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The full article is as follows. - Tawarikh Journal

The full article is as follows. - Tawarikh Journal

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TAWARIKH:International <strong>Journal</strong> for H<strong>is</strong>torical Studies, 1(1) 2009adolescence w<strong>as</strong> p<strong>as</strong>sed through happily and cheer<strong>full</strong>y. After graduatingfrom religious education, equaled with Madr<strong>as</strong>ah Ibtidaiyah or IslamicElementary School (Hering, 2003:124), she grew up and moved to livewith her family in Bandung.Inggit Garn<strong>as</strong>ih must have experienced household life in relativelyyoung age. First, she w<strong>as</strong> married with Nataatmadja, an indigenous corporalwho worked in Karesidenan in Bandung (Ramadhan K.H., 1988:29). Th<strong>is</strong>marriage w<strong>as</strong> l<strong>as</strong>ted in 1910s when Inggit Garn<strong>as</strong>ih w<strong>as</strong> 20 years old.<strong>The</strong> first marriage did not l<strong>as</strong>t for long because it w<strong>as</strong> b<strong>as</strong>ed on jealousybetween both of them. Inggit Garn<strong>as</strong>ih, then, w<strong>as</strong> married with Haji Sanusi,a rich merchant who w<strong>as</strong> actively involved in Sarekat Islam organizationin Bandung. As wife and the member of SI (Sarekat Islam), Inggit Garn<strong>as</strong>ihhelped her husband’s effort to advance the organization in Bandung. WhenNATICO SI (National Conggress Sarekat Islam) held in Bandung in 1916,for example, Inggit Garn<strong>as</strong>ih involved herself <strong>as</strong> the head of ConsumptionCommittee to give accommodation service fot well-known SI figures such<strong>as</strong> H.O.S. (Haji Oemar Said) Cokroaminoto, Haji Agus Salim, and others(Ramadhan K.H., 1988:31).In 1923, Inggit Garn<strong>as</strong>ih w<strong>as</strong> divorced, but still in a good relationship,with Haji Sanusi, and then she w<strong>as</strong> married with Soekarno ali<strong>as</strong> Koesno,the student of THS (Techn<strong>is</strong>che Hoogeschool) in Bandung (Adams, 1965:80).<strong>The</strong> age of Inggit Garn<strong>as</strong>ih at that time – if h<strong>is</strong> birth year of 1888 w<strong>as</strong> true –w<strong>as</strong> 35 years old, while Soekarno w<strong>as</strong> just 22 years old. <strong>The</strong>y lived at JalanJaksa, Bandung, and <strong>as</strong> had been written by scholars studying Soekarno’sbiopgraphy, th<strong>is</strong> marriage w<strong>as</strong> l<strong>as</strong>ting for long and they were a harmoniouscouple (Legge, 1985:82).From 1923 to 1943, therefore, w<strong>as</strong> an important period for InggitGarn<strong>as</strong>ih’s life and struggle, and a focus of d<strong>is</strong>cussion in th<strong>is</strong> workingpaper. 1 At that time, Inggit Garn<strong>as</strong>ih did not only encourage her husbandto complete h<strong>is</strong> study in THS (ITB, Institut Teknologi Bandung or BandungInstitute of Technology, now), but she w<strong>as</strong> also faithful to accompany herhusband – in happiness and sorrow – in national movement struggle.When her husband w<strong>as</strong> caught, pun<strong>is</strong>hed and impr<strong>is</strong>oned (1929-1931) byDutch colonial in Bandung, then he w<strong>as</strong> thrown away to Flores in e<strong>as</strong>ternIndonesia (1932-1938) and Bengkulu in southern Sumatera (1938-1942),Inggit Garn<strong>as</strong>ih w<strong>as</strong> very faithful, tough and always accompanied himhappily.1Th<strong>is</strong> working paper w<strong>as</strong> presented and d<strong>is</strong>cussed in National Seminar on ProposingInggit Garn<strong>as</strong>ih <strong>as</strong> Indonesia National Hero in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia on December22, 2008.73

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