Ceramic Roadmap 'Paving the Way to 2050' - Cerame-Unie
Ceramic Roadmap 'Paving the Way to 2050' - Cerame-Unie
Ceramic Roadmap 'Paving the Way to 2050' - Cerame-Unie
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Executive SummaryVisionStatementA strategic sec<strong>to</strong>r for <strong>the</strong> EUThe European ceramic industry <strong>to</strong>day employsover 200,000 people in <strong>the</strong> EU-27, around 80%of <strong>the</strong>m in SMEs. World-leading companies areheadquartered in <strong>the</strong> EU and <strong>the</strong> industry developshighly-skilled and trained employees.As one of mankind’s oldest industries, <strong>the</strong> Europeanceramic industry is a strategic and future-orientedsec<strong>to</strong>r. Through its continued commitment <strong>to</strong>innovation, <strong>the</strong> ceramic industry has demonstratedits willingness and ability <strong>to</strong> contribute <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>development of a competitive low-carbon andresource-efficient economy in <strong>the</strong> coming decades.or o<strong>the</strong>r ceramic products imported from lessenvironmentally-regulated countries.More than business asusual is necessaryThe transition <strong>to</strong> a competitive low-carbon andresource-efficient economy in 2050 representsa challenging target for <strong>the</strong> European ceramicindustry. As demonstrated in its long his<strong>to</strong>ry, <strong>the</strong>sec<strong>to</strong>r is committed <strong>to</strong> contributing responsibly <strong>to</strong><strong>the</strong> achievement of such a target. This enormouschallenge means we need <strong>to</strong> build on our currentknow-how and expertise and new breakthroughtechnologies will be needed.The European ceramic industryis a strategic enabler for growth,innovation and sustainability.Therefore, a thriving ceramicindustry in <strong>the</strong> EU is vital<strong>to</strong> achieve a competitivelow-carbon andresource-efficienteconomy by 2050.With its wide range of applications, fromconstruction <strong>to</strong> consumer goods, industrialprocesses and cutting-edge technologies, <strong>the</strong>ceramic industry constantly develops innovativeand high-value solutions that improve our qualityof life and facilitate vital progress in downstreamsec<strong>to</strong>rs. Indeed our products play an essentialand very often indispensable role for energy andresource efficiency in o<strong>the</strong>r sec<strong>to</strong>rs. By enablingresource and energy efficiency in all <strong>the</strong>se sec<strong>to</strong>rs,ceramics play an essential role in EU society.The need for a lifecycle approach<strong>Ceramic</strong> products are designed <strong>to</strong> be durable. Thisis achieved through high-temperature firing of awide range of minerals, from locally-sourced clay <strong>to</strong>natural or syn<strong>the</strong>tic high-quality industrial minerals,<strong>to</strong> produce carefully-controlled materials.The contribution of such products <strong>to</strong> resource andenergy efficiency can only be appreciated with aholistic approach that considers <strong>the</strong> completelifecycle of <strong>the</strong> product, including its durability andimpact over <strong>the</strong> use phase. This approach shouldalso take in<strong>to</strong> account all relevant environmentalindica<strong>to</strong>rs, such as biodiversity, ecological andhuman <strong>to</strong>xicity and water use.This holistic approach is required <strong>to</strong> ensure <strong>the</strong>responsible promotion of ceramic productsmade in <strong>the</strong> EU instead of less durable productsThe 2050 emissions reduction targets are evenmore challenging for a capital-intensive sec<strong>to</strong>r withlong investment cycles like ceramics. Kilns forceramic production can last more than 40 years.Therefore, 2050 is less than <strong>the</strong> lifetime of a newkiln away. The model developed in this <strong>Roadmap</strong>shows that even in <strong>the</strong> hypo<strong>the</strong>sis where half ofall kilns are converted <strong>to</strong> electricity in <strong>the</strong> period2030-2050 and <strong>the</strong> remainder retrofitted <strong>to</strong> syngasor biogas co-fired with natural gas, <strong>the</strong> emissionscould only be reduced by around 78% compared<strong>to</strong> 1990 levels instead of <strong>the</strong> 83-87% industrytarget set by <strong>the</strong> European Commission, mainlydue <strong>to</strong> unavoidable process emissions.However, such a scenario will face significanttechnical, economic and resource constraints.Therefore, a supportive and reliable legal frameworkwill be essential <strong>to</strong> mobilise <strong>the</strong> human and financialresources needed <strong>to</strong> acquire and implement <strong>the</strong>essential fur<strong>the</strong>r breakthrough technologies.Like many sec<strong>to</strong>rs, we operate in a globalmarketplace. Therefore, it is essential that <strong>the</strong>impact of EU legislation on <strong>the</strong> internationalcompetitiveness of <strong>the</strong> industry is properlyaddressed. In particular, climate policy needs abot<strong>to</strong>m-up approach which takes in<strong>to</strong> account<strong>the</strong> technical and economic feasibility of additionalemission reductions and also <strong>the</strong> level of regula<strong>to</strong>rycommitment of non-EU countries.The year 2050 is <strong>the</strong> target of several <strong>Roadmap</strong>spublished by <strong>the</strong> European Commissionwhich set long-term strategies for a competitivelow-carbon economy, resource efficiency, energyand transport. All of <strong>the</strong>se are key EU policy areas.The debate following <strong>the</strong> publication of <strong>the</strong>sedocuments has inspired a thoughtful discussionamong <strong>Cerame</strong>-<strong>Unie</strong>’s members on <strong>the</strong> currentand future role of our industry in EU society.The <strong>Ceramic</strong> Industry <strong>Roadmap</strong> represents ourcontribution <strong>to</strong> that debate.In this <strong>Roadmap</strong>, we take you on a <strong>to</strong>ur of <strong>the</strong>ceramic industry’s diverse sec<strong>to</strong>rs and demonstrate<strong>the</strong> strategic role each of <strong>the</strong>m plays in societyand in enhancing life quality. We aim <strong>to</strong> presenta realistic overview of an industry that has alwaysbeen at <strong>the</strong> heart of European society and traditionand which continues <strong>to</strong> lead on <strong>the</strong> global stage.<strong>Ceramic</strong> companies across Europe are taking steps<strong>to</strong> introduce energy-saving best practices, improveresource efficiency and move away from traditionalenergy sources. In addition, taking a lifecycleview of our products shows that <strong>the</strong>y help achieveresource, water and energy savings for consumersand downstream user sec<strong>to</strong>rs.With a long his<strong>to</strong>ry behind <strong>the</strong>m and globalleadership, <strong>the</strong> European ceramic industry standson solid foundations and is fit for 2050 and beyond.We can enhance <strong>the</strong> international competitivenessof our industry and adapt <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> shifting regula<strong>to</strong>rylandscape, provided that <strong>the</strong> appropriateregula<strong>to</strong>ry framework is defined and implementedby policymakers at European and national levelworking closely with us.This is no straight road but working <strong>to</strong>ge<strong>the</strong>r, wecan pave <strong>the</strong> way for a better future for Europe,delivering on jobs and growth in a sustainablemanner. <strong>Ceramic</strong>s will continue <strong>to</strong> play an excitingand critical role in <strong>the</strong> 21st century in many novelapplications.Alain DelcourtPresident, <strong>Cerame</strong>-<strong>Unie</strong>4 s Back <strong>to</strong> contents Back <strong>to</strong> contents s 5
