetingnew people and about sharing your <strong>Arbonne</strong> story with people you already know. It’s easier than you think, andit’s tons of fun — the most fun you’ll have earning a living!To start building your consultancy and reach those <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> goals, you’ll want to talk to at least 30 peopleabout <strong>Arbonne</strong> in the course of a month. That may sound like a lot, but there’s an easy formula to get you there:2 2 2Group PresentationsOne-on-One Meetingsper weekper weekSamples per dayBy aiming for these targets, you can be sure that you’ll talk to at least 30 people per month. Just do the math:2 Group Presentations with 5 attendees x 4 weeks in a month = 40 people2 One-on-One Meetings x 4 weeks in a month = 8 people2 Samples per day x 4 weeks in a month = 56 peopleNaturally, you’ll see some of the same people at more than one Group Presentation, and some of your One-on-One Meetings may be for people you’ve given samples to or met at a Group Presentation. But even with theseduplications, 2+2+2 allows for enough contacts to easily meet your goal of 30 people each month!Keep Your Personal Goals in ViewAs you get down to the tasks necessary to build your consultancy, don’t lose track of the personal goals you setin Chapter 2. Review them often, and even post them where you can see them to remind you of where you wantto be and what you want to achieve. It’s fun and rewarding to track your progress as you make each one real.Month 1 Goal:| 17
Planning Your CalendarOne indication of success as an <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultant is a calendar showing income-producingactivities (IPAs), such as Group Presentations and One-on-One Meetings scheduled each week. It’s all part ofthe consistent activity we keep stressing.On the next page, you’ll find a sample calendar that illustrates what a typical month may look like. Use theIndependent Consultant Calendar and Activity Tracker to block out the activities of your first 30 days with<strong>Arbonne</strong>. You’ll want to use the date you begin the <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> Program (either your <strong>Start</strong> Month or the monthafter) as the starting date for your calendar. As you plan out your calendar, keep in mind the “2+2+2” formula youread about earlier in this chapter.To plan your calendar:1. Write in your scheduled work hours (if you currently have a job), plus family and personal obligations forthe next 30 days. Blocking these times out on your calendar will clearly indicate when you are availableto work on your <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy.2. Schedule time to observe Group Presentations, One-on-One Meetings and Opportunity Presentationsconducted by your Sponsor or upline leaders if possible.3. Schedule two or more specific times each week to hold Group Presentations and One-on-OneMeetings.4. Schedule time to make phone calls to potential Clients, Hosts, Preferred Clients and new IndependentConsultant prospects. Use the “nooks and crannies” in your day to schedule these — it only takes a fewminutes to call.TIP:The Independent Consultant Calendar and Activity Tracker comes with training on how to makephone calls, with conversation flash cards to help you lead the discussion and respond appropriately.Invest some time to review the Activity Tracker Management <strong>Workbook</strong> and listen to theActivity Tracker Management Training.5. Schedule time to attend any trainings, conference calls or local meetings. Attending local meetings isa great way to stay connected, learn from your peers and get motivated into activity. The inspirationyou’ll receive from being around other <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultants is the number-one reason toattend meetings in your local area. Your Sponsor and/or upline can share meeting dates and detailswith you.TIP:Schedule time to visit the Training section of for all sorts of valuable toolslike the <strong>Arbonne</strong> Learn & Burn training series.6. Schedule home office time … time to catch up on things like answering emails, filing papers, placingorders, etc. Keeping up with your <strong>Arbonne</strong> housekeeping items weekly will make you more organised asthe end of the month approaches.18 |
Here’s what an Independent Consultant’s calendar might look like in the first 30 days:Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday29One-on-OneMeeting 1:00Family Day3031Work 8:30–5One-on-One 6:30Home Office 8–91Work 8:30–5Calls 12–1Observe Grp Pres7:30Work 8:30–5Dance 6:30Phone calls7:30–82Work 8:30–5Calls 12–1Grp Pres 7:303Work 8:30–5Place Orders48:30 SoccerOne-on-OneMeeting 1:005Family Day67Work 8:30–5One-on-One 6:30Home Office 8–9Work 8:30–5Observe Party 78Work 8:30–5Dance 6:309Work 8:30–5Grp Pres 7:3010Work 8:30–5Place Orders118:30 SoccerOne-on-OneMeeting 1:00Family Night12Phone calls1–21314Work 8:30–5One-on-One 6:309 pm Conf. CallWork 8:30–5Grp Pres 7:3015Work 8:30–5Dance 6:30Phone calls7:30–816Work 8:30–5Grp Pres 617Work 8:30–5Place Orders188:30 SoccerOne-on-OneMeeting 1:0019Family Day2021Work 8:30–5One-on-One 6:30Home Office 8–9Work 8–522Work 8:30–5Dance 6:30Phone calls7:30–823Work 8:30–5Grp Pres 724Work 8:30–5Date Night258:30 SoccerOne-on-OneMeeting 1:00Place Orders26Family Day2728Work 8:30–5One-on-One 6:309 pm Conf. CallMany <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultants join for the flexibility that they can have with an <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy.However, it’s important to have a weekly business plan — every single week. Remember, whether you chooseto do your <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy full time or part time, it’s always important to treat your consultancy likea business.“When you reach outside your comfort zone, you grow.”— Deanna Herrin<strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultant, ENVPAgain, for more detailed information on using the Independent Consultant Calendar and Activity Tracker effectively,refer to the Activity Management <strong>Workbook</strong> and DVD training.| 19
Marketing Your ConsultancyLike any business, your personal <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancyneeds marketing to succeed. What does thatmean? Marketing is simply the collection of activitiesyou perform to be sure that people know aboutyour consultancy: what it is, what it offers and howthey can become part of it. This is an area whereyou can experiment, try new things and let yourentrepreneurial spirit and creativity shine!You’ve identified the goals you’re working toward, andyou’ve laid out the time you’re going to allot to yourconsultancy. Now it’s time to find and reach the peoplewho will help you succeed, as Clients, PreferredClients, Hosts and Independent Consultants.Remember, your personal “I” story (your 30-secondcommercial) is an important tool as you set out tomarket your consultancy. While <strong>Arbonne</strong> does notrequire you to purchase products for personal use,the most effective way to build your “I” story is tobecome a “product-of-the-product.” As you andyour family use and enjoy <strong>Arbonne</strong> products allover your home, you’ll build that story and becomeincreasingly effective at recommending <strong>Arbonne</strong>products for all your Clients and Preferred Clients.As you do, your appreciation for what your <strong>Arbonne</strong>consultancy can do for your life will grow, and thatwill also make your “I” story more compelling.Once your creative juices are flowing, you’ll discoverall kinds of ways to market your new <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy.Let’s kick-start the process with this list of25 ways to market your consultancy.25 Ways to Market Your <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancyShare boththe PreferredClient and businessopportunity at each GroupPresentation and One-on-One Meeting.1Host a GroupPresentation in yourhome to introduce yournew consultancy.2Carry theIndependentConsultant Calendarand Activity Tracker withyou everywhere you go …let people see it.3Post your <strong>Arbonne</strong>Business Card on anyavailable bulletin board.4Create a list of 100people you know andlet them know you’re inbusiness! (See page 23.)5Take <strong>Arbonne</strong>products on vacationwith you and offer to letpeople try them.Register for a booth atcommunity fairsand festivals.Connect with <strong>Arbonne</strong>through social media flyersor business cards atdoctor’s and dentist’soffices, as well as salons… always gain permissionfirst.78Give <strong>Arbonne</strong> productsas gifts to teachers,staff and coaches, withcontact info attached.91020 |
Arbonnise your home.Keep <strong>Arbonne</strong> productsvisible in your house.Be sure your name,phone and email are onevery catalogue, orderform, sample, etc.Keep some <strong>Arbonne</strong>samples in your car atall times.11Network with the localPTA/PTO and parentgroups in town.13Introduce <strong>Arbonne</strong>to anyone who comesto your home — UPS,cleaners, contractors, etc.151214Send your spouseto work with sampleproducts with businessinfo attached.Ask for referrals:“Who do you knowwho might be interestedin learning more about<strong>Arbonne</strong>?”Create aMy<strong>Arbonne</strong>.com.auwebsite for sellingproducts online.16Offer <strong>Arbonne</strong>products to businessowners for corporate giftgivingto employeesand clients.1718Be sureyour home phoneand cell phone voicemailrecordings soundprofessional and include“<strong>Arbonne</strong> IndependentConsultant.”1920Mention <strong>Arbonne</strong>in your Facebookstatus, but don’t sellproducts online exceptthrough yourMy<strong>Arbonne</strong> site.21Include“<strong>Arbonne</strong>IndependentConsultant,” your<strong>Arbonne</strong> ID and yourMy<strong>Arbonne</strong>.com.auaddress underneath yourname in emails.22Give asample and abusiness card topeople you meet everyday — grocery clerk,dry cleaner, restaurantserver, bank teller, etc.23Let your neighboursknow about your newconsultancy — give eachone a sample anda catalogue.24Wear <strong>Arbonne</strong>logo items and/or carryan <strong>Arbonne</strong> logo totebag. (Earn one as yourMonth One reward!)25Remember, <strong>Arbonne</strong>’s Procedures Manual provides guidelines that you must follow when marketing your <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy. Pleasecarefully review this document to understand which marketing practises are compliant with <strong>Arbonne</strong>’s procedures. If you have anyquestions, <strong>Arbonne</strong>’s Compliance Department is always available to you for guidance.| 21
Your Contact ListWe’ve talked about your “I” Story as a key tool forsuccess. Another is a list of who you’re going to shareyour story with.As your consultancy grows, your list of contactswill as well. Contacts will include Hosts and guestsat Group Presentations, Clients, Preferred Clients,referrals and the Independent Consultants who willform your team. But that list also includes anotherimportant group: all the potential guests, Hosts,Clients, Preferred Clients, referrals and IndependentConsultants you know. Working your way throughthat list — and continuing to build it — is called prospecting,and it’s one of the most important businessactivities you’ll do. Let’s start building that list.We begin with an item from the 25 ways to marketyour consultancy: “Create a list of 100 people youknow and let them know you’re in business.” Thinkyou don’t know 100 people who would be interestedin <strong>Arbonne</strong>? Without asking, how would you know?It’s important not to pre-judge — anyone you knowmight be interested in either the products or theopportunity, just like you are! In the early days ofyour consultancy, this list is where you’ll turn as youprospect to work toward the activity goals of 2+2+2.As you create your list, use these memory joggers tohelp you get started:AccountantChurch MemberGardenerOptometristRunning BuddyArtistClub MemberGrandparentOrthodontistSecretaryAssistantAttorneyBabysitterBankerBartenderBookkeeperBridesmaidBrotherBrother-in-LawBus DriverCatererChild’s Friend’sParentChiropractorChoir MemberCoachContractorCo-workerDadDance InstructorDelivery DriverDentistDieticianDoctorEngineerFinancial PlannerFlight AttendantFloristFriendGrocery StoreManagerGym BuddyHairdresserHotel ManagerInsurance AgentInterior DecoratorLibrarianLimo DriverMotherMother-in-LawNail TechnicianNeighbourNurseNutritionistPen PalPersonal TrainerPharmacistPhysicalTherapistPhysicianPolice OfficerPostal CarrierPrincipalPTA MemberReal EstateAgentResort WorkerRestaurantHostess/ServerRoommateSecurity GuardSisterSister-in-LawTanning SalonOwnerTeacherTennis PlayerTrainerUncleVeterinarianVolunteerWeddingCoordinator22 |
Try Using FRANKAnother effective way to build a list of people youknow is by using the acronym FRANK. FRANKstands for:FriendsRelativesActivitiesNeighboursKidsIt’s simple: just list people you associate with each ofthese categories.Which of my friends might be interested in hearingabout <strong>Arbonne</strong>? Don’t forget about your friends listson Facebook or your contacts on LinkedIn. Theremay be some people there who you still count asfriends but who you haven’t spoken to for some time— what a great reason to reconnect! Be mindful notto blast your online contacts with status updates andimpersonal messages that are perceived as spamabout your <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy.TIP:<strong>Arbonne</strong> has created webinars and otherfree training materials available to you for you to learnhow to effectively use social media to growyour <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy while followingbest practises and social media etiquette. Youwouldn’t shout in public “Join my team! Buymy products!”, which is also not an effectivetechnique when using social media. for more information onengaging in social media with <strong>Arbonne</strong>.Do I have any relatives who may be interested? Includeyour spouse’s relations as well — and don’t forget outof-townrelatives; they’re just a phone call or email away!Are there people I’ve met in activities I participatein who might enjoy hearing about <strong>Arbonne</strong> productsor who might be looking for a career change? Thinkabout your church, your health club, communityorganisations, etc.Neighbours are a great place to start ... share asample and catalogue with them as a way to introduceyour new <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy.Finally, if you have children, who have you metthrough the things your kids do? Soccer parents,karate teachers, coaches, scout leaders, etc. —once you start to make the list, you won’t want tostop at 100. And by the way … you don’t have to!Use this blank list to start building your list — and feel free to add more sheets as the list grows!1 23 45 67 89 1011 1213 1415 1617 1819 2021 22| 23
23 2425 2627 2829 3031 3233 3435 3637 3839 4041 4243 4445 4647 4849 5051 5253 5455 5657 5859 6061 6263 6465 6667 6869 7071 7273 7475 7677 7879 8081 8283 8485 8687 8889 9091 9293 9495 9697 9899 10024 |
