Graduate School - The University of Akron

Graduate School - The University of Akron

Graduate School - The University of Akron

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Courses <strong>of</strong> Instruction 117670 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT 3 cred1tsPrerequ1sites: 600. 601 or equ1valent An overv1ew <strong>of</strong> the strateg1c. tact1cal and operat1onal1ssues d1rectly related to the creat1on <strong>of</strong> goods and serv1ces671 ADVANCED OPERATIONS RESEARCH 3 creditsPrereqUISite· 662 Designed to present 1n more depth and breadth certain toprcs surveyed 1n662, with emphas1s on application <strong>of</strong> these techniques to student's own business s1tuat1ons673 QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY TECHNIQUES 3 cred1tsPrereqUISite: 601. Introduction to tectm1ques for 1mprov1ng product1v1ty and quality, IncludingstatiStical process control (SPC), matenal requ1rements plann1ng (MRP), JUSt-In-time (JIT}1nventory control and management <strong>of</strong> the program674 ADVANCED QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY TECHNIQUES 3 creditsPrerequiSites· 673. Examines advanced techn1ques 1n statiStical process control, expenmentaldestgn, determtnation <strong>of</strong> customer quality needs/customer service, product reltabtllty~labilltyand management <strong>of</strong> quality systems.675 MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 3 cred1tsPt-erequtstte· 600 Surveys functtons and explores opportun1t1es for pr<strong>of</strong>1t Improvement andcost reduction 111 those functtons Integrated under the organtzatlonal concept <strong>of</strong> matenalsmanagement676 MANAGEMENT OF PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS 3 cred1ts600 602, 662. Surveys the ma0agement <strong>of</strong> resources requ1red to transformrnto products or servrces Addresses tssues related to servrces, matertals, people andequipment uttl1zed for production.678 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 3 cred1tsPrerequtsttes 600, 601, 602. Provtdes working knowledge <strong>of</strong> tools and methods available toproject managers tncludtng computenzed analysts <strong>of</strong> network models to a1d 111 the planntngand control functtons683 HEALTH SERVICES SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT 3 cred1tsPrerequts1te 580 or 600 or equtvalent or permtss1on <strong>of</strong> instructor Study <strong>of</strong> health serv1cesorgantzat1ons, comparattve delivery systems, the roles <strong>of</strong> thrrd-party payors and governmentpol1cy tn health care Semrnar format: maJOr research paper requ1red686 HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH PROJECT 3 cred1tsPrereqursttes 683 or permiSSIOn <strong>of</strong> tnstructor. In-depth f1eld study 111 health services admintstrattonwtth applications <strong>of</strong> research and analysis sktlls Course requ1res rev1ew <strong>of</strong> ltterature anda maJor research paper687 GRADUATE SEMINAR IN HEALTH SERVICES POUCY AND ADMINISTRATION 3 cred1tsPrerequ1s1tes. 683 or permission <strong>of</strong> 1nstructor. Advanced semtnar: 1n-depth study <strong>of</strong> contemporary1ssues tn health servtces pol1cy and adm1n1strat10n. Includes examtnat1on <strong>of</strong> macro-soctetaland mtcro-organ1zattonal tssues. Major paper required688 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN HEALTH SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 1-3 cred1tsIMay not be repeated for more than three credttsl Prerequtsttes: 580 or 600 or equivalent orpermiSSIOn <strong>of</strong> tnstructor Independent study and research <strong>of</strong> a spectal toptc <strong>of</strong> interest tn healthservtces admtnJstratton (e.g , management), chosen by the student tn consultation with andunder the superv1s1on <strong>of</strong> the tnstructor690 SELECTED TOPICS IN MANAGEMENT 3 cred1tsIMay be repeated for a total <strong>of</strong> six cred1ts) PrerequiSite: 652 Selected top1cs in historical, contemporaryand/or operattonal and functtonal