Raw Materials and Res<strong>to</strong>rationTo ensure long-term raw material supply and <strong>to</strong> encourage ongoing investment in <strong>the</strong>sec<strong>to</strong>r, <strong>the</strong> extraction of clay and o<strong>the</strong>r minerals must be carefully planned. During andafter extraction, quarries and riverbanks are res<strong>to</strong>red and returned <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir natural state,creating new habitats and promoting biodiversity. By res<strong>to</strong>ring clay extraction sitesand protecting biodiversity, <strong>the</strong> ceramic industry plays an important role in maintainingsustainable local communities.Environmentand EmissionsA Closed LoopBeing inert due <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> naturalmaterials <strong>the</strong>y are made from and<strong>the</strong> high-temperature firing <strong>the</strong>yundergo, <strong>the</strong> majority of ceramicscan be recycled and reusedwithin <strong>the</strong> ceramics industryand by o<strong>the</strong>r industries. Manycompanies reprocess firedceramic waste in<strong>to</strong> new ceramicproducts. This creates aninternal market for waste, whichbecomes a valuable resourceand helps preserve natural s<strong>to</strong>cksof virgin and important mineralsin Europe such as clay, limes<strong>to</strong>neand feldspar and also reduces <strong>the</strong>imports of minerals such as zircon,bauxite and magnesia from overseas.ProductionThe production of ceramics variesaccording <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> final product,but generally includes <strong>the</strong>preparation of raw materials,shaping, drying, glazing/decoration, firing and insome cases assembling.Investments like computercontrolledkilns, formulationswith optimised firingtemperatures and waste heatrecovery systems improveenergy efficiency. Transportand firing emissions have beenfur<strong>the</strong>r reduced by technologicaladvances leading <strong>to</strong> significantweight reduction.Energy Efficiency in ProductionIn <strong>the</strong> last two decades, significant reductionsin energy consumption have been made duringproduction, for example, through better kiln designand more efficient firing. Energy-saving innovationsand materials technology have focused mainly onreplacing solid fuel with natural gas, scaling upand improving <strong>the</strong> efficiency of kiln technology,and moving, where appropriate for <strong>the</strong> scale ofoperation, from intermittent (batch) <strong>to</strong> continuous(tunnel or fast-fire roller kiln) technology. Theceramic industry is continuously improving itsenergy efficiency where economically viable.The energy used <strong>to</strong> produce <strong>the</strong> bricks for a1m² brick wall decreased by 39% from 1990 <strong>to</strong>2007. For one <strong>to</strong>nne of wall and floor tiles, <strong>the</strong>energy used decreased by 47% from 1980 <strong>to</strong>2003. By changing from a twice-fired process atconventional firing temperatures <strong>to</strong> a single firingprocess at reduced firing temperatures, one UKhotel tableware producer reduced emissions by79% compared with similar products.High-performing and durable ceramics must befired at high temperatures. As such, <strong>the</strong> mostenergy-intensive process in ceramic manufacturingis kiln firing and in some cases <strong>the</strong> drying andshaping processes.Erik Kjær, ChiefConsultant, DanishTechnological Institute,Denmark“Back in <strong>the</strong> late 1960s,a large number of brickworks in Denmark usedcoal as fuel for firing.Today, natural gas<strong>to</strong>ge<strong>the</strong>r with sawdust is<strong>the</strong> fuel for approximately95% of brick productionin Denmark. This hasreduced CO 2 emissionsby approximately 40-50%. Combined with <strong>the</strong>energy savings made in<strong>the</strong> production process,<strong>the</strong> <strong>to</strong>tal CO 2 emissions in<strong>the</strong> Danish brick industry<strong>to</strong>day have been reducedby more than 75%.”Use PhaseOne of <strong>the</strong> main advantages of ceramics is <strong>the</strong>ir durability. <strong>Ceramic</strong> products require verylittle maintenance, have high resistance <strong>to</strong> environmental conditions and are extremelycost-effective. <strong>Ceramic</strong>s are essential as an application in construction and many o<strong>the</strong>rindustrial sec<strong>to</strong>rs such as au<strong>to</strong>motive, power generation, steel and concrete industries.<strong>Ceramic</strong> materials fulfil <strong>the</strong> demanding hygiene specifications, chemical and mechanicalresistance required in our bathrooms. They also contribute significantly <strong>to</strong> improving <strong>the</strong>energy and environmental profile of those sec<strong>to</strong>rs’ end-products.10 s Back <strong>to</strong> contents Back <strong>to</strong> contents s 11
Carbon Dioxide EmissionsThe bricks and roof tiles, refrac<strong>to</strong>ries and wall andfloor tiles sec<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>to</strong>ge<strong>the</strong>r emitted a <strong>to</strong>tal of 19 MtCO 2 in 2010. Of <strong>the</strong>se emissions, 66% were due<strong>to</strong> fuel combustion, with electricity and processemissions accounting for 18% and 16% respectively.Existing best available technologies (BAT) arecontinually-improving, but breakthrough technologiesneed <strong>to</strong> be developed in <strong>the</strong> near future.Fuel EmissionsEnergy efficiency is <strong>the</strong> most obvious way <strong>to</strong> reducefuel emissions. Energy consumption can be fur<strong>the</strong>rreduced if improved kilns, dryers, <strong>the</strong>rmostats andseals are installed and by implementing au<strong>to</strong>matedcontrols. Heat savings can be achieved byimproving <strong>the</strong>rmal insulation through <strong>the</strong> useof novel refrac<strong>to</strong>ry linings, coatings ando<strong>the</strong>r ceramic materials. As <strong>the</strong> life ofa kiln can be more than 40 years andrepresents major capital investment,it is not financially-feasible <strong>to</strong> routinelyupgrade kilns before <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong>irlife and replace <strong>the</strong>m with moreenergy-efficient models.Recovery of excess heat is alsowidespread as it reduces fuelconsumption. This can be done bycapturing kiln gases in order <strong>to</strong> preheat<strong>the</strong> combustion or dryer air. Smartdesign of manufacturing facilities is alsoa key fac<strong>to</strong>r because <strong>the</strong> physical distancebetween <strong>the</strong> different processes, e.g. firing anddrying, can account for energy savings.Electrification of kilns using low-carbon electricitycould be an option <strong>to</strong> reduce fuel emissions,particularly for large kilns making bricks, roof tiles,wall and floor tiles. However, this option is notcurrently economically-viable due <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> significantlyhigher cost of power compared <strong>to</strong> natural gas.Alternative Energy SourcesThe continuous processes used in <strong>the</strong> ceramicindustries all require uninterrupted, secureand affordable fuel and electricity supplies asunplanned interruptions can cause severe kilndamage resulting in shutdown and production lossfor several months.Fig. 6 - CO 2 emittedduring 2010 aggregatedfor <strong>the</strong> bricks and rooftiles, refrac<strong>to</strong>ries andwall and floor tilessec<strong>to</strong>rs (<strong>to</strong>tal emissionsof 19 Mt, representingapproximately of 90%of <strong>to</strong>tal ceramic industryemissions). The proportionbetween different emissiontypes, particularly forprocess emissions, canvary significantly betweendifferent processes andfac<strong>to</strong>riesThe ceramic industry predominantlyuses natural gas as it is more energyefficientat <strong>the</strong> high temperaturesrequired <strong>to</strong> fire clay and o<strong>the</strong>rindustrial minerals. Today, diesel,LPG, coal or coke are only usedwhen mains gas is unavailable.Across Europe, companies arenow integrating alternative fuels andrenewable electricity in<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir energymix. Several countries have started usingrenewable energy for some brick, roof tile andclay pipe sites, but have encountered difficultiesin obtaining planning permission for some of<strong>the</strong>se installations, particularly for wind turbinesand energy from waste projects. Therefore, afavourable legal framework is essential for waste <strong>to</strong>energy projects.Cogeneration has developed in Member Stateswhere <strong>the</strong>re are clear regula<strong>to</strong>ry incentives forcombined heat and power (CHP) generation. In2012, <strong>the</strong>re were around 250 CHP plants mainly inItaly, Portugal and Spain with an average installedcapacity of 3MW. Many are micro-generationfacilities with less than 1MW capacity. By producingelectricity in addition <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> heat necessary for itslow <strong>to</strong> medium-temperature needs, <strong>the</strong> ceramicindustry contributes <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> overall energy efficiencyof <strong>the</strong>se Member States.In <strong>the</strong> region of Valencia, which is home <strong>to</strong> 95%of Spain’s ceramic tile industry, some ceramicfac<strong>to</strong>ries have solar panels. The Almeria SolarPlatform, in Andalucia in Spain, is doing researchin<strong>to</strong> solar ovens which could reach high enoughtemperatures for drying ceramics, e.g. 200-300°C.Work is ongoing in<strong>to</strong> high-temperature ovens whichcould even fire some ceramics.For high-temperature firing, <strong>the</strong> most promisingway <strong>to</strong> reduce fuel emissions is <strong>to</strong> replace naturalgas by biogas or syngas from biomass or waste,modifying existing kilns through retrofitting.However, biogas <strong>to</strong>day is very expensive, currently2-3 times <strong>the</strong> price of natural gas. Syngas producedby <strong>the</strong> gasification of organic waste or biomassalso has a higher potential <strong>to</strong> replace natural gasand significantly reduce emissions, particularly in<strong>the</strong> brick and roof tile sec<strong>to</strong>rs. On