etag 018 fire protective products part 2: reactive coatings ... - Aedilitia

etag 018 fire protective products part 2: reactive coatings ... - Aedilitia

etag 018 fire protective products part 2: reactive coatings ... - Aedilitia


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European Organisation for Technical ApprovalsEuropäische Organisation für Technische ZulassungenOrganisation Européenne pour l’Agrément TechniqueETAG <strong>018</strong>Edition June 2006GUIDELINE FOR EUROPEAN TECHNICAL APPROVALOFFIRE PROTECTIVE PRODUCTSPART 2:REACTIVE COATINGS FOR FIRE PROTECTIONOF STEEL ELEMENTSEOTA©Kunstlaan 40, Avenue des ArtsB-1040 Brussels

Table of ContentsFOREWORD........................................................................................................................…………...5Background.............................................................................................................................…….. 5List of reference documents ..........................................................................................……………5Updating conditions of reference documents ..................................................................................…. 51. PRELIMINARIES ........................................................................................................................….. 61.1. Legal basis ........................................................................................................................…..61.2. Status of ETA-Guidelines..................................................................................................... ..62. SCOPE .......................................................................................................................................….. 62.1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 62.2 Use categories, product families, kits and systems ................................................................62.2.1 General ........................................................................................................................62.2.2 Use categories related to environmental conditions ....................................................62.2.3 Use categories related to the element intended to be protected .................................72.3 Assumptions........................................................................................................................…73. TERMINOLOGY .........................................................................................................................…..73.1. Common terminology and abbreviations................................................................................73.2. Terminology specific to this Part 2 of the ETA-Guideline for Fire Protective Products..........74. REQUIREMENTS.....................................................................................................................…....94.0 General ...................................................................................................................…...........94.1. ER 1: Mechanical resistance and stability See Part 1 – General, Table 4.1........................94.2. ER 2: Safety in case of <strong>fire</strong> See Part 1 – General, Table 4.1................................................94.3. ER 3: Hygiene, health and the environment See Part 1 – General, Table 4.1.................. .94.4. ER 4: Safety in use............................................................................................................…94.4.1 Mechanical resistance and stability Not relevant ..............................................…...94.4.2 Resistance to impact/movement Not relevant .....................................................…..94.4.3 Adhesion ................................................................................................................….94.5. ER 5: Protection against noise See Part 1 – General, Table 4.1...................................…. 94.6. ER 6: Energy, economy and heat retention See Part 1 – General, Table 4.1......................94.7. Aspects of durability, serviceability and identification.......................................................….94.7.1 Serviceability..................................................................................................……..… Adhesion....................................................................................................………...94.7.2 Durability .......................................................................................................……….. Corrosion resistance................................................................................…………. Behaviour under different environmental conditions ......................................……. Resistance to chemicals...........................................................................………… Resistance to biological attack ..................................................................………..104.7.3 Identification...................................................................................................……………..105. SPECIFIC METHODS OF VERIFICATION............................................................................…….105.0 General ...........................................................................................................................… .105.0.1 Sampling and Test Specimens.....................................................................………...105.0.2 Conditioning of Tests Specimens and Test Conditions ......................................……115.0.3 Dry thickness of the <strong>reactive</strong> coating system.....................................................….... 115.0.4 Handling with primers and top coats..............................................................………. General.....................................................................................................………… Primer Evaluation .......................................................................................……… Top coat Evaluation.................................................................................…………..125.1 Mechanical resistance and stability......................................................................………….. 135.2 Safety in case of <strong>fire</strong>.......................................................................................…………........ 135.2.1 Reaction to <strong>fire</strong>.............................................................................................………… 135.2.2 Fire Resistance.............................................................................................………. 135.3 Hygiene, health and the environment.................................................................................. 145.4 Safety in use...…...................................................................................................................145.4.1 Mechanical Resistance & Stability……………………………………………………….. 145.4.2 Resistance to impact/movement........................................................................…… 14ETAG <strong>018</strong>2

5.4.3 Adhesion .....................................................................................................………... 145.5 Protection against noise...........................................................................................……….. 145.6 Energy economy and heat retention ................................................................................….145.7 Aspects of serviceability, durability and identification.......................................................….145.7.1 Serviceability...............................................................................................…………. Adhesion..................................................................................................…………. 145.7.2 Durability ........................................................................................................………. Corrosion resistance................................................................................………….. Behaviour under different environmental conditions .............................................. Initial test..............................................................................................………..… Exposure conditions for type Z2: Reactive coating system intended for internalconditions…..…………………………………………………………………………… Exposure conditions for type Z1: Reactive coating system intended for internalconditions with high humidity…………………………………………………………. Exposure conditions for Type Y: Reactive coating system intended for internaland semi-exposed conditions.……...............................................………………… Exposure conditions for Type X: Reactive coating system intended for allconditions………………………………………………………………………………. Resistance to chemicals........................................................................…………… Resistance to biological attack …..........................................................…………… 165.7.3 Identification ……………………………………………………………………………….. 166. ASSESSING AND JUDGING OF THE FITNESS FOR USE OF PRODUCTS FOR AN INTENDEDUSE................................................................................................................................…………. 186.1 Mechanical resistance and stability........................................................................................ 186.2 Safety in case of <strong>fire</strong>.............................................................................................................. 186.2.1 Reaction to <strong>fire</strong>...................................................................................................…… 186.2.2 Fire resistance ..........................................................................................………… 186.3 Hygiene, health and the environment....................................................................................…… 186.4 Safety in use..........................................................................................................................…. 186.4.1 Mechanical resistance and stability ........................................................................... 186.4.2 Resistance to impact/movement................................................................................ 186.4.3 Adhesion ....................................................................................................................186.5 Protection against Noise .......................................................................................................…. 186.6 Energy economy and heat retention .....................................................................................…. 186.7 Aspects of serviceability, durability and identification............................................................…. 186.7.1 Serviceability.............................................................................................................. Adhesion................................................................................................................. 196.7.2 Durability .................................................................................................................... Corrosion Resistance ............................................................................................. Behaviour under different environmental conditions ...........................................… Initial test...........................................................................................................… Criteria for exposure conditions for use categories Z1, Z2, Y and X..................… Resistance to chemicals (optional test) .................................................................. Resistance to biological attack (optional test) ........................................................ 196.7.3 Identification............................................................................................................... 197. ASSUMPTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS UNDER WHICH THE FITNESS FOR USE OF THEPRODUCTS IS ASSESSED ....................................................................................................... 207.1 Design of the works...............................................................................................................…… 207.2 Transport and storage...........................................................................................................…… 207.3 Execution of the works..........................................................................................................…….217.4 Maintenance and repair ........................................................................................................…… 218. EVALUATION OF CONFORMITY............................................................................................….. 228.1 EC decision ...........................................................................................................................……228.2 Responsibilities .....................................................................................................................……228.2.1 Tasks for the manufacturer.......................................................................................… Factory production control .................................................................................…. 228.2.2 Tasks for the approved body ...................................................................................… Initial type testing of the product)........................................................................…... Assessment of the FPC system -initial inspection and continuing surveillance......... Certification of Conformity ......................................................................................…… 24ETAG <strong>018</strong>3

8.3 Documentation ....................................................................................................................…248.4 CE marking and information ...............................................................................................… 249 THE ETA CONTENT ............................................................................................................…..259.1. The ETA-content...............................................................................................................….. 259.2. Additional information..........................................................................................................…25ANNEX A Reactive Coatings, Reactive Coating Kits – Initial test (Insulating Efficiency)……………. 26ANNEX B Testing for condition type X ............................................................................………….... 27ANNEX C Testing for conditions type Y .....................................………………………………………. 28ANNEX D Reaction to <strong>fire</strong> test.........……………………………………………………………………..…29ANNEX E Reactive Coatings – Determination of identification characteristics FINGERPRINT…... 30ANNEX F List of reference documents .....................................................................................….….32ANNEX G Tests procedure for determining the maximum foam height of intumescent materials..… 34ETAG <strong>018</strong>4