ProspectingWhen you hear the word “prospecting,” it may call upvisions of miners from the mid-19th century, panningfor gold in mountain streams.Well, the kind of prospecting we’re talking aboutdoesn’t involve any digging or heavy lifting, but ina way you are looking for gold. You’re looking forthose “golden” people who will help your <strong>Arbonne</strong>consultancy grow! Prospecting is simply the processof finding potential Clients, Hosts, Preferred Clients,referrals and Independent Consultants, and developingtheir relationship with your consultancy.In the last section, you created a list of 100 peopleyou know. As you work your way through that list,you’ll find that some people will be interested inthe <strong>Arbonne</strong> products, some will be interested inthe <strong>Arbonne</strong> opportunity … and for some the timesimply won’t be right for either. But whatever the outcome,at some point you’ll come to the end of thatlist. That’s why smart prospecting is so important.In order to keep your consultancy active and growing,you’ll need to replace the name of every personyou contact with another name of someone new tocontact, constantly replenishing your list of 100.Where do all these people come from? Youmeet them every day. They are guests at GroupPresentations, people you meet at social gatheringsand in networking groups, and virtually everywhereelse — if you talk about your consultancy every day,you’ll be amazed how many new people you meetwho have an interest in what you have to offer.Another rich source of prospects is referrals. Butreferrals won’t come automatically — you have toask for them. So get in the habit of asking people —at Group Presentations, One-on-One Meetings andeverywhere else — if they know someone who mighthave an interest in <strong>Arbonne</strong>. Just say something like:Janet, I know you’re going to love [product:e.g., RE9 Advanced]. Do you know anybodyelse who wants to reverse the signs of ageing,loves botanically based products or might belooking for an income opportunity?Remember, you’re offering something of value.Inviting your contacts to share that with someoneelse they know is doing them — and the referralsthey give you — a favour.Just as we mentioned about making your initial list of100, it’s important not to pre-judge the list you createas you prospect. However, that doesn’t mean thatyou never give a thought to how each person mightrelate best to your consultancy.Include anyone and everyone on your list of prospects,then go through a process of “qualifying” eachone. When you qualify a prospect, you’re simplymaking a decision about whether you think they’dbe interested in being a Client, a Host, a PreferredClient or an Independent Consultant. By talking,and more importantly, listening to your prospectand really getting to know more about them, you’llbe able to discover tons of valuable information. Toassist you, try this simple 3-tick Method for qualifyingprospects.| 25
Give them one tickif they’re a “people”person• People like themand they like beingaround peopleGive them one tick ifthey want “more”• More freedom,flexibility, financialrewards, friendships —this demonstrates theyhave goals in lifeGive them one tickif you feel you caninfluence them, and thatthey’ll take direction andcoaching from you• They will plug into thesystem of successprovided by you andyour uplineSomeone who gets three ticks is a great prospectfor the income opportunity. He/she is a peopleperson who wants more out of life and would takecoaching/direction from you. Ding, ding, ding! Anew Independent Consultant (Business Builder) inthe making!Someone who gets two ticks (and it does not matterwhich two they are) is a great prospect for eitherthe Preferred Client or Host opportunity. Oncethey become more familiar with <strong>Arbonne</strong> they mayjust be ready to hear more about becoming anIndependent Consultant.Someone with one tick or no ticks will most likely bea great Client … and we need lots of Clients to shareour products with.Once you’ve qualified your prospects to determinehow they fit into your consultancy, you’ll be ready tostart working with them. That means sharing yourstory, and putting your efforts with them into activitiesthat help them achieve their goals and thereforeyours, as well.Let’s take a look at some of those activities now.26 |
BookingIf you want to have two Group Presentations per week, you have to begin by scheduling appointments or bookingthem. At first, this can be intimidating — asking friends and family to help you get your consultancy started.That’s why it’s important to remember that you have something valuable to offer them.It’s perfectly natural to feel nervous when you’re starting to market yourself to others, even those with whomyou’re close. This is when keeping your goals and dreams close at hand each month will be helpful. They willmotivate you to step out of your comfort zone and into a conversation. Once you’re having the conversation,convey your excitement and enthusiasm for what you’re sharing — the products and the opportunity. Rememberthe last time a friend told you about something he/she really loved, and shared why you too should have it orexperience it? Think about the excitement and enthusiasm in his/her voice, whether it was about the terrific newrestaurant in town or a pair of great running shoes, and how it made you feel. Here’s an example of what youmay say when introducing your <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy to a friend.Hi Susan. [Pause] This is ______ calling. [Pause] Do you have a quick minute? [Pause] Okay,good. The reason for my call is I have started a home-based business with <strong>Arbonne</strong> — a companythat offers botanically based, pure, safe, beneficial skin care and other health and wellnessproducts for the entire family. I know you _________ [reason, e.g., love to get together withfriends/love pure, botanical products/love to learn about health and wellness products]. I am currentlyscheduling Group Presentations for the next few weeks and I was wondering if you wouldlike to get a few friends together. As a thank you, you could earn some very generous Hostrewards. Would a weekday or weekend work best for you?Now write down what you are going to say to your friends.Remember, it does not have to be perfect — it just has to be genuine. The more you practise, the easier the art ofasking will become.Phone ScriptsSo many new Independent Consultants start out with “phone phobia” — afraid to even begin making calls. Itcan be a bit intimidating, but once you’ve started, you’ll find that it gets easier with every call. It helps to plan yourscript — to know exactly what you want to say and how you’ll say it.Here’s a sample of a phone call script:Hi Jan. [Pause] This is Laura calling. [Pause] If you recall, we met at Pam’s house on Tuesdaynight. Do you have a quick minute to talk? [Pause] Great! The reason I am calling is I started myown home-based business with <strong>Arbonne</strong>, a health and wellness company that makes personalcare products that are pure, safe and beneficial. I would love to have you be one of my firstHosts and pamper you and your friends. We could have your Group Presentation on Friday nightor Saturday afternoon. Which would work better for you?| 27
You can easily create your own script by following a basic six-step process.1. <strong>Start</strong> with a friendly greeting:Hi Sally! [Pause]2. Introduce yourself, and establish your connection with the person you’re calling:This is Sandy calling. [Pause] If you recall, we met at Mary Jo’s house on Tuesday night.3. Ask for permission to talk:Do you have a quick minute to talk? [Pause]4. Be direct:The reason I’m calling is that I know how much you loved [product], and you expressed an interestin hosting your own Group Presentation.5. Let them know what’s in it for them:Hosting an <strong>Arbonne</strong> Group Presentation is a great way for you to earn not only [the product shewants], but many more products at an incredible discount.6. Gain commitment:My calendar is filling up fast, but I still have Tuesday the 23rd or Thursday the 25th available —which day would be better for you?Of course, not every conversation is going to result in a booking; you are likely to hear “no” from time to time.The important thing to remember is that often “no” really means “I need more information.” In other words, yourprospect needs to understand the value you’re offering, and you need to understand what’s standing in his orher way.Handling Objections … remember LEAP:ListenWhen you hear “no,” start listening for the reasonyour prospect gives. Chances are it’s something youcan find an answer for.For example: “I don’t have time to host a GroupPresentation.”EmpathiseLet your prospect know that you understand andrelate to their issue.Say something like: “I understand how you feel; therenever seems to be enough hours in the day.”AskAsking a clarifying question really allows for youto fully understand what they are thinking; you aregaining insight into their perspective. Use Tell me,What, and How questions as you invite a moredetailed response.For example: “Tell me, how much time do you think ittakes to host an <strong>Arbonne</strong> Group Presentation?”Now wait and listen for their response. Oftentimes,people’s perception and the reality of the situationare not in alignment. They may think hosting takesmuch more time than it actually does and thisallows you to address their concern with someadditional information.ProduceProduce a solution — give your prospect some ideasthey may not have thought of that can help themenjoy the benefits of hosting.You could say: “I’ll tell you what, I have a greatPresentation that will only take 90 minutes from startto finish … how does that sound?”If you address your prospect’s objections and theanswer is still no, remember that “no” can have onemore meaning: sometimes it just means “not now.”So don’t push, but don’t lose track of that contact—ask for a good time to reconnect in the future.You could say: “I understand the timing may not beright for now, but I’d love to connect again with you inthree months because I really want you to earn that[product] that you like so much. So I will call you on1 May. Does that sound good to you?”28 |
Selling<strong>Arbonne</strong> products are such a pleasure to use that you’ll love to share them. And by sharing <strong>Arbonne</strong> products,you’ll increase sales and your consultancy will grow.But you’re not selling products alone — you’re also offering the exceptional <strong>Arbonne</strong> income opportunity. <strong>Arbonne</strong>Independent Consultants use three different “reach-out” methods to spread the word about <strong>Arbonne</strong> and to sell<strong>Arbonne</strong> products. Each of these methods has its own distinct advantages, and a great way to build your <strong>Arbonne</strong>consultancy is to combine all three.Group Presentations. These are <strong>Arbonne</strong> events where a group of friends gathers at a Host’s house toexperience the products and learn about the <strong>Arbonne</strong> income opportunity.One-on-One Meetings. These are person-to-person meetings, in a home, a coffee shop or wherever isconvenient, to share the <strong>Arbonne</strong> products and/or the <strong>Arbonne</strong> income opportunity.Sampling. This is a “leading with the product” method where you give people a chance to try the productfirst, then follow up with more information about <strong>Arbonne</strong>. The important point to remember is that before asample is given, you should always:1. Collect the prospect’s contact information.2. Schedule a time to follow up.Remember 2+2+2? That formula for success with <strong>Arbonne</strong> combines all three. So to kick off your consultancyright, it’s important to learn how to do them all so you can see what works best for you, and more importantly soyou can coach others to do the same. Let’s look at each of these methods in more detail.Group PresentationsHolding Group Presentations offers a number ofbenefits for your consultancy. For one thing, it’s agreat way to leverage your time: you can reach manypeople at once with your <strong>Arbonne</strong> story. Plus, GroupPresentations are an ideal place to grow your contactlist, because you’ll always be meeting new people.Group Presentations can also be the best placeto meet potential Independent Consultants to joinyour team, and they are ideal forums for introducingpeople to the benefits of being a Preferred Client orHost. And of course, there’s no place like a GroupPresentation to build your QV and earn retail commissions(“right now” money) through product sales.Host Coaching: The Key to SuccessfulGroup PresentationsWhen you book a Group Presentation, you enter intoa “partnership” with your Host. She stands to benefitsignificantly from the Group Presentation, just as youdo. Hosts can earn a significant amount of discountedor free product based on the amount of retail salesachieved at the Group Presentation. Plus, he or shewill learn all about how rewarding and profitable an<strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy can be, which is why so many<strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultants begin as Hosts.But in order for you both to get the most fromthe Group Presentation, we recommend youlearn how to coach your Host effectively. Hostcoaching isn’t difficult or time-consuming, but it’sone of the most important things you can do tomaximise your sales and assure future businessfrom your Group Presentations.How Do I Host Coach?When a person agrees to host a Group Presentation,it’s best to begin coaching immediately, if that’s possible.For example, we recommend that when youbook a new Host at a Group Presentation, you takea few minutes after you’re done totaling the guests’orders to coach your new Host. If that’s not feasible,a phone call or quick meeting in the next two to threedays will work just fine.| 29
What goes into a Host Coaching Packet?We recommend you have at least three Host CoachingPackets ready at all times. Here are some suggesteditems to include:• Product Catalogue• Order Forms• Invitations• Guest List Form• Opportunity Brochure• Eye on <strong>Arbonne</strong> (EOA) success story —preferably your upline RVP or NVPTIP:You can order invitations and other Presentation toolsat > Shop Online >Business Aids.Host Coaching: 6 Steps to a SuccessfulGroup PresentationThe following are steps you may wish to follow whenmeeting with your Host for the first time, which cantake place face-to-face or by phone. We recommend15–20 minutes for this initial Host Coaching session,during which you can thank the Host and partnerwith her through the following process:1. Set a specific date and time for theGroup Presentation.• To capitalise on the Host’s excitement andlessen the risk of postponement, try to set thedate no more than two weeks out.2. Create a Host Rewards Wish List.• Begin by asking your Host to create herwish list: those products she would liketo earn. Once you know what she wants,you can assist in setting a total goal for thePresentation. Remember, the goal is all aboutwhat she wants … what’s in it for her.• For more details regarding the Host Rewardsprogram, visit Create a guest list.• Discuss the importance of over-inviting. A typical<strong>Arbonne</strong> Group Presentation has betweenfive and eight people in attendance, so she’llwant to invite at least double that amount.Explain to her that it’s unlikely she’ll pick aday or time that suits everyone and things docome up at the last minute, so it’s importantto over-invite even by as many as twice thenumber you expect to attend.• It’s very important that you build this initiallist with her. As she sees her list grow, shebecomes confident that she knows enoughpeople to have a good turnout.4. Invite the guests.• A personal invitation — by mail, face-to-face orover the phone — works best. Email invitationsare a great follow-up to collect RSVP information.You may want to send the invitations onbehalf of your Host 2 weeks before the GroupPresentation, if possible. Your Host shouldthen be encouraged to place follow-up phonecalls to each guest a couple days before theGroup Presentation to confirm attendance andshare her excitement about the Presentation.Your Host may say:Hi Mary. [Pause] This is Claire calling.[Pause] I am really looking forward toseeing you Tuesday night at my <strong>Arbonne</strong>Presentation. We begin at 7 p.m. and Ijust know you are going to love trying theproducts … especially the RE9 AdvancedCorrective Eye Crème — it’s unbelievable!• If a guest declines the invitation, coach yourHost to say: “I’m so sorry you won’t be withus, Kerry. I know you’d love these products,so why don’t I drop a catalogue by so you cansee all the amazing products and place anorder if you like?”5. Prepare for the Presentation.• Chat with the Host about the Presentationsyou do, and let her know that hosting an<strong>Arbonne</strong> Group Presentation is super easy …you’ll be doing all the work and she’ll reap allthe benefits.• Encourage her to keep refreshments to aminimum and let her know you’ll need asmall space where everyone can comfortablygather for the Presentation.• You may want to give your Host a sample ortwo to try before the Presentation so she canexperience the quality of our products firsthand.And of course, her product testimonials willspeak volumes to her guests.30 |
