Suggested Retail Price List & Order Form | United Kingdom - Arbonne
Suggested Retail Price List & Order Form | United Kingdom - Arbonne
Suggested Retail Price List & Order Form | United Kingdom - Arbonne
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<strong>Suggested</strong> <strong>Retail</strong> <strong>Price</strong> <strong>List</strong> & <strong>Order</strong> <strong>Form</strong> | <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong><strong>Arbonne</strong> Europe Sàrl (“<strong>Arbonne</strong>”) of Bundesstrasse 3, Postfach 4028, 6304 Zug, Switzerland, is the promoter of this direct selling opportunity in the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong>. The goods which are soldunder this opportunity are skin care and colour cosmetics produced or supplied by <strong>Arbonne</strong> and such other goods or services as <strong>Arbonne</strong> may market from time to time.l Client <strong>Order</strong> l RSVP° l RSVP2° l £65 for £12 Host Special°°Attach to Consultant Product <strong>Order</strong> <strong>Form</strong>CLIENT InformatioN:Name__________________________________________________Address_ _______________________________________________City______________________________ County_ _____________Postcode___________ E-mail Address_ ______________________Daytime Phone___________________________________________Evening Phone_ __________________________________________<strong>Price</strong>s are VAT inclusive, if applicable.Item #Product DescriptionSET SPECIALSIntelligence 5-Step System with an Intelligence Skin Conditioning Oil725 Intelligence Smart Set - 6 productsThe REvolution in Anti-Ageing Skin Care Set with a REversingGelée Transforming Lift385 NutriMinC RE 9 Set - 7 productsNutriMenC RE 9 REvolution Set with an IntelligenceThermal Fusion Hair & Scalp Revitalizer650 NutriMenC RE 9 REvolution Set - 5 productsABC <strong>Arbonne</strong> Baby Care with an Intelligence Rejuvenating Cream860 ABC <strong>Arbonne</strong> Baby Care - 6 productsSRP(VAT Inclusive)CONSULTANT Information:Item # Product DescriptionSRP(VAT Inclusive)QTYSRP Total(VAT Inclusive)<strong>Arbonne</strong> Intelligence…not so basic skin care<strong>Arbonne</strong> Intelligence - Face485 Intelligence Exfoliating Masque with Thermal Fusion 23.00486 Intelligence Daily Cleanser 13.00487 Intelligence Daily Balancer 17.00490 Intelligence Daily Moisturizing Cream, Day & Night 21.00491 Intelligence Daily Eye Cream 17.00<strong>Arbonne</strong> Intelligence - Speciality480 Intelligence Skin Conditioning Oil 14.00481 Intelligence Rejuvenating Cream 24.00770 Intelligence Personalizer 16.00<strong>Arbonne</strong> Intelligence - Body Care450 Intelligence 53 mL Herbal Foot Cream 5-pack 19.00455 Intelligence 53 mL Hand Cream 5-pack 18.00460 Intelligence Body Lotion 18.00465 Intelligence Hand Cream 12.00470 Intelligence Herbal Foot Cream 13.00475 Intelligence Cleansing Gel 16.00<strong>Arbonne</strong> Intelligence…not so basic hair care<strong>Arbonne</strong> Intelligence - Hair750 Intelligence Thermal Fusion Hair & Scalp Revitalizer 18.00755 Intelligence Daily Self-Adjusting Conditioner 16.00760 Intelligence Self-Adjusting Shampoo with Tea Tree Oil 16.00765 Intelligence Daily Self-Adjusting Shampoo 15.00BefoRE Sun950 Damage Control, Water Resistant, SPF 30/High Protection 29.00945 Save Face & Body, SPF 15/Medium Protection 23.00975 Made in the Shade, Self Tanner 29.001710 No Sun Intended, Bronzing Powder 16.00965 Lip Saver, SPF 30/High Protection 6.00NutriMinC RE 9 369 RElease Deep Pore Cleansing Masque 24.00370 REveal Facial Scrub 22.00371 REnewing Gelée Crème, Hydrating Wash 24.00372 REstoring Mist, Balancing Toner 22.00373 REality SPF 8, Day Crème/Low Protection 33.00374 REpair Corrective Eye Crème 32.00375 REactivating Facial Serum, Day & Night 32.00376 REcover Night Crème 48.00377 REactivating Body Serum 26.00378 REfinish Hydrating Body Lotion 28.00379 REversing Gelée, Transforming Lift 29.00381 REfresh Foaming Body Wash 20.00NutirMenC RE 9 620 REveal Exfoliating Wash 19.00625 REstoring Toner 17.00630 REsurface Shave Gel 15.00635 REality Moisturizer Sunscreen SPF 8/Low Protection 30.00BabyABC <strong>Arbonne</strong> Baby Care849 Sunscreen SPF 30+/High Protection 19.00850 Hair and Body Wash 11.00851 Body Lotion 11.00852 Body Oil 13.00853 