Graduate School - The University of Akron

Graduate School - The University of Akron

Graduate School - The University of Akron

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102 <strong>The</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Akron</strong>College <strong>of</strong>EngineeringCHEMICAL ENGINEERING4200:561 SOUDS PROCESSING 3 creditsPrere_QUISites: 321 and 353 or permiSSion. Comprehens1ve problems 1n sed1mentat 1 on, fluidization,dry1ng and other operations 1nvolv1ng mechan1cs <strong>of</strong> particulate solids in hqu1d and gascont1nua.563 POLLUTION CONTROL 3 creditsPrerequiSite: 353 or permiss1on. A1r and water pollution sources and problems Eng1neenngaspects and methodology566 DIGmZED DATA AND SIMULATION 3 creditsPrerequ1s1te: permiSSion. Data acqUISitiOn and analysis by d1g1tal dev1ces, d!Qital control applicationsand des1gn.570 ELECTROCHEMICAL ENGINEERING 3 creditsPrerequ1s1tes· 322. 330. Chem1cal eng1neenng pnnc1ples as applied to the study <strong>of</strong> electrodeprocesses and to the des1gn <strong>of</strong> electrochemtcal reactors. Top1cs 1nclude electrochemical thermodynamiCS,cell polanzat1ons, Faraday's Laws, electrode k1net1cs. transport processes inelectrochemical systems, current d1stnbut1ons, reactor des1gn, expenmental methods, commercialprocesses, and batteries and fuel cells.57Z SEPARATION PROCESSES IN BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING 3 cred1tsPrerequiSite. 353. Introduction to the separation and punf:cation techniques pert1nent to bioprocesses,w1th emphasis on the eng1neenng cons1derat1ons for large-scale operat1ons600 TRANSPORT PHENOMENA 3 creditsPrerequ1s1te. 322 or permission. SystematiC presentation <strong>of</strong> conservation <strong>of</strong> momentum,energy and mass at m1croscop1c and macroscopiC levels 1n conJunction with 11lustrat1ve examplesand analogies605 CHEMICAL REACTION ENGINEERING 3 creditsPrerequisite: 330 or permission Kinet1cs <strong>of</strong> homogeneous and heterogenous systems. Reactordesign for ideal and non-1deal flow systems610 CLASSICAL THERMODYNAMICS 3 cred1tsPrerequ1s1te: 225. Discussion <strong>of</strong> laws <strong>of</strong> thermodynamicS and the1r application Pred1cat1onand correlat1on <strong>of</strong> thermodynamic data Phase and reaction equilibria622 BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING 3 creditsApplication <strong>of</strong> chem1cal eng1neenng pnnc1ples to biological processes wh1ch produce desirablecompounds or destroy unwanted or hazardous substances630 CHEMICAL PROCESS DYNAMICS 3 creditsPrerequ1s1te: 600. Development and solut1ons <strong>of</strong> mathematical models for chem1cal processes1ncluding models based on transport phenomena pnnc1ples, populat1on balance methodsand systems analysis631 CHEMICAL ENGINEERING ANALYSIS 3 cred1tsPrerequ1s1tes. 322, 225, 330 Mathematical analys1s <strong>of</strong> problems 1n transpor! processes, chem­ICal kinetics and control systems. Solution techn1ques for these problems and their pract1cal s1gn1f1cancesare stressed. HeuristiC pro<strong>of</strong>s will be g1ven for necessary theory developments632 NONUNEAR DYNAMICS AND CHAOS 3 creditsPrerequ1s1te 3450:235. Descnptron and analysis <strong>of</strong> the complex behav1or exhibrted by nonlinearequat1ons. Emphas1s is on the numencal methods to quantify chaos634 APPUED SURFACTANT SCIENCE 3 creditsPrerequisite· 610. <strong>The</strong> bas1cs <strong>of</strong> surfactant science, the chem1cal eng1neering application <strong>of</strong>surfactants 1ncluding use 1n polymenzat1on med1a, separatiOns, emuls1on. m1croemuls1on, anda rheology modifier635 ADVANCED POLYMER ENGINEERING 3 cred1tsPrerequisite 322 or 600 or permiSSIOn Reactors for polymenzat1on, polymer charactenzat1on,polymer processing, polymer rheology640 ADVANCED PLANT DESIGN 3 creditsPrerequisite: perm1ssion Top1cal treatment <strong>of</strong> process and equipment des1gn, scale-up, optimization,process syntheses, process econom1cs. Case problems680 HETEROGENOUS CATALYSIS 3 creditsPrerequisite. 330. K1net1cs and mechan1sms <strong>of</strong> heterogeneous and homogeneous catalyticreactions; characterization and design <strong>of</strong> heterogeneous catalysts696 TOPICS IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 1-3 credits(May be repeated for a total <strong>of</strong> Six credits) Prerequ1s1te. perm•ssion Top1cs selected from newand develop1ng areas <strong>of</strong> chem1cal engineering, such as electrochemical engmeenng, coal andsynthetic fuels process1ng, b1oengineenng, s1multaneous heat and mass transfer phenomenaand new separation techn1ques.698 MASTER'S RESEARCH 7-

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