FOREWORDBackgroundThis ETA-Guideline has been drawn up by the EOTA Working Group 11.01/04 Fire Protective Products.This ETA-Guideline – Part 2 “Reactive <strong>coatings</strong> for <strong>fire</strong> protection of steel elements” shall be used inconjunction with the ETA-Guideline “Fire <strong>protective</strong> <strong>products</strong>” Part 1 “General”. This Complementary Partexpands and/or modifies the requirements given in Part 1 “General”, taking into account the specific familyof <strong>products</strong> referred to.This ETA-Guideline can be used to issue a ETA for <strong>fire</strong> <strong>protective</strong> <strong>coatings</strong> or <strong>fire</strong> <strong>protective</strong> coating kits.In all cases the ETA covers the <strong>reactive</strong> coating.There are three options:-Option 1: The ETA only covers the <strong>reactive</strong> coating product. This option can only be used for <strong>products</strong>that can be used directly on the steel substrate without any primer and/or topcoat.-Option 2: The ETA covers a <strong>reactive</strong> coating kit, i.e. in all cases the <strong>reactive</strong> coating product, anddepending on the kit one (or more) primers and/or one (or more) topcoats and/or one (or more)reinforcements. All components need to be identified, subjected to the assessment and all FPCrequirements. The <strong>reactive</strong> coating kit shall comprise at least two components.-Option 3: The ETA is issued for a product in end use conditions. The ETA only covers the <strong>reactive</strong>coating product, but one (or more) primers and/or one (or more) topcoats and/or one (or more)reinforcements are also identified. This identification may be specific (e.g. trade name, type) orgeneric (e.g. family of primers). All components of the product in end use conditions are subjectedto the assessment, but only the <strong>reactive</strong> coating product is subjected to the FPC requirements.Option 1 Option 2: Option 3:Reactive product Reactive Coating Kit Reactive Coating Kit consideringthe product in end use conditionsNote: The CE marking in the drawings indicates which component(s) will be covered by the ETA.Manufacturers are responsible for ensuring that <strong>products</strong> covered by an ETA issued on the basis of this<strong>part</strong> 2 of ETAG <strong>018</strong>, will comply with all relevant requirements from applicable European Directives e.g.Directive 67/548/EEC, Directive 76/548/EEC, Directive 76/769/EEC, Directive 91/155/EEC, Directive1999/45/EC and• Directive 1999/77/EC: Before affixing the CE Marking. Approval bodies are responsible for ensuring thatthe ETA addresses all relevant provisions, when and where applicable.List of reference documentsThis ETA-Guideline Part 2 incorporates, by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications.These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications arelisted in annex F. For dated references subsequent amendments to, or revisions of these publications,apply to this ETAG only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references thelatest dated revision of the publication referred to, applies.Updating conditions of reference documentsThe updating conditions of the ETA-Guidelines are given in Part 1 "General" - clause 1.1.ETAG <strong>018</strong>5

1. PRELIMINARIESSection One:INTRODUCTION1.1. LEGAL BASISThe legal basis of the ETA-Guideline is given in Part 1: “General” – clause1.1. No existing ETA-Guideline is superseded.1.2. STATUS OF ETA-GUIDELINESThe Status of this ETA-Guideline is given in Part 1: “General” – clause 1.2.2. SCOPE2.1 SCOPEThis <strong>part</strong> 2 shall be used in conjunction with Part 1 “General”.This ETA-Guideline Part 2 “Reactive Coatings for <strong>fire</strong> protection of steel elements” specifiesthe terminology and definitions, the specific methods of verification and for identification. It alsogives guidance on the installation instructions and for the Attestation of Conformity for these<strong>products</strong>.An ETA issued on the basis of this ETA-Guideline will cover <strong>reactive</strong> <strong>coatings</strong> or <strong>reactive</strong>coating kits to be used on steel elements. In each case, the ETA will cover at least the <strong>reactive</strong>coating layer (see Foreword). This ETAG can also be used as a basis for the assessment of<strong>reactive</strong> <strong>coatings</strong> or <strong>reactive</strong> coating kits on cast iron elements. Properties that are independentof the substrate can be assessed with steel substrate (e.g. durability).This ETA-Guideline does not cover1 factory-coated steel elements, where the ‘product’ is the element itself.2 <strong>products</strong> placed on the market in the form of prefabricated, preformed shells which areapplied to structural elements on site.2.2 USE CATEGORIES, PRODUCT FAMILIES, KITS AND SYSTEMS2.2.1 GeneralThe ETA-Guideline <strong>018</strong> is divided into the following <strong>part</strong>s:-Part 1: General -Part 2: Reactive <strong>coatings</strong> for <strong>fire</strong> protection of steel elements-Part 3: Renderings and rendering kits intended for <strong>fire</strong> resisting applications-Part 4: Fire Protective Boards, Slab and Mat Products and KitsIn this <strong>part</strong>, additional specifications are given for <strong>reactive</strong> coating systems. The componentspecifications are either specified in:-in this ETA-Guideline; or-European technical specifications as referred to in the Construction Products Directive,i.e. harmonized European product standards as published by CEN or EuropeanTechnical Approvals as published by EOTA.2.2.2 Use categories related to environmental conditionsThe use categories related to the type of environmental conditions are based on the generalprinciples specified in Part 1 ”General” of this ETAG, clause 2.2.2. The use categories are thefollowing:-Type X: Reactive coating system intended for all conditions (internal, semi-exposedand exposed)-Type Y: Reactive coating system intended for internal and semi-exposed conditions.Semi exposed includes temperatures below zero, but no exposure to rain andETAG <strong>018</strong>6

limited exposure to UV (but UV is not assessed).-Type Z1: Reactive coating system intended for internal conditions (excluding temperaturesbelow zero) with high humidity. 1-Type Z2: Reactive coating system intended for internal conditions (excluding temperaturesbelow zero) with humidity classes other than Z1Note: Products that meet the requirements for type X, meet the requirements for all other types. Productsthat meet the requirements for type Y, also meet the requirements for types Z1 and Z2. Productsthat meet the requirements for type Z1, also meet the requirements for type Z2.Note, however, that although a <strong>reactive</strong> coating system is intended for internal use only theconstruction process may result in a <strong>reactive</strong> coating system being subjected to exposed conditionsfor a period before the building envelope is closed. There are two possibilities:1 Special provisions are made to temporarily protect the exposed <strong>reactive</strong> <strong>coatings</strong> accordingto the instructions of the manufacturer which are referenced in the ETA.2 The <strong>reactive</strong> coating should be evaluated as if it were to be used for exposed applications(type X).The product's resistance to specific environmental conditions is not covered in this <strong>part</strong> of theETAG and may be assessed on a case by case basis as necessary. The approval body shallobtain suitable evidence for the assessment and present details in the ETA.2.2.3 Use categories related to the element intended to be protectedThe use categories are identified in Part 1 – General as Types 1 – 10. This Guideline coversthe application of <strong>reactive</strong> <strong>coatings</strong> to use types 4, 6 and 10.2.3 ASSUMPTIONSThe assumptions made are given in Part 1 "General" - clause 2.3The provisions, test and assessment methods in this guideline, or referred to, have been writtenbased on the assumed working life of the product for the intended use of 10 years. Theprovisions are based upon the current state of art and the available knowledge and experience.An estimated working life of 25 years shall only be assumed in the case where the applicantcan offer, in addition to the above, for examination by the Approval Body, sufficient documentedproof to demonstrate the use of the <strong>reactive</strong> coating system for a period of 25 years inthe environmental conditions claimed (see 2.2.2).3. TERMINOLOGY3.1. COMMON TERMINOLOGY AND ABBREVIATIONSThe common terminology and abbreviations are given in Part 1 "General" - clause 3.13.2. TERMINOLOGY SPECIFIC TO THIS PART 2 OF THE ETA-GUIDELINE FOR FIREPROTECTIVE PRODUCTSFor the purpose of this ETA-Guideline Part 2 the following definitions apply:Reactive coating system: Fire <strong>protective</strong> <strong>reactive</strong> coating systems normally comprise theprimer, the <strong>reactive</strong> coating and the top coat. In some instances a reinforcing mesh is used.Note: It is possible that a single coating may perform one or more of the functions described, whichmeans that the “<strong>reactive</strong> coating system” comprises only the <strong>reactive</strong> coating.1 These conditions apply for internal humidity class 5 in accordance with EN ISO 13788ETAG <strong>018</strong>7

Primer: a coating applied directly to a suitably prepared steel surface to provide corrosionprotection and/or to act as an aid to the adhesion of the <strong>reactive</strong> coating.Reactive coating: coating which is specially formulated to provide a chemical reaction uponheating such that the physical form changes and in so doing provides <strong>fire</strong> protection by thermalinsulation and cooling effectsIntumescent layer expand by foaming when exposed to heat in the conditions of a <strong>fire</strong>Ablative layer could slightly expand due to the formation of a char when exposed to <strong>fire</strong>. Energywill be consumed in <strong>fire</strong> conditions through chemical and or physical processes creatingthe charred substance.Topcoat: coating applied over the <strong>reactive</strong> coating as a protection against environmental degradationand/or for decorative purposes.Reinforcing mesh: mesh of relatively small aperture size (e.g. metal, fibre glass) applied inclose proximity or fixed to the substrate, which allows penetration of the <strong>reactive</strong> coating, toproduce a good key.Kit: For a definition of the term “kit” see EC Guidance Paper C. For kits based on <strong>reactive</strong><strong>coatings</strong> the kit will be composed by the <strong>reactive</strong> coating product, and, at least, one of theother components (primer, topcoat and/or reinforcing mesh) of the <strong>reactive</strong> coating system.See also the foreword with the explanation of kits and <strong>products</strong> in end use conditions.Batch: The unit or quantity of production in a single complete production operation. The volumewhich constitutes a batch in converting the raw material into the finished product is called“batch size”.ETAG <strong>018</strong>8

