Digital Enterprise Transformation - 360° Journal

Digital Enterprise Transformation - 360° Journal

Digital Enterprise Transformation - 360° Journal

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DRIVERSServiceAUTHORSProf. Dr. Axel Uhl is head of the Business <strong>Transformation</strong> Academy at SAP. He hasbeen a professor at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland(FHNW) since 2009. Axel Uhl received his doctorate in economics and hismaster in business information systems. He started his career at Allianz and workedfor DaimlerChrysler IT Services, KPMG, and Novartis. His main areas of research aresustainability and IT, leadership, and business transformation management.a.uhl[at]sap.comDipl. Kfm. Oliver Hanslik is a PhD-Student and an associate of the Business <strong>Transformation</strong>Academy (SAP). He studied business administration in Mannheim (Germany),Leuven (Belgium), and Seoul (South Korea). Former to SAP, Oliver Hanslikworked for Audi, TRW, and AFS GmbH. His areas of interest are sustainability, mobility,quality and marketing management.oliver.hanslik[at]sap.comREFERENCES1 Berger, R. (2006). Beschäftigung und Wohlstand. In: Schweickart, N., Töpfer, A., eds., WertorientiertesManagement – Innovation als Grundlage des Wachstums von Wirtschaft. Heidelberg:Springer, 139-156.2 Dohmen, C. (2011). Der Blau-Ökonom. Süddeutsche Zeitung, No. 94, 24.3 Pauli, G. (2010). The Blue Economy. In: Our planet, page 24-27. Available from: http://www.unep.org/pdf/OP_Feb/EN/OP-2010-02-EN-FULLVERSION.pdf [Accessed 05.12.2011].4 Pauli, G. (2011). Coffee: From Pulp to Protein. Available from: http://www.blueeconomy.eu/m/news/view/Coffee-from-Pulp-to-Protein [Accessed 05.12.2011].5 Pauli, G. (2010). The Blue Economy – 10 Years, 100 Innovations, 100 Million Jobs. New Mexico:Paradigm, 171-178.6 Pauli, G. (2011). The Vortex: The Power of Gravity. Available from: http://www.blueeconomy.eu/m/news/view/The-Vortex-The-Power-of-Gravity [Accessed 05.12.2011].7 Pauli, G. (2010). The Blue Economy – 10 Years, 100 Innovations, 100 Million Jobs. New Mexico:Paradigm, 167-170.8 Fraunhofer Institut (2011). Energy Harvesting. Available from: http://www.iis.fraunhofer.de/bf/ec/em/eh/ [Accessed 05.12.2011].9 Klaussner, B. (2011). Fette Beute durch Mikroenergie. Available from: http://www.wissen.unifreiburg.de/forschungsmagazin/uniwissen/fette-beute-durch-mikroenergie,6.htm[Accessed05.12.2011].10 Zeug, K. (2011). Kraftwerk im Kleinformat. Available from: http://www.zeit.de/2007/39/T-Wackelmotor[Accessed 05.12.2011].11 Pauli, G. (2012). The Super Formula and Super Antennas. Available from http://www.blueeconomy.eu/m/news/view/Using-the-Super-Formula-for-building-Super-Antennas [Accessed 25.07.2012].12 BASF (2011). “Business case: Production Verbund”. Available from: http://www.basf.com/group/corporate/en/sustainability/economy/production-verbund [Accessed 05.12.2011].13 Eglau, H.O. (1998). Erfolg gegen alle Moden. Available from: http://www.zeit.de/1998/46/Erfolg_gegen_alle_Moden/seite-1 [Accessed 05.12.2011].21INTERESTING LINKS►►Blue Economy: http://www.blueeconomy.eu►►Zero Emissions Research and Initiatives (ZERI): http://www.zeri.org

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