areas <strong>of</strong> management.695 BUSINESS STRATEGY AND POUCY: DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL 3 cred1tsPrerequtstte to be ftnal course 1n M.B.A. program A case-onented course wh1ch focuses onintegration <strong>of</strong> theoretrcal and practtcal knowledge acqutred tn core bus1ness courses Studentsanalyze, evaluate, formulate organization objeCtives and strategtes wtth1n domestic and internattonalenvrronmental contexts697 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN MANAGEMENT 1-3 cred1ts(May be repeated for a total <strong>of</strong> stx credtts} Focus on spectal tOpiCS <strong>of</strong> study and research inmanagement on an tndependent bas1s.MARKETING6600:540 PRODUCT PLANNING 3 cred1tsPrerequ1s1te: 600 Exam1nes the creatton <strong>of</strong> new products and the management <strong>of</strong> ex1sttngproducts through the ltfe cycle. (<strong>Graduate</strong> credit requtres addtttonal research paper.).550 STRATEGIC RETAIL MANAGEMENT 3 creditsPrerequisite 600 or permrssion <strong>of</strong> tnstructor. lnvesttgat1on <strong>of</strong> strategic and tactical retatl deCI­Sions and tssues through the use <strong>of</strong> case analysis, computer appl1cat1ons, expenenttal games,and field projects (<strong>Graduate</strong> credit requ1res add1t1onal research paper.)570 BUSINESS TO BUSINESS MARKETING 3 creditsPrerequtstte· 600 or permtss1on <strong>of</strong> tnstructor Studtes tndustnal and organizational buyer behav­IOr. <strong>The</strong> strategtc markettng management pract1ces <strong>of</strong> ftrms selling to bus1ness organtzations,government egenctes, and 1nstitut1ons are also exam1ned (<strong>Graduate</strong> credit requ1res add1t1onalresearch paper)575 BUSINESS NEGOTIATIONS 3 creditsExam1nes bustness negotJatton pnnciples and pract1ces, and butlds skills in the process <strong>of</strong>negottattng bustness agreements580 SALES MANAGEMENT 3 creditsPrerequ1s1te: 600 or perm1ss1on <strong>of</strong> instructor. Develops analytical and managenal skills throughcase stud1es and other learntng act1v1t1es relattng to the organization, selection, tra1ntng mottvatton,and control <strong>of</strong> a sales force. (<strong>Graduate</strong> cred1t requ1res addtt1onal research paper.)600 MARKETING CONCEPTS 3 creditsIntroductory course exam1n1ng buyer behavror, environmental influences, target marketrng,product development, dtstnbut1on, promotton, and prrc1ng for bustness f1rms and nonpr<strong>of</strong>itorgan1zattons w1th1n a global context620 STRATEGIC MARKETING MANAGEMENT 3 creditsPrerequtstte: 600 or equtvalent Managenal assessments <strong>of</strong> opportun1t1es, threats are exploredas are the development and management <strong>of</strong> appropnate strategiC marketing plans and thetrtactJcallmplementatton.630 MARKETING OF SERVICES 3 cred1tsPrereqUISite: 600 or permisston <strong>of</strong> instructor Examines marketing strategies within the servtce:ndustry Focuses on both pr<strong>of</strong>it (e.g., transportatton, financial) and nonpr<strong>of</strong>tt (e.g., educationalsoc1al} organ1zat1ons. Product support services are also covered.640 BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS 3 cred1tsPrerequ1sites 6500:601 and 602 Covers the sc1ent1ftc methods as well as the gathering andanalysis <strong>of</strong> Information to identify opportunities and solve problems withtn a bus1ness organtzatton.650 CONSUMER BEHAVIOR 3 creditsPrerequtstte: 600. Examtnes the marketplace behavior <strong>of</strong> tndrvrduals, households and organtzattonsFocus 1s placed on integrattng theorettcal models w1th managenal appltcat1ors655 MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS 3 creddsPrerequ1srte· 600. <strong>The</strong> total range <strong>of</strong> marketing commun1cat1on tools are examrned tndr;td.Jallyand tn the context <strong>of</strong> plannrng, develop1ng, and rmplementtng a systematiC and tntegratEdcommun1cat1ons program670 COMPETITIVE BUSINESS STRATEGY 3 ued1tsPrereqUISites 600 601, 6400·602, 6500·600, and 6600:600 