6. Call and remind guests 1–2 days before theGroup Presentation.• Again, remind your Host of this important step.People are busy and life moves quickly, so it’seasy to forget a date without a reminder.• Can she email, text, Facebook or instantmessage? Sure … but a personal call is amore effective way to encourage andconfirm attendance.Contact is KeySometimes your Host may lose some of her enthusiasmbetween the time she books and the GroupPresentation itself. It may start to seem like morework than fun to her, and if a few of her friends can’tmake it to the Group Presentation, she might getdiscouraged … that’s why staying in touch with yourHost is so important. You can help by reminding herof the fun she had at the Presentation where shebooked, and keep the benefits she’ll enjoy top ofmind. Plus, you’ll be able to help her understand thatnot everyone is going to be able to attend her GroupPresentation — which is why over-inviting is soimportant in the first place — and that those guestswho can’t attend can still place an order whichcounts towards her sales for the Presentation.TIP:As a good rule of thumb, you should plan oncontacting your Host at least twice before theGroup Presentation, and once after.Following Up with Hosts1. Send a thank-you note immediately after HostCoaching. As soon as the Host Coaching sessionis done, you’ll want to send a brief, handwrittenthank you note:Dear Betty,Thanks for scheduling an <strong>Arbonne</strong> GroupPresentation with me. I’m looking forward tomeeting your friends on [date] at [time], andI am confident that they will have a terrifictime. By working together, I know we’ll beable to qualify for the products you want. I’llarrive at [time], and if I can be of any helpbefore then, please let me know.Sincerely,_________[phone/email]2. Call 1–2 days before the Group Presentation.During this phone call, you’ll want to:• Get directions• Remind her you’ll be arriving a half-hour early toset up• Find out the number of guests she’s expecting• Encourage her to get orders from those whocan’t attend• Share your excitementWhat if She Wants to Postpone or Cancel?Yes, you will have Hosts cancel or postponePresentations for a variety of reasons. If this happens,you’ll want to reschedule in the next twoweeks if at all possible. Or, your Host may get coldfeet because she didn’t get around to inviting manypeople or her guests are calling at the last minute tocancel. If you sense cold feet, you can say:Allison, we’ll have a great time no matterhow many guests attend. In fact, some ofthe best Presentations I have ever attendedonly had a couple guests in attendance.Remember that those who can’t make it canstill place an order or even book their ownPresentation! You and I both saved this dateand I’ll be there. Why don’t you call thosewho are coming and ask them to bring alonga friend. I’ll have a gift for anyone who does.(A gift can be a small product sample.)| 31
Thorough Host Coaching is the single mostimportant action you can take to create a successfulGroup Presentation, so do your best to be agreat coach! Always remember that you and yourHost share the goal of having a successful GroupPresentation that meets both of your needs.Conducting the Group PresentationYou may be tempted to think that <strong>Arbonne</strong> productsare so good that they sell themselves … but thinkhow much higher your Qualifying Volume and commissionswill be if you sell them!As you progress with your consultancy, you’ll developyour own style of conducting a Group Presentation.When you’re still starting out, it’s best to follow thelead of others who have some experience. If youhave a Sponsor or leader nearby and can observehis/her Group Presentations, that’s best. If not, thefollowing is a basic Presentation format you can followto start you off on the right track.Set-up:• Arrive 30 minutes early.• Set up display.• Chat with Host; learn more about the guests.• Set up an interactive demo at a kitchen orbathroom sink (e.g., <strong>Arbonne</strong> Shea ButterHand & Body Care Duo).• Greet guests individually as they arrive.• Have each guest begin to fill out a ClientProfile/Wish List … something for you togather their personal information and understandmore about their personal needs.TIP:Why do an interactive demo? Two reasons:1. It allows guests to experience a productfirsthand.2. It allows you some one-on-one time to learnmore about each guest (e.g., do they work,have kids, hobbies, etc.).32 |
Sample Presentation OutlineI. Welcome and Introductions (10 minutes)• Welcome everyone.• Thank guests for coming.• Thank Host; present booking orthank-you gift.• Mention Host Rewards(1st Booking Message).• Introduce yourself; tell your Why story(1st Sponsoring Message).II. Introduce <strong>Arbonne</strong> (5 minutes)• Brief history of <strong>Arbonne</strong>.• The <strong>Arbonne</strong> Advantage.• Preview the Presentation — share whattype of Presentation you will be doing.III. Product Demonstration (20–25 minutes)• You may want to select 3–4 productcategories based on the guests who willbe in attendance (what they’d want tosee and learn about). For example:RE9 Advanced , FC5 , SeaSource® ®Detox Spa ® , and <strong>Arbonne</strong> Cosmetics.• Highlight a few of your favourite products.Spend 5 minutes on each product category• Describe each product category’s featuresand benefits — what it’s intendedto do and how it will make them feel.• You can also go to the online mediasection of download product videos to showduring your Presentation — let <strong>Arbonne</strong>do the work for you!Be interactive throughout the Presentation• Ask questions and/or let them askyou questions.• Encourage customer testimonials.• Sample products: let people try it,smell it, etc.• Include one Booking and one SponsoringMessage as you talk about the products.You only need to do this once duringthe product Presentation, not each timeyou discuss a new product.IV. Wrap-up and Close (5–7 minutes)• Thank Host again (3rd BookingMessage).• Thank everyone again for attending.• Invite everyone to shop.• Tell the guests that you are available toassist them with their orders.• First, offer to help anyone who needsto leave (some guests may need to gethome to relieve the babysitter, etc.).V. Placing Orders (30 minutes)• Help each guest to place his/her order.• Ask everyone if they’d like to:• Learn more about the <strong>Arbonne</strong>income opportunity;• Become a Preferred Client;• Host a Group Presentation to earntheir own Host Rewards;• Provide you with referrals.After the Presentation• Within 24 hours — Write your Host a thank-younote or email.• Within 24 hours — Make calls to the guestswho could not attend to ask if they’d like toplace an order, and also offer them the opportunityto host a Presentation or to become aPreferred Client.• Within 48 hours — Follow up with anyonewho expressed interest in hosting a GroupPresentation or the <strong>Arbonne</strong> opportunity.Schedule a Host Coaching session.• Once the products are delivered, call your Hostto make sure everything arrived and see if shehas any questions.| 33
One-on-One MeetingsThe One-on-One Meeting is a friendly, personal wayto do business. It gives you the opportunity to introducea prospect to the aspects of <strong>Arbonne</strong> productsand the <strong>Arbonne</strong> opportunity that is best suited forhim or her.Benefits to you of a One-on-One Meeting include:• Sponsoring opportunities — Primarily forIndependent Consultants that may becomeBusiness Builders.• Future Bookings — A One-on-One Meetingcan easily lead to a Group Presentation.• Referrals — As your prospect learns moreabout <strong>Arbonne</strong>, he or she will be in a positionto recommend other people to you whomay want to know about it, join your teamor buy products.• Qualifying Volume — You can earn bothoverrides and “right now” money throughretail sales.Conducting a One-on-One MeetingA One-on-One Meeting is simply a conversation —just you getting together with another person to tellhim or her your personal <strong>Arbonne</strong> story and learnhow <strong>Arbonne</strong> can fit into his or her life.You can do One-on-One Meetings anywhere youcan get together and chat. Your home, your prospect’shome … either is fine. Or you may want to gettogether in a local coffee shop. The venue doesn’tmatter — wherever you can be relaxed and comfortableto talk, listen and converse. A One-on-OneMeeting can start with a product demonstration,or you may have given your prospect a productsample in advance to experience and your Oneon-OneMeeting was scheduled to follow up. Eitherway, you can end by sharing the opportunity toearn an income with <strong>Arbonne</strong>. It’s important not topre-judge—you never know when the income opportunity,great products or both could greatly impactsomeone’s life, or the life of someone they know.When you sit down with someone, there are a fewsteps you can take to be sure you get the most outof your meeting:• Ask questions. Use the time you have withyour prospect to find out as much as youcan, which will enable you to customise yourdiscussion around his or her needs.• Listen and focus on your prospect’s needs.Remember — it’s a conversation. Listen towhat he or she has to say, and keep his or herneeds at the center of your conversation.• Match your prospect’s needs with <strong>Arbonne</strong>benefits, whether it’s with products, the opportunity,or both.• Close by offering the best product for yourprospect — and yes, the business opportunityis a product too! And be sure he or she walksaway with a clear picture of how the <strong>Arbonne</strong>opportunity could fit into his or her life and helpmeet his or her needs.Following are a few ideas for things you can say in aOne-on-One Meeting.Following up after giving a sample:Pam, I hope you have enjoyed the RE9Advanced products. Tell me, what did youlike most about them? [Listen] Well, your skinlooks beautiful — how does it feel? [Listen]What’s your favourite product? [Listen] That’smy favourite product too, because I likethe way it [fill in the blank with two to threebenefits — what you like about the product].Doesn’t it feel good when we take care ofourselves? [Listen] I am certain you’d enjoythe entire RE9 Advanced Set, and I want toshare a few ways you can get all these wonderfulproducts.1. You can join my team as an IndependentConsultant. [Share the benefits.]2. You can become a Preferred Client.[Share the benefits.]3. You can Host a Group Presentation[Share the benefits.]4. You can become a Client and purchaseproducts today.5. You can share a couple names of peoplewho may be interested in learning moreabout <strong>Arbonne</strong>.In this example, we started with the income opportunityand then offered each way a prospect couldbecome affiliated with <strong>Arbonne</strong>. Obviously, if theywant to join your team, there is no need to continuedown the list of choices. Remember, a One-on-OneMeeting is a conversation and being a good listeneris the most important thing to focus on as you honeyour skills.34 |
SamplingThe third reach-out method we recommend issampling. When providing samples of <strong>Arbonne</strong>’sproducts to others, you use your personal enthusiasmfor the product, as well as the fact that everyonelikes to get a little gift, to introduce <strong>Arbonne</strong> productsto people you meet any place, any time. There areseveral important benefits of sampling as you growyour consultancy:• You make new contacts and keep adding toyour prospect list.• You can introduce <strong>Arbonne</strong> products in almostany context, and always in a professional way.• You can actually get the <strong>Arbonne</strong> productsworking for people, so they can experience theproducts’ quality.• Sampling gives you a reason to follow up andtake the next step in converting a prospectinto a Client, Preferred Client, Host or futureIndependent Consultant.According to studies, 51% of shoppers triedproducts they normally would not have triedbecause a free sample was available. And anamazing 79% of those who sampled actuallybought the product.Ocasio. (6/3/08). Guide to Using Free Samples to Boost YourSales In 6/16/09, from SamplingTo sample effectively, the first thing you’ll want to dois to be sure you have plenty of samples on handand ready to hand out. You will want to keep samplesin your purse, in your car and/or at your desk atwork … you get the idea.TIP:Make sure that your contact information isincluded on the sample; a personalised labelor business card from The Place with yourname, phone number and email address is agood start.You’ll be amazed at how easy it is to approachpeople when you have a gift to give them — andhow receptive they’ll be. You can say something like:Marilyn, what do you like most abouttrying new skin care products? Or what aresome challenges you are facing with yourcurrent skin care program? [Pause and lether respond.]Marilyn, others have had this same concern.I would love to share _____________[fill in the product] with you and give youa call next week to see what you noticeabout your skin. Would it be best to callyou during the day or evening?Handing someone a sample gives you an opportunityto do something very important: gather contactinformation so you can arrange a follow-up conversation,which can lead to a One-on-One Meeting,Group Presentation or Opportunity Presentation.An Opportunity Presentation is typically a30-minute Presentation that focuses on theincome opportunity. Information about thecompany is shared along with testimonialsfrom fellow <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultantsand leaders.Be sure to schedule a specific follow-up time tospeak with the person to whom you handed a sample.Although it’s tempting to be casual about thecontact, it will be more effective and easier for you tomanage if you plan the next conversation. Just saysomething like:If you would just jot down your number Iwould love to give you a call and see whatyou notice about your skin. Is it best to giveyou a call on Tuesday or Thursday evening?| 35
Setting a next appointment helps you, and it also creates a certain amount of urgency in your new prospect —knowing that they’ll be hearing from you to get their reaction will encourage them to use it. Then, when you callor meet up, you’ll be ready to take the conversation to the next step.Remember: 2+2+2 = SUCCESS!2Group Presentationsper week2One-on-OneMeetingsper week2 Samplesper dayIf you follow it, you’ll meet new people and you’ll have plenty of opportunities to build your consultancy and growyour team. And that’s just in your first 30 days!36 |