Section two :GUIDANCE FOR THE ASSESSMENTOF THE FITNESS FOR USE4. REQUIREMENTS4.0 GENERALThe performance requirements, establishing the fitness for use of Fire Protective Productsbased on <strong>reactive</strong> coating systems shall be in accordance with Part 1 “General” – chapter 4and with the following specific stipulations for this family of <strong>products</strong>.4.1 ER 1: MECHANICAL RESISTANCE AND STABILITY See Part 1 – General, Table 4.14.2. ER 2: SAFETY IN CASE OF FIRE See Part 1 – General, Table 4.1If there is a national requirement for a resistance to <strong>fire</strong> classification using the slow heatingcurve ("IncSlow" according to EN 13501-2; see also ENV 13381-4) the product shall be subjectedto the appropriate test.4.3. ER 3: HYGIENE, HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT See Part 1 – General, Table Air and/or water permeability See Part 1 – General4.3.2 Release of dangerous substancesFurther restrictions compared to the European directives (see FOREWORD) may be imposedby single member states, If there exists national restrictions concerning dangerous substancesconsider the database of the European Commission.4.4. ER 4: SAFETY IN USE4.4.1 Mechanical resistance and stability Not relevant4.4.2 Resistance to impact/movement Not relevant4.4.3 AdhesionNote: This requirement has been placed under 4.7.1 Serviceability, but is related to other requirementsas well, in <strong>part</strong>icular to ER2 and ER4.4.5. ER 5: PROTECTION AGAINST NOISE See Part 1 – General, Table 4.14.6. ER 6: ENERGY, ECONOMY AND HEAT RETENTION See Part 1 – General, Table 4.14.7 ASPECTS OF DURABILITY, SERVICEABILITY AND IDENTIFICATIONThe performance of the <strong>fire</strong> <strong>protective</strong> <strong>products</strong> shall not change significantly during the workinglife. Therefore the properties on which the suitability and in <strong>part</strong>icular the Fire resistancebehaviour depend shall not be significantly affected by ambient physico-chemical effects suchas corrosion or degradation in <strong>part</strong>icular caused by environmental conditions (e.g. moisture,chemical agents).4.7.1 Serviceability4.7.1.1 AdhesionThe <strong>reactive</strong> coating system shall adhere to the substrates, such that the system will have theETAG <strong>018</strong>9

equired <strong>fire</strong> <strong>protective</strong> performance.4.7.2 DurabilityThe performance of <strong>fire</strong> <strong>protective</strong> <strong>reactive</strong> coating systems shall not deteriorate during theirassumed intended working life so as to affect significantly the performance of the <strong>products</strong> inrelation to fulfilling all the Essential Requirements 2 to 6, especially the <strong>protective</strong> effects incase of <strong>fire</strong>. The <strong>reactive</strong> coating system should be durable under service conditions, such as:-Humidity: see of temperature and relative humidity, rain and radiation of the sun: see attack: see attack: see Corrosion resistanceThe <strong>reactive</strong> coating system shall not react adversely with the intended substrate(s) and whererequired the primer and/or the <strong>reactive</strong> coating shall provide corrosion protection to the substrate. Behaviour under different environmental conditionsThe <strong>fire</strong> behaviour of the <strong>reactive</strong> coating system shall not change significantly during theworking life, if <strong>reactive</strong> coating systems are used in the defined use conditions. The ETA-Applicant's shall claim durability of the <strong>reactive</strong> coating system according to the use categoriesin chapter Resistance to chemicalsReactive coating systems may or may not be influenced in their function by chemicals. Forspecific areas of application, where <strong>reactive</strong> coating systems may be exposed to chemicalsadditional verifications may be required.The testing of resistance to chemicals is optional testing in accordance with the ETA-Applicant´claims. Resistance to biological attackReactive <strong>coatings</strong> may be influenced in their function by biological effects, i.e. mould growth orsubject to deterioration due to attack by insects or mammals, e. g. rodents. This ETA-Guideline foresees no assessment to cover this eventuality. In general, it is an assumption thatdesign provisions will prevent deterioration from occurring (see chapter 7). Where approvalbodies expect biological attack to be of <strong>part</strong>icular importance for specific <strong>products</strong>, additional,case-by-case assessment should take place, taking into account the nature of the biologicalagent.4.7.3 IdentificationThe materials used in the <strong>fire</strong> <strong>protective</strong> <strong>reactive</strong> coating system shall be identifiable as to theirproperties which have an influence on the ability of the <strong>reactive</strong> coating system to fulfil the EssentialRequirement.The determination of characteristics and properties of the product for identification purposesshall be specified in tests listed in section 5.7.35. SPECIFIC METHODS OF VERIFICATION5.0 GENERALThis Chapter refers to the verification methods used to determine the various aspects of performanceof the product in relation to the requirements for the works (calculation, tests, engineeringknowledge, site experience, etc.) as set out in chapter 4. The methods of verificationgiven in Part 1 "General" - chapter 5 apply, except where modified or specified below (see table5.1).ETAG <strong>018</strong>10

5.0.1 Sampling and Test SpecimensWhere possible, samples of the product for all approval tests shall be taken at the manufacturingsite (storage, production) and shall be representative of the <strong>reactive</strong> coating or <strong>reactive</strong>coating kit for which approval is being sought.All samples for test specimens for each product shall be representative for the product placedonto the market. All samples for test specimens shall be taken at the same time, and from thesame batch, in accordance with EC Guidance Paper K, ensuring that approval test results canbe validated for initial type testing under attestation of conformity (see chapter 8). If samplingat the same time is impossible for practical reasons, measures shall be taken to ensure that allsamples taken have identical constituents and composition. In the latter case the ApprovalBody needs to provide relevant evidence of measures taken to those responsible for attestationof conformity.The specimens for approval tests shall as far as possible be prepared at the same time in orderto minimize differences caused by variations in specimen preparation. This is in order torelate the characteristics of the material to the performance achieved.Where relevant, the specimen substrate shall be a grade of steel (S designation) to the EN10025series (excluding S 185) of standards. Engineering grades (E designation) shall not beused. Where galvanized steel is used as substrate, EN ISO 1460 or EN ISO 1461 apply.The surface of the steel used for the specimens shall reflect the surface conditions claimed bythe ETA-Applicant, as specified in the application instructions for the product.5.0.2 Conditioning of Tests Specimens and Test ConditionsThe coating on the test specimens shall be applied and fully cured according to the ETAapplicantsinstructions.Except where special conditioning is specified in a referenced test method the prepared testspecimens shall be conditioned at (23 ± 2) o C and (50 ± 5) % relative humidity.The laboratory conditions at the start of <strong>fire</strong> testing shall be (20 ± 10)°C according toEN 1363- Dry thickness of the <strong>reactive</strong> coating systemThe dry film thickness of all layers of the <strong>reactive</strong> coating system shall be determined directlyupon the test specimen, once the coating is fully dried. The thickness shall be measured usingan instrument employing either the electro-magnetic induction principle or the eddy currentprinciple with a probe contact diameter of at least 2,5 mm according to EN ISO 2808.The measurements points should be uniformly distributed over the surface of the test samplewith a minimum number of 40 per m 2 .5.0.4 Assessment Approach for primers and top coats5.0.4.1 GeneralFire <strong>protective</strong> <strong>reactive</strong> coating systems normally comprise the primer, the <strong>reactive</strong> coating andthe top coat. Some <strong>reactive</strong> <strong>coatings</strong> can be applied directly on the substrate without primerFor a <strong>reactive</strong> coating kit or <strong>reactive</strong> coating kit in end use conditions, consisting of one <strong>reactive</strong>layer and one or more primers and/or one or more top coats, both primers and top coatsmay be referred to specifically (by trade name and type) or generically ( generic <strong>products</strong> orgeneric families, in case of primers). Specific or generic <strong>products</strong> shall be specified in the ETAaccording to the available technical specifications (e.g. EN or ETA) and, when this is not possible,by reference to proprietary items, physical dimensions and material performance. In caseof primers, when they are not specific, reference to the generic families indicated in be made. Primer EvaluationThere are two options for assessing primers and covering primers in the ETA:Specific primers or Generic primersThe most commonly used primer families are the following:-Short/medium oil alkyd primers;-Two component epoxy primers;-Zinc rich epoxy primers (containing about 85% by weight of metallic zinc powder);ETAG <strong>018</strong>11

