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College of Arts & Sciences • 187KIN 166 Coaching Baseball/Softball 1KIN 168 Coaching Track and Field/Cross Country 1KIN 170 Coaching Soccer 1KIN 172 Coaching Lacrosse/Field Hockey 1Total 17Coaching CertificateThe Coaching Certificate Program is recommended for students majoring in Kinesiologywho are interested in coaching interscholastic or intercollegiate athletics. In addition to theKinesiology Core requirements, students seeking a Coaching Certificate are required tocomplete the following courses:Course Title Credit HoursKIN 101 Lifetime Fitness and Wellness 1KIN 110 Weight Training and Jogging 1KIN 191 First Aid and CPR 1KIN 477 Principles and Philosophy of Coaching 3Choose any four of the following:EXSC 280 Care and Treatment of Athletic Injuries 3KNS 322 Motor Development 3KIN 342 Ethics in Sport 3EXSC 350 Sport and Exercise Psychology 3KNS 370 Measurement and Evaluation in Physical Education 3SM 450 Sports Law 3SM 473 Facility Planning and Event Management 3Choose any two of the following:KIN 160 Coaching Football 1KIN 162 Coaching Basketball 1KIN 164 Coaching Volleyball 1KIN 166 Coaching Baseball/Softball 1KIN 168 Coaching Track & Field/Cross Country 1KIN 170 Coaching Soccer 1KIN 172 Coaching Lacrosse/Field Hockey 1Total 20

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