SponsoringSo, are you well on your way to achieving your <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> Volume Goal of 1,000? Now let’s discuss how tosponsor your first Independent Consultant. One of the most important activities you’ll do in your consultancy issponsoring — asking someone to join your team as a new Independent Consultant who is interested in buildingan <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy with you. Most successful <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultants will tell you that they wishthey had started sponsoring earlier because it is the activity that really helped grow a solid and stable consultancy,as their team’s product sales increased.As stated earlier in this chapter, there are three ways to join <strong>Arbonne</strong>:• Client• Preferred Client for $27 — for someone who is primarily interested in being a loyal <strong>Arbonne</strong>product consumer.• Independent Consultant for $105 — for someone who is interested in building a consultancy by selling<strong>Arbonne</strong> products, which is why we also refer to him or her as a “Business Builder”Let’s say you meet someone at a Group Presentation who wants to learn more about the <strong>Arbonne</strong> opportunity.You know you need to call them within 48 hours … but what do you say?Use the 6 Steps:1. <strong>Start</strong> with a friendly greeting:Hi Sue! [Pause]2. Introduce yourself, and establish your connection with the person you’re calling:This is ________ calling. [Pause] If you recall, we met at Liz’s <strong>Arbonne</strong> Presentation on Saturday. [Pause]3. Ask for permission to talk:Do you have a couple minutes to talk? [Pause]4. Be direct:The reason for my call is that you mentioned to me that you were recently laid off and looking for a parttimejob. You said you were interested in hearing more about what I do with <strong>Arbonne</strong>. [Pause]5. Let your prospects know what’s in it for them:Sue, I would love to share with you how you can start earning money immediately by simply dedicatinga few hours a week to an <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy. <strong>Arbonne</strong> has a generous compensation plan thatrewards product sales, and I think you’d enjoy learning more about the many benefits <strong>Arbonne</strong> has tooffer. [Pause]6. Gain commitment:I was hoping we could get together for a quick 30-minute coffee and chat. Would you prefer to meet inthe morning or evening?| 37
If the person you are speaking with is not interested in joining to build an <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy, don’t worry.You can still offer him or her the opportunity to become a Client, Host or Preferred Client. This is your opportunityto follow up and provide excellent customer service. While it’s never guaranteed, some loyal PreferredClients actually become Business Builders in the future by later registering as an Independent Consultant. (Areduced registration fee is available to Preferred Clients.)What goes into a Sponsoring Packet?When sponsoring Independent Consultants or registering Preferred Clients, you want to be prepared withwhat to say and have some information for them to take and review. Following are some suggestions:• Product Catalogue• Benefits Flyer• Opportunity Brochure• 2–3 Eye on <strong>Arbonne</strong> success stories• Independent Consultant Application & Agreement Form or Preferred Client Registration FormIt may seem like a lot to remember, but don’t worry — there is not a quiz, and nobody’s expecting you to learneverything about this business at once. Your Sponsor and upline leaders are eager to help, and you have<strong>Arbonne</strong>’s Home Office support, too. Plus, if you do sponsor in your first month, you’ll have at least one newcompanion in the business who will be learning the ropes with you!Here’s to your success this month and in the months to come … you can do it!38 |
Chapter 4Your Second 30 DaysYou’re getting good at this!Welcome to your second 30 days of <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong>. You may not feel like a complete expertyet, but if you’ve followed your plan for the first 30 days, you’re probably feeling morecomfortable in your role as an <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultant, and seeing yourself comecloser to your goals. This month, you’ll get even closer!In This Chapter• Setting Your Goals• Planning Your Calendar• Marketing Your Consultancy• Prospecting• Booking• Selling• Sponsoring| 39
Setting Your Goals<strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> goals for Month 2: Achieve your 2,000 Volume Goal and sponsor at least 1 Independent Consultantwho accumulates at least 150 PQV in his or her <strong>Start</strong> Month.*Month 1Month 2Month 3Volume Goals**1,000 QV2,000 QV3,000 QVSponsoring Goals3+ Independent Consultants(with 150 PQV eachin their <strong>Start</strong> Month)*The <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> Program is optional for new <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultants. As a new Independent Consultant, youmay begin the program in your <strong>Start</strong> Month or the next month.**Volume goals include: Your Personal Qualifying Volume (PQV) — which includes the QV of orders placed under your<strong>Arbonne</strong> account ID, and the QV of your Preferred Clients & Clients. Your volume goals also include the PQV from yourpersonally sponsored Independent Consultants during the <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> Program period.Keeping pace with your <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> goals helps you continue to make steady progress in your consultancy.And that’s the key during these second 30 days: build on the progress you made in your first month. This month,you’ll work to hone the skills you gained in your first 30 days and continue to perform the income-producingactivities that have gotten you this far. Plus, we’ll be adding more activities so that you continue to develop thelong-term habits and practises that we believe are important to your success.Your Consultancy by the NumbersReaching your business goals — and your <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> goals — isn’t so difficult if you keep in mind therecommended numbers that you learned in the last chapter:• Target 30+ contacts during the month.• Use the 2+2+2 formula to hit your target.Remember, 2+2+2 means 2 Group Presentations per week, 2 One-on-One Meetings per week, and 2 sampleshanded out each day. If you aim for those suggested daily and weekly goals, your target of 30+ contacts in themonth will be easier to achieve.And never lose sight of your personal goals. Right now, as the month begins, is a perfect time to take out thegoals you wrote down and see how you’re doing. Which of your goals have you achieved? Review your be, do,have list, and choose a couple of specific ways you’ll work toward them this month. For example, “I’ll add $100 tomy family’s vacation fund by holding one more Group Presentation,” or “I’ll make 10 more phone calls this weekto book Group Presentations.”40 |
Breaking down the 2,000 <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> Volume GoalYou started as a team of one — but you now have Clients, Preferred Clients and maybe even a newIndependent Consultant on your team. As you work this month to achieve your Volume Goal of 2,000, youare about to experience why building a team is so beneficial.You should now decide how you will achieve 2,000 QV this month … where will the volume come from? YourCentral Volume, of course! Your Central Volume (CV) means that you get to count the sales volume achievedthrough sales to your direct Clients and Preferred Clients, as well as sales by your Independent Consultants.And it’s also important that while you always look forward to future sales to new prospects, you should alsolook backward for follow-up sales from your existing network. There is an old phrase that states, “The fortuneis in the follow-up.” So, don’t forget about reconnecting with past Clients, Hosts and Preferred Clients. Theirrepeat order volume not only gets figured into your compensation, but will also count toward your <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong>Volume Goals.So let’s create a plan. <strong>Start</strong> with your own personal activity, then create a plan of how the remaining amount willbe achieved. Most successful <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultants will tell you that 500 PQV is a great goal everymonth. Of course you have the freedom to do more or less, but it’s a good goal to strive for. That leaves 1,500remaining toward your <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> goal for this month. You’ll need to think through who will contribute towardthis amount. Below is a chart that shows you an example of how you can break down the bigger goal. Nextthere is a blank chart to assist you as you create your own sales plan for the month.Sales Plan: 2,000 QV (Example)MY MONTHLY SALES PLANYour Personal Qualifying Volume (PQV) — which includes the QV of ordersplaced under your <strong>Arbonne</strong> account ID, and the QV of your Preferred Clients &Clients. Your volume goals also include the PQV from your personally sponsoredIndependent Consultants during the <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> Program period.Volume from your Independent ConsultantsTOTAL1,500 PQV500 QV2,000 QVOf course, this is just a plan … now you have to put your plan to work by doing the activity.Now make your plan:MY MONTHLY SALES PLANPersonal Qualifying Volume (Volume from new and follow-up orders fromPreferred Clients and Clients)Volume from Independent ConsultantsTOTAL2,000 QV| 41
Planning Your CalendarSuccess in any business is a matter of planning first, then following that plan. So just as you did in your firstmonth, start this 30-day cycle by planning your calendar.Build your month around the income-producing activities (IPAs) that will help you reach your goals. Use theIndependent Consultant Calendar and Activity Tracker to help you plan, and remember to follow the 2+2+2 formulato hit your target of contacting 30 or more people this month. Of course, block out your personal activitiesand family time, and include any <strong>Arbonne</strong> trainings, calls and meetings that are available to you.Take Time for TrainingWhile your skills will naturally improve as you gain experience, you can also benefit from the training you get fromthe <strong>Arbonne</strong> Home Office and upline sources. It’s important to schedule some personal training time to ensureyou devote enough time to developing your competency and confidence. One of the unique features of an<strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy is that you have a supportive network of people who are interested in helping you becomemore competent and successful. Take advantage of the training opportunities that present themselves — thismonth and every month!Here’s an example of what an Independent Consultant’s calendar might look like in his or her second 30 days:Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday29303112Work 8–5 Work 8:30–5 Work 8:30–5 Work 8:30–5 One-on-OneGrp Pres 7:30 Dance 6:30 Grp Pres 7 Place Orders Meeting 1:00Family Day34Work 8:30–5One-on-One 6:30Meeting 7–9Work 8:30–5Calls 12–1Grp Pres 7:305Work 8:30–5Dance 6:30Home Office8:30–9:306Work 8:30–5Calls 12–1Grp Pres 7:307Work 8:30–5Place Orders88:30 SoccerOne-on-OneMeeting 1:009Family Day1011Work 8:30–5One-on-One 6:30Home Office 8–9Work 8:30–5Grp Pres 7:3012Work 8:30–5Dance 6:3013Work 8:30–5Grp Pres 7:3014Work 8:30–5Place Orders158:30 SoccerTraining 1:30Family night16Family Day1718Work 8:30–5One-on-One 6:309 pm Conf. CallWork 8:30–5Grp Pres 7:3019Work 8:30–5Dance 6:30Training 920Work 8:30–5Grp Pres 621Work 8:30–5Date Night228:30 SoccerOne-on-OneMeeting 1:00Place Orders2324Training 12:30Phone Calls1:30-2:3025Work 8:30–5One-on-One 6:30Home Office 8–9Work 8–5Grp Pres 7:3026Work 8:30–5Dance 6:3027Work 8:30–5Grp Pres 72842 |
Working Your Plan in the Real WorldAfter your first month, you know that life doesn’t always follow the schedule you set in the most straightforwardway. But it’s important to honour the time you’ve set aside for your consultancy. So, for example, if you’ve set anevening aside for a Group Presentation, but you don’t manage to book one … work anyway! Make phone callsto prospects, Host Coach, return emails, handle your paperwork — however you do it, treat your business timeas an appointment with yourself, and keep that appointment.Marketing Your ConsultancyAs we discussed in the last chapter, every successful consultancy needs marketing, and that’s just as truein the second month as it is in the first. Your consultancy grows as you introduce new people to the <strong>Arbonne</strong>products and the <strong>Arbonne</strong> opportunity. New prospects are the lifeblood of your consultancy, so it’s vital to keepseeking new prospects every day. The people you meet through Group Presentations, referrals and as you giveout samples every day will keep your contact list growing — and a growing list is a sign of a healthy <strong>Arbonne</strong>consultancy!ProspectingRemember last month’s list of 25 new ways to market your consultancy? Well, now it’s time to flip back to thatlist and pick five that you’ll try this month. For example, this may be the month to explore any craft or vendorfairs in your area, or contact the local PTA/PTO or other parent organisations. And while you’re there, challengeyourself to think of five more innovative ways to market your consultancy. You never know when you’ll hiton what turns out to be a “big idea.”This month you’ll also want to go back to your list of 100 names. Who haven’t you contacted yet? Who do youneed to follow up with? Maybe you are still a bit nervous … That’s normal, but don’t let your fear stop you fromtrying. Think about each person listed:• Why would they be great at <strong>Arbonne</strong>?• What <strong>Arbonne</strong> benefits might meet their needs?• Pick up the phone and call them.Hi Mary. [Pause] This is Sue calling. [Pause] I just had to give you a call about my <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy… Do you have a minute to talk? [Pause] I’m looking for sharp people to work with me, and your namekept popping into my head. You are involved in so many activities; I just know you’d have a great networkto help you get started. Plus, I know you want to take the family on vacation this summer … Well, youcould earn additional income by selling <strong>Arbonne</strong> products as an Independent Consultant to help pay forthat trip. [Pause] I was wondering if I could come by tomorrow morning and share some more informationwith you?A sincere, honest compliment goes a long way in opening someone’s ears to hearing what you have to say. Willeveryone be open? No. But remember: a no will always be a no until you ask. So get out there and ask … youcan do it!| 43