-Zinc silicate primersNote 1: Primers not covered by the families identified above may be grouped in other families of primersbased on the binder (e.g. oil alkyd, epoxy), carrier (organic solvent/water) and pigment (e. g. inhibitiveor non-inhibitive) type.Durability testing with a primer from the generic type of zinc rich epoxy primer does not covergalvanized steel, for instance hot dip galvanised steel. Galvanized steel is treated as anotherform of “primer” and has to be tested separately.All tests/assessments according to 5.2 to 5.7 shall be carried out with a primer chosen by theapplicant. However, where the <strong>reactive</strong> coating system is intended to be used with more thanone primer, an insulation efficiency test is necessary for the additional primers. Only oneprimer from a primer family is subjected to testing.Note 2: It is assumed that the result “pass” ( see within the insulation efficiency test is an indicationof a comparable behaviour in all other tests (e. g. <strong>fire</strong> resistance tests, durability test).It is recognized that in the majority of cases the steel elements will arrive on site alreadyprimed. In such instances, it is necessary for the <strong>reactive</strong> coating applicator to ensure that theprimer is compatible with the <strong>reactive</strong> coating. For this case provisions are given in chapter 7.However, where the primer is found to be a type not covered by the ETA, the appliedcoating is not covered by the ETA. Top coat EvaluationAll tests according to chapter 5.7.2 should be conducted without a top coat unless the top coatis necessary to provide the required performance under the <strong>part</strong>icular exposure conditions. Inthis case the <strong>reactive</strong> coating should be tested with the specified top coat.If the <strong>reactive</strong> coating system is claimed to be equally suitable with and without topcoat forenvironmental conditions types Z1 and Z2 the initial tests ( shall be performed withpanels with and without topcoat to show that the topcoat has no influence on the insulationefficiency. For determining the insulation efficiency after exposure, it is sufficient to perform thetests without topcoat. The top coat is specified in the ETA. The colour of the topcoat has noinfluence on the result of the durability assessment for types Z1 and Z2. Therefore there is noneed to test different colours of the topcoat. The ETA is valid for all top coat colours.For environmental use categories type Y and type X the test results could be influenced by thevarious top coat types and their colours. No generic approach is possible in relation to the typeof top coat and the applicant has to test all top coats. However, in order to cover all colours ofa <strong>part</strong>icular top coat, a colour having an index L< 50 on the CIELAB 2 scale (see ISO 7724)shall be selected for test. The decision to choose the colour of the top coat used in durabilityassessment is taken by the Approval Body and the ETA-Applicant. The test results are validfor the tested top coat and all its different colours.Table 5.1: Relationship between ETAG paragraph on product performance, product characteristicsand ETAG paragraph on verification methodERER1ETAG section on product performanceNot relevant for these <strong>products</strong>ETAG section on verification methodof product characteristicsReactive Coating systemER2 4.2. Safety in case of <strong>fire</strong> 5.2.1 Reaction to <strong>fire</strong>ER34.3 Hygiene, health and the environment4.3.1 Air and/or water permeability 4.3.2Release of dangerous substances5.2.2 Fire Resistance5.3 See Part 1 General 5.3.1 Not relevant5.3.2 Release of dangerous substances2“Commission International de le Eclairage” (CIE) system of colour space defines lightness/darkness (L)scale in CIELAB units. White is defined as L = 100 and black as L = 0.ETAG <strong>018</strong>12

ER44.4 Safety in use 4.4.1 Mechanical resistanceand stabilityNot relevant4.4.2 Resistance to impact/movement Not relevant4.4.3 Adhesion No specific verification but see 5.7.1 ServiceabilityER5 4.5 Protection against noise 5.5 See Part 1 GeneralER6 4.6 Energy, economy and heat retention 5.6 See Part 1 General4.7 Durability, serviceability and identification4.7.1 Serviceability4.7.1.1 Adhesion4.7.2 Durability4.7.2.1 Corrosion resistance4.7.2.2 Behaviour under different environmentalconditions4.7.2.3 Resistance to chemicals4.7.2.4 Resistance to biological attack4.7.3 Identification 5.7.3 Identification5.7 Durability, serviceability and identification5.7.1 Serviceability5.7.1.1 Adhesion5.7.2 Durability5.7.2.1 Corrosion resistance5.7.2.2 Behaviour under different environmentalconditions5. Initial test5. Exposure conditions for TypeZ2: Reactive coating system intendedfor internal conditions5. Exposure conditions for TypeZ1: Reactive coating system intendedfor internal conditions with high humidity5. Exposure conditions for TypeY: Reactive coating system intended forinternal and semi-exposed conditions5. Exposure conditions for TypeX: Reactive coating system intended forall conditions5.7.2.3 Resistance to chemical5.7.2.4 Resistance to biological attack5.1 MECHANICAL RESISTANCE AND STABILITYThis Essential Requirement is not relevant for these <strong>products</strong>.5.2 SAFETY IN CASE OF FIRE5.2.1 Reaction to <strong>fire</strong>The <strong>reactive</strong> coating system shall be tested, using the test method(s) relevant for the correspondingreaction to <strong>fire</strong> class, in order to be classified according to EN 13501-1. Where aEuro-class better than F for reaction to <strong>fire</strong> is a requirement in national building regulationstests should be carried out using the test methods relevant for the corresponding reaction to<strong>fire</strong> class.Guidance on mounting and fixing arrangements for tests in accordance with the test methodsis given in Annex D of this document. If the <strong>reactive</strong> coating system is intended to be used withor without a top coat then both situations shall be tested.5.2.2 Fire ResistanceIn order for an ETA to be issued for the <strong>reactive</strong> coating or <strong>reactive</strong> coating kit it shall be thesubject of at least one <strong>fire</strong> resistance test and shall be classified according to EN 13501-2. Themethod of application of water based paints does not significantly affect the results so anymethod may be used but spray application is recommended. Solvent based paints are muchETAG <strong>018</strong>13

more sensitive to the method of application and spray application should be used unless themanufacturer specifies a different method which should then be used.Note 1: If there is a national requirement for a resistance to <strong>fire</strong> classification using the slowheating curve ("IncSlow" according to EN 13501-2) the smouldering curve according toEN 1363-2 shall be used when the product is subjected to a resistance to <strong>fire</strong> test. Thetest method is described in ENV 13381-4.5.3 HYGIENE, HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT5.3.1 Air and/or water permeabilityNot relevant5.3.2 Release of dangerous substancesRegarding the release/content of dangerous substances the ETA-applicant shall declare thatno substances as specified in EC-database are used for the production of his <strong>reactive</strong> <strong>coatings</strong>ystem.5.4 SAFETY IN USE5.4.1 Mechanical resistance and stabilityNot relevant5.4.2 Resistance to impact/movementNot relevant5.4.3 AdhesionNo specific verification method (but see 5.7.1 Serviceability)5.5 PROTECTION AGAINST NOISENo specific verification method.5.6 ENERGY ECONOMY AND HEAT RETENTIONNo specific verification method.5.7 ASPECTS OF SERVICEABILITY, DURABILITY AND IDENTIFICATION5.7.1 Serviceability5.7.1.1 AdhesionNo specific verification method.Adhesion of the <strong>reactive</strong> coating system (primer, <strong>reactive</strong> coating layer with/without top coat) tothe substrate (and cohesion of the system) is covered by testing the insulation efficiency (see5. Durability5.7.2.1 Corrosion resistanceThe tests under will serve to indicate whether the coating has an adverse effect on theprimer and/or substrate and whether the <strong>reactive</strong> coating system provide corrosion protectionto the substrate. The durability testing shall be carried out with the same <strong>reactive</strong> <strong>coatings</strong>ystem used for the <strong>fire</strong> resistance tests. Behaviour under different environmental conditionsETAG <strong>018</strong>14

