fem modelling of a bellows and a bellows- based micromanipulator

fem modelling of a bellows and a bellows- based micromanipulator

fem modelling of a bellows and a bellows- based micromanipulator


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FEM <strong>modelling</strong> <strong>of</strong> a <strong>bellows</strong> <strong>and</strong> a <strong>bellows</strong>-<strong>based</strong> <strong>micromanipulator</strong>III. ModellingThe pressure range is much larger than the pressure that is used in the <strong>micromanipulator</strong>.Effectively, the measurements 19 showed that the typical maximum displacement <strong>of</strong> one<strong>bellows</strong> was around 150 [µm], which corresponds on our graph to an applied pressure <strong>of</strong>roughly 20 [mN/mm 2 ]. In that case, Z does not vary more than approximately 1,20%. Hence,once more, a constant value for Z can be assumed by computing an average.Z = 6,6·10 -3 [mm 3 /mN] (3.16)After this, it is time to take a look on the radial displacement occurring when applying aforce inside the <strong>bellows</strong>. The consequence is effectively expected to be minor, since theeffective surface on which the pressure applies in radial direction is very small comparing onthat on which the pressure is applied in the axial direction, as illustrated by figure 24. Tomeasure the radial displacement, the node having the largest motion is needs to be checked.Actually, that node E is showed on figure 24 <strong>and</strong> corresponds to the external shape <strong>of</strong> thewhole <strong>bellows</strong>. There is no need to extend the simulation result <strong>of</strong> one ring's to the entire<strong>bellows</strong>, since it is exactly the same.Figure 24Illustration <strong>of</strong> the amount <strong>of</strong>pressure effectively acting inradial direction, incomparison with thatbehaving in axial direction.Next table shows the comparison between axial <strong>and</strong> radial displacement:EPressure[mN/mm 2 ]y-displacement[mm]Radial motion[µm]Ratio25 0,202584 0,1667918 82350 0,406616 0,3297720 81175 0,611811 0,4889844 799100 0,817910 0,6444888 788125 1,024680 0,7963584 777150 1,231900 0,9446724 767175 1,439400 1,0895208 757200 1,647000 1,2309972 747The mean value <strong>of</strong> axial versus radial displacement is about 783. It means that the radialdisplacement is almost three order <strong>of</strong> size smaller than the axial one, <strong>and</strong> can therefore freelybe neglected in further simulations.3.5 TolerancesIt is known from the manufacturer's data sheets that the <strong>bellows</strong>' proportions have sometolerances, as for instance the inner diameter B, which can for example vary up to ±3,5%.These dimension mismatches will certainly influence some parameters, as the spring-rate,19 Made in Tampere University <strong>of</strong> Technology33

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