average, <strong>the</strong> kilnrepresents 80% of <strong>the</strong> natural gas consumption ofa clay production unit. Substitution rates of up <strong>to</strong>80% syngas could technically be possible in someplants, with a potential reduction of running costs.This could reduce CO 2 emissions by over 30%.The future European public-private-partnershipof <strong>the</strong> process industries (SPIRE) will be essentialfor <strong>the</strong> development of this promising technologythat has yet <strong>to</strong> achieve full industrial reliability.Securing reliable, economic and sustainablyproducedbiomass or long-term wastesupplies is of equal importance.Process EmissionsCarbon dioxide emissions are not only related <strong>to</strong>energy consumption, e.g. fuel-related emissions,but also <strong>to</strong> process emissions. Process emissionsare carbon dioxide emissions caused by <strong>the</strong>breakdown of carbonates in raw materials suchas limes<strong>to</strong>ne, dolomite or magnesite. As <strong>the</strong>seare inherent in <strong>the</strong> raw material, <strong>the</strong>se processemissions are a natural by-product of <strong>the</strong> firingprocess and cannot be avoided.The amount of process emissions from clays differsdepending on <strong>the</strong> composition of <strong>the</strong> minerals and<strong>the</strong> local geology. The use of locally-available rawmaterials avoids long-distance transportation andconsequently higher CO 2 emissions. As such, itwould not be environmentally-sound <strong>to</strong> relocatefac<strong>to</strong>ries and jobs <strong>to</strong> reduce process emissions.12 s Back <strong>to</strong> contents Back <strong>to</strong> contents s 13
Current and Future TechnologiesCCSCarbon Capture and S<strong>to</strong>rage (CCS) could be asolution <strong>to</strong> reduce CO 2 emissions in some sec<strong>to</strong>rs.However, ceramic fac<strong>to</strong>ries are more numerous,smaller in size and more widely-dispersedgeographically than, for example, those in <strong>the</strong>steel and cement sec<strong>to</strong>rs. The exhaust streamfrom ceramic plants is <strong>to</strong>o CO 2 dilute, <strong>to</strong>o hot andcontains <strong>to</strong>o many o<strong>the</strong>r substances for efficient,cost-effective CCS at present. Until cost-effectivebreakthrough CCS technology is developed onan appropriate scale for <strong>the</strong> ceramic sec<strong>to</strong>r, <strong>the</strong>installation of CCS is likely <strong>to</strong> remain prohibitivelyexpensive for some time after it is installed in o<strong>the</strong>renergy-intensive sec<strong>to</strong>rs.Figure 7 presents an analysis of some of <strong>the</strong> key technologies whichcould be applied across <strong>the</strong> ceramic industry, highlighting bothpresent availability and future developments and taking in<strong>to</strong> accountcost-effectiveness and <strong>the</strong> probability of <strong>the</strong>ir success in reducingemissions. Breakthrough technologies that are known <strong>to</strong>day butstill require fur<strong>the</strong>r development are also presented as <strong>the</strong>y couldsignificantly reduce emissions in <strong>the</strong> near future if proven. Sometechnologies such as on-site syngas and biogas, on-site CHP andCCS, will also require significant support from regula<strong>to</strong>rs and/or facesupply challenges which are outside <strong>the</strong> industry’s control.Fig. 7 - Analysis of keytechnologies which couldbe applied across <strong>the</strong>ceramic industryCCSEmissions Related <strong>to</strong> ElectricityConsumptionThe ceramic industry is not classed under <strong>the</strong> EUETS as electro-intensive so it does not benefit fromany electricity pass-through compensation. Forsome of <strong>the</strong> high-temperature processes in <strong>the</strong>refrac<strong>to</strong>ries and technical ceramics sec<strong>to</strong>rs, such aselectric arc furnaces and electric induction furnacesoperating above 2000°C, <strong>the</strong>re is a significant riskof carbon leakage outside Europe.However, <strong>the</strong> electro-intensity of <strong>the</strong> ceramicsec<strong>to</strong>r is expected <strong>to</strong> rise <strong>to</strong>wards 2050 as someprocesses may shift from gas <strong>to</strong> electric firing.Moreover, increasing demands under <strong>the</strong> EUIndustrial Emissions Directive and o<strong>the</strong>r legislationmay require more use of electrically-poweredequipment. Therefore, some ceramic sec<strong>to</strong>rswill have significantly more electricity usage andmay <strong>the</strong>refore become vulnerable <strong>to</strong> job andcarbon leakage as <strong>the</strong>y are highly-exposed <strong>to</strong>international trade.TechnologiesOn-site CHPProcess optimisationClay/raw material preconditioningEnergy managementRaw materials formulation changes for more efficient firingOn-site syngas and biogasLow-temperature heat recoveryfrom kiln exhaustHeat exchanger in kiln stackNew kiln designavailable <strong>to</strong>dayPilot onlyRequires SignificantDevelopmentBreakthroughTechnology14 s Back <strong>to</strong> contents Back <strong>to</strong> contents s 15
Emissions Reduction ModelThe push <strong>to</strong> decarbonise electricity in Europe will reduce <strong>the</strong>ceramic industry’s indirect emissions from electricity, but will notbe sufficient <strong>to</strong> adequately decrease its emissions by 2050. Mostemissions in ceramic production arise from fuel and more radicalsteps and breakthrough technologies are required. There alsoremains <strong>the</strong> major challenge of process emissions reduction in somesec<strong>to</strong>rs. The cost of adaptation will significantly affect <strong>the</strong> globalcompetitiveness of <strong>the</strong> ceramic industry.As part of this <strong>Roadmap</strong>, <strong>Cerame</strong>-<strong>Unie</strong>developed an emissions reduction model<strong>to</strong> illustrate <strong>the</strong> possible emissions reductionsbetween 1990 and 2050. This is based on realemissions data from <strong>the</strong> bricks, roof tiles, wall andfloor tiles and refrac<strong>to</strong>ries sec<strong>to</strong>rs which <strong>to</strong>ge<strong>the</strong>rcomprise approximately 90% of <strong>the</strong> entire ceramicsec<strong>to</strong>r’s emissions.According <strong>to</strong> this model, <strong>the</strong> EU ceramic industrycan only achieve emissions reductions close<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> political targets for <strong>the</strong> EU industry withSources of CO 2Emissions:Sources of CO 2Emissions Reductions:breakthrough technologies, secure alternative fuelsources and financial assistance. This is because<strong>the</strong>re is an unavoidable energy input <strong>to</strong> producedurable ceramics.There are additional challenges such as <strong>the</strong> factthat fossil fuels are currently used as <strong>the</strong> industry’smain energy source. Finally, in <strong>the</strong> vast majority ofcases, process emissions are unavoidable. Only atechnology such as Carbon Capture and S<strong>to</strong>rage(CCS) could reduce process emissions but it istechnically more challenging and less economicallyviablethan for many o<strong>the</strong>r sec<strong>to</strong>rs.The <strong>Cerame</strong>-<strong>Unie</strong> emissions reduction modelassumes a constant level of production between2010 and 2050 with a similar product mix and that<strong>the</strong> emissions are for constant and near-full kilnload and production levels. It should also be notedthat <strong>the</strong> lower 2010 level of production is affectedby <strong>the</strong> consequences of <strong>the</strong> economic crisis.This model illustrates how emissions could bereduced by up <strong>to</strong> 65% between 1990 and 2050,Fig. 8 - Illustrativemodel for CO 2 emissionsreduction between 1990and 2050: A) excludingand B) including kilnelectrification. Before2010, emissions areestimated based on <strong>the</strong>real production levelbetween 1990-2010based on an analysis of current and identifiedfuture technologies and assuming that all barriersregarding alternative fuels are overcome. Thiswould also mean that regula<strong>to</strong>rs treat syngas andbiogas as producing net zero emissions.Even in <strong>the</strong> hypo<strong>the</strong>sis where half of all kilns areconverted <strong>to</strong> electric kilns in <strong>the</strong> period 2030-2050,and <strong>the</strong> remainder <strong>to</strong> syngas or biogas co-fired withnatural gas, <strong>the</strong> emissions could only be reduced by78% compared with 1990 levels, mainly becauseof unavoidable process emissions.This scenario would be an extremely costly step for bothcapital and running costs. Under <strong>the</strong>se circumstances,<strong>the</strong> European ceramic industry could not remainfinancially-viable and internationally-competitive. Thecapital cost of this option will be approximately €90billion, assuming breakthrough technologies in electrickiln efficiency, <strong>the</strong> development of which will implysignificant fur<strong>the</strong>r costs. In addition, we estimate acost of up <strong>to</strong> €40 billion for writing off plants before <strong>the</strong>end of <strong>the</strong>ir life and lost sales during downtime for plantmodifications. Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, <strong>the</strong> energy bill for a typicaltile fac<strong>to</strong>ry will most likely increase <strong>to</strong> about 2.5 times<strong>the</strong> current rate and <strong>the</strong> cost of biogas will be 2-3 timesthat of natural gas, even at current prices.Research and development may create opportunitiesfor fur<strong>the</strong>r emissions reductions across <strong>the</strong> ceramicindustry through breakthrough technologies which arenot known <strong>to</strong>day and have not been modelled here.Emissions (Mt)AEmissions (Mt)BProduction (Kt)150,000100,00050,000Fig. 9 - Production ofrefrac<strong>to</strong>ries, wall andfloor tiles and bricks androof tiles sec<strong>to</strong>rs in <strong>the</strong>last 20 years01990 2000 201016 s Back <strong>to</strong> contents Back <strong>to</strong> contents s 17
