Digital Enterprise Transformation - 360° Journal

Digital Enterprise Transformation - 360° Journal

Digital Enterprise Transformation - 360° Journal

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Evolution of IT-GovernanceMETHODOLOGY | RESEARCH<strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> als 4. TitelAxel RS 17.09.2012Local BusinessIntegration throughERP, CRMGlobalIT StandardizationIT Agility<strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong>Local ERP, SCM, CRM, etc Global Systems SOA & BPMStrong IT GovernanceBusiness EngineeringBalanced Governance:IT – Business –Employees – CustomerCustomerCCCCITITIT-GovernanceIT-GovernanceBBusinessITIT-GovernanceBITBITIT-GovernanceBEEmployeeLegend:BPM: Business Process ManagementECRM: Customer Relationship ManagementERP: <strong>Enterprise</strong> Resource PlanningESCM: Supply Chain ManagementSOA: Service Oriented ArchitectureE37© 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 5media contents include a variety of newsources of online information that arecreated, initiated, circulated, and used byconsumers with the intent of educatingone another about products, brands, services,and issues (Blackshaw and Nazzaro2006). Blackshaw (2006) describesthe principle as “media impressions createdby consumers, typically informedby relevant experience, and archived orshared online for easy access by otherimpressionable consumers”. The socialmedia landscape includes a variety of applicationsin the technical sense, such associal networking (e.g. LinkedIn), microblogging(e.g. Twitter), blogs, Wikis, andcollaboration portals (e.g. MindMeister),which allow consumers to “post”, “tag”,“dig”, “blog”, and so on, on the Internet.For the most part, social media are outsidethe sphere of influence of an IT departmentbut the business can use themto improve various processes. Socialmedia open up the possibility of settingup new ways of corporate communicationswith employees, customers andperhaps even suppliers. But it also offersthe individual a chance to interact with allaspects of life in one place – from fam-ily, friends and neighbors to colleaguesand customers – thus it diminishes thebarriers between the employees’ workinglives and their private lives.The term “big data” denotes the handlingand analyzing of large amounts of data,i.e. exceeding one terabyte. Processingand analyzing it means to derive informationand new knowledge from it. Technologieswhich facilitate the management ofbig data reinforce the role of IT becauseexisting data analyses can be performedmuch more quickly, which, in turn, helpsthe business side perform by offering innovationpotential for the business modelor processes. For example Business Intelligence(BI) reports can be enrichedwith an additional data layer to recognizehidden patterns – which can be usede.g. to create additional customer centricsales activities.The <strong>Digital</strong> Capability Frameworkand Maturity ModelOver time, the distribution of influenceof the key stakeholders on IT architectureschanged repeatedly (see fig. 5): Inthe phase of local business integration,Fig. 5: Evolutionof IT governanceand the influenceof the four stakeholders

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