BookingAt the same time, it’s just as vital to follow up withthe Clients and Preferred Clients you establishedduring your first 30 days. These ongoing Clients andPreferred Clients will help to build your qualifyingvolume and provide you with retail or Preferred Clientcommissions each time they place a reorder. A littlebit of customer service follow-up can go a long way— even though your Clients and Preferred Clientshave access to order products on their own, a quickcall can encourage them to go online and actuallyplace that order. Because <strong>Arbonne</strong>’s products areconsumable, your Clients and Preferred Clients willneed more as they run out or they may wish to trycomplementary products. If they are a retail Client,that’s a perfect opportunity to remind them aboutthe benefits they’d get from becoming an <strong>Arbonne</strong>Preferred Client. Clients and Preferred Clients arealso possible future Hosts, so when you check backwith them to see if they need more product, be sureto remind them of the fun they had at the GroupPresentation they attended, and the advantages ofholding a Group Presentation of their own. You mightsay something like:Hi, Megan. [Pause] This is Mandy calling.[Pause] If you recall, we met at your goodfriend Jessica’s <strong>Arbonne</strong> Presentation. Doyou have a minute to talk? [Pause] The reasonfor my call is that I wanted to see how the[product] you ordered is working for you?[Pause] I also wanted to check in and see ifyou wanted to place a reorder. [Pause] AndI wanted to remind you that you could getyour next month’s supply through <strong>Arbonne</strong>’sgenerous Host Rewards program by gatheringa few friends for a fun night of pampering.[Pause] I have Tuesday the 19th or Thursdaythe 21st available — would either of thosenights work for you?Maintaining contact with the people you meet is animportant income-producing activity. And remember,even if this month isn’t the right time for your Clientor Preferred Client to host a Presentation, it could benext month or the month after that. So it’s importantto keep offering her the opportunity.Booking at Your Group PresentationsThe easiest way to hit your target of two GroupPresentations per week is to book futurePresentations at your current Presentations. Duringthe Group Presentation, you have the full attention ofa room full of people, and they’re already interestedin learning about <strong>Arbonne</strong>. They’re enjoying theproducts and learning about the <strong>Arbonne</strong> opportunity,and there’s no better time for a prospect topicture how much fun she would have hosting aPresentation of her own.You’ll want to make the most of this opportunity. Sobe sure to sprinkle some booking “commercials”throughout your Group Presentation. You can saythings like:OrAlice is getting an <strong>Arbonne</strong> shopping spreefor hosting tonight’s Group Presentation— and you could, too. When we chat latertonight, we can talk about what you can earnfor having a Group Presentation of your own.Janet, don’t you love that [product line]? Youknow, I can help you get an amazing dealon the whole collection, just by hosting yourown Group Presentation. And what could bemore fun?Spend some time thinking about the kind of bookingcommercials with which you’d be most comfortable.The most important thing to stress is that hosting aGroup Presentation is easy and fun, and that the Hoststands to benefit from holding a Group Presentation.Talk to your Sponsor and your upline. There are a lotof great booking ideas out there, and <strong>Arbonne</strong> peopleare always happy to share.Keeping it FunOne great way to encourage bookings at aGroup Presentation is to use games like the“Deal or No Deal” game, which is a fun way toentice guests to become Hosts. Talk to yourSponsor about the fun games he/she usesand then try playing a few — and watch yourcalendar fill up!44 |
SellingYou’re in business to reach the goals you’ve set, and that means you want to earn income. Spending your timeon income-producing activities is the best way to earn money, and principal among those activities is selling.Everything else you do for your consultancy — prospecting, booking, sponsoring and customer service — allsupport the basic activity of moving product to end users. So selling effectively is one of the most importantthings you do.Group PresentationsThe first step to selling at the Group Presentation isto fill your calendar. Once again, that means 2+2+2.Target two Group Presentations per week, and you’reputting yourself in front of enough people to developand maintain a strong selling record.Asking for the SaleOne of the biggest objections people have aboutbecoming an <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultant isthat they could never sell anything. Well, what theydon’t know is that in <strong>Arbonne</strong> we sell our fabulousproducts by allowing people to sample or try themand also through education, by sharing features andbenefits about our products. When you do both ata Group Presentation, you are allowing your Clientsto make an informed purchasing decision. But it’salso a good idea to remind them that they are thereto shop and support the Host. Try saying somethinglike this:Now is my favourite part of the Presentationbecause I stop talking and you start shopping!I’ll be available to assist you with yourorder, like explaining tax and shipping details,as well as to answer any additional questionsyou may have about the products or theincome opportunity. Thanks for being suchattentive guests and for helping Mary earnher generous Host Rewards.Increasing SalesGuests at a Group Presentation have a great time,and demonstrating <strong>Arbonne</strong> products is fun for you.There are a few techniques to keep in mind to assurethat you maximise your sales while you maximisetheir good time:Testimonials — It’s a well-known truism ofmarketing that word-of-mouth is the best advertising.Your Group Presentations are ideal forumsfor word-of-mouth at its best: Ask your guests ifthey’ve tried <strong>Arbonne</strong> products and to share theirown experience, or tell your own product stories.Clients like to hear about “real world” experiencewith the products they’re considering. If you providedyour Host with sample product before theGroup Presentation, this is also an opportunityfor her to share her experience with her guests.Gift Suggestions — Certain times of year, suchas the holidays, graduation and wedding season,and Mother’s and Father’s Day, are made forgift-giving. But the reality is, people have gifts tobuy all year round, and it’s always a good idea tohave a couple of products in mind that you thinkmake especially good gifts. Ask your guestsabout the occasions they have coming up, andsuggest gifts that would be appropriate.Experiment and Have Fun! — Your guests arethere to have a good time, and so should you.Enjoy yourself, try different approaches and notewhat works. You’re offering a great value to yourguests, and you can feel good about that. Sorelax, experiment and enjoy.TIP:Remember the old adage in the sales world— “Don’t sell to your own pocketbook.” Thatmeans that you do yourself and your Clienta disservice if you pre-judge what they couldafford or what they’d be interested in. You havea lot to offer, so offer it. You never know whatproduct will appeal to which Client.| 45
One-on-One MeetingsYour One-on-One Meetings are also a great forumfor demonstrating and selling <strong>Arbonne</strong> products.Many of the same techniques you use to increasesales at your Group Presentations and your personaltestimonial can also be used effectively one-on-one.Remember your 2+2+2 target: two One-on-OneMeetings per week. These can be people you meetthrough your sampling efforts, other prospectingactivities, people you meet at Group Presentations, orpeople from your original list of 100.Increase Your SalesOne of the biggest benefits of a One-on-OneMeeting is that you have the opportunity to reallyget to know your Client. When you take the timeto ask questions about your Client’s needs andlisten to what they tell you, you’ll be able to recommendthe best products for him or her. You can alsodemonstrate how many of our products work welltogether. For example, pairing RE9 Advanced withthe <strong>Arbonne</strong> Cosmetics line … great skin and greatcolour do go hand-in-hand.Gloria, tell me about your skin. Would yousay it’s normal, dry, oily or a combination?What is your number-one issue with yourskin? How about any concerns? What goalsdo you have for your skin?Of course, you wouldn’t ask all these questions atonce, but you get the idea.Booking Group Presentations from theOne-on-One MeetingWhile you may meet your One-on-One Meetingprospect at a Group Presentation, it’s just as likely thatyou’ll be able to book a Group Presentation from aOne-on-One Meeting. Sometimes, a prospect won’tquite be ready to commit to starting her own <strong>Arbonne</strong>consultancy, but she may be intrigued enough to “testthe waters” by hosting a Group Presentation. This is aterrific outcome for the One-on-One Meeting, and it’simportant to make sure that your prospect knows thatyou’re open to booking a Group Presentation:Susan, I totally understand that you want tolearn more and talk it over with your husbandbefore you decide to become an <strong>Arbonne</strong>Independent Consultant. [Pause] You know,one of the best ways to learn about the companyis to host a Group Presentation right inyour home. Your friends will have a great time,and you’ll have a chance to shop for someof the products you’re interested in whileyou enjoy the generous Host Rewards that<strong>Arbonne</strong> offers. I have two dates available thismonth. Let’s compare calendars and see if aday or evening would work for you.Share the <strong>Arbonne</strong> OpportunityWhile it’s important to demonstrate and share productat the One-on-One Meeting, you should alsoconsider sharing the opportunity to earn incomeand build a consultancy through the sale of <strong>Arbonne</strong>products, which we call the <strong>Arbonne</strong> opportunity.You can use the <strong>Arbonne</strong> Opportunity Brochure,Flyer or DVD, or be more casual and ask plenty ofquestions about your prospect’s family, occupationand hobbies. This allows you to learn what is importantto them and how you might relate your <strong>Arbonne</strong>story to them. The most important thing is to keepit personal: tell your Why as it relates to your prospect’sWhy — the reason they may be interested inselling <strong>Arbonne</strong> products and building a consultancywith <strong>Arbonne</strong>. For example, you might say:Lori, I am so impressed with you; you area busy mum with two active children. Youwork full-time and still manage to volunteer atyour children’s school. You love what you do,but you don’t always feel challenged. I alsohear a bit of frustration in your voice … couldthat be because you feel pulled in so manydirections? [Pause/listen] Boy, can I relate …I, too, was looking for more balance in mylife when I was first introduced to <strong>Arbonne</strong>. Ihad a great job, but I didn’t really see myselfgrowing to my full potential there. I can tellyou have goals and so do I, and that is thebest part of my <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy.Ask For ReferralsRemember, throughout the month, you’re trying tobuild your prospect list. The One-on-One Meeting isa great place to add to that list by asking your currentprospects to refer you to people who might beinterested in <strong>Arbonne</strong>:Sandy, I’m so glad we had a chance to chatso I could tell you about all the benefits youcan get from <strong>Arbonne</strong>. I hope I’ve answeredall your questions, and now I have onefor you: Do you know anybody else whomight be interested in learning more about<strong>Arbonne</strong>? [Pause] My <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy is46 |
uilt on referrals and I’d really appreciate yourhelp in sharing some names with me.It’s a good way to meet new people and to keepthat prospect list growing. And <strong>Arbonne</strong> may just beexactly what your referral is looking for!SamplingMost people who try an <strong>Arbonne</strong> product once wantto use it again. That’s why sampling can be suchan effective tool. We have a “try it, you’ll love it”philosophy, and for that reason sampling is abrilliant reach-out method.Remember your 2+2+2 goal: you want to give outtwo samples every day. That may seem like a lot,but when you think about all the people who crossyour path every day, from coworkers, to servers inrestaurants, to neighbours and friends, you’ll realisethat most days you can give out a lot more thantwo samples!Of course, successful sampling is more than justhanding out samples. When you prospect withsamples, there are a few simple steps you can followto be sure that your sampling is effective.1. Don’t be shy — approach people. After all,everybody likes a free gift, and you have oneto give.• Watch what they do. Observe theirresponse to the product and to hearingabout the company. This will provide youwith valuable cues as to what to do next.• Listen to what they say. Their responsesto you, to the product, and to the companyare all valuable information for youto gather.• Connect with them. Remember, samplingis a form of prospecting — you are makinga determination as to whether the personyou’re talking to might be a Host, Client,Preferred Client or a member of your team.However you think they might fit in withyour consultancy, your goal is to make apersonal connection with them so thatthey want to talk to you again.2. Gather prospect information — that’s whatyou get in return for handing out a sample.You want to find out their name, the bestway to reach them to follow up, and a littlebit about them and their life. That will helpyou to connect with them as your relationshipgrows. And don’t forget to include oneof your business cards with the sample sothey know how to reach you, too.The best way for me to provide you withexcellent customer service is if I collectsome contact information … If youcould jot down your name and either aphone number or email address, thatwould be great.If they won’t give you their contact information,save the sample for someone else.You can’t help them if you can’t get in touchwith them.3. Schedule a time to speak. Sampling providesyour prospect with some product totry, and it provides you with an opportunityto make a second contact. We suggest thatyou always give your prospect a choice oftimes. When you give someone a choice, heor she is less likely to decline the appointment.Make the most of those opportunitiesby being sure that you’ll reach them andthey’ll be ready to talk.For example, after a brief conversation aboutskin and the effects of sun damage:You know, I am an <strong>Arbonne</strong> IndependentConsultant and we know a thing or twoabout skin. It just happens that I have aproduct you may really like. In fact, youare in luck … I have a sample with me.I am more than happy to give it to you,if you’ll promise to try it. [Pause] Let mejot down your contact information and I’llfollow up with you this Friday. Would acall in the morning or evening workbetter for you?If your prospect doesn’t answer the phonewhen you follow up, leave a message thatyou will try to touch base with him or her ata later time:Hi Nancy, this is Sue Smith with <strong>Arbonne</strong>.If you recall, we met yesterday at thebeach. I’m really excited to find out howyou like the sample I gave you! Hopefullyyou’ve already tried it and have formedan opinion—I can’t wait to hear it! I willcall you again on Tuesday morning, or feelfree to contact me before then.| 47