<strong>Ceramic</strong> Durabilityand Energy SavingsWhen assessing <strong>the</strong> impact and contribution of ceramic products,we need <strong>to</strong> look beyond <strong>the</strong> production phase. The long lifecycle ofceramic products shows how <strong>the</strong> durability, heat resistance and o<strong>the</strong>rproperties of ceramics contribute <strong>to</strong> energy and resource efficiencyover <strong>the</strong> entire lifetime of <strong>the</strong> product in o<strong>the</strong>r sec<strong>to</strong>rs and during <strong>the</strong>use phase of o<strong>the</strong>r applications. In everyday life, ceramics make asignificant contribution <strong>to</strong> residential energy savings. The applicationof ventilated facades and insulating blocks assure <strong>the</strong>rmal stabilityin buildings, providing significant savings for heating and cooling.Ventilated facades can increase <strong>the</strong> energy efficiency of a building by40%. Innovative solutions also include new high <strong>the</strong>rmal insulatingclay blocks, which can also be filled with mineral wool, perlite orpolystyrene and roof tiles with integrated pho<strong>to</strong>voltaic cells.In <strong>the</strong> EU-27, <strong>the</strong>re are approximately 20 billionsquare metres of residential homes. The averageheat and energy losses in residences with deficientwall insulation are significant. Replacement at arate of 1% per year with appropriate products suchas <strong>the</strong>rmal insulating clay blocks or ventilated cavitywalls with clay facades could result in saving 100million <strong>to</strong>nnes CO 2 by 2050.<strong>Ceramic</strong> products are built <strong>to</strong> last and durability isone of <strong>the</strong>ir key benefits compared <strong>to</strong> many o<strong>the</strong>rmaterials. Studies show <strong>the</strong> average life of a brickhouse is more than 150 years. Vitrified clay pipescan also last for more than 150 years. In flooring,<strong>the</strong> expected lifecycle of porcelain, ceramic andmosaic tile is 50 years, far longer than carpet, vinylor natural hardwood.Innovations in refrac<strong>to</strong>ries, abrasives and technicalceramics also contribute <strong>to</strong> significant energy andresource efficiency in o<strong>the</strong>r sec<strong>to</strong>rs and applicationsduring <strong>the</strong> use phase, multiplying significantly <strong>the</strong>irpositive impact.In recent decades, <strong>the</strong> quality and lifetime ofrefrac<strong>to</strong>ries has increased. Fewer refrac<strong>to</strong>riesare now needed: <strong>to</strong>day just 10kg per <strong>to</strong>nne ofsteel compared <strong>to</strong> 50kg in 1990. As a result, <strong>the</strong>emissions per <strong>to</strong>nne of steel reduced 77% over thisperiod. To give an example, 3.15 million <strong>to</strong>nnesof CO 2 have already been saved in <strong>the</strong> annualproduction of cars due <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> use of refrac<strong>to</strong>ries.Refrac<strong>to</strong>ries also improve <strong>the</strong> properties of <strong>the</strong>steel itself, for example by enabling <strong>the</strong> productionof lightweight steel. Precision grinding by finerabrasives fur<strong>the</strong>r improve engine efficiency. Hence,<strong>the</strong> overall reduction of CO 2 emissions in <strong>the</strong>transport sec<strong>to</strong>r will be even higher.Water ConservationDuring manufacturing, water is used in many ways including as araw material, heat exchange vehicle and cleaning agent. Often <strong>the</strong>water supply includes recycled water, rainwater harvesting schemesand recycled water from on-site lagoons and boreholes. Water isrecycled in many ceramic plants, often using ceramic filters. Mostcompanies in <strong>the</strong> sanitaryware and tile sec<strong>to</strong>rs reuse <strong>the</strong>ir wastewaterand almost all of <strong>the</strong> production and purification waste is reused in<strong>the</strong> production cycle. All over Europe, companies use rainwater <strong>to</strong>reduce water consumption and many ceramic producers have <strong>the</strong>irown wastewater treatment plants.RecyclingDue <strong>to</strong> developments in <strong>the</strong> sanitaryware sec<strong>to</strong>r,<strong>the</strong> water consumption in homes has decreaseddramatically in <strong>the</strong> last two decades through <strong>the</strong>introduction of new <strong>to</strong>ilet and flushing mechanismdesigns. More than 30% of <strong>the</strong> water used inhomes is for <strong>to</strong>ilet flushing and <strong>to</strong>day all new <strong>to</strong>iletsare equipped with dual flushes, discharging lessthan 6 or 3 litres compared <strong>to</strong> earlier models whichhave a 9 litre single flush only.Innovation and ingenuity continually add new materials <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> ceramicindustry’s growing portfolio of products. Brick can be crushedin<strong>to</strong> brick chips and used for landscaping or as a raw material foro<strong>the</strong>r products. In some British ceramic companies, up <strong>to</strong> 20% of<strong>to</strong>tal material usage in production is from alternative, recycled andsecondary source materials, with 200,000 <strong>to</strong>nnes of clay beingreplaced in one year by materials that would o<strong>the</strong>rwise have beenscrapped. Unfired clay can be reused and imperfect fired bricks arecrushed and used as aggregates in <strong>the</strong> construction industry.Bricks and roof tiles are recycled throughoutEurope. Building and demolition waste includingwaste ceramics and plaster moulds used in someprocesses are used extensively in road constructionand as a secondary aggregate, while wall andfloor tiles contain more recycled material. In <strong>the</strong>refrac<strong>to</strong>ry industry, 20% of used refrac<strong>to</strong>ries areagain recycled in<strong>to</strong> refrac<strong>to</strong>ry applications, 27%are reused in non-refrac<strong>to</strong>ry applications, 35%are dissolved during use and only 18% remain asunusable waste.18 s Back <strong>to</strong> contents Back <strong>to</strong> contents s 19
ApplicationsConstruction and HousingGeneral Benefits<strong>Ceramic</strong>-based building materials have an averageservice life of over a century and boast excellentresource efficiency at all lifecycle stages. Theirdurability supports <strong>the</strong> optimisation of a rawmaterial with many advantages for <strong>the</strong> constructionand housing sec<strong>to</strong>rs.The unique properties of ceramics provide improvedenergy efficiency and <strong>the</strong>rmal comfort in both warmand cold, humid and drier climatic conditions, while<strong>the</strong>ir resilience <strong>to</strong> corrosion and versatility acrosshundreds of applications ensures that ceramics willmaintain <strong>the</strong>ir fundamental role in <strong>the</strong> housing andconstruction sec<strong>to</strong>rs.Bricks and Roof TilesThe production of bricks and roof tiles is one of<strong>the</strong> most well-known applications of ceramics.Bricks and roof tiles have been used for centuriesbecause of <strong>the</strong>ir proven ability <strong>to</strong> protect homesfrom <strong>the</strong> elements. As an inert product made fromnatural materials, ceramic tiles and bricks are non<strong>to</strong>xicand do not emit volatile organic compounds(VOCs), complying with <strong>the</strong> VOC restrictions in <strong>the</strong>Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design(LEED) Building Certification and providing a healthyindoor climate. Ideal for sustainable housing, bricksare highly-resistant <strong>to</strong> fire and provide insulationfrom sound and vibrations, electricity, electrostaticand ionising radiation.Timo Leukefeld, Prof.Dipl.