Herbal Nappy Cream 12.00ARBONNE COLOURFor FaceAbout Face Line Defiance Liquid Foundation SPF 15/Medium Protection1060 1 C 25.001061 2 W 25.001062 3 N 25.001063 4 C 25.001064 5 C 25.001065 6 N 25.001066 7 W 25.001067 8 W 25.001068 9 W 25.001069 10 N 25.001070 11 C 25.001071 12 C 25.001072 13 W 25.001073 14 N 25.001074 15 C 25.00Name _________________________________________________ID Number_ _____________________________________________Daytime Phone___________________________________________Evening Phone_ __________________________________________E-mail Address___________________________________________Date of purchase________________________________________White Copy - Send to <strong>Arbonne</strong> Yellow & Pink Copies - Independent Consultant or Client, keep for your records<strong>Arbonne</strong> Europe Sàrl, a company registered in Switzerland at registered office: Bundesstrasse 3, Postfach 4028,6304 Zug, Switzerland. VAT number 894 5181 85.91.00191.0081.0066.00QtySRP Total(VAT Inclusive)Warm = W Cool = C Neutral = NSend completed form to:<strong>Arbonne</strong> Europe Sàrlc/o <strong>Arbonne</strong> UK LTDAttn: <strong>Order</strong> Processing16 Basset CourtLoake CloseGrange ParkNorthampton, NN4 5EZFax 0844 463 80420800 977 5721arbonne.comEffective November 2007Item # Product DescriptionSRP(VAT Inclusive)QTYSRP Total(VAT Inclusive)About Face Mineral Powder Foundation SPF 15/Medium Protection1901 1 C 22.001902 2 W 22.001915 3 N 22.001916 4 C 22.001917 5 C 22.001906 6 N 22.001907 7 W 22.001908 8 W 22.001918 9 W 22.001909 10 N 22.001910 11 C 22.001911 12 C 22.001912 13 W 22.001913 14 N 22.001914 15 C 22.00More benefits for YOU!Ask your Independent Consultant about PwP, Bonus Products,Host Special and the convenient Autoship ProgrammeCLIENT ORDER SUMMARY:PRODUCT TOTALBONUS TOTAL______________________________SPECIALS TOTAL_ ___________________________Delivery Charge_____________________________ORDER TOTALMethod of Payment:Credit Card: l MasterCard l Visa l American ExpressCredit Card Number: Expiry Date /I authorise <strong>Arbonne</strong> to charge the above <strong>Order</strong> Total for this order. If there are any miscalculations, <strong>Arbonne</strong> willcontact me to arrange a revised authority.Amt applied to this order: £_________________________________________________Cardholder’s Name (Printed)________________________________________________Cardholder’s Phone_______________________________________________________Cardholder’s Signature_ ___________________________________________________l CashDelivery Charges (VAT Inclusive)Phone/Fax/Post orders £7Internet orders £6VAT Tax Calculation1. <strong>Order</strong> Total ÷ 1.175 = <strong>Price</strong> VATExclusive _______________2. <strong>Order</strong> Total - <strong>Price</strong> VAT Exclusive =VAT ______________<strong>Arbonne</strong> offers a 45 day money-back guarantee, on all product, to Clients notcompletely satisfied.CANCELLATION NOTICEPlease see overleaf for details for the right to cancel this transaction.Client/Buyer’s Signature______________________________________I wish to order the products set out above and I agree to pay the total price due. I notethat I have the right to cancel this order in accordance with the Notice of Right to Canceloverleaf. I have read, understood and consent to the collection and processing of anyinformation as set out in the Data Protection Notice overleaf.6388R01 04©2007 ARBONNE INTERNATIONAL LLC.ARBONNE.COM
GuaranteeA 45-day money-back guarantee is offered on all <strong>Arbonne</strong> Products. Clients not completely satisfied may return the purchased products to their<strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultant within 45 days from the Client purchase date for a full refund. Please allow four to six weeks for processing. Thisguarantee applies only to <strong>Arbonne</strong> products that are sold by <strong>Arbonne</strong> or <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultants within the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong>. The guaranteedoes not affect the Client’s statutory rights.NoticeThe Consultant is an independent distributor and reseller of <strong>Arbonne</strong> products and does not act on behalf of <strong>Arbonne</strong>. Please note that theIndependent