Y and M [2007] - Family Court of Western Australia

Y and M [2007] - Family Court of Western Australia

Y and M [2007] - Family Court of Western Australia


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14 Whether or not the father requires leave depends on theinterpretation <strong>of</strong> the commencement <strong>of</strong> the new provisions. Section27(2) <strong>of</strong> the Jurisdiction <strong>of</strong> <strong>Court</strong>s (<strong>Family</strong> Law) Act deals with thecommencement date <strong>of</strong> the relevant amended appeal section. Itprovides:“The amendments made by items 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 19, 20 to 24 <strong>and</strong>26 apply to proceedings instituted after the commencement <strong>of</strong>this Part in the Magistrates <strong>Court</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Australia</strong>constituted by a <strong>Family</strong> Law Magistrate <strong>of</strong> <strong>Western</strong> <strong>Australia</strong>”15 The procedure to be followed in relation to the father’s appealdepends on the interpretation <strong>of</strong> the terms “proceedings instituted”.The father’s originating application was filed in 2005, prior to theintroduction <strong>of</strong> the amendments, however; the application before the<strong>Court</strong> which is subject <strong>of</strong> the father’s appeal was filed in <strong>2007</strong>, afterthe introduction <strong>of</strong> the amendments.16 When the appeal was lodged the Appeals Registrar consideredthe appeal to be heard pursuant to s 96 <strong>and</strong> conducted as a hearing denovo before a single judge. Consequently, the matter was listed for adirections hearing on 25 June <strong>2007</strong> before me.17 The term “proceedings” is defined in s 4(1) <strong>of</strong> the Act as “aproceeding in a court, whether between parties or not, <strong>and</strong> includescross-proceedings or an incidental proceeding in the course <strong>of</strong> or inconnexion with a proceeding.” However the terms “instituted” or“institution” are not defined in the Act. I think that this term is thekey word in interpreting upon which law the appeal lies.18 The father, in his written submissions, refers to the Full <strong>Court</strong>decision in Good <strong>and</strong> Good (1982) FLC 91-249 which deals with theinstitution <strong>of</strong> proceedings in relation to s 44(3) <strong>of</strong> the Act. The Full<strong>Court</strong> said:“…once the husb<strong>and</strong> had made his application under sec. 78there were between the parties properly instituted proceedingsfalling within para. (ca). It was then open to either party at anytime while these proceedings were pending to file furtherapplications or cross-applications or to amend pleadings to seekorders with respect to the property <strong>of</strong> the parties under sec. 78 or79 without seeking leave under sec. 44(3). Such furtherapplications or amendments should not, in our view, be regarded

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