-Ing. and energyexpert at EnergieVerbindet, Germany“Monolithic externalclay block walls, madefrom special high-techclay products, providea comfortable <strong>the</strong>rmalindoor climate, both inwinter and in summer.The result is completeenergy independence for <strong>the</strong>building, without needingenergy from fossil fuels orelectricity from <strong>the</strong> grid.”Wall and Floor TilesMoulded in an endless number of designs andformats, wall and floor ceramic tiles build on 2,000years of tradition <strong>to</strong> provide durability, aes<strong>the</strong>tics andtechnical solutions in private and public buildings. Nolonger just a decorative feature inside homes, wall andfloor tiles have become indispensable in <strong>the</strong> provisionof hygiene. A new generation of coatings withpho<strong>to</strong>catalytic properties (activated by UV radiation)gives tiles <strong>the</strong> ability <strong>to</strong> destroy organic matter thatsettles on <strong>the</strong>ir surface and encourages water <strong>to</strong>slide off, while antibacterial tiles with light-activatedantibacterial surface coatings kill hospital bacteriasuch as MRSA and o<strong>the</strong>r disease-causing pathogens.O<strong>the</strong>r recent innovations include new forms ofceramic sheeting, including fibre-reinforced ceramics,ceramic composites containing conductive layers forheating systems, inner porous layers for <strong>the</strong>rmal andacoustic insulation, and strong, lightweight thin tilesthat minimise <strong>the</strong> tiles’ environmental impact.Vitrified Clay Drainage PipesAn essential part of municipal infrastructure,vitrified clay pipes transport wastewater safely andeffectively away from buildings and roads and on <strong>to</strong>treatment plants. The raw material used in clay pipeproduction is a completely natural, inert resourceand is available in virtually unlimited reserves.Vitrified clay remains inert even when subjected <strong>to</strong>extreme temperatures or chemical attack and whenit is eventually taken out of service, it is completelyrecyclable. Currently up <strong>to</strong> 27% of <strong>the</strong> raw materialused in vitrified clay pipe production comes fromrecycled clay products.SanitarywareFavoured by architects and interior designers,ceramic washbasins, <strong>to</strong>ilets, bidets and shower traysare found in homes and buildings <strong>the</strong> world over.Increasingly innovative designs in <strong>the</strong> sanitarywaresec<strong>to</strong>r mean that ceramics can offer a huge rangeof products covering nearly every kind of applicationrequested by <strong>the</strong> market. <strong>Ceramic</strong>s’ light resistanceensures that ceramic sanitaryware does not fade orage, while <strong>the</strong> glazing process delivers smooth, easycleaning surfaces, low water-absorption, optimalhygienic characteristics and assures <strong>the</strong> indoor airquality of bathrooms. <strong>Ceramic</strong> sanitaryware hasmade a huge contribution <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> reduction of diseasein general and a dramatic reduction in <strong>the</strong> waterconsumption of household appliances.Rober<strong>to</strong> Palomba,interior designer, Italy,and Klaus Leuschel,designer and author,GermanyAward-winning architectand interior designerRober<strong>to</strong> Palomba is clearabout his preferencefor ceramic bathroommaterials, noting that“<strong>Ceramic</strong>s satisfy virtuallyall demands placed ona bathroom material -better than any o<strong>the</strong>r.”Looking at ceramics froman art his<strong>to</strong>rian’s angle,author Klaus Leuscheldescribes ceramicsas “original, au<strong>the</strong>nticmaterials. Their propertiesand appearance have apositive image deep inpeople’s psyches.”A Sustainable FutureAs <strong>the</strong> world’s population rises, ceramics arebeing developed <strong>to</strong> meet <strong>the</strong> growing demandfor affordable, energy-efficient and sustainablehousing in Europe and beyond. The brick and rooftile houses of <strong>to</strong>morrow will continue <strong>to</strong> build on<strong>the</strong>ir legacy <strong>to</strong> meet <strong>the</strong> demand for sustainablesolutions. Energy-efficient buildings such as <strong>the</strong>‘zero energy house’ concept have opened newpossibilities for sustainable construction with bricksand roof tiles.Innovative model houses built with high-<strong>the</strong>rmal,energy-efficient, integrated insulation clay blockenvelopes deliver significant energy savingsand meet <strong>the</strong> requirements of <strong>the</strong> EU’s Directive2010/31/EU on <strong>the</strong> energy performance of buildingsfor 2020. ‘Cool roofs’ using brightly-coloured rooftiles reduce <strong>the</strong> internal temperature in attics andhouses in regions with warmer climates and providecomfort in summer without using energy-intensivecooling systems.Shaping techniques based on <strong>the</strong> continuouscompaction of powders hold enormous potentialfor <strong>the</strong> future of low-carbon, ceramic-based floorcoverings and substrates for building facades. Themanufacturing process behind <strong>the</strong>se productsallows multi-layered slabs and composite materials<strong>to</strong> be made from recycled powders, contributing <strong>to</strong>cost savings and improved energy efficiency in <strong>the</strong>built environment.<strong>Ceramic</strong> sanitaryware producers are constantlydeveloping innovative water-saving solutions, suchas flushless urinals, shallow-depth washbasins andwater-efficient <strong>to</strong>ilets and cisterns.Communities are witnessing <strong>the</strong> introduction of‘intelligent ceramics’- a sustainable cities conceptwhere ceramic applications such as flooring canimprove <strong>the</strong> accessibility, comfort and safetyof citizens, preserve and regenerate <strong>the</strong> urbanenvironment and reduce maintenance costs forpublic spaces and buildings. Sensors built in<strong>to</strong>ceramic flooring can detect human presenceand activate traffic signals, while wall tilingintegrated with heating systems preventsnow and ice from building up at transporthubs. Advanced ceramics hold enormousdevelopmental potential for globalresource-efficient solutions.20 s Back <strong>to</strong> contents Back <strong>to</strong> contents s 21
Industrial ApplicationsGeneral BenefitsThe ability of ceramics <strong>to</strong> withstand extremely hightemperatures, as well as <strong>the</strong>ir durability, strengthand non-corrosive properties make <strong>the</strong>m essentialfor a number of specific applications required inmetallurgical processes, glass production and manyo<strong>the</strong>r key processes across all industries. Gearsused for steelmaking or quarrying often includeadvanced ceramics because <strong>the</strong>ir wear, corrosionand <strong>the</strong>rmal resistance offer significantly longer lifecompared <strong>to</strong> conventional metal gears.AbrasivesAbrasives comprise a small but indispensableindustry. Much of <strong>the</strong> complex machinery requiredby industries, as well as <strong>the</strong> smooth finishes incountless applications, from diamonds, watchesand furniture <strong>to</strong> kitchen appliances and aircraft, isground, cut, drilled or polished with abrasives. TheEuropean abrasives industry significantly impactsproductivity in o<strong>the</strong>r industrial and services sec<strong>to</strong>rs,including steel, metal processing, au<strong>to</strong>mobilemanufacturing, space, glass, construction, s<strong>to</strong>neprocessing, shipbuilding, cleantech, machinebuilding,wood processing and defence industries.Maintaining and developing <strong>the</strong> abrasives industryin Europe will ensure <strong>the</strong> independence of Europe’sindustrial production.Of <strong>the</strong> wide variety of abrasives, 10% are madefrom ceramic processes, <strong>the</strong> rest being made bydifferent technologies from coating paper andtextiles <strong>to</strong> organic bonded products, pastes ordiamond coatings on steel blades.Dr Wolfgang Eder, CEOVoestAlpine, PresidentEurofer, <strong>the</strong> EuropeanSteel Association“Refrac<strong>to</strong>ry products areindispensable for steelproduction. Thanks <strong>to</strong>innovations in <strong>the</strong> use ofrefrac<strong>to</strong>ries <strong>to</strong>day, such asultra high power electricarc furnaces, <strong>the</strong> steelindustry has made significantadvances in recent decades,both in terms of productivity,quality, reliability andenvironmental performance.Looking <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> future, weexpect <strong>to</strong> continue countingon <strong>the</strong> strong performanceand reliability of <strong>the</strong> Europeanrefrac<strong>to</strong>ry industry <strong>to</strong> help usfur<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> competitiveness of<strong>the</strong> steel industry in Europe.”Refrac<strong>to</strong>riesRefrac<strong>to</strong>ries are essential for all high-temperatureindustrial processes. They play <strong>the</strong> triple role ofproviding mechanical strength, protection againstcorrosion and <strong>the</strong>rmal insulation. The lining ofevery single reac<strong>to</strong>r, transport vessel or kiln uses awide range of refrac<strong>to</strong>ry products including bricks,monolithics and high-temperature insulation wool.Refrac<strong>to</strong>ry products are adapted <strong>to</strong> each specificapplication through fine-tuning and a careful choiceof <strong>the</strong> different raw materials and <strong>the</strong>ir processing.Innovative refrac<strong>to</strong>ry products provide resourceefficientsolutions <strong>to</strong> downstream industries andhave been instrumental in <strong>the</strong> development of keybreakthrough processes such as <strong>the</strong> continuouscasting of steel or <strong>the</strong> production of float glass. Andlast but not least, refrac<strong>to</strong>ries are also indispensableas kiln linings or physical support during <strong>the</strong> firing ofall ceramic products.The functionalities of technical ceramics andrefrac<strong>to</strong>ries meet critical needs in steel, aluminium,cement, glass, <strong>the</strong> chemical industry andenvironmental applications as well as for energygeneration, all of which create some of <strong>the</strong>most corrosive high-temperature environmentsin industry <strong>to</strong>day. They take advantage of <strong>the</strong>improved energy efficiency, productivity and metalquality that refrac<strong>to</strong>ries and technical ceramicsbring <strong>to</strong> handling smelting, melting and moltenmaterials processes.A Sustainable FutureA more efficient use of resources has become<strong>the</strong> key element in allowing industry <strong>to</strong> developin a sustainable way, meeting <strong>the</strong> expectations offuture generations and <strong>the</strong> low-carbon economy.Improving energy efficiency, reducing inputs andreliance on increasingly scarce raw materials,minimising waste, reducing <strong>the</strong> amount ofrefrac<strong>to</strong>ries consumed by downstream industriesand increasing recycling are some of <strong>the</strong> solutionsEuropean refrac<strong>to</strong>ry companies are contributing <strong>to</strong>.Abrasives, technical ceramics and refrac<strong>to</strong>riesare essential solution providers that improveresource efficiency in <strong>the</strong> supply chain. Finerabrasives and superabrasives enable precisiongrinding for improved engine efficiency and thuslower vehicle emissions. Innovative abrasivesalso reduce rework and scrap by enabling coolercutting and reducing heating and waste duringindustrial processes. This results in fewer stressfractures in critical components, reinforcing <strong>the</strong>mwith longer life, reduced weight and enhancedperformance in many applications, particularly in<strong>the</strong> aerospace, au<strong>to</strong>motive and defence sec<strong>to</strong>rs.Innovative refrac<strong>to</strong>ries and o<strong>the</strong>r ceramics alsoplay a key role in <strong>the</strong> development of cleantechnologies. <strong>Ceramic</strong>s contribute <strong>to</strong> low-carbonenergy generation and electricity distribution.In <strong>the</strong> recent European Commission report,‘Materials <strong>Roadmap</strong> Enabling Low CarbonEnergy Technologies’, ceramic components wereacknowledged <strong>to</strong> be critical in most technologyoptions, with applications in <strong>the</strong> production oflow-carbon technologies.22 s Back <strong>to</strong> contents Back <strong>to</strong> contents s 23
Consumer GoodsGeneral BenefitsUbiqui<strong>to</strong>us in consumer goods, ceramics presenta natural, affordable and long-lasting choice ofraw materials whose transformation in<strong>to</strong> an arrayof consumer goods is achieved with minimalenvironmental impact.The complex chemistry of many ceramics facilitates<strong>the</strong>ir use at high temperatures and <strong>the</strong>ir robustnessin coping with high speeds during manufacturingprocesses. Unique properties such as highresistance <strong>to</strong> abrasion, chemical inertness anddimensional stability ensure that ceramics <strong>to</strong>dayhave <strong>the</strong> longer life and lower maintenance costsrequired <strong>to</strong> maintain <strong>the</strong> pace of technologicaladvances.Tableware and Ornamentalware<strong>Ceramic</strong> table and ornamentalware, whe<strong>the</strong>r madeof porcelain, s<strong>to</strong>neware or ear<strong>the</strong>nware, have longbeen part of our culinary rituals. Fired in kilns usingabundant natural resources like clay and sand <strong>to</strong>create <strong>the</strong>se s<strong>to</strong>ne-like substances, ceramics havehad an as<strong>to</strong>nishing legacy throughout his<strong>to</strong>ry,providing civilisation with as many varieties as <strong>the</strong>reare cultures and cuisines.Household AppliancesThe ability of ceramics <strong>to</strong> withstand very hightemperatures makes <strong>the</strong>m ideal materials forcooking and heating appliances. <strong>Ceramic</strong>-coatedfrying pans are a common replacement for o<strong>the</strong>r,more controversial non-stick coatings.<strong>Ceramic</strong> water filters provide safe drinking water<strong>to</strong> millions of people all over <strong>the</strong> world. The small,complex pore structure of ceramics providesgenuine sub-micron filtration. These filters arerelied upon in <strong>the</strong> most demanding situations likewar zones and natural disasters.A Sustainable FutureDining sets and ceramic art are passed fromgeneration <strong>to</strong> generation as part of our culture.Safer cookware and standalone water filtersthat provide clean drinking water in developingcommunities are all examples of <strong>the</strong> future ofceramics in consumer goods. As water becomes amore scarce resource, ceramic water filtration andliquid cleansing solutions will become more widelyused both in Europe and in developing countries.From <strong>the</strong> vases, utensils and carrying vessels ofyesteryear <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> dinnerware, fine chinaware andhotel porcelain of <strong>to</strong>day, <strong>the</strong> natural longevity ofceramics ensures that <strong>the</strong>y will continue <strong>to</strong> evolvewith <strong>the</strong> times and remain <strong>the</strong> primary vessel ofchoice for serving food.Stephan Härdi,Executive Head Chef,Radisson Blu PlazaHotel, Norway“We have been workingwith high-end porcelainproducts since 2004. Asa market-leading hoteland Food and Beverageoperation, we arebenefitting greatly from<strong>the</strong> unique but practicalshapes and conceptsavailable <strong>to</strong>day and <strong>the</strong>ongoing cost savingsresulting from <strong>the</strong>tremendous durability of<strong>the</strong>se porcelain-vitrifiedhotel products.”24 s Back <strong>to</strong> contents Back <strong>to</strong> contents s 25
High-Tech and InnovationGeneral Benefits<strong>Ceramic</strong>s have become indispensable in cuttingedgetechnologies. Advanced technical ceramicshave unique mechanical, electrical, <strong>the</strong>rmal andbiochemical properties that enable <strong>the</strong>ir usein a variety of applications in <strong>the</strong> au<strong>to</strong>motiveindustry, electronics, medical technology, energyand environment and in general equipment andmechanical engineering.Technical <strong>Ceramic</strong>s in HealthcareMedical, labora<strong>to</strong>ry and pharmaceuticalinstruments as well as ceramic components areused extensively in healthcare, in blanks for <strong>the</strong>production of crowns, bridges and implants indentistry and also in implantable medical devicessuch as pacemakers or hip replacements.Due <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir biocompatibility, wear resistanceand chemical and corrosion resistance, ceramicbiomedical implants are <strong>the</strong> optimum solution forproblems arising from disease, infections and o<strong>the</strong>rcomplications.With low allergenic potential, ceramic componentsare also well-suited for patients with metal allergies.Innovations in highly-advanced medical-gradeceramic applications continue <strong>to</strong> deliver improvedperformance in healthcare.Technical <strong>Ceramic</strong>s in Electronics<strong>Ceramic</strong> substrates, circuit carriers, core materialsand many o<strong>the</strong>r components are in use throughout<strong>the</strong> electronics industry. <strong>Ceramic</strong> heat-sinks provide<strong>the</strong> perfect climate for high-power electronics, whileceramics’ electrical insulation properties mean <strong>the</strong>yare used in microchips, circuit boards and circuitbreaker technology.In addition, piezoelectric ceramic components,electromechanical transducers that convertmechanical energy in<strong>to</strong> electrical energy, are usedin sensors, actua<strong>to</strong>rs, gas ignition and powertransducers for high-power ultrasonic applications,such as transmitters and receivers in signal andinformation processing.Combined with o<strong>the</strong>r unique properties, ceramiccomponents are found in a wide range of demandingapplications that ensure reliable functioning inaerospace technology, <strong>the</strong> au<strong>to</strong>motive industryand op<strong>to</strong>electronics. <strong>Ceramic</strong>s help keep <strong>the</strong>world in contact and in motion in <strong>the</strong> way we havecome <strong>to</strong> expect.Security and TransportApplications of technical ceramics in security anddefence include bulletproof vests and infrared nightvision devices. The high <strong>the</strong>rmal