Graduate School - The University of Akron

Graduate School - The University of Akron

Graduate School - The University of Akron

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110 <strong>The</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Akron</strong>632 ADVANCED INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES IN TYPEWRmNGAND TYPEWRITING-RELATED SUBJECTS3 credtts!ntens1ve exam1nat1on <strong>of</strong> teach1ng-learn1nQ strateg1es <strong>of</strong> if"!lprovement <strong>of</strong> instruction Empha­SIS on teadler coord1nat1on <strong>of</strong> methods preplanned objectives and evaluation to ensure maximumstudent competency tn subJect knowledge and skill695 AELO EXPERIENCE: MASTER'S 7-6 credtts(May be repeated for a total_ <strong>of</strong> SIX credits) PrerequiSites· permiSSion <strong>of</strong> adv1ser and supervisor<strong>of</strong> fteld expenence On-the-Job expenence related to student's program <strong>of</strong> studtes697 INDEPENDENT STUDY 7-3 credtts(May be repeated for a total <strong>of</strong> s1x cred1ts) PrerequiSites permiSSIOn <strong>of</strong> adv1ser and superv1sor<strong>of</strong> independent study Area <strong>of</strong> study determtned by student's needs.698 MASTER'S PROBLEM 24 credttsPrereqUISite: perm1ssion <strong>of</strong> adv1_ser. In-depth st~dy <strong>of</strong> a research problem 1n educatton Student~~sc~~i~~ble to demonstrate cntical and analytical sk1lls 1n deal1ng w1th a problem 1n secondary699 MASTER'S TliESIS 4-6 credttsPrerequisite: permission <strong>of</strong> adviser. In-depth study <strong>of</strong> research problem tn education. Studentmust b_e able to demonstrate cntical and analytical skills in dealing w1th a problem in secondaryeducationn1 SUPERVISION OF INSTRUCTION IN TliE SECONDARY SCHOOL2 credttsDefinttton <strong>of</strong> supervisory leadership role in improving instruction at secondary school level anddevelopment <strong>of</strong> practical theory <strong>of</strong> secondary school superviston780 SEMINAR IN SECONDARY EDUCATION 7-3 credtls(May be repeated) lntenstve examination <strong>of</strong> a parttcular area <strong>of</strong> secondary educatton781 RESIDENCY SEMINAR 1 credtt(Must be repeated) One hour weekly meettng for secondary educat1on doctoral student in residence782 RESIDENCY SEMINAR 1 credtt(Must be repeated) One-hour weekly meet1ng for secondary educatton doctoral student 1n residence.880 SEMINAR IN CURRICULAR AND INSTRUCTIONAL STUDIES 1-3 credtts(May be repeated for a total <strong>of</strong> ntne cred1ts) An tntenstve exammatton <strong>of</strong> a parttcular area atteacher education895 AELD EXPERIENCE: DOCTORAL 7-6 credtts(May be repeated for a total <strong>of</strong> stx credtts) Prerequ1s1tes. permtsston <strong>of</strong> adv1ser and dtrector <strong>of</strong>fteld experience. lntenstve JOb-related expenence perttnent to student's neeas Student mustbe able to demonstrate sktl!s and leadershtp ablltttes 1n an on-the-JOb s1tuat1on.897 INDEPENDENT STUDY 7-6 credtts(May be repeated for a total <strong>of</strong> s1x credtts) PrerequiSites: permtsston <strong>of</strong> adv1ser and director atindependent study. Area <strong>of</strong> study determtned by student's needs898 RESEARCH PROJECT IN SPECIAL AREAS 7-2 credttsPrerequistte: perm1sston <strong>of</strong> advtser Cnt1cal and tn-depth study <strong>of</strong> spectftc problem 1n secondaryeducation899 DOCTORAL DISSERTATION 1-20 credttsPrerequisite: perm1ssion <strong>of</strong> adviser. Spectfic research problem that requtres student to applyresearch skills and techntques perttnent to problem betng studied.TECHNICAL ANDVOCATIONAL EDUCATION5400:500 TliE POSTSECONDARY LEARNER 3 creditsDescnbes charactenstics <strong>of</strong> the postsecondary learner, stud1es tssues, factors. and strategtespert1nent to successful fac1litat1on <strong>of</strong> learning 1n a vanety <strong>of</strong> postsecondary learn1ng environments.505 OCCUPATIONAL EDUCATION FOR YOUTli AND ADULTS 3 creditsHistory and operatton <strong>of</strong> current occupattonal educat1on for youth and adults includes study<strong>of</strong> soctal, economic and polittcal Influences that sttmulate growth and expanston <strong>of</strong> occupationaleducation.515 TRAINING IN BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY 3 credttsExamtnes the role and mtss1on <strong>of</strong> the tra1n1ng tunct1on 1n the modern tndustrtal setting. Provtdesa foundation for a student planning to become an industnal trainer