
Worldvics+F,lmwq|5+C.nept Worldvics+F,lmwq|5+C.nept
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Theoretical trramework TEdilional I*aEh @ n1e8e @.surption md ldoprion of l8ricultunl 'movatoN aen.r.lly ues rhe d@@tiq!l of imoyalion- diitusion, rhich conceflurlih ag.icltnml d.v.loprcnl rhmugh vdiou s!rg6. A lhorcical fiamcwo* is a coll.crion olintftlat.d concepb ond v&iables like a &sry bur nor ne*eily so sll rodad{ur. A th@Eticrl flmNork gujda your !.saoh, d.lemlning what ,!u will masr, $d whor stltisricrl relalio.lhiF rlu will l@r for. Supnlingly, thmEric.l fmqorlc de d$ inponrfl in exploErory sMi.s, wh.i. Elly donl krow nuh abour rnol i! eon8 on, ond 4c dying lo l..m @c, 'ou Worldvics+F,lmwq|5+C.nept rv&iables a conccptual rimework i5 . sdse deriptior of Ihe mjor vdirbt* opdtin! wilbin te aEna of rhe pobl.m ro bc p6n d togeths wirh th. r.s.rcn Cs ove@ch'rg view ofnow rh. vnirble iDt Ecl (or @uld b. mad€ b inldcl und.r mnipulabilily conditioB) io poduce i 6oF powcrtul or comprehensiv. ..model" or Elcvlnt pn non@ 1ne hs hercrofoE bed dv.ilall. for shcdding lisht on lhe problen. Think orir as ! MAP virh dneoions. The, in hct, .i$e. dticip{6 o. diMrty pr.s..G rh. bsic d6jgn of rh€ srudy. This dEo&trcal fiadewoik rf.6 to the major th6ri.s/ modeh upon vhich ,/ersag, .oBunption ad arloptiq of agridhtzt in"owti% i^ NwFp, po\iian is

Theoretical trramework<br />

TEdilional I*aEh @ n1e8e @.surption md ldoprion of l8ricultunl<br />

'movatoN aen.r.lly ues rhe d@@tiq!l of imoyalion- diitusion,<br />

rhich conceflurlih ag.icltnml d.v.loprcnl rhmugh vdiou s!rg6. A<br />

lhorcical fiamcwo* is a coll.crion olintftlat.d concepb ond v&iables like a<br />

&sry bur nor ne*eily so sll rodad{ur. A th@Eticrl flmNork gujda<br />

your !.saoh, d.lemlning what ,!u will masr, $d whor stltisricrl<br />

relalio.lhiF rlu will l@r for. Supnlingly, thmEric.l fmqorlc de d$<br />

inponrfl in exploErory sMi.s, wh.i. Elly donl krow nuh abour rnol i!<br />

eon8 on, ond 4c dying lo l..m @c,<br />

'ou<br />

<strong>Worldvics+F</strong>,<strong>lmwq|5+C</strong>.<strong>nept</strong> rv&iables<br />

a conccptual rimework i5 . sdse deriptior of Ihe mjor vdirbt* opdtin!<br />

wilbin te aEna of rhe pobl.m ro bc p6n d togeths wirh th. r.s.rcn Cs<br />

ove@ch'rg view ofnow rh. vnirble iDt Ecl (or @uld b. mad€ b inldcl und.r<br />

mnipulabilily conditioB) io poduce i 6oF powcrtul or comprehensiv. ..model"<br />

or Elcvlnt pn non@ 1ne hs hercrofoE bed dv.ilall. for shcdding