insulation andwear-resistant properties of ceramics explain <strong>the</strong>iruse in jet engine turbine blades, disc brakes andbearing components. Contributing <strong>to</strong> safety andreliability, technical ceramics are found in a vastrange of applications in rings and valve components,Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) ceramicturbine blades, vacuum components, airbagsensors, catalytic converters, high-temperature fuelinjection systems and o<strong>the</strong>r specialised markets.Renewable TechnologiesMany functions in renewable technologies requirehigh-quality products that can only be manufacturedwith high-quality abrasives, refrac<strong>to</strong>ries andtechnical ceramics. The production of <strong>the</strong> highpurityglass required for solar panels is one example,refrac<strong>to</strong>ry products used for manufacturing siliconwafers (<strong>the</strong> semiconduc<strong>to</strong>r in crystalline silicon solarpanels) is ano<strong>the</strong>r. <strong>Ceramic</strong>-based products are alsowidely used in wind turbines and o<strong>the</strong>r solar panelcomponents, such as anti-friction bearings, heatsinks,fuel cells, tensiometers and insulation rings.A Sustainable FutureFur<strong>the</strong>r research in<strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> use of nanoengineeredceramic materials <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>re energy, particularlyfrom wind turbines and solar arrays, couldprovide <strong>the</strong> solution <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> so-called ‘energybottleneck’ that inhibits <strong>the</strong> widespreadadoption of wind and solar power. New nanoceramicswould be key components in <strong>the</strong> nextgeneration of capaci<strong>to</strong>rs that are smaller, lighter,longer-lasting and more efficient and couldbe applied <strong>to</strong> conventional energy s<strong>to</strong>rage aswell as for intermittent sources such as windand solar. <strong>Ceramic</strong>s, one of <strong>the</strong> most ancienttechnologies in human his<strong>to</strong>ry, could <strong>the</strong>reforebe key <strong>to</strong> unlocking next-generation energys<strong>to</strong>rage and enabling future generations <strong>to</strong>harness renewable technologies.S<strong>to</strong>ring energy at source is just one of manyuses for ceramics in <strong>the</strong> low-carbon economy.Next-generation capaci<strong>to</strong>rs could also play arole in developing more efficient electric vehiclesand o<strong>the</strong>r devices. Researchers are developingnew high-tech ceramics for highly-efficient solidoxide fuel cells. <strong>Ceramic</strong>s are also being used<strong>to</strong> develop new non-<strong>to</strong>xic coatings <strong>to</strong> preventmetal surfaces from rusting and <strong>to</strong> develop <strong>the</strong>next generation of water filters.26 s Back <strong>to</strong> contents Back <strong>to</strong> contents s 27
Call <strong>to</strong> PolicymakersThe global economy is currently in transition with austerity measures beingtaken at home and abroad. And yet, with <strong>the</strong> right policy framework, wesee <strong>the</strong> future European ceramic industry being an even more innovativeand world-class industry with increasing employment, a strong supplychain and enhanced skills <strong>to</strong> meet current and emerging market needs.In line with o<strong>the</strong>r sec<strong>to</strong>rs, we call on policymakers <strong>to</strong>create a supportive regula<strong>to</strong>ry framework <strong>to</strong> keepmanufacturing competitive in Europe and <strong>to</strong> help usmake <strong>the</strong> European Union’s objectives on smart,sustainable growth and competitiveness a reality.Our industry is world-leading yet predominantly alocal one, with significant employment in clustersand local supply chains. As a large numberof ceramic companies are SMEs, this industryprovides sustainable employment as well asleadership in innovation.<strong>Ceramic</strong>s are produced all over <strong>the</strong> EU yet <strong>the</strong>re isan increasing threat from imports and carbon andjob leakage <strong>to</strong> countries outside <strong>the</strong> EU.LifecycleIt takes energy <strong>to</strong> make and transport productsfrom all sec<strong>to</strong>rs. Our main ‘ask’ <strong>to</strong> policymakersis that <strong>the</strong>y take a lifecycle view of emissionsand assess more than <strong>the</strong> carbon emitted in <strong>the</strong>production phase, particularly as <strong>the</strong> ceramicindustry is so interconnected with <strong>the</strong> performanceand energy efficiency of many o<strong>the</strong>r sec<strong>to</strong>rs.As shown in this <strong>Roadmap</strong>, our technologies caneven reduce overall emissions when considering <strong>the</strong>whole lifecycle, i.e. during <strong>the</strong> use phase and at endof life. As resources become scarcer, consumersneed help <strong>to</strong> make more environmentally-responsiblechoices. Regula<strong>to</strong>rs can help move people awayfrom ‘throwaway’ choices and <strong>to</strong>wards materialswith a sound lifecycle profile. Green publicprocurement can also encourage more sustainableconsumption patterns, for example by favouringenergy-efficient materials.Without a policy shift <strong>to</strong> measure emissionsbased on <strong>the</strong> whole lifecycle ra<strong>the</strong>r than duringproduction only, <strong>the</strong>re is a danger that legislationwill misguidedly drive consumers <strong>to</strong> ei<strong>the</strong>r ceramicmaterials made in less environmentally-stringentcountries or <strong>to</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r less durable products withhigher annualised emissions. This approach wouldbe detrimental <strong>to</strong> both <strong>the</strong> European economy andglobal emissions.Measuring resource efficiency requires appropriateindica<strong>to</strong>rs. The proposal in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Roadmap</strong> fora resource-efficient Europe does not take in<strong>to</strong>account <strong>the</strong> lifecycle, availability of raw materials,durability of <strong>the</strong> product, end-of-life emissions orenergy in <strong>the</strong> use phase. True resource efficiencycan only be based on a lifecycle approach.TradeThe European ceramic industry is affected byinternational market access issues and tradebarriers. To tackle a wide range of trade and non-tariffbarriers, we need <strong>to</strong> resort <strong>to</strong> all available trade policyinstruments, both in a bilateral and multilateral context,including negotiations and enforcement procedures.Strong action must be taken against all unfair tradepractices including counterfeiting, infringement ofintellectual property rights, dumping and subsidies.In <strong>the</strong> context of <strong>the</strong> ongoing modernisation of <strong>the</strong>Trade Defence Instruments (TDI), it is essential that<strong>the</strong> EU preserve an effective regula<strong>to</strong>ry frameworkon Trade Defence Instruments such as anti-dumpingand anti-subsidy. <strong>Ceramic</strong>s are made from a widerange of materials, from locally-sourced clay <strong>to</strong> naturalor syn<strong>the</strong>tic high-quality industrial minerals. As <strong>the</strong>seindustrial minerals are <strong>to</strong> a large extent imported fromoutside <strong>the</strong> EU, secure and fair access <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong>se rawmaterials is vital. Eliminating WTO infringementson procurement and reducing red tape as much aspossible are <strong>the</strong>refore prerequisites for a competitiveceramic industry in Europe.Investment CyclesRecognising that some of <strong>the</strong> best available andnew technologies, e.g. for energy efficiency, havesignificantly longer paybacks than shareholdersand banks will lend for, industry needs access<strong>to</strong> affordable finance - perhaps repaid from <strong>the</strong>resulting energy savings - for capital projects withlonger payback periods.The ceramic industry <strong>to</strong>day predominantly usesnatural gas. While some policymakers haveadvocated moving <strong>the</strong> industry away from gas <strong>to</strong>electric kilns once European electricity supplies aredecarbonised, this is not an economic solution atpresent nor in <strong>the</strong> foreseeable future.If <strong>the</strong> 2050 targets are <strong>to</strong> be achieved by makinga large-scale move away from natural gas andon<strong>to</strong> biogas, syngas or o<strong>the</strong>r renewable energies,<strong>the</strong> ceramic industry needs <strong>to</strong> be assured of asustainable, uninterrupted and affordable supplyof <strong>the</strong>se alternative fuels and proven technologythrough demonstra<strong>to</strong>rs. This is essential as efficientkilns must work continuously and cannot easily beswitched off due <strong>to</strong> energy supply problems.Our industry’s experience with renewables,for example wind or waste transformationplants, has not been smooth across <strong>the</strong> board.Permitting processes in <strong>the</strong> Member Statesmust