The need to conduct each of the following tests is determined by the claimed use categoryrelated to environmental conditions for the <strong>reactive</strong> coating product or <strong>reactive</strong> coating kit (see2.2.2 and table Initial testThe durability assessment is achieved through indirect testing, i.e. the measurement of insulatingefficiency as a ‘proxy’ characteristic that is related to the <strong>fire</strong> <strong>protective</strong> behaviour of the<strong>reactive</strong> coating system. Durability is demonstrated by comparing “insulating efficiency” on theinitial and on the exposed specimen.For preparation of test specimen, test procedure and test criteria see Annex A. The product orkit is assessed for a use category as claimed by the ETA-Applicant and therefore, the insulatingefficiency on minimum 2 initial samples ( is compared with the insulating efficiencyon minimum 2 weathered samples, in accordance with,, or5. Table 5.2 specifies the tests and the number of tests depending on the possibilitiesfor the different <strong>reactive</strong> coating systems.Table 5.2: Minimum number of test specimens regarding the assessment approach forprimer(s) and top coat(s) and the durability requirement (see 5.0.4 and 5.7.2)No Required approval content Tests accordingtosection1 Reactive coating systems with one primer withoutand with top coat for type Z25. ofspecimens1a Additional generic or specific primer(s) + 2 x n 1)1b with top coat: (to test every claimed top coat) + 2 x m 2)2 Reactive coating systems with one primer onlywith top coat for type Z25. Additional generic or specific primer(s) + 2 x n 1)2b Additional top coat(s): + 2 x m 2)3 Reactive coating systems with one primer withoutand with top coat for types Z2 and Z15. Additional generic or specific primer(s) + 2 x n 1)3b with top coat (to test every claimed top coat) + 2 x m 2)4 Reactive coating systems with one primer onlywith top coat for types Z2 and Z15. Additional generic or specific primer(s) + 2 x n 1)4b Additional top coat(s): + 2 x m 2)3 Reactive coating systems with one primer withtop coat for type Y (including types Z1 and Z2) Additional generic or specific primer(s) + 2 x n 1)top22222222223bAdditional top coat(s) (to test every top coat withonly one colour) 2 x m 2) +2 x m 2)ETAG <strong>018</strong>15

4 Reactive coating systems with one primer withtop coat for type X (including types Y, Z1 and Z2) Additional generic or specific primer(s) + 2 x n 1)224bAdditional top coat(s) (to test every top coat withonly one colour)1) n = number of claimed generic or specific primers in additionto the one tested in number 1, 2, 3 or 42) m = number of claimed top coats and one colour5. 2 x m 2) +2 x m 2) Exposure conditions for type Z2: Reactive coating system intended for internal conditionsThe test specimen shall be placed in a vertical position into the test chamber and exposed tothe following cycle:- 4 h at (23 ± 3) °C and (80 ± 5) %RH- 16 h at (40 ± 3) °C and (50 ± 5) %RH- 4 h at (5 ± 3) °C and (50 ± 5) %RHThe cycle shall be repeated 21 times without interruption. After exposure the specimen shallbe tested according to Annex A.The chamber temperature change shall be at a rate of 1,5 K/min ± 0,5 K/min. During the periodof temperature change the change of humidity is not controlled, but condensation shouldbe avoided. The duration of temperature change is included in the duration of the 16 h cycle. Exposure conditions for type Z1: Reactive coating system intended for internal conditionswith high humidityThe test shall be carried out to the following cycle:- 8 hours at (40 ± 3) °C and (98 ± 2) % RH- 16 hours at (23 ± 3) °C and cabinet off and open to atmosphereThe test cycle shall be repeated 21 times in total. After exposure the specimens shall be testedaccording to Annex A. Exposure conditions for Type Y: Reactive coating system intended for internal andsemi-exposed conditionsThe test specimens shall be stored in a vertical position into the test chamber and exposed tothe test conditions. The special requirements of the test method are described in Annex C.After exposure the specimens shall be tested according to Annex A. Exposure conditions for Type X: Reactive coating system intended for all conditionsThe test specimens shall be stored in a vertical position into the test chamber and exposed tothe test conditions. The principles of the test method is according to EN ISO 4892-3: 1999,mode 2, table A.1 combination. After this exposure to UV and sprayed water the specimensshall be tested under special conditions as described in Annex B. After exposure the specimensshall be tested according to Annex A. Resistance to chemicalsTo determine chemical resistance, as claimed by the ETA-applicant, after subjecting (at least)two specimens to chemicals in accordance with EN ISO 2812-1, the test specimens shall betested according to Annex A. The insulation efficiency after exposure to chemicals is comparedwith the insulation efficiency of the initial test (see Resistance to biological attacksee chapter IdentificationRegardless of which option is chosen for the <strong>reactive</strong> coating or <strong>reactive</strong> coating kit (see Fore-ETAG <strong>018</strong>16

word) all components of the <strong>reactive</strong> coating system (primer, <strong>reactive</strong> layer and top coat) shallbe clearly identified according to the following table.Table 5.3: Testing for identificationPROPERTIESPrimers(if any)ReactivecoatingTop coat(if any)Reinforcements(if any)Technical data x x x xColour (visualverification)x x xDensity x x xNon-volatilecontentFingerprint accordingto AnnexE or formulation(optional)Geometryx x xxxETAG <strong>018</strong>17

6. ASSESSING AND JUDGING OF THE FITNESS FOR USE OF PRODUCTS FORAN INTENDED USEThis Chapter details the performance requirements to be met by <strong>reactive</strong> coating systems(chapter 4) into precise and measurable criteria (as far as possible and proportional to the importanceof the risk) or qualitative terms, related to the <strong>products</strong> and their intended use, usingthe outcome of the verification methods (chapter 5).6.1 MECHANICAL RESISTANCE AND STABILITYThis Essential Requirement is not relevant to <strong>fire</strong> <strong>protective</strong> <strong>products</strong>.6.2 SAFETY IN CASE OF FIRE6.2.1 Reaction to <strong>fire</strong>The Fire Protective Products shall be classified in accordance with EN 13501-16.2.2 Fire resistanceBecause a <strong>reactive</strong> coating system does not possess <strong>fire</strong> resistance in its own right the classificationapplies to the protected element, including the <strong>reactive</strong> coating system, and not to theprotection itself.Classification with respect to <strong>fire</strong> resistance is undertaken in accordance with EN 13501-2 andshall specify the protected elements. Classification can also be undertaken for cast iron on abasis of an assessment approach.For <strong>reactive</strong> coating systems ‘No performance determined’ shall not be an option.For tests with a smouldering <strong>fire</strong> curve the assessment criteria are given in EN 13501-2 andthe test standards referenced therein.6.3 HYGIENE, HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT6.3.1 Air and/or water permeabilityNot relevant6.3.2 Release of dangerous substancesSee SAFETY IN USE6.4.1 Mechanical resistance and stabilityNot relevant6.4.2 Resistance to impact/movementNot relevant6.4.3 AdhesionSee chapter PROTECTION AGAINST NOISENo specific requirements.6.6 ENERGY ECONOMY AND HEAT RETENTIONNo specific requirements.6.7 ASPECTS OF SERVICEABILITY, DURABILITY AND IDENTIFICATIONFor all tests required in chapter 5.7.1 and 5.7.2 the test result is a pass/fail criterion. No testETAG <strong>018</strong>18

esults or threshold values (e. g. time to reach 500°C) are specified in the ETA.6.7.1 Serviceability6.7.1.1 AdhesionNo specific assessment (but see 6.7.2)6.7.2 Durability6.7.2.1 Corrosion ResistanceA ”pass” result in the tests according to section is sufficient to demonstrate that the<strong>reactive</strong> coating has no adverse effect on the primer and that the <strong>reactive</strong> coating system providecorrosion protection to the substrate..If ETA-applicants claim that their product or kit provides or contributes to the corrosion protectionof the steel element it is intended to protect against <strong>fire</strong>, the product, or the kit component(or components together) shall be classified in accordance with the relevant <strong>part</strong> of EN ISO12944. Behaviour under different environmental conditions6. Initial testDurability is demonstrated by comparing the performance of unexposed test specimens withspecimens exposed to artificial ageing. The insulation efficiency test is also used within theassessment approach for primers and top coats. The test method and the evaluation of thetest results is described in Annex A. For the criteria for the test result “pass” see Criteria for exposure conditions for use categories Z1, Z2, Y and XThe test result is deemed a “pass” when the average time to achievement of the critical steeltemperature (t 500 ) determined in the durability tests is not less than 85% of the average timet500 (time to reach a steel temperature of 500°C) of the initial tests. To remove influences dueto the variability of the thickness of the <strong>reactive</strong> coating, the relationship thickness/t 500 may beassumed as linear. No single result of exposed specimens shall be less than 80% of the averagetime t 500 of the initial test.Where the result falls outside these criteria, additional 4 specimens may be exposed, testedand assessed. All 4 specimens shall fulfil the pass criteria.These criteria for exposure conditions for use categories Z1, Z2, Y and X shall also be used forthe evaluation of primers and top coats. Resistance to chemicals (optional test)The assessment criteria shall be in accordance with Resistance to biological attack (optional test)See sections and IdentificationThe results of the identification test according to the section 5.7.3 shall be kept in the files ofthe Approval Body.ETAG <strong>018</strong>19

