Agroterrorism - University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine

Agroterrorism - University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine

Agroterrorism - University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine

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Is Infectious Bursal Disease Virus the Cause <strong>of</strong>Broiler Proventriculitis?Proventriculitis is a common naturally occurringdisease <strong>of</strong> commercial broiler chickens thatcauses proventricular rupture, carcass contamination,and whole bird condemnation during routineprocessing. Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV)is implicated as a cause and vaccination for IBDV ismarketed as a preventative. However, no direct causeand effect relationship has been established betweenIBDV and proventriculitis. Our original hypothesiswas that immunosuppression caused by IBDVallowed a second opportunistic pathogen to directlyproduce proventriculitis. Our three-year project wasdesigned to determine any acute or chronic role <strong>of</strong>Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV) in proventriculitisin broilers, and to look for other causativeopportunistic agents. We have experimentally reproducedproventriculitis by oral exposure <strong>of</strong> broilers toproventricular homogenate from naturally affectedchickens. We have shown IBDV does not localize inthe proventriculus after experimental IBDV infection,and that naturally occurring cases <strong>of</strong> proventriculitiscontain no proventricular IBDV. We have produceda proventricular homogenate that is free <strong>of</strong> IBDVbut remains capable <strong>of</strong> reproducing proventriculitis.This homogenate will be inoculated into eggs, cellcultures, and proventricular organ cultures to isolatethe proventriculotrophic virus that produces proventriculitis.PI: Dr. Tom P. Brown (tbrown@vet.uga.edu)Co-PI’s: M. Pantin-Jackwood and M. HamoudPoultry<strong>Veterinary</strong> Medical Experiment Station11

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