support industry’s shift <strong>to</strong> renewableenergy installations if industry is <strong>to</strong> rely on asecure supply of alternative fuels.Climate and EnergyFor investment security, <strong>the</strong> ceramic industryneeds a consistent and predictable legalframework across <strong>the</strong> EU’s climate and energypolicies. The implementation of current and futuremeasures, such as <strong>the</strong> rules on new entrantsand allowance retention, must not hinder newinvestments, plant improvements and growth.The EU must continue <strong>to</strong> pursue a clear strategy<strong>to</strong>wards an international legally-binding climateagreement with a comparable burden for industrybased in <strong>the</strong> major trading partners whichcompete with <strong>the</strong> European ceramic industry, suchas <strong>the</strong> BRICs, Egypt, Mexico, South-East Asiancountries and <strong>the</strong> United Arab Emirates.Equally, international agreement is needed<strong>to</strong> give equal consideration <strong>to</strong> industries mainlycomposed of small emitters like <strong>the</strong> ceramicindustry. In <strong>the</strong> absence of a multilateralagreement, free allocation of allowances andnational support schemes for indirect costs fromelectricity must apply <strong>to</strong> avoid carbon and jobleakage. O<strong>the</strong>r measures such as import taxesshould be assessed.Long-term climate policy will need a broaderapproach which also takes in<strong>to</strong> accountconsumed or imported emissions in productsin <strong>the</strong> EU <strong>to</strong> ensure that Europe is not simplydecarbonising by deindustrialising.Ambitious climate targets will requirebreakthrough technologies. Therefore, <strong>the</strong>target-setting policy must be accompanied byfinancial support <strong>to</strong> facilitate development andinvestment in low-carbon technologies. Thiscould be partly funded by recycling existingenergy taxes and CO 2 auctioning revenues.InnovationMeeting <strong>the</strong> EU’s ambitious medium and longtermclimate targets will require breakthroughtechnologies <strong>to</strong> come <strong>to</strong> market quickly <strong>to</strong> helpreduce energy use and transition <strong>to</strong> low-carbonfuel sources, particularly given <strong>the</strong> lifecycle ofceramic installations, which on average is 30 <strong>to</strong>40 years. Target-setting should be accompaniedby financial support <strong>to</strong> facilitate <strong>the</strong> transition.Developing <strong>the</strong>se breakthrough technologiesrequires a supportive research and innovationpolicy framework. This <strong>Roadmap</strong> refers <strong>to</strong>some of <strong>the</strong> technologies we believecan make a difference <strong>to</strong>dayalthough <strong>the</strong> development ofo<strong>the</strong>r, longer-term technologiesis still essential.Process industries, includingceramics, take raw materials andtransform <strong>the</strong>m in<strong>to</strong> highly valueaddedproducts. <strong>Cerame</strong>-<strong>Unie</strong> is activelyinvolved in <strong>the</strong> future SPIRE public-privatepartnership (PPP) dedicated <strong>to</strong> innovation in <strong>the</strong>process industries. SPIRE supports <strong>the</strong> processindustries in <strong>the</strong>ir move <strong>to</strong> becoming moreresource and energy-efficient in line with <strong>the</strong> EU’sobjectives and <strong>Roadmap</strong>s. For example, <strong>the</strong>SPIRE roadmap recommends a 20% reductionin non-renewable, primary raw material intensityand a 30% reduction in fossil fuel intensity fromcurrent levels by 2030.<strong>Ceramic</strong> products contribute <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> developmen<strong>to</strong>f innovative solutions for sustainable buildings.In this context, ceramic building materials canplay a crucial role in <strong>the</strong> energy-efficiency ofbuildings public-private partnership (E2B PPP).The ceramic industry counts on policymakers <strong>to</strong>make <strong>the</strong>se PPPs a reality.The creation of a business-friendly and innovationconduciveeconomic, regula<strong>to</strong>ry and legalframework <strong>to</strong> effectively support <strong>the</strong> development ofinnovative products is a priority for our industry. Weacknowledge Europe’s objectives for a competitive,low-carbon economy and Europe’s leadershipposition and ability <strong>to</strong> set <strong>the</strong> example globally.However, <strong>the</strong> sooner a level playing field can beestablished globally on emissions, <strong>the</strong> easier it willbe for all European companies <strong>to</strong> compete globallyand for real climate abatement <strong>to</strong> take place.28 s Back <strong>to</strong> contents Back <strong>to</strong> contents s 29
GlossaryAbrasive - Materials or products used <strong>to</strong> polish andfinish a workpiece through rubbing, i.e. abrasionBest Available Technology (BAT) - Best availabletechnology for achieving a high general level ofenvironmental protection, developed on a scalethat allows implementation in <strong>the</strong> relevant class ofactivity under economically-viable conditionsBiodiversity - The number and variety of organismspresent in an ecological complex in which <strong>the</strong>ynaturally occur, e.g. in an ecosystemBiogas - The end-product of <strong>the</strong> breakdown oforganic feeds<strong>to</strong>ck by anaerobic digestion. Biogas iscomposed of methane, carbon dioxide, water andhydrogen sulphide and is used as a biofuelBiomass - A renewable energy source, materialfrom biological origin, mainly plants, that will be useddirectly or converted in<strong>to</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r energy productsCarbon Capture and S<strong>to</strong>rage (CCS) - A climatemitigation technology that allows carbon dioxide<strong>to</strong> be captured <strong>the</strong>n transported and s<strong>to</strong>red indepleted oil and gas reservoirs or saline aquifersCarbon and Job Leakage - The phenomenonwhen one country or region unilaterally implementsclimate legislation, resulting in <strong>the</strong> relocation ofindustries and jobs and in an increase in emissionsin a less-regulated region, with no global reductionin CO 2 emissions<strong>Ceramic</strong>s - Inorganic materials, made of nonmetalliccomponents, not all including clay, andwhich become permanent after a firing processEU-27 - The European Union (EU) is an economicand political partnership between 27 Europeanmember countriesEU Emission Trading System (ETS) - Europeanpolicy <strong>to</strong> combat climate change by reducingindustrial greenhouse gas emissions costeffectively.The EU ETS has created a market <strong>to</strong>effectively put a price on carbon emissions andtrade <strong>the</strong>mFiring - The heat treatment of ceramic productsin a kiln <strong>to</strong> harden <strong>the</strong>m and develop a vitreous orcrystalline bondGreenhouse Gas - Atmospheric gases thatabsorb and emit radiation within <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>rmal infraredrange. The burning of fossil fuels has contributed<strong>to</strong> an increased concentration of <strong>the</strong>se gases in <strong>the</strong>atmosphere. Includes methane which is 25 timesmore potent than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gasIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) - A scientific intergovernmental body whosemission is <strong>to</strong> provide scientific assessments onclimate change caused by human activityKiln - High-temperature installation used forfiring ceramicsProcess Emissions - Carbon dioxide emissionsproduced during <strong>the</strong> manufacture of ceramicproducts whose raw materials contain carbonatesRes<strong>to</strong>ration - Res<strong>to</strong>ring degraded or damagedecosystems by human interventionRefrac<strong>to</strong>ry - A material that retains its strength athigh temperaturesSmall and Medium Enterprise (SME) - Acompany with less than 250 employees and whereei<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> turnover is less than €50m or <strong>the</strong> balancesheet <strong>to</strong>tal is less than €43mSPIRE - Sustainable Process Industry throughResource and Energy EfficiencySyngas (Syn<strong>the</strong>sis gas) - A combustible gasmixture containing carbon monoxide, carbondioxide and hydrogen, which is an end-product of<strong>the</strong> gasification process of a carbon-containing fuel,such as <strong>the</strong> gasification of coal, biomass, waste <strong>to</strong>energy gasification or steam reforming of natural gasVitreous - A ‘glassy’ application <strong>to</strong> ceramics thatas a result of a high degree of vitrification hasextremely low porosityVitrification - The progressive partial fusion of clayas a result of a firing processVolatile Organic Compounds (VOC) - Organicchemicals with high vapour pressure at roomtemperature conditions, causing large numbersof molecules <strong>to</strong> evaporate or sublimate and enter<strong>the</strong> surrounding air. There is concern about someVOCs which are <strong>to</strong>xic30 s Back <strong>to</strong> contents Back <strong>to</strong> contents s 31