7 ASSUMPTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS UNDER WHICH THE FITNESSFOR USE OF THE PRODUCTS IS ASSESSEDThe results of the identification test according to section 5.7.3 shall be kept in the files of theApproval Body.This chapter sets out the assumptions recommendations for design, installation and execution,packaging, transport and storage, use, maintenance and repair under which the assessment ofthe fitness for use according to the ETAG can be made (only when necessary and in so far asthey have a bearing on the assessment or on the <strong>products</strong>).7.1 DESIGN OF THE WORKSSee ETA-Guideline, Part 1.Fire <strong>protective</strong> <strong>reactive</strong> <strong>coatings</strong> and kits should be assessed under the presumption that theelement being protected, the substrate, is suitable for the <strong>reactive</strong> coating to be used in theway intended and in full compliance with the ETA such that then when installed in the prescribedmanner the works will comply with all relevant Essential Requirements.Where steel structures have been previously primed with a primer there are two possibilities:1) The primer could be identified by both the generic description and the product nameand is covered by the ETA.2) Where unknown primers have been used or the primer is not covered by the ETA theprimer shall be tested or replaced by an approved primer.Biological attackIn rare cases, deterioration of these <strong>products</strong> may occur due to biological attack, i.e. mouldgrowth on the <strong>products</strong> and/or the <strong>products</strong> being subject to deterioration due to insects ormammals infestation. This ETA-Guideline does not foresee product assessment for resistanceto biological attack, but where approval bodies expect biological attack to be of <strong>part</strong>icular importancefor specific <strong>products</strong>, additional, case-by-case assessment should take place (seeclause and other fungi that may damage <strong>products</strong> require warm (10°C to 35°C), humid conditions(RH > 70%), and a suitable food source. Mould growth is encouraged by dark conditionsand lack of air movement. Design solutions should minimise the possibility of mould growthby ensuring that areas where these <strong>products</strong> are used can be ventilated sufficiently. Usersshould use the ventilation possibilities offered.Proper water tightness of the building envelope, using appropriate design principles and detailsis essential. During the exposed and <strong>part</strong>ially enclosed phases of construction, to minimise thepotential for mould growth, it is important to minimise the risk of water damage and wet surfacesdue to external factors such as rain, snow, flooding, and high relative humidity. Duringconstruction, the following should be considered to minimise the potential for mould growth:minimising the exposure of interior building <strong>products</strong> to exterior conditions; protecting storedmaterials from moisture; minimising moisture accumulation within the building; prevent spillageof water within the building; maintaining the integrity of the building envelope componentsthrough ongoing monitoring and inspections; achieving balance control of thermal comfort andrelative humidity in the building; checking all material deliveries to validate that components aredry and clean; reject wet or mouldy materials, and monitoring installations to ensure they remainclean and dry (including the HVAC systems).In addition, where animals (insects, mammals) might attack these <strong>products</strong>, design solutionsshould prevent animal access to places where the <strong>products</strong> have been used and habitablevoids that might harbour animals should be either avoided or sealed.7.2 TRANSPORT AND STORAGEThe manufacturer has to give information for the transport and storage on an accompanyingETAG <strong>018</strong>20

data sheet or on the containers. The ETA should contain the basic principles of transport andstorage (see clause 9).As a minimum the following should be addressed: storage temperature, way of storage (container,tank), the necessary information on minimum and maximum temperature for transportand storage. For flammable components or other potentially hazardous materials the instructionsshall contain specific guidance on restrictions and/or conditions for handling, transportand storage.7.3 EXECUTION OF THE WORKSThe manufacturer shall provide an installation guide for his product.The installation guide shall give information about:• List of suitable substrates• Preparation of the surface of the construction (e. g. cleanliness, moisture)• Method of application (e.g. the temperature and humidity conditions before, during andafter application)• Necessary wet film thickness in relation to the dry thickness and measurement method• Required dry thickness of the layer of the <strong>reactive</strong> coating• Period of time between the application of each component, taking account of exposureconditions• Curing time of the system• Approved top coat• Equipment parameters• Provisions to protect <strong>coatings</strong> intended for internal use, if temporarily exposed on site.7.4 MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRThe manufacturer of the <strong>reactive</strong> coating should have readily available a procedure for therepair and maintenance of the <strong>reactive</strong> coating system.ETAG <strong>018</strong>21

Section three :ATTESTATION OF CONFORMITY (AC)8. EVALUATION OF CONFORMITY8.1 EC DECISIONThe EC-decision is given in Part 1 “General” – Clause RESPONSIBILITIESUnless modified or supplemented below, the responsibilities are given in Part 1 “General” –Clause8. Tasks for the ETA-holder8.2.1.1 Factory production control (FPC)See Part 1 "General". Inspection and TestingThe ETA holder shall carry out all inspections and tests required by the factory productioncontrol system in order to maintain compliance with specification. This inspection and testingshall be applicable to the product and to all kit components as appropriate. There are threeoptions to deliver an ETA for <strong>reactive</strong> coating systems: Product, Kit or a kit in end use conditions(see FOREWORD).The routes for placing the <strong>reactive</strong> coating system on the market are:-the ETA-holder manufacturers the product or all kit components-the ETA-holder manufacturers some kit components-the ETA-holder does not manufacture anything, but places them on the market.In all cases, the ETA-holder's FPC-system must address appropriate conformity testing or inspectionof the product or of all items in the kit to ensure consistency of performance of the<strong>reactive</strong> coating system. In the case where the product or all kit items are manufactured on theETA-holder's behalf, the FPC should address sample inspection of incoming material, processverification and testing the finished product. In circumstances where the ETA-holder manufacturersnot all or no kit components, the FPC should verify the producer’s declaration ofconformity (based on the supplier’s FPC system that complies with the ETA and the manufacturer'sspecifications).Table 8.1 shows the properties that should be controlled and minimum frequencies of control.Table 8.1: Properties and minimum frequencies of controlNo Property Paragraph, indicatingthe relevant testmethodReactive layer and <strong>reactive</strong> coating kit1 Incoming material Declaration of conformity Manufacturer'sdeclaration,2 Char depth (expansionratio)e. g. Cylinder test (seeAnnex G) or similarManufacturer'sdeclaration,minimum valueThreshold (ifany) and tolerancesMinimum frequencyof testsEvery deliveryEvery batchETAG <strong>018</strong>22

3 Insulating efficiency or anyalternative test designed toensure consistency of <strong>fire</strong>performance (to be agreedbetween the Approval Body,the Notified Body and theManufacturer)e. g. Annex A or similar Manufacturer'sdeclaration, 1)4 Sag resistance Manufacturer'sspecificationEvery 10th batchor at least onceper monthEvery batch5 Viscosity e. g. EN ISO 3219 Every batch6 Raw material Check thetest results of the supplieraccording to the specificationof the manufacturer ofraw materialEvery delivery7 Curing Every batch8 Pigment dispersion (finenessof the grind)primer9 Raw material l Check the test results ofthe supplier according tothe specification of themanufacturer of raw materialManufacturer'sspecificationEvery batchEvery delivery10 Viscosity e. g. EN ISO 3219 Every batch11 Non-volatile content e. g. ISO 3251 Every batchTop coat12 Raw material Check the test results ofthe supplier according tothe specification of themanufacturer of raw materialManufacturer'sspecificationEvery delivery13 Pigment content colour Every batch10 Viscosity e. g. EN ISO 3219 Every batch14 Non-volatile content e. g. ISO 3251 Every batchKeying mesh15 Geometry declaration of conformity Manufacturer'sspecificationEvery delivery1)If the result of the test char depth is not sufficient in that case an insulating efficiency testshould be doneETAG <strong>018</strong>23

8.2.2 Tasks for the approved body8.2.2.1 Initial type testing of the product)See Part 1 - General8.2.2.2 Assessment of the factory production control system - initial inspection and continuingsurveillanceSubsequently continuing surveillance of factory production control is necessary to ensure continuingconformity with the ETA. The frequency of the surveillance shall be twice a year. Certification of ConformityThe approved body shall issue the Certification of Conformity of the product.8.3 DOCUMENTATIONSee Part 1 "General" - Clause CE MARKING AND INFORMATIONThe general requirements for CE-marking and information instructions are given in Part 1"General"- Clause 8.4..The CE marking shall be applied to the immediate packaging (container, tank) of the <strong>reactive</strong>coating layer. For kits/<strong>products</strong> in end use conditions, components other than the <strong>reactive</strong> layershall not be CE marked. In cases of kits the CE Marking should be on the container/tank,specifying explicitly that the CE Marking applies to a <strong>fire</strong> <strong>protective</strong> <strong>reactive</strong> coating kit or onthe accompanying commercial documents.For clarification see also “Foreword”"CE"- markingNumber of Notified BodyxxxxAny Company Rue du Producteur,50 City Country xxxxxx-CPD-xxxxETA N° xx/xxxx ETAG <strong>018</strong>,Part 1 and 2,Fire Protective ProductType ...Name and address of the manufacturer orhis representative established in the EEAand of the plant where the product wasmanufacturedTwo last digits of year of affixing CE markingNumber of EC certificate of conformity(where relevant)ETA NumberETAG ReferenceRelevant performance characteristics and/ordesignation codeETAG <strong>018</strong>24