or tratning superv1sor<strong>of</strong> techntctans and other occupational skill-development levels.530 SYSTEMATIC CURRICULUM DESIGN FOR TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION 3 credttsProcedure <strong>of</strong> breaking down an occupation to determtne curnculum for laboratory and classroom,developmg thts content 1nto an organ1zed sequence <strong>of</strong> instructtonal un1ts535 INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES IN TECHNICAL EDUCATION 3 creditsPrereqUISite: 530 and 5100:520 or equ1valent. Selected toptcs 1n 1nstruct1onal techniquesappropnate to postsecondary technical education. Emphasts on instructional methods, techniquesin classroom, laboratory 1ncluding tests, measurements541 EDUCATIONAL GERONTOLOGY SEMINAR 3 credttsDes1gned for person practicing 1n f1eld <strong>of</strong> gerontology or prepanng for a spectalizat1on 1n educationalgerontology, includtng person responstble for development and 1mplementat10n <strong>of</strong>courses, seminars, occupational training programs and workshops for older people551 HOME ECONOMICS JOB TRAINING 3 credttsPrerequtstte: sen1or stand1ng or permiSSion <strong>of</strong> tnstructor. Concept development in vocat1onalhome econom1cs. Job tra1n1ng, program development operational procedures. skill andknowledge identification, trainmg pr<strong>of</strong>iles, job description and analys1s IndiVIdualized studyguides. In-school and on-the-Job observation590,1,2 WORKSHOP 7-3 credtts eachlnd1v1dual work under staff guidance on curnculum problems. uttlizat1on <strong>of</strong> communttyresources, p\anntng <strong>of</strong> cumculum untts594 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTES 7-4 credttsSpec1al courses destgned as tn-service upgrad1ng programs, frequently prov1ded wtth the support<strong>of</strong> national foundations600 TliE lWO-YEAR COLLEGE 3 credttsAn in-depth analysis <strong>of</strong> the htstory, purpose and philosophy <strong>of</strong> the two-year college, types <strong>of</strong>Institutions <strong>of</strong>fering two-year programs. management 1ssues and trends605 ADVANCED SYSTEMATIC CURRICULUM DESIGN FORTECHNICAL INSTRUCTION3 credttsPrerequisite: 430/530 An examination <strong>of</strong> the tnstructtonal design process for techntcaltnstructionand a review <strong>of</strong> research 1n effecttve performance-based techntcal program plann1ng andevaluat1on.610 COMMUNICATION WITH BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY 2 credttsTechntques <strong>of</strong> establishtng better communtcat1ons between educat1c·n and bustness andIndustry. Emphasts on the advtsory com~tttee, coord1nat1on functtons and working w1th localpr<strong>of</strong>esstonal assoCiations 1n the commun1ty615 ADVANCED TECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONAL DEVELOPMENT 3 credttsPrerequ1s1te. 435/535 An tn-depth analysts <strong>of</strong> assessment <strong>of</strong> techntcal tnstructton andresearch on methods <strong>of</strong> technical mstruction620 SUPERVISION OF TECHNICAL INSTRUCTION 3 credttsPrerequ1s1tes. 430/530 and 435/535 An exam1nat1on <strong>of</strong> the role <strong>of</strong> supervisor <strong>of</strong> techntcaltnstructlon, faCihtat on and evaluatton <strong>of</strong> techntcal Instructors, pr<strong>of</strong>ess1onal development, aswell as related leaaersh1p and management tssues661 CURRENT ISSUES IN HIGHER EDUCATION 2 credtts(May be repeatea wtth change 1n toptc) Exam1nat10n <strong>of</strong> many current problems and Issues tn1nSt1tuttons <strong>of</strong> htgher educatton, adult education, techntcalmstttutes, com'llun1ty colleges, propnetaryschools, urdergraduate, graduate and pr<strong>of</strong>ess1onal educat1on690 INTERNSHIP: TEACHING VOCATIONAL EDUCATION 3 credttsPrerequiSites completton <strong>of</strong> all requ1red Techntcal Educat1on coursework Technical1nstruct10nor curnculum development under s_uperv1sion from the Untvers1ty and t~e learntng organlzattonIncludes a sem1nar and portfoliO development695 FIELD EXPERIENCE: MASTER'S 7-6 credtts 130-180 fte!d hours}Prerequ1s1tes perm1sston <strong>of</strong> adviser ?md supervisor <strong>of</strong> fteld expenence. On-the-job experiencerelated to student's program <strong>of</strong> stud1es Cred1tiNon-cred1t697 INDEPENDENT STUDY 1-3 credits(May be repeated for a total <strong>of</strong> SIX cred1ts) Prerequisttes: permisston <strong>of</strong> acv1ser and supervtsor<strong>of</strong> Independent study Area <strong>of</strong> study