Safety_Series_025_1968 - gnssn - International Atomic Energy ...

Safety_Series_025_1968 - gnssn - International Atomic Energy ...

Safety_Series_025_1968 - gnssn - International Atomic Energy ...


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This publication is no longer validPlease see http://www.ns-iaea.org/standards/The e ffe ctiv e h a lf-life is the p ro p e r m eans of ex p re ssin g theduration of contam ination by a certain radion u clide. The p h ysicalh a lf-life fo r caesiu m -137 is 33 y ea rs, and this circu m stance mightseem to designate caesiu m -1 3 7 as a dangerous radion u clide. Butsin ce it is v e ry rapidly excreted , its effectiv e h a lf-life is only25 days and th e r e fo r e it is c la s s ifie d as m o d e ra te ly d a n g e rou s .E ffective h a lf-life is only one fa ctor for the evaluation of m aximump erm issible dose. Among others, the critica l organ is of prim eim p orta n ce. H ere the con cen tration o f the radion u clide, the rateof elim ination, the im portance of the organ or tissue fo r the functiono f the organ ism , its ra d iosen sitiv ity etc. a re fa ctors which shouldbe c o n s id e re d .1.4.5. Factors modifying the absorption and elimination ofradionuclidesThe therapy for radioactive poisoning is b asically a ph arm acolog ica l problem which is in many resp ects sim ila r to acute p oison ­ing with som e m etals. It su ffices here to mention only som e generalp rin cip les of decontam ination. It is vital to lim it the deposit ofradioactive substances in the cr itic a l organs by rapid and p rop erlyd irected m easu res of a ssistan ce.In ca ses w h ere a ra d ioa ctiv e su bstan ce has a lrea d y been in ­corp ora ted in the organ ism , it is even m ore n ece ssa ry than in theca se o f fir s t aid to take into accou nt the nature o f the ra d io a ctiv em a te ria l absorbed and to treat the patient a cco rd in g ly .The aim of internal decontam ination is to a ccelera te the e lim ­ination of ra d ioactiv e m a terial at the stage o f acute o r ch ron icpoisoning, as the case may be. It is to be rem em bered that the greatm ajority of radioactive elem ents, when once absorbed, are elim in ­ated only gradually by natural p r o c e s s e s . It is, for example, p ra ctica l­ly im p o ssib le to rem ov e radium from the body once se v e ra l w eekshave elapsed follow in g in gestion . A ll attem pts to brin g about as p e e d ie r elim in ation o f an absorb ed ra d ioa ctiv e m a teria l m ay bereg a rd ed as based on the follow in g p rin cip le s :(1) Taking advantage of the corresp on d en ce of the m etabolismo f the radioelem en t with a related elem ent in the patient (e.g.stron tium and ca lciu m );(2) Taking advantage of the discrim ination made by the organismbetw een a ra d ioa ctiv e elem ent and a c h e m ica lly rela ted but non ­ra d io a ctiv e elem ent; and5 0

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