Digital Enterprise Transformation - 360° Journal

Digital Enterprise Transformation - 360° Journal

Digital Enterprise Transformation - 360° Journal

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<strong>Digital</strong> Capability Maturity ConceptsCustomer CentricityMETHODOLOGY | RESEARCHSystemsCustomerRelationshipAdvertising/ MarketingLevel 4Level 3Level 2Level 0Level 1Deficient Basic Defined Advanced Optimized• New platforms and • Customer relationship • Real-time analyticscollection systems systems• Silo based• Mature, unconnectedsystems, e.g. collectionand billing• Example: Visa,MasterCard, Mortgage• Product focused• Departmental costreduction• Customer relationshipmanagers are identifiedand interact on a formalbasis• Product metrics• Shared Services• Risk-based operations• Customer relationshipmanagement• Customer InteractionCenter• Online campaigns• Profitability focus onsegments• Channel integration• Customer segmentation• Work with customer tosolve immediate andlong term issues• Systematic customerexperience collection• Intuitive on the goaccess• Customer profiling• Personalized offeringand pricing• Optimal balancebetween complexityand individuality• Mobile apps andadvertising• Intuitive on the goaccess• Customer co-innovation• <strong>Digital</strong> marketing• Customer profiling• Bundles combiningproducts, services, andknowledge39© 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved. 8only within the company but alsowith external partners and suppliers.−−IT Excellence: Breakthrough technologieswhich enhance the IT excellenceinclude real-time insightinto important company data, stability,digital security, agility, and dynamicplug-and-play functionality.The framework’s two “<strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Transformation</strong>Enabler” dimensions representthe underlying capabilities which haveto reach a certain level before it makessense to tackle a <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Transformation</strong>.−−<strong>Transformation</strong> Capability: This isknown as “Business <strong>Transformation</strong>Management”. It means the ability ofan organization to constantly reinventitself and successfully turn innovativeideas into reality.−−Innovation Capability: Successfullyachieving continuous and long-terminnovation presupposes certain conditions,including an effective innovationprocess, involving customersor thought leaders into the process,an open-minded company culture aswell as an appropriate working environment.An initial assessment of the “as-is” situationof a company in each of the six dimensionshelps:−−to provide support when defining thebest IT strategy approach (see fig. 2)Fig. 7: The<strong>Digital</strong> CapabilityMaturity Model includingan excerptof the maturitylevel definitionsof the dimensionCustomer Centricity(at the top)

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