Section four :ETA CONTENT9. THE ETA CONTENT9.1. THE ETA-CONTENT.The ETA-content is given in Part 1 "General" – clause 99.2. ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONAdditional information shall be given regarding:Area of Application (use for beams and/or columns, 3- and/or 4-sided exposure to <strong>fire</strong>,minimum thickness of the dried layer of the <strong>reactive</strong> coating system, application (sprayed,brushed), environment conditions, use on galvanized steel etc) Special provisions for thecomponents of the <strong>reactive</strong> coating systems (special primers, top coats) Special provisionsfor the production, storage and transport Special provisions for maintenance and repairConformityIn case of kits, the components covered by the kit and in case of <strong>products</strong> in end use conditionsthe fact that other components are not covered by the ETA.ETAG <strong>018</strong>25

ANNEX AReactive Coatings, Reactive Coating Kits – Initial test (Insulating Efficiency)A1 GeneralThe small scale furnace <strong>fire</strong> test shall be carried out under the condition of the standardtime - temperature curve as defined in EN 1363-1.The specimens to be tested should be prepared in accordance with the manufacturers instructionsfor the <strong>fire</strong> <strong>protective</strong> system concerned. Specimens should then be stored in anatmosphere (23 ± 3) ºC and (50 ± 5) %rh for a period of time as specified by the manufacturerfor drying.After exposure to environment conditions, if any, the specimens should be stored in an atmosphere(23 ± 3) ºC and (50 ± 5) %rh between the end of the exposure and the <strong>fire</strong> testingfor a minimum of 1 week.The coating dry thickness shall be measured and recorded at a minimum number of 40 perm 2 uniformly distributed points prior to testing. The coating thickness shall be measuredwith instruments using the electromagnetic induction principle (see 5.0.3)A2 SpecimensThe specimens shall consist of steel panels having a nominal thickness of 5 mm and aminimum of size 300 mm x 200 mm 3 . For every requirement a minimum of two specimensshall be tested.For panels, used for durability testing, it will be necessary to apply a <strong>protective</strong> coating(primer) to the back and edges of these (including all control panels), to prevent rust contaminationof the cabinet.The primer and the topcoat used as <strong>part</strong> of the <strong>reactive</strong> coating system shall be applied atthe dry film thickness that they would be used in practice.The <strong>reactive</strong> coating shall be applied at 1000 ± 100 microns dry film thickness or themaximum thickness if the maximum thickness is lower.A3 Test ProcedureThe panels may be tested individually or in one test. The panels shall be placed in the furnacein a vertical or in a horizontal position such that the side without the <strong>reactive</strong> coatinglayer is not exposed to the <strong>fire</strong>. The panel shall be mounted in a frame which forms <strong>part</strong> ofone side (wall or ceiling) of the furnace. The side with the coating system shall be faced tothe <strong>fire</strong> side. The non-<strong>fire</strong> side shall be covered using vermiculite or calcium silicate boardswith a minimum thickness of 50 mm with a bulk density of (475 ± 25) kg/m 3 or mineralwool (stone wool) with a bulk density of (110 ± 10) kg/m 3 . 4Two thermocouples shall be attached to the non <strong>fire</strong> side of the steel panels. These thermocouplesshall be located on the vertical centre line of the panel at a nominal distanceof 25 ± 5 mm. The thermocouples shall be of the K type according to 1363-1 but without acopper disc and without insulation pad. The thermocouples shall be fixed to the back of thesteel panels by welding (resistance spot welding).The <strong>fire</strong> test is finished when the average temperature of the two thermocouples reaches500ºC.A4 Test ReportThe time for the non-<strong>fire</strong> side of the steel to reach an average temperature of 500 ºC shallbe recorded. For information purposes furthermore, adhesion of the char, char structureand char height shall be described in the test report.34For tests according to section, and it may be more convenient to use steel panelsof a size of 500 mmX500 mm (equal distribution of measurement points, usual in some countries etc.)As the Insulation Efficiency Test is an indirect testing for comparison (durability, different primers, different topcoats) all tests of one assessment shall be carried out under identical conditions/parameters.ETAG <strong>018</strong>26

ANNEX BExposure condition type XThe specimens shall consist of steel panels having a nominal thickness of 5 mm and aminimum size of 300 x 200 mm. A minimum of two specimens shall be tested. The <strong>reactive</strong>coating shall be applied at 1000 ±100 microns dry film thickness or the maximum thickness ifthis is lower. The primer and the topcoat used as <strong>part</strong> of the <strong>reactive</strong> coating system must beapplied at the dry film thickness that they would be used in practice.The specimens shall be exposed in a climate chamber to the conditions according toEN ISO 4892-3: 1999, mode 2, table A.1, combination of lamps. The cycle shall be repeated112 times (= 28 days) without interruption.The specimens shall then be visually assessed and after that exposed for 2 weeks (repeattwice) the following procedure:DayTime6 hours 6 hours 6 hours 6 hours1. + 2. 20°C± 3°C;95 % ± 5% rh70°C± 3°C;20 % ± 5% rh3. + 4. 20°C± 3°C; 30°C± 3°C;95 % ± 5% rh 40 % ± 5% rh5. + 6 + 7 -20°C± °C; 40°C± 3°C;95 % ± 5% rh20°C± 3°C;95 % ± 5% rh40°C± 3°C;95 % ± 5% rh-20°C± 3°C;70°C± 3°C;20 % ± 5% rh30°C± 3°C;40 % ± 5% rh40°C± 3°C;95 % ± 5% rhNote:The chamber temperature change shall be at a rate of 1,5 K/min ± 0,5 K/min. During the period oftemperature change the change of humidity is not controlled. The duration of temperature change isincluded in the duration of an exposure phase.ETAG <strong>018</strong>27

ANNEX CExposure condition type YThe specimens shall consist of steel panels having a thickness of 5 mm and a minimum sizeof 300 x 200 mm. A minimum of two specimens shall be tested. The <strong>reactive</strong> coating shall beapplied at 1000 ± 100 microns dry film thickness or the maximum thickness if this is lower.The specimens shall be exposed for 2 weeks (repeat twice) the following procedure:DayTime6 hours 6 hours 6 hours 6 hours1. + 2. 20°C± 3°C;95 % ± 5% rh70°C± 3°C;20 % ± 5% rh20°C± 3°C;95 % ± 5% rh70°C± 3°C;20 % ± 5% rh3. + 4. 20°C± 3°C;95 % ± 5% rh30°C± 3°C;40 % ± 5% rh5. + 6 + 7 -20°C± 3°C; 40°C± 3°C;95 % ± 5% rh40°C± 3°C;95 % ± 5% rh-20°C± 3°C;30°C± 3°C;40 % ± 5% rh40°C± 3°C;95 % ± 5% rhNote:The chamber temperature change shall be at a rate of 1,5 K/min ± 0,5 K/min. During the period oftemperature change the change of humidity is not controlled. The duration of temperature change isincluded in the duration of an exposure phase.ETAG <strong>018</strong>28