SponsoringTo re-state, “sponsoring” means registering someone new with <strong>Arbonne</strong> as a member of your team. Youcan introduce someone to <strong>Arbonne</strong> as a Preferred Client, or you may bring them in as a new IndependentConsultant. Each has its own set of benefits, as we discussed previously in Chapter 2.Preferred Client• 20% discount off the Recommended RetailPrice (RRP) on all <strong>Arbonne</strong> products.• Access to ongoing product specials and othermonthly promotions.Independent Consultant• 35% retail commission on the RRP on all<strong>Arbonne</strong> products — excluding Business Aids,Sample Packs, <strong>Start</strong>er Kits, product promotionsand the sale of UVPs — which is thedifference between the RRP we recommendyou offer to your Clients and the wholesaleprice you pay to <strong>Arbonne</strong> for such products.• 15% Preferred Client Commissions onQualifying Volume (QV) orders — excludingQV on product promotions — placed byyour Preferred Clients and Clients. Note thatPreferred Client qualifying volume is calculatedinto your PQV.• 4% override on the OV of all personally sponsoredIndependent Consultants.• Access to ongoing product specials, the <strong>Arbonne</strong>Incentive Trip (AIT) and other monthly incentives.• Ultimate Value Pack (UVP) — In a PreferredClient’s <strong>Start</strong> Month or renewal month, he orshe has the opportunity to select $464 RRPof products for $286. When IndependentConsultants sell a UVP to a new PreferredClient in their <strong>Start</strong> Month, they will receive acash bonus. The 15% Preferred Client commissionis not paid on the sale of UVPs.• New Preferred Client Free Product — When aPreferred Client orders $195 RRP in his or her<strong>Start</strong> Month, the Preferred Client will receivethe opportunity to select a free product from aselected list of <strong>Arbonne</strong> products. This productdoes not have QV.We also refer to the Independent Consultants yousponsor as “Business Builders,” because they areinterested in earning income from <strong>Arbonne</strong> by selling<strong>Arbonne</strong> products and building their own <strong>Arbonne</strong>consultancy as members of your team.What is My Role as a Sponsor?Have you ever been part of a team?The great thing about teamwork is that everybodyhas their strengths, but together you build on eachother and make everyone more successful. Whenyou sponsor an Independent Consultant, you’rebecoming a manager of a team, and as you progressthrough <strong>Arbonne</strong>’s SuccessPlan, a leader within thenetwork of <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultants. Yourrole is to keep doing the things you do well, and thentransfer that knowledge onto your new team members.This is what we refer to as “duplication” and it’sa powerful piece of our business model. By teachingand coaching your new Independent Consultants todo what you do, you are helping reinforce activitiesthat will ultimately help him/her succeed.But don’t let it stress you out — being a Sponsordoesn’t mean that you have to know how to doeverything. Remember, you have a Sponsor, uplineleaders and the <strong>Arbonne</strong> Home Office ready to assistyou. You’re on a journey, and the people you sponsorare along for the ride, on journeys of their own.You’re all there to help each other, so offer what youcan, help find answers to the questions you don’tknow how to answer yourself, and learn as you go.Oh — and most important of all — have fun!Sharing Your WhyWhether you’re doing it in a Group Presentation or aOne-on-One Meeting, your best tool in sponsoring isyour “Why.” Not only does it let your prospect knowthat <strong>Arbonne</strong> is a real opportunity for real people, butit’s also a way for you to share experiences they canrelate to. Once they do, they’ll start thinking, “Hey — ifshe can do this, so can I!” That’s tremendously reassuringto a prospect, and can really help them to takethe next step:48 |
I’ve never been in sales, and if you told mefive years ago I’d be selling <strong>Arbonne</strong> andloving it, I’d have sworn you were crazy! Butone day I woke up and realised that my lifewasn’t really my own. I had a career and Ihad a family, but it seemed like the only wayto make the career work was to ignore thefamily, or vice versa. When I had to missmy daughter’s kindergarten play becauseof an important meeting at work, it was thelast straw. I realised that nobody ever layson their deathbed wishing they’d spentmore time at the office, and I decided I hadto make a change. That same week I wasinvited to an <strong>Arbonne</strong> Presentation, and Ikept thinking, hey, this could really work forme. And it just might work for you, too.Sponsoring at Your Group PresentationsYou sell <strong>Arbonne</strong> products at your GroupPresentations, but you also sell the <strong>Arbonne</strong> opportunityand the difference it can make in people’s lives.So just as you sprinkle booking “commercials,” you’llwant to sprinkle sponsoring “commercials” in yourPresentations. Your commercial can be your Whystory, or it can be a simple aside, such as:By the way, if you think what I do looks easyand fun and that you could do it — guesswhat? You can! I love my <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancyand I’d love to tell you all about it. I’malways looking to coach and train others todo what I do. When we chat later, I can fillyou in.You have so much to offer as an <strong>Arbonne</strong> IndependentConsultant: great products, a fun Group Presentationexperience, and a life-changing opportunity. Don’t leaveany of it out!Four-step Sponsoring ProcessSponsoring is a process of listening, responding,sharing and reassuring. You can look at it as foureasy steps:1. Ask Questions — Find out what you canabout your prospect, so that you can matchtheir needs with the benefits you have tooffer. Ask questions about their family, occupationand hobbies:Sharon, tell me a little about yourself — doyou have kids? What kind of work do youdo? What do you like to do in your free time?2. Share Benefits — Answer the questionsthat are on everyone’s mind: “What’s in itfor me?” and “Can I do it?” Be sure that youemphasise the benefits that are the bestmatch with what you’ve learned about them.For instance, if someone is looking for a flexibleschedule:Sharon, it sounds like you really love workingas a nurse, but sometimes you feel like ittakes you away from your family at importanttimes. What if you could work part-time as anurse so you can stay active professionally,but capture some of the time you want withyour kids without having to sacrifice incometo do it?3. Handle Objections — Answer your prospect’sconcerns, and help them understandthat they really can be successful with<strong>Arbonne</strong>. Remember to LEAP (Listen,Empathise, Ask, Produce). The objectionmay be, I have no sales experience:Sharon, I completely understand your hesitation,and I never had any formal training orexperience in sales before either. So, let meask you, what kind of experience do youthink you need? [Pause] To tell you the truth,I don’t even think of it as “sales” — I justshare the features and benefits of the products,and help people select the productsthat are right for them. It’s a lot of fun and itnever feels like work!4. Close — Ask for your prospect to commitand take the next step to become an<strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultant:Sharon, I know you’ll have fun doing this,and I’ll be with you every step of the way. Solet’s get your Application & Agreement filledout and set a date for your official launch.Sponsoring can be a little intimidating, but remember,you’re offering quality and you are building arelationship that will benefit both of you. So don’thesitate — as you build your team, your personalgoals will get closer and closer!By now, you must be feeling more confident aboutyour <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy. You’re doing great …keep going!| 49
Notes50 |
Chapter 5Your Third 30 DaysAwesome job!You’ve been an <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultant for more than 60 days now, and hopefullyyou’ve achieved your <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> goals for your first and second months. Thismonth, we’ll delve a little deeper into your income-producing activities (IPAs) and puttogether a plan to help you set and reach your goals for the month. Then, for each successive30-day period with <strong>Arbonne</strong>, you can use these chapters as a blueprint forplanning your activities.In This Chapter• Setting Your Goals• Planning Your Calendar• Marketing Your Consultancy• Prospecting• Booking• Selling• Sponsoring| 51
Setting Your Goals<strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> goals for Month 3: Achieve your 3,000 Volume Goal and sponsor at least 1 Independent Consultantwho accumulates at least 150 PQV in his or her <strong>Start</strong> Month.*Month 1Month 2Month 3Volume Goals**1,000 QV2,000 QV3,000 QVSponsoring Goals3+ Independent Consultants(with 150 PQV eachin their <strong>Start</strong> Month)*The <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> Program is optional for new <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultants. As an new Independent Consultant,you may begin the program in your <strong>Start</strong> Month or the next month.**Volume goals include: Your Personal Qualifying Volume (PQV) — which includes the QV of orders placed under your<strong>Arbonne</strong> account ID, and the QV of your Preferred Clients & Clients. Your volume goals also include the PQV from yourpersonally sponsored Independent Consultants during the <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> Program period.Look how far your <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> goals have taken you! Your consultancy is growing, and this month’s <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong>goals — which may have looked daunting two months ago — are within reach. If you achieved them by incorporatingour recommended PQV in the total volume goal, you’ll achieve an important milestone: You’ll promoteto District Manager. This next title in the <strong>Arbonne</strong> SuccessPlan takes your consultancy to a new level as youachieve increased product sales and benefit from brand new earning opportunities through a higher rate of overridesand cash bonuses on product sales. And if you haven’t already promoted, you’re almost there!Your Consultancy GoalsHow have you done it? Consistent activity. By setting your targets and reaching them every month, you’ve establisheda strong base and set a tone for your future.So keep it up! This month, just like last month and the month before, we’re going to focus on 2+2+2:2 2 2Group PresentationsOne-on-One Meetingsper weekper weekSamples per dayAnd remember, your 2+2+2 objective is to contact 30+ new people during the month and keep refreshing yourcontact list. That’s going to be an ongoing, month-to-month goal as you continue to develop your <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancyeven after you meet your <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> goals. As you know from your first two months, it isn’t as hard as itseems. Now that you’ve developed the habits that keep you meeting new people, it will just be part of what you doevery day.52 |
Breaking down the 3,000 <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> Volume GoalBy now you have a team and you are becoming more comfortable with helping them achieve their goals. So your<strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> Volume Goal this month of 3,000 will really be a team effort. Just like last month, you should decidehow you will achieve the 3,000 <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> Volume Goal this month.Yes, it’s time to create a new plan — and we suggest again starting with your own personal activity goal. Howdoes 2,000 PQV sound? Of course, you have the freedom to do more or less, but it’s a good, solid starting pointthat will help you earn any incentives also offered at that time. Below is a chart that shows how you might wantto break down the bigger portion of the 2,000 that is left, as well as a blank chart to assist you as you createyour sales plan for the month.Sales Plan: 3,000 (Example)MY MONTHLY SALES PLANYour Personal Qualifying Volume (PQV) — which includes the QV of ordersplaced under your <strong>Arbonne</strong> account ID, and the QV of your Preferred Clients &Clients. Your volume goals also include the PQV from your personally sponsoredIndependent Consultants during the <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> Program period.Volume from your Independent ConsultantsTOTAL2,000 PQV1,000 QV3,000 QVOf course, this is just a plan … now you have to put your plan to work by doing the activity.Now fill in your plan:MY MONTHLY SALES PLANPersonal Qualifying Volume (Volume from new and follow-up orders fromPreferred Clients and Clients)Volume from Independent ConsultantsTOTAL 3,000Before you put your plan to work, why not revisit your personal goals as well?Your Personal GoalsHow are you progressing on the personal goals you set in your first month? What have you been able to achieve,and what looks much closer than it did before?Now that you have a couple of months under your belt, it’s a good time to re-evaluate your personal goals andsee if you can reach even a little further.During the next year, I want toNow, just as you did before, put a star (*) next to any items on this list that your <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy can helpyou achieve. Use this revised list to help you continue to refine your personal Why. And take a moment to appreciatethe progress you’ve made, as you look forward to reaching your new goals.| 53
Planning Your CalendarPlan your work, and work your plan — it’s a great way to approach each month. Always make sure you allot anappropriate amount of time to your important income-producing activities — those activities that will bring yousponsoring and sales opportunities. Remember, you want to schedule time for two Group Presentations and twoOne-on-One Meetings per week.Include your personal commitments, as well as time you want to block off with your family. Also block some timein your home office to do phone calls, paperwork, training, etc. Pull out your Independent Consultant Calendarand start planning your third 30 days.Time Management TipsTime management is one of those skills that comeseasily to some, but not to others. But even if you’venever had a problem with the hours just slippingaway on you, you’re going to find that living life as anentrepreneur can make it twice as difficult to keepyour schedule under control. Following are a fewideas that can really help.• Make time to plan. By setting aside timeevery month to put together a plan, you’ll minimiseyour stress and keep your consultancyactivities focused on your goals. By devoting30 minutes each month to planning, you’ll savehours of wasted time.• Take advantage of your lunch hour. If youwork outside the home, spend a few minutes ofyour lunch hour making prospecting or followupcalls.• Bring someone with you. Now thatyou’re sponsoring, you can share whatyou’ve learned with your new IndependentConsultants. One of the most effective andtime-efficient ways to do that is to bringsomeone from your team along to a GroupPresentation, One-on-One Meeting, trainingevent, team meeting, etc. You’ll have time totalk, you can model successful behaviours,and your Host and guests have another<strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultant to share his/her experience with them. Your goal shouldbe to never go alone. You should have a teammember with you for your appointments andsponsoring interviews• Schedule office hours. There’s no need to letyour consultancy take over your life. Set thetimes you’ll do paperwork, talk on the phone,answer emails, review training materials, etc.,and reserve your personal and family time. Letthe answering machine take the calls duringthose non-work hours, and focus on what youwant to do. Remember to tell your family whenyou’ve scheduled your “<strong>Arbonne</strong> time” so theywill know when you’re working.TIP:Your <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy is in fact yourindependent business, so make sure that yourvoicemail greeting reflects that, whether youhave a separate phone line for your consultancyor it’s shared with your home residencephone number.• Have ready distractions for small children.If you have (or have ever had) small kids, youknow that the time they need you most is themoment you need to focus on that importantphone call. So setting them up ahead of timewith a snack, colouring book, special toysused only when you’re working your <strong>Arbonne</strong>consultancy, or other activities is a smart idea.Why not make your work time something yourtoddler can actually look forward to?54 |
