General Conditions for Information Technology Contracts

General Conditions for Information Technology Contracts

General Conditions for Information Technology Contracts

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GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CONTRACTS (Rev March 2011)Page 13 of 52Contractor shall not, without the prior consent of the Superintendent, revoke the appointmentof the Contractor’s Representative or appoint a replacement.16.2 The Contractor, unless specified otherwise in the Contract Specification, shall employ a fulltime English-speaking engineer or supervisor on the Services who shall be qualified, skilledand experienced in work of similar character to the Services, but who shall not be engaged onthe Services without the Superintendent’s prior approval and shall not be removed from theServices without the Superintendent’s prior agreement. Subject to the specific agreement ofthe Superintendent, such engineer or supervisor may also carry out the duties of theContractor’s Representative specified in clause 16.1.17. CONTRACTOR’S PERSONNEL17.1 The Contractor, within the period specified in the Contract Specification, shall submit CVs ofall Contractor’s personnel it proposes to employ on the Services, <strong>for</strong> approval by theCompany. The Company may reject any CV without providing any reason. The Contractorshall not remove any personnel approved by the Company from the Services without thewritten consent of the Superintendent.17.2 The Contractor shall ensure the continuous service of its personnel according to themanpower histogram issued with the Programme. In case it becomes necessary to replace anyof the Contractor’s personnel, such replacement shall be coordinated with the Superintendentnot to cause disturbance to the Services.17.3 The Contractor shall provide and employ in connection with the execution and completion ofthe Services all required personnel including engineers, supervisors, <strong>for</strong>emen, skilled andunskilled labour and any other necessary personnel. The Contractor shall ensure that theskilled personnel to be employed <strong>for</strong> the Services are fully qualified with proven experienceand are employed only after passing the trade tests conducted by the Company. TheContractor shall be responsible <strong>for</strong> the professional and technical competence of its personneland shall employ personnel who will per<strong>for</strong>m effectively, respect local customs and con<strong>for</strong>mto a high standard of moral and ethical conduct.17.4 The Contractor, four (4) weeks prior to the Date <strong>for</strong> Commencement unless otherwisespecified in the Contract Specification shall provide details of the key and skilled personnel itproposes employing on the Services <strong>for</strong> evaluation and approval by the Company. TheCompany shall in<strong>for</strong>m the Contractor of those personnel that are approved by the Company.The Company may interview and trade test any of the Contractor’s personnel in the Companypremises in Kuwait prior to their employment on the Services or at any time thereafter. TheContractor shall arrange such interview in consultation with the Company. The Companyshall not be held responsible <strong>for</strong> any delay due to its non acceptance of the proposedcandidates. The approved Contractor’s personnel shall not be removed from the Serviceswithout the prior approval of the Superintendent.17.5 The Contractor. if so directed, shall promptly remove any of the Contractor’s andSubcontractor’s personnel where the Superintendent reasonably considers such person hasmisconducted himself or is incompetent or negligent in the per<strong>for</strong>mance of its duties, or is notcon<strong>for</strong>ming with any provision of the Contract or persists in any conduct which is prejudicialto safety, health, or protection of environment, or whose employment is otherwise consideredby the Superintendent to be undesirable, without having to state any particular reasonthere<strong>for</strong>. Such a person shall not be again employed on the Services without the permissionMarch 2011

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