ANNEX DReaction to <strong>fire</strong> testI. Testing according to EN 13823: Reaction to <strong>fire</strong> tests for building <strong>products</strong> – Building<strong>products</strong> excluding floorings exposed to thermal attack by a single burning itemDimensions of the test rigReactive <strong>fire</strong> protection systems shall be tested applied on a steel substrate following EN 13238.Both of the wings for the SBI tests shall be set up freestanding with a distance of 80 mm in frontof the backing board. During the manufacture for the SBI test each sample wing is to be manufacturedindividually. Assembly of both sample wings shall only be performed on the sample trolleyof the SBI testing device. The two wings shall be fixed by a L-steel profile which is screwed tothe wings.Test specimenFor testing according to EN 13823 the <strong>reactive</strong> coating systems with primer, <strong>reactive</strong> componentand with top coat shall be tested. The set-up shall be tested with all assessed (see 5.0.4) topcoats or, if known, with the top coat of which the most unfavourable result is to be expected (e.g.on the basis of formula data, of already existing experience in testing or on the basis of the heatvalue determination (PCS-value)), The colour of the top coat should be the same as for the durabilitytesting (see 5.0.4). If the system in practice is used without top coat the test according to EN13823 shall be done without top coat.Reactive coating systems are to be tested with the maximum application quantity. Prior to performingthe test the samples shall be conditioned in accordance with EN 13238. The coating drythickness shall be measured and recorded at a minimum number of 40 per m 2 uniformly distributedpoints prior to testing. For the method see section 5.0.3.The result of the tests executed in the SBI following the stipulations stated above applies to allapplication quantities smaller than or equal to the application quantity tested including all top coatsand coats of paint respectively on all metallic substrates in the practical application, which thestandard substrate "steel" according to the stipulations in EN 13238 is representative for.II. Testing according to EN ISO 11925-2 (small burner test)Reactive <strong>fire</strong> protection systems shall be tested applied on a steel substrate following EN 13238.The manufacturer is made according to the execution in the final application.Prior to performing the test the samples shall be conditioned in accordance with EN 13238.The <strong>reactive</strong> <strong>fire</strong> protection system shall be tested with its largest possible application quantity ontwo samples each with edge and surface flaming. Four more tests shall be performed with themore critical flaming.If the <strong>fire</strong> <strong>reactive</strong> coating system has top coats or coats of paint respectively, which contain organiccomponents, a complete test observing the aforementioned stipulations is necessary foreach coating and coat of paint respectively.The result of the tests according to EN ISO 11925-2 applies to all <strong>reactive</strong> coating systems testedwith application quantities smaller than or equal to the application quantity tested including allsurface <strong>coatings</strong> and coats of paints respectively taken into account for testing on all metallic substratesin the practical application, which the standard substrate "steel" according to the stipulationsin EN 13238 is representative for.III. Testing according to EN ISO 1716 and EN ISO 1182 (if relevant for <strong>reactive</strong> <strong>fire</strong> protectionsystems)The preparation of the sample and the execution of the test shall be performed in accordance withthe stipulations in the standards EN ISO 1716 and EN ISO 1182.The complete number of specimens with each chemical composition and considering all possiblesurface <strong>coatings</strong> is to be tested.ETAG <strong>018</strong>29

ANNEX EReactive Coatings – Determination of identification characteristics FINGERPRINTIn addition to the determination of physical-chemical data the identification test of <strong>fire</strong> <strong>protective</strong><strong>coatings</strong> is performed by combining infrared spectrum with thermal analysis of the dried <strong>reactive</strong>coating.Scheme of analysis:SAMPLE PREPARATIONAn identical preparation of the samples shall be provided for the thermoanalytical analyses (TG)and infrared-spectroscopy analyses (IR):• Separation of a representative <strong>part</strong> quantity (ideally ca. 1g, at least ca. 30 mg)0 e.g. by means of a scalpel from the <strong>fire</strong> <strong>protective</strong> mass• In the case of a highly heterogeneous sample composition: homogenizing by grinding up ina pot mill or in a mortar – in the case of reaction resin-bounded materials, if necessary, byusing liquid nitrogen. The required quantity of original sample weights is then taken fromthe homogenized mass.• TG: Original sample weight without further treatment directly into the sample crucible accordingto Table 1: analysis parameter Table 2.• IR: Pyrolysis or KBr method according to instructions, analysis parameters Table 3.The quantity size of the original sample weight used for the TG may only be chosen such that anincrease in volume occurring with some materials during the process of analysis does not lead underany circumstances to sample components escaping from the sample receptacle.Table 1: Maximum quantity of original sample weight recommended as a function of thesize of sample receptacle.receptacle size / µl 40 70 300 900max. quantity of originalsample weight / mg3 4 10 30Table 2: TG parameters for the analysis of <strong>fire</strong> <strong>protective</strong> materialsCruciblestandard Alox crucible with perforated lidOriginal sample weight see Table 1Cleansing gas / Flownitrogen / 50 ml/minRange of temperature 50 – 800 °CRate of heating10 K/minGraphical representationboth TG and DTG curveETAG <strong>018</strong>30

INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY (IR)Pyrolysis1 A typical piece of the sample material (approx. 20 – 50 mg, if necessary, comminute) isplaced in the lower <strong>part</strong> of a dry mini-format test tube (8 x 70 mm)2 The tube is covered at its outer upper end with a 1 cm wide filter paper collar wetted withcold water, which is fixed by means of a test tube clamp.3 The test tube is held with its bottom into a Bunsen flame, which is preferably carried outunderneath the exhaust. The test tube remains in the flame (if necessary, turn in and out)until pyrolysis of the sample. The developing steams condensate at the inner side of thetest tube edge in the area of paper collar.4 The condensate is taken with a clean glass rod and uniformly applied directly on a ZnSecrystal. The spectrum is recorded with the parameters according to Table 3 as referenceagainst an empty crystal.KBr method1 300 mg KBr powder (“spectroscopy grade”) are homogenized with the residue from the TGanalysis (maximum 1 mg) e.g. in an agate mortar.2 The powder is processed in known manner to KBr pressed piece. The inner space of thepress total shall be evacuated for 1 to 2 minutes before pressing is done, in order to eliminateair and humidity.3 The KBr pressed piece is directly spectroscopied against an identical but empty KBrpressed piece in the reference sample position.Table 3: IR parameters for the analysis of <strong>fire</strong> <strong>protective</strong> materialsETAG <strong>018</strong>31

ANNEX FList of reference documentsProduct specificationsEN 10025:EN ISO 1460:EN ISO 1461:Hot rolled <strong>products</strong> of structural steel<strong>part</strong> 1 General technical delivery conditions<strong>part</strong> 2 Technical delivery conditions for non-alloy structural steels<strong>part</strong> 3 Technical delivery conditions for normalized rolled weldablefine grain structure steels<strong>part</strong> 5 Technical delivery conditions for structural steels with improvedatmospheric corrosion resistance<strong>part</strong> 6 Technical delivery conditions for flat <strong>products</strong> of highyield strength structural steels in the quenched and temperedconditionMetallic <strong>coatings</strong> – Hot dip galvanized <strong>coatings</strong> on ferrous materials – Gravimetricdetermination of the mass per unit area.Metallic <strong>coatings</strong> - Hot dip galvanized <strong>coatings</strong> on fabricated iron and steelarticles – Specifications and test methods.Test methods and classification standardsEN 1363ENV 13381-4July/2002ENV 13381-6:Fire Resistance Tests<strong>part</strong> 1: General Requirements.<strong>part</strong> 2: Alternative and Additional ProceduresContribution to Fire Resistance of structural members – Part 4: Steel elementsContribution to Fire Resistance of structural members – Part 6: Concretefilled hollow steel columnsEN 13501-1: Fire classification of construction <strong>products</strong> and building elements – Part 1:Classification using test data from reaction to <strong>fire</strong> testsEN 13501-2: Fire classification of construction <strong>products</strong> and building elements – Part 2:Classification using test data from <strong>fire</strong> resistance testsEN 13238EN 13823EN ISO 1182EN ISO 1716EN ISO 2808EN ISO 2812-1:EN ISO 3219EN ISO 3251EN ISO 4892-1EN ISO4892-3:1999EN ISO 11925-2EN ISO 11503EN ISO 13788Reaction to <strong>fire</strong> tests for building <strong>products</strong> – Conditioning procedures andgeneral rules for selection of substratesReaction to <strong>fire</strong> tests for building <strong>products</strong> – Building <strong>products</strong> excludingfloorings exposed to the thermal attack by a single burning itemReaction to <strong>fire</strong> tests for building <strong>products</strong> – Non-combustibility testsReaction to <strong>fire</strong> tests for building <strong>products</strong> – Determination of the heat ofcombustionPaints and varnishes – Determination of film thicknessPaints and varnishes – Determination of resistance to liquidsPart 1: General methodsPlastics – Polymers/resins in the liquid state or as emulsions or dispersions– Determination of viscosity using a rotational viscometer with definedshear ratePaints, varnishes and plastics – Determination of non-volatile mattercontentPlastics – Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources– Part 1: General guidance– Part 3: Fluorescent UV lampsReaction to <strong>fire</strong> tests for building <strong>products</strong> – Part 2: Ignitability when subjectedto direct impingement of flamePaints and varnishes – Determination of resistance to humidity (intermittentcondensation)Hygrothermal performance of building components and building elementsETAG <strong>018</strong>32

ISO 554: 1976:ISO 7724– Internal surface temperature to avoid critical surface humidity and interstitialcondensation – Calculation methodStandard atmospheres for conditioning and / or testing; specificationsPaints and varnishes – Colorimetry;<strong>part</strong> 1: Principles<strong>part</strong> 2: Colour measurementETAG <strong>018</strong>33

ANNEX GTests procedure for determining the maximum foam height of intumescent materials1 GeneralAn example of suitable test apparatus for measuring the expansion or foam height is shown in figureB 1.2 Preparation of the samples:Five specimens (diameter approx. 50 mm) are stored for 30 minutes in a heated furnace in a devicessuch as described. (Strips of

BPipes: according to EN 10216-5, thickness 2 mmKey“B” weight “D” upper frame “F” spacer bar“C” specimen tube “E” lower frameFigure G1ETAG <strong>018</strong>35

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