fem modelling of a bellows and a bellows- based micromanipulator

fem modelling of a bellows and a bellows- based micromanipulator

fem modelling of a bellows and a bellows- based micromanipulator


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FEM <strong>modelling</strong> <strong>of</strong> a <strong>bellows</strong> <strong>and</strong> a <strong>bellows</strong>-<strong>based</strong> <strong>micromanipulator</strong>VI. AnnexLSEL,S,,,12,14,1! Selects various linesLSEL,A,,,16,17,1 ! " " "LSEL,A,,,2,10,8 ! " " "LESIZE,ALL,,,4! Specifies 4 divisions for those linesLSEL,S,,,3,6,3! Selects various linesLSEL,A,,,7,9,2 ! " " "LESIZE,ALL,,,50! Specifies 50 divisions for those linesLSEL,ALL! Selects all linesLESIZE,ALL,,,20! Specifies 20 divisions for all other linesLSEL,S,,,11! Selects various linesLSEL,A,,,2 ! " " "LSEL,A,,,15 ! " " "LSEL,A,,,12 ! " " "AL,ALL! Creates an area with those lines (to improve the meshing)LSEL,S,,,3! Selects various linesLSEL,A,,,12 ! " " "LSEL,A,,,6 ! " " "LSEL,A,,,14 ! " " "AL,ALL! Creates an area with those lines (to improve the meshing)LSEL,S,,,1! Selects various linesLSEL,A,,,14 ! " " "LSEL,A,,,5 ! " " "LSEL,A,,,16 ! " " "AL,ALL! Creates an area with those lines (to improve the meshing)LSEL,S,,,4! Selects various linesLSEL,A,,,16 ! " " "LSEL,A,,,8 ! " " "LSEL,A,,,17 ! " " "AL,ALL! Creates an area with those lines (to improve the meshing)LSEL,S,,,7! Selects various linesLSEL,A,,,9 ! " " "LSEL,A,,,17 ! " " "LSEL,A,,,13 ! " " "AL,ALL! Creates an area with those lines (to improve the meshing)LSEL,S,,,13! Selects various linesLSEL,A,,,22 ! " " "LSEL,A,,,10 ! " " "LSEL,A,,,18 ! " " "AL,ALL! Creates an area with those lines (to improve the meshing)LSEL,ALL! Selects all linesASEL,ALL! Selects all areasAGLUE,ALL! Connecting those areas togetherMSHAPE,0,2D! Specifies the element shape to be usedMSHKEY,1! Specifies that map-meshing should be used to mesh the modelAMESH,ALL! Meshing the model!! ************************************************! * Creating Rigid region *! ************************************************!n,3000,0,t+2*r1+t+r2,0! Creates node 3'000 for the rigid region's master nodeET,2,beam3! Defines element type Nº2 as BEAM3R,2,.0001,.00001, ! Sets the material properties for REAL Nº2TYPE,2 ! Sets the element types attribute pointer to 2REAL,2 ! Sets the element real constant attribute pointer to 2E,3000,2 ! Defines mass-element by node 3'000NSLA,S,,,2! Selects slave nodeNSEL,A,,,3000! Selects also node 3'000 (master)ALLSEL,ALL! Reselect allSAVE,meshed2d,db,! Saving the database to 'meshed2d.db'FINISH! Exits the pre-processor47

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