determined by student's need698 MASTER'S PROBLEMPrerequiSite: perm1sston <strong>of</strong> advtser. In-depth study <strong>of</strong>must be able to deMonstrate cnttcal and analyticaland vocattonal educatton24 cred1tsresearch problem 1n educatton. Student1n dealing w1th a problem 1n technical699 MASTER'S THESIS 4-6 creditsPrerequiSite permtssion <strong>of</strong> advtser In-depth study <strong>of</strong> research problem 1n education. Studentmust be able to demonstrate cnt1cal and analytiCal skills 1n dealing w1th a problem in vocattonaleducattonPHYSICAL EDUCATION5550:536 FOUNDATIONS AND ELEMENTS OF ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION 3 credttsPnnctples. components. and strategies necessary 1n provtdtng motor actiVIties for handicappedstudents v1a apphcatton <strong>of</strong> a neuro-developmental model and alternatiVe methods.Three hour lecture541 ADVANCED ATHLETIC INJURY MANAGEMENT 4 crcd1ts (30 cltmcal hours)PrerequiSites. 3100 208/209, 5550:240. Advanced athlettc tra1n1ng techntques for the studentdes1nng to become 3 cert1fted athletiC tratner accordtng to the regulat1ons <strong>of</strong> the Nat1onal AthleticTratners Assoc1at1on542 THERAPEUTIC MODALmES AND EQUIPMENT INSPORTS MEDICINE3 credtts !30 cltntcal hours)Prerequtsttes 3100208/209, 5550.240 Purpose rs to develop techniques and sktlls amongsports med1C1ne personneltn the selectton and tmplementatton <strong>of</strong> therapsutic modalit1es andthe equtpment usee 1n the rehabilitation <strong>of</strong> lfiJUfles to athletes551 ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION INADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION3 credtts 120 c!tmcal hours)PrerequiSite: PermiSSion <strong>of</strong> adviser. lnvesttgatton analysts, and select1on <strong>of</strong> appr~pnate assessmer!tnstruments. as well as methodology for determ1n1ng tnstruct1onal objecttves and act1v-1t1es for handicapped students Three hour lecture590,1,2 WORKSHOP 1-3 credttsPracttcal, 1ntens•ve, :md concentrated Involvement with current curncular practices 1n areasrelated to phystcal educat1on593 EDUCATIONAL INSmUTES AND FOUNDATIONS 74 creditsPracttcal expenence wtth current research or curncular practtces Involving expert resource personwtth phys1cal educatton, and usually financed by pnvate or public funding.601 SUPERVISION AND ADMINISTRATION OF PHYSICALAND HEALTli EDUCATION, RECREATION AND DANCE3 credttsThis course tnc:udes techn1ques <strong>of</strong> organization, administration and evaluatiOn <strong>of</strong> education,recreat1on and dance programs, as well as admtn1strat1ve policies at the elementary, secondary,and college levels602 MOTOR BEHAVIOR 3 credttsThis course communicates knowledge <strong>of</strong> current researc..h 1n human movE:ment from a motordevelopment and r~ctor learntng perspective lndlvidualtztng teacher-coach decis1on-mak1ngbased on sktll analysts603 PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND HEALTli EDUCATION:INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES3 credttsDtscuss1on <strong>of</strong> curnculum development and tnstruct1ona! strateg1es for developtng and Implementingsound program(s).604 CURRENT ISSUES IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION 3 credttsThts course represents a planned experience 1n 1nterpretat1on and arttculatton <strong>of</strong> 1nformat1onw1th1n the context ot selected aspects <strong>of</strong> current ISsues 1n sport.605 PHYSIOLOGY OF MUSCULAR ACTIVITY AND EXERCISE 3 credttsFunctions <strong>of</strong> body systems and phys1ologtcal effects <strong>of</strong> exefCise. Laboratory expenences, lectures,dtscusstons606 STATISTICS: QUANmATIVE AND QUAUTATIVE METliODS 3 credttsPrerequisite 5100 640 Research methods/destgns. statiStics (appltcatJon and 1nterpretat1on).use <strong>of</strong> computers ard appropnate s<strong>of</strong>tware as they relate to vanous dtsctplines tn the area <strong>of</strong>phystcal acttvtty609 MOTIVATIONAL ASPECTS OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY 3 credttsAnalys1s <strong>of</strong> factors influencing mottvation <strong>of</strong> motor performance wtth emphasis on competition,audtence effects, aggression680 SPECIAL TOPICS IN HEALTli AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION 24 credits(May be repeated) Prerequisite permtsston <strong>of</strong> Instructor. Group study <strong>of</strong> spec1al toptcs 1nhealth and phystcal educatton and sports medlc1ne.

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