lnvest1gat1on <strong>of</strong> compet1t1ve businessstrategy from an tndustry perspectrve. <strong>The</strong> course presents a framework wh1ch can beused to understand and develop compettttve strateg1es680 APPUCATIONS OF MARKETING THEORY 3 creditsPrerequiSite· 600 Exam1nes marketing theories and their appltcattons to busrness problemsolvingand deCISion-making. Selected readtngs and f1eld projects are used to enhance the student'smanagenal skills.697 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN MARKETING 1-3 credns(May be repeated for a total <strong>of</strong> six credits) Focus on spectal toptcs <strong>of</strong> study and research tnmarkettng on an rndependent basts.PROFESSIONAL6700:690 PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBIUTY I cred1tPrerequiSite: N1ne graduate credits. Semrnar on the pr<strong>of</strong>esstonal responslblltttes <strong>of</strong> bus1nessmen and women to make them and the bustness organ1zatton tn whrch they worh. moreresponsible dec1sron makers692 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 1 cred1tPrerequis1te- Ntne graduate credtts Enhances understandtng <strong>of</strong> global bust ness tssues, presentrelevant trends and updates. facrlttates cross-cultural tnteractron, and explores appliedpract1ces <strong>of</strong> tnternatronal bustness694 APPUED BUSINESS DOCUMENTATION AND CONTACT I cred1tTh1s course 1s des1gned to <strong>of</strong>fer a practtcum approach to the sktlls and strateg1es for handltngspectaltzed documents, contact protocols, and bustness presentatrons695 INTERNSHIP IN BUSINESS 1-3 cred1tsPrerequiSite· permiSSIOn <strong>of</strong> Instructor. On-the-job expenence w1th cooperatrng prtvate ar,d publicsector organtzations. lndivtduai assrgnments made by supervJs1ng faculty member Pen odicreports and research papers requ1red Credtt!NoncredJt.696 SPECIAL TOPICS IN PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT I cred,rSpecial toptcs and current tssues rn the MBA Program Pr<strong>of</strong>esstonal Core May be repeatedwtth a change <strong>of</strong> subject, not to exceed 4 credtts698 COLLOQUIUM IN BUSINESS 1-3 cred1tsPrerequisrte· permisston <strong>of</strong> graduate director Study <strong>of</strong> bus1ness admrn1stratron through a seminar<strong>of</strong> several lectures tn business research and pract1ce. A broad range <strong>of</strong> toptcs 1n bust nessresearch and tssues wtll be discussed by guests, faculty and graduate students. ~~/!ay berepeated, but Will not sat1sfy degree requirements (Credlt/non-credtt.)INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS6800:605 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENTS 3 cred1tsAn tntroductory course designed to develop a broad understandtng <strong>of</strong> global bustness environments.630 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING POLICIES 3 credttsPrerequ1s1te: 6600.620 and 6800 605 or permtss1on <strong>of</strong> tnstructor. Explores the pmblems <strong>of</strong> formulattngand 1mplementrng markettng strategres and tactics withrn complex andmulttnattonal organ1zattons and international markets A planntng framework IS enmhost:,erl685 MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS 3 cred1tsPrerequ1s1te: 605 An advanced course destgned to develop an tn-depth understanding <strong>of</strong> globalbustnesses, their functions, structures, and strategtc operations.690 SEMINAR IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 3 cred1tsPrerequisite· 605 and a total <strong>of</strong> 15 Phase II graduate credits or perm1ss1on ot InstructorAdvanced course covenng several major tssues tn international bustness697 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 1-3 credits(May be repeated for a total <strong>of</strong> SIX credits} PrerequiSites· <strong>Graduate</strong> stand1ng and permiss1on <strong>of</strong>tnstructor Focus on spectal topiCS <strong>of</strong> study and research in 1nternat1onal bustness on an Independentbasis

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