Consultant does not have authority to bind <strong>Arbonne</strong> and that <strong>Arbonne</strong> accepts no liability for the acts or defaults of any of itsIndependent Consultants.Data ProtectionThe information that you provide will be processed independently by <strong>Arbonne</strong> and your Independent Consultant (together, “we”) and you consentto the use of your contact details and any information supplied by you to process your orders and for general administration, marketing, statisticaland management purposes. To do this, we may pass your details to agents and third parties who perform functions on our behalf. As <strong>Arbonne</strong> andsome of the entities (including the upline of your Consultant/Sponsor) to whom your data will be disclosed are located outside the EEA, including tocountries which may not offer protection of personal information equivalent to that in the UK, you agree to your data being disclosed to such thirdparties irrespective of their location for the purposes set out in this statement. You agree that <strong>Arbonne</strong> may provide your details to an alternativeIndependent Consultant should your current Consultant cease to be an <strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultant. You have the right to ask for a copy of theinformation <strong>Arbonne</strong> holds on you which is subject to the Swiss data protection and privacy laws and regulations including laws implementing theDirective 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995; (for which <strong>Arbonne</strong> may make a small charge) and to correctany inaccuracies in your information. Your Independent Consultant may contact you with details of the services, opportunities and products weprovide, invite you to functions or contact you to obtain feedback on our services and products. Please inform your Independent Consultant if youdo not want to hear from your Consultant in this way.NOTICE OF RIGHT TO CANCELDATE of transaction _____________You have the right to cancel this transaction if you wish. This right can be exercised by sending or taking a written notice of cancellationto the Independent Consultant within the period of 14 DAYS from the date on which the transaction was executed or alternatively up to9 WORKING DAYS from the day after you receive the goods, whichever is the later. If you cancel, any payments made by you under thecontract or sale will be refunded to you following receipt of your cancellation notice. If you cancel, you must make available to yourIndependent Consultant, in substantially as good condition as when received, any goods delivered to you under this contract or sale,or you may, if you wish, comply with the instructions of the Independent Consultant regarding the return posting of the goods at theConsultant’s expense and risk. If you do make the goods available to the Independent Consultant and the Consultant does not pick themup within 20 days of the date of your written notice to cancel, you may retain or dispose of the goods without any further obligation. Ifyou fail to make the goods available to the Independent Consultant, or if you agree to return the goods to the Consultant and fail to doso, then you remain liable for performance of all obligations under this contract. If you are unable to make arrangements for cancellingyour transaction with your Independent Consultant, post or deliver a signed and dated copy of this Notice of Right to Cancel, or any otherwritten notice, to <strong>Arbonne</strong> Europe Sàrl, c/o <strong>Arbonne</strong> UK LTD, 16 Basset Court, Loake Close, Grange Park, Northampton, NN4 5EZ, or send afax to <strong>Arbonne</strong> at 0844 463 8042 NOT LATER THAN MIDNIGHT of the 14 th DAY following the date on which you executed the transaction orthe 9 th working day from the day after you receive the goods.<strong>Arbonne</strong> Independent Consultant_ __________________________________________________Consultant ID Number_ ________________________Address_________________________________________ City_ _______________________ County________________ Postcode______________I HEREBY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION.Date__________________________________Client/Buyer’s signature______________________________________________________________