General Conditions for Information Technology Contracts

General Conditions for Information Technology Contracts

General Conditions for Information Technology Contracts

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GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CONTRACTS (Rev March 2011)Page 27 of 5223.26.3 The Company has taken reasonable precautionary measures to ensure that the Siteand surrounding areas are free from unexploded ordnance, the Contractor shallnevertheless shall exercise extreme care during the per<strong>for</strong>mance of the Services, andat all times be vigilant, exhorting its personnel to take extreme care as to the dangersof explosive ordnance.23.26.4 The Contractor shall include as part of its personnel orientation programme <strong>for</strong> theServices, unexploded ordnance recognition, precautions and action upon discoveryprogramme, such programme shall be:a) mandatory <strong>for</strong> all personnel, including its Subcontractor’s personnel;b) conducted prior to the per<strong>for</strong>mance of the Services and to the employment ofany person upon the Services; andc) conducted in the native language(s) of the personnel participating in theorientation programme and subsequently to be employed on the Services.23.26.5 The Contractor shall include the unexploded ordnance recognition, precautions andaction upon discovery programme, together with all other procedures and the likepertaining to explosive ordnance within its safety plan <strong>for</strong> the Services.23.26.6 The Contractor, where it discovers unexploded ordnance, shall immediatelyimplement the necessary safety procedures to secure the area and shall immediatelynotify the Superintendent, who shall effect the disposal of the unexploded ordnance.23.26.7 The Contractor, where it requires <strong>for</strong> the purpose of the per<strong>for</strong>mance and completionof the Services or otherwise where it is required by the Superintendent to utilize areasnot ascertained by the Company as being cleared of unexploded ordnance, shallimmediately notify the Superintendent that clearance of the concerned area isnecessary.23.26.8 The Contractor, under no circumstances whatsoever, shall utilize any area of the Site,designated access roads, designated areas <strong>for</strong> the Contractor’s offices, lay-down areasand other temporary facilities that have not been declared cleared of unexplodedordnance.24. IDENTIFICATION AND PASSES24.1 The Contractor shall provide each of its personnel with an identification badge or cardshowing the Contractor’s name, and the name, registration number and a recent photograph ofthe personnel.24.2 The Contractor shall apply <strong>for</strong> passes <strong>for</strong> its personnel, equipment and vehicles at least twentyone (21) days prior to commencing the Services within the Company restricted areas andsufficiently in advance be<strong>for</strong>e commencing any Site activities in the areas requiring permitfrom Kuwait National Petroleum Company or from any other authority. The Company shallissue passes <strong>for</strong> entry into restricted work areas subject to the Contractor applying <strong>for</strong> them onprescribed <strong>for</strong>ms attached to the Contract Specification with all relevant particulars andMarch 2011

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