Marketing Your ConsultancyEvery day of this month — and of every month — is an opportunity to try a new marketing method for yourconsultancy. “Changing it up” keeps your consultancy fresh and exciting, and you never know when you’ll hit thatidea that will give your consultancy an extra boost.Remember Your “25 Ways” ListThat tool from your first month of consultancy is justas useful today as it was then. Select five new marketingtechniques to try this month — and be sureyou add to the list as you think of new things to try.Tell Your Story Anytime, AnywhereBeyond formal marketing efforts, there’s somethingyou can do every day to market your consultancy:Just talk about it. Mentioning your consultancy incasual conversations with friends, co-workers andpeople you meet every day can yield surprisingresults. You don’t need to be “pushy” or in 24-hourrecruiting mode. Just talk about the success andthe fun you’re having, and your genuine enthusiasmwill generate interest in others.You might say to a friend:I’ve been keeping really busy lately with mynew <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy. I’m having the besttime! I meet new people and the products aresimply incredible. And best of all — I’m makingmoney while having fun!Or mention to a parent at a soccer game:It’s such a pleasure to be able to enjoy thegame without stressing about work in theback of my mind. I recently started my own<strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy, and it’s really takingoff! I set my own hours, work with the peopleI want to, and I love the extra money I ammaking. It’s terrific!It’s your story — tell it your way. However you chooseto do it, just be sure to tell it.ProspectingThe goal of all your marketing efforts is simply to continue to meet more and more prospects. So whateveradvertising or outreach methods you use, be sure to keep that target in mind, and keep replenishing yourcontact list.Following Up with ProspectsFollowing up with the Clients you meet at your GroupPresentations is an important part of customer service.We’ll talk more about providing excellent customerservice in the next chapter. But it’s also an ongoingmarketing activity; repeat business helps you to buildyour volume, and your list of Clients is where you’ll findmany of your future Hosts, Preferred Clients and, verylikely, future Independent Consultants as well.So be sure to follow up with the new Clients you metin your second 30 days, and look through the list ofyour first 30 days — you may want to call or emailsome of them as well. Remember those six steps?Hi Mark. [Pause] This is Karen calling.[Pause] If you recall, we met at Judy’s<strong>Arbonne</strong> Presentation in May. [Pause] I havesomething very exciting to share with youand it will just take a couple minutes. [Pause]The reason for my call is that you mentionedyou were interested in having an <strong>Arbonne</strong>Spa Presentation. Now, I know you love theSeaSource Detox Spa line, and it’s my jobto make sure you earn as many products asyou want with your Host Rewards. So, let’sget a date scheduled … how about the 23rdor 25th at 7 p.m.?| 55
BookingGetting comfortable with your story is key, and it really helps open ears when prospecting. You want to tell prospectsjust enough information that they’ll want to hear more. It’s the same when sharing the booking opportunity.Be ready with a couple of statements that you think would make a prospect want to hear more about booking aGroup Presentation or One-on-One Meeting.Did I mention that <strong>Arbonne</strong> Hosts get to go on shopping sprees and choose the products they want atan amazing discount? Hosting is super easy, as I do all the work and you sit back and enjoy yourself withyour friends.Just consider me your personal skin care and make-up counter that comes to your house. The goodnews is that I’ll spend as much or little time with you as you want. You can try the products, ask mequestions and I’ll show you how you can receive the products at a discount. It can be just the two of us,or you can invite a few friends to join us if you like.SellingGroup PresentationsBy now, you’ve learned a lot about GroupPresentations. Chances are you’ve started todevelop your own style, and you have some experiencewith what works for you. Now it’s time tostart focusing on the outcome of each GroupPresentation, and think about what you can do tomake every one more effective.Spend some time determining what you want out ofeach Group Presentation. Think in terms of measurableoutcomes that you can have an effect on:• How many guests do you want to see? (Youcan affect this through Host Coaching.)• What sales volume do you want to generate?• How much money do you want to earnthrough retail sales?• How many bookings do you want from eachGroup Presentation?• How many Preferred Clients and sponsoringleads for Independent Consultants do youwant to walk away with?Look back through some of the sales generatingsuggestions from the last chapter — such as usingtestimonials and gift suggestions. Here are a couplemore techniques you may want to try:Upselling — Upselling is how you “add on” to asale by suggesting complementary products. Ifyour Client is excited about one product, it’s theperfect time to suggest a related product that canincrease the total sale:Kristy, you’ll love using the Foaming SeaSalt Scrub every day … your skin will lookand feel great. And if you like that, you mightwant to try the Detoxifying Rescue Wash.I love how it smells, and it’s a wonderfulcompanion product in the shower with theSalt Scrub.Set Selling — <strong>Arbonne</strong> offers several products —such as RE9 Advanced — in sets that boost yoursales while offering your Clients outstanding savings.Be sure you know the sets and savings youhave to offer, and be sure to share that informationwith your guests.56 |
TIP:You may want to have a set of products ondisplay at your Presentations, as it is a greattool to use for booking future Presentations.You can point to the set and tell all the guestshow they could get it at a generous discountjust by hosting their own Group Presentation,or purchase an Ultimate Value Pack when theyregister as a Preferred Client.Booking and sponsoring at your GroupPresentations are important income-producingactivities for you to focus on. You’ve set a target of atleast two Group Presentations and two One-on-OneMeetings per week, and the best place to book is atPresentations. Why? Because people are seeing youand the products in action. Your income will grow asyour team grows, and Group Presentations are thebest place to meet prospective Business Builders.So you owe it to yourself to continually work to bemore effective at booking and sponsoring at yourGroup Presentations.Focus on BookingBefore the guests even arrive, you should be thinkingabout who among them might be a potential Host ormay want to have a One-on-One Meeting. That’s whyit’s important to talk to your Host about who’s coming.Once the guests are there, you may spot someoneelse who could benefit from a Group Presentation.It’s a good idea to pay special attention to guests youthink would make good Hosts, but it’s also importantto keep an open mind: the person you think is leastlikely to book a Group Presentation could turn out tobe the one who’s most excited about having one.Then, when you spend some one-on-one time witheach guest as they place their orders, you can talkabout some of the specific benefits that they’ll enjoybased on your impressions of them:Mary Ann, I could tell you really enjoyed thespa products. [Pause] I actually have a fewother really fun “spa” type treatments thatyou and your friends might enjoy. So whatdo you think about hosting your own GroupPresentation and earning some products atan amazing discount? I have some datesavailable this month. Does an evening orafternoon work best for you?Fran, I heard you say that you don’t do parties.[Pause] I completely understand. GroupPresentations are not for everyone. But Iknow you love the RE9 Advanced line and I’dreally like to tell you more about it and howbeneficial it will be for you. How about weschedule a 30-minute appointment where Icome by and we chat about the products?In the meantime, take this sample home withyou and after three days, I am sure you’llbegin to see a difference. So, let’s connecton Friday at 3 p.m.As we mentioned in the last chapter, a coupleof booking “commercials” in the course of yourPresentation plant those important seeds for yourguests to think about.Sally, our wonderful Host, chose a spa themeand skin care products this evening featuringproducts from <strong>Arbonne</strong>’s SeaSource DetoxSpa and RE9 Advanced lines, and I can tellyou have all enjoyed the relaxation. I haveanother Presentation that I do that focuseson our cosmetic line. It is a lot of fun and Iam certain you’d all love trying our cosmetics… the colours are beautiful! If you’re interestedin learning more information about ourgenerous Host rewards, then let’s talk afterthe Presentation.| 57
Focus on SponsoringSimilarly, you’ll want to include sponsoring “commercials”throughout your Group Presentation.While demonstrating the SeaSource DetoxSpa line :Isn’t it fun to take care of yourself?With this amazing product, you canenjoy your own home spa, and with theadditional income, you can book thathaircut or pedicure you’ve been puttingoff. If you are interested in making a littleextra fun money, then let’s talk after thePresentation.Then speak in more detail to your prospects duringthe one-on-one time:Kathy, you mentioned how much you wereenjoying the spa experience after a hard dayon your feet, and it made me think — “I betKathy would be really good at doing what Ido, and it would help her spend a little moretime with her feet up.” I’d love to get togetherto tell you more about how easy and fun it canbe to be an <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultant.How would you like to get together for coffeeand I can tell you all about it? I have time onWednesday or Saturday at 8 a.m. Which timewill work for you?I know you said you weren’t interestedin hearing about becoming an <strong>Arbonne</strong>Independent Consultant, Diane, but youobviously love the products. How aboutbecoming a Preferred Client? You’ll enjoy agenerous 20% discount on tonight’s orderand any additional orders you place in thenext year. It’s $27 to join, and I can help getyou set up tonight. If you are ever interestedin earning some additional income with<strong>Arbonne</strong>, I’ll be there for you to help youregister as an Independent Consultant.Once again, the most important goal you can set foryour Group Presentations is to make them fun for allyour guests — and just as fun for you. That’s goingto improve sales, sponsoring and booking.One-on-One MeetingsThe One-on-One Meeting is the best forum forpresenting the <strong>Arbonne</strong> opportunity. It works so wellbecause it’s a dialogue. You are imparting informationabout the <strong>Arbonne</strong> opportunity and productssimultaneously (you can’t talk about the businesswithout talking about the products, after all!), but youare also listening to your prospect and speaking toher interests and concerns.Lead With Your WhyEstablishing a personal connection is important togetting the One-on-One Meeting off on the rightfoot. One way to do that is to start out by telling yourpersonal <strong>Arbonne</strong> Why story. Talk about the thingsyou’ve set out to achieve with your consultancy andthe things you’ve been able to achieve so far. Let herknow about the difference <strong>Arbonne</strong> has made in yourlife and the difference you’ve seen it make for others.Also, tell her about the difference you think it canmake for her:I’ve been absolutely amazed to see howthis opportunity can actually change lives. Ihave seen people in this company who wereonce scared to stand up in front of an audiencewho are now the best public speakersI have ever heard. You know, Kathy, I reallythink that this could be life-changing for you.You’ve been successful as a waitress and inretail because you’re such a people person.That’s a valuable skill, and with <strong>Arbonne</strong> youcan turn that skill into a substantial earningopportunity.Remember the four sponsoring steps we discussedin the last chapter:• Ask questions and listen• Share benefits• Handle objections and answer questions• CloseTake a minute and review each of those steps beforeeach One-on-One Meeting, and think about howeach will apply to this particular prospect. That willhelp prepare you for a successful meeting.58 |
Booking at the One-on-One MeetingThe One-on-One Meeting is also a great place tobook a Group Presentation. As we mentioned inthe last chapter, it can present an opportunity for aprospect who isn’t quite ready to take the leap intobeing an <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultant to getmore familiar with the business. So even if your prospectisn’t ready to be an Independent Consultant,using the One-on-One Meeting to book a GroupPresentation is a worthwhile use of your time.Tammy, you have asked so many greatquestions today, and I thank you for yourtime. I’d love to shower you with <strong>Arbonne</strong>products as another way to say thanks. OurHost Rewards program is so generous andI know you’d have fun with your friends …plus, who doesn’t like to be rewarded?How about we schedule a Presentationfor next week. I have Tuesday or Friday at7 p.m. available.Follow-up is especially important — be sure yougather prospect information and set a time to speak:orIs Thursday night between 4–5 p.m. good foryou? Great, I’ll come by then.Is Thursday night between 4–5 p.m. good foryou? No? Not a problem. How about Friday,between 4–6 p.m.? Great, I’ll see you then.Sampling can lead to sales, Group Presentations,One-on-One Meetings or to sponsoring a newBusiness Builder. It really is a way you can buildyour “Dream Team.”SamplingYour 2+2+2 target is to hand out two samples perday. Sampling is a tried-and-true method for buildingan <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy. It gives you something totalk about on the spot, it provides you with an opportunityto follow up, and it introduces your prospect tothe quality of the <strong>Arbonne</strong> products.Sampling isn’t just a good way to get people to tryproduct — it’s a good way to reach the people youwant most to be part of your consultancy. So bebrave and approach the people you want most tobe part of your team.When you do, be sure to:• Tell them why you like the product• Describe the results they’ll see• Describe any unique formula information• Tell them how this product has benefited youand/or your family• Share information about complementaryproducts (e.g., <strong>Arbonne</strong> Cosmetics andRE9 Advanced)• Gather prospect contact information (name,phone number and/or email)• Schedule a time to follow up in two tothree days| 59
SponsoringYour Dream TeamWho is on your Dream Team? Think of five people you would absolutely love to have join you in <strong>Arbonne</strong> as aBusiness Builder. Challenge yourself; think of people who take your breath away because they impress you somuch. Write their names below, why you picked them and how <strong>Arbonne</strong> will add value to their lives:NameWhy I picked themHow <strong>Arbonne</strong> will addvalue to their livesOkay … go tell them, “You can do it!” These first few months have prepared you for this moment. Let yourpassion and enthusiasm for your new consultancy shine through, and you’ll do just fine.The Months to ComeThis workbook walks you through your first three months with <strong>Arbonne</strong>, and you’ve got many more months tocome in your consultancy. Use the basic skills you’ve acquired here to guide you through the months ahead,and use this workbook as a reference whenever you need it. When you repeat this activity, consistently, everymonth, you’ll build a strong consultancy and experience success. Remember — momentum builds moremomentum, and activity is the definition of momentum for your consultancy. Success is yours to achieve … itonly gets better from here!60 |
Chapter 6Caring for Your ClientsIn this workbook we’ve talked a lot about the activities that can lead to success. We’vetalked about income-producing activities, such as prospecting, booking, selling andsponsoring. And we’ve stressed some recommended, consistent monthly targets:• 30+ new contacts every month• 2 Group Presentations per week + 2 One-on-One Meetings per week + 2 samplesper dayBut there’s one other vital activity that we haven’t yet discussed in detail: Caring foryour Clients.| 61
A Chain of BusinessYour Clients are the backbone of your <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancy. The relationships you develop with them today canmean literally years of future business and product sales. Plus, each Client relationship you nurture can result ina “chain” of business with almost unlimited potential. Consider this example:Contact Event Clients Added Team Member AddedYou meet Marie at a Group Presentation.She makes a product purchase.You follow up with Marie; she decides tohave her own Group Presentation. You gettwo bookings from her Presentation and twoPreferred Clients.1 new Client (Marie)5 new Clients at Marie’s GroupPresentation, 2 new PreferredClients.You schedule a One-on-One Meeting withKelly, one of Marie’s guests, and she joinsyour team as an Independent Consultant.1 new Independent ConsultantThe first of the two booked GroupPresentations from Marie’s party is a bigsuccess! You sign up three Preferred Clients.Your follow-up with two guests leads to oneadditional Group Presentation and one newPreferred Client.You hold two Group Presentations frombookings you got at the last party andone person signs up as an IndependentConsultant.TOTAL SO FAR12 new Clients at the GroupPresentation, 3 new PreferredClients6 new Clients at the GroupPresentation, 1 new PreferredClient10 new Clients at the GroupPresentations34 Clients and 6 newPreferred Clients1 new Independent Consultant2 Independent ConsultantsThat’s what can happen in just a short time. As long as you keep booking and following up, and continue tokeep in touch with your Clients, there’s no reason a chain of business ever has to end. And every Client is apotential chain of business!62 |
What is Customer Service?Customer service is really as simple as the Golden Rule: treat your Clients, including Preferred Clients, the wayyou’d like to be treated yourself. It’s also one of the most important things you can do. It builds your reputation asa business professional — and as people grow to know, trust and like you, they’ll recommend you to others aswell. To a great extent, good customer service is just being polite and considerate, and letting your Clients knowthat you value and care about them as individuals.Here are a few easy things you can do that will makeyour service stand out:• Make your first impression count. Beingpleasant, polite and professional the very firsttime you meet your Client will establish a positiveimpression right from the start. You alwayswant to start yourself off on the right foot.• Return calls and emails. People like to knowthey can depend on you, and if you’re promptin getting back to them (within 48 hours) whenthey call or write, they’ll appreciate it.• Know your products. Take advantage ofevery product training opportunity you can,and learn as much as you can about yourproducts. Your Clients will come to see youas an expert, and they’ll know who to callif they have a question. And if they ask yousomething you don’t know, tell them you’llfind out, and follow through.• Keep your commitments. Whether it’s anappointment, a returned phone call or someinformation on a product, if you say you’ll do it,be sure to write it down and follow through. Youknow how it feels to be disappointed by a salesperson,and that’s not a feeling you want yourClients to have about you.• Keep your Clients in the loop. Clients like tofeel like they know what’s going on, and theyappreciate individual attention. So keep themupdated about specials, new products andother <strong>Arbonne</strong> news.• Empower your Clients to shop onlineif it is convenient for them. Guide yourClients on how to shop online through yourMy<strong>Arbonne</strong> website or directly for convenientordering. But, let them know you are alwaysavailable as the knowledgeable representativeto guide them with their orders and providecustomer service related to their orders.• Admit your mistakes and apologise. Nobodyexpects you to be perfect, but if you make amistake, such as forgetting to order a product,call right away and let your Client know.Sincerely apologise and let your Client knowwhat you’ll do to rectify the situation.• Keep it personal. You’ll impress yourClients when they see that you really listento them and that you’re making an effort tokeep in touch with them personally. Keepthem updated on products they like or aPresentation format you think they’ll enjoy.A personal note or email can go a long waytoward building a long-lasting and productivelong-term relationship.Working with Preferred ClientsPreferred Clients enjoy discounts and specialbenefits, so keeping them informed and buildinga relationship with them is important. Make surethey know how to place an order through their ownPreferred Client account using their <strong>Arbonne</strong> IDand that they know where to locate things on the<strong>Arbonne</strong> website. Remember, you want them tosee and understand how easy it is be a PreferredClient with <strong>Arbonne</strong>. Plus, a Preferred Client is oftena strong prospect to later become an IndependentConsultant interested in building a consultancy, soit’s a good idea to keep them up-to-date on howyour consultancy is doing and keep their interest ina potential business for themselves piqued:Karen, I just have to tell you — since the lasttime we spoke, my <strong>Arbonne</strong> consultancyis just exploding! My most recent commissioncheque from <strong>Arbonne</strong> almost matchesthe one I receive from my current full-timejob, and I’m just about to promote to AreaManager. Have you given any more thought tostarting your own <strong>Arbonne</strong> business? I knowas a Preferred Client you love the products,| 63
and I think you’d also love how additionalincome from selling <strong>Arbonne</strong> products couldmake a difference in your life.Be pleasant, be professional, and be patient. It cantake some time for a Preferred Client to decide tobecome an Independent Consultant, but if you nurturethe relationship, when the time is right you’ll gaina Business Builder who is already knowledgeableabout our products and committed to <strong>Arbonne</strong>.Follow UpGood customer service begins as soon as yousay “hi” to any prospect. From then on, you representthe company to them and it’s really all aboutconsistency. Keeping in touch with a Client andgenerating repeat business is much easier thanacquiring a new Client.Here’s a method for keeping in touch:• A couple of days after the products are delivered,place a quick call to each of the guestsat the Group Presentation.Stephanie, I’m just calling to makesure you received your <strong>Arbonne</strong>products and that everything is inorder. Any questions about whatyou ordered? Oh, and by the way —have you given any further thoughtto hosting your own Presentation?• Be sure you get an email address for eachClient, and keep them posted on what’s newand product promotions.• Follow up by phone about a month after thesale. Find out how your Client is enjoying his/her products and if he/she needs to order more.You can also suggest complementary productsand offer to drop off a sample. And remind him/her that he/she can get products at a discountby becoming a Preferred Client.• Send greetings via mail or email to all yourClients. And not just in December — a notea few weeks before Mother’s Day or Father’sDay can generate goodwill and maybe someadditional business.Understanding Your Role inProviding Customer ServiceIt happens to even the best businesses. A Clientcalls, and he/she is not happy. Maybe it was aproduct that was left out of an order. Or an order thathasn’t arrived at all. Or a product that arrived broken,or that just didn’t live up to the Client’s expectations.What do you do?The fact is every customer service challenge like thisis truly an opportunity. Clients appreciate a salespersonwho can solve their problems for them, andas an <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultant, you’re in aposition to solve most of the problems your Clientswill encounter. The way you treat your Client and theservice you provide will leave a more lasting impressionthan the initial problem will.Following are recommendations for what you could do:• Listen carefully. In order to address the problem,you have to fully understand it. If yourClient is especially frustrated, she may “vent”her feelings. Don’t take this personally or reactdefensively. Once you get past the venting,you can begin to address the issue.• Empathise and apologise.That must be so frustrating for you. I’m sosorry this happened.• Take action to correct the situation as quicklyas possible.If you make a promise, keep it right away.There’s nothing worse you can do than topromise to do something and then notfollow through.If the problem is Home Office-related (damagedor missing product, shipment issues,etc.), let Customer Services know about itright away.Also alert your Sponsor/upline so he or sheis aware of the situation.• Follow up to be sure your Client is fully satisfied.Taking the time to double-check to be sure yourClient’s issue is resolved is one way to let herknow that you care about her as a person, andthat her satisfaction is really important to you. Itwill leave a lasting impression.Solving problems for Clients is personally rewarding,and it has long-term benefits. A Client whose experiencebegins with frustration and ends with caring,personal service is going to walk away with a longlasting,positive impression of you and of <strong>Arbonne</strong>.TIP:For more detailed information, we stronglyrecommend you become familiar with theSuccessPlan and Procedures Manual found inyour <strong>Start</strong>er Kit.64 |
Chapter 7Glossary of <strong>Arbonne</strong> Terms| 65
<strong>Arbonne</strong> Incentive Trip (AIT) — This incentive programrewards the business-building efforts of <strong>Arbonne</strong>Independent Consultants with the opportunity to earn anexciting trip. Please see published materials for full detailsabout the current AIT program.<strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultant — Any individualor entity who has submitted an Independent ConsultantApplication & Agreement that is accepted by <strong>Arbonne</strong> andwho paid the initial <strong>Start</strong>er Kit Fee or an Annual RenewalFee within the preceding 12 calendar months, regardlessof the level the Independent Consultant has achieved inthe <strong>Arbonne</strong> SuccessPlan.Business Builder — An <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultantwho is actively working to intentionally build an <strong>Arbonne</strong>consultancy, make an income and promote through the<strong>Arbonne</strong> Success Plan.Central District — Your Central District is comprised ofyou, your personally sponsored <strong>Arbonne</strong> IndependentConsultants and all other <strong>Arbonne</strong> IndependentConsultants sponsored by them and so on. When oneof your <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultants reaches thelevel of District Manager, then that <strong>Arbonne</strong> IndependentConsultant (new DM) and all <strong>Arbonne</strong> IndependentConsultants beneath him or her promote out from yourCentral District to form their own Central District — theyare then considered a promoted 1st Generation District.Client — An individual who purchases <strong>Arbonne</strong> productsfrom an <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultant but who is not aparticipant in the <strong>Arbonne</strong> SuccessPlan.Fast <strong>Start</strong> — Reach a total of 4,800 cumulative QV in1 or 2 consecutive months to earn all three rewards.Additionally, if you sponsor 3+ Independent Consultantswith 150 PQV each in their <strong>Start</strong> Month during your3-month <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> period, you will graduate, earn a$1,000 voucher, and be on the path toward promotingto District Manager. Refer to the Fast <strong>Start</strong> Program FAQsection of the <strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> Program at more detailed information.Host Rewards Program — Gifts, discounts and/or productsearned by the Host of a Group Presentation.Monthly Incentives — Reach monthly incentive benchmarksfor achieving your personal sales and sponsoringgoals. Monthly Incentive items do not have QV.Override Volume (OV) — OV, on which overrides arecalculated, is 65% of Retail Volume (RV).Personal Qualifying Volume (PQV) — The QualifyingVolume (QV) for product sales achieved by an <strong>Arbonne</strong>Independent Consultant in a calendar month; it includesvolume from Preferred Clients and Clients.Preferred Client (PC) — Preferred Clients register with<strong>Arbonne</strong> to purchase <strong>Arbonne</strong> products at a great valueand participate in our product promotions available tothis special client base through our Preferred ClientProgram. Preferred Clients are not <strong>Arbonne</strong> IndependentConsultants, and are not eligible to receive commissionsor sponsor others under the <strong>Arbonne</strong> SuccessPlan.Qualifying Volume (QV) — QV is the volume from productsales used to calculate overrides and commissions.All <strong>Arbonne</strong> products carry a designated QV value that<strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultants earn through the saleof those products. Please note that <strong>Start</strong>er Kits, BusinessAids, Sample Packs and product specials have no QV.Rank — The “title” that an <strong>Arbonne</strong> IndependentConsultant has achieved pursuant to the <strong>Arbonne</strong>SuccessPlan.Recommended Retail Price (RRP) — The price suggestedby <strong>Arbonne</strong> for the sale of <strong>Arbonne</strong> products toClients. <strong>Arbonne</strong> catalogues, websites and other productmarketing materials state the RRP for each <strong>Arbonne</strong>product. Sales of products at RRP enable <strong>Arbonne</strong>Independent Consultants to earn a retail commission.Right <strong>Start</strong> Value Pack (RSVP) — In an IndependentConsultant’s <strong>Start</strong> Month or the next month, he or she hasthe opportunity to select up to $1,000 RRP of productsfor $500 to resell for increased retail commissions, or usefor product demonstrations or personal use. Any <strong>Arbonne</strong>Independent Consultant who orders an RSVP during hisor her start month or next month and also achieves 1,000PQV of sales in that same time frame will qualify to earn asecond RSVP, an additional $1,000 RRP of products for anadditional $500. The sale of RSVPs to new IndependentConsultants in their start period generates a cash bonusto the upline. Independent Consultants may also purchasean RSVP each year they renew with <strong>Arbonne</strong>. RSVP purchasescarry a 350 QV.Sponsor — An <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultantwho is listed as the Sponsor on the IndependentConsultant Application & Agreement for another <strong>Arbonne</strong>Independent Consultant who submits such Application &Agreement to <strong>Arbonne</strong>. The act of assisting others to registerwith <strong>Arbonne</strong> and training them to become <strong>Arbonne</strong>Independent Consultants is called “sponsoring.”<strong>Start</strong> Month — The calendar month in which an individualbecomes an <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultant and isbound to the Agreement with <strong>Arbonne</strong>.<strong>Strong</strong> <strong>Start</strong> Program — A 90-day program for newConsultants to get into the recommended level of activityfor sponsoring Business Builders and selling <strong>Arbonne</strong>products to achieve and build a solid foundation for sustainablegrowth.Upline — The <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultant(s)above a particular <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultantin a sponsorship line up to <strong>Arbonne</strong>; however, each<strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultant has registered directlywith <strong>Arbonne</strong> by submitting an Independent ConsultantApplication & Agreement. Conversely stated, it is the lineof sponsors that links any particular <strong>Arbonne</strong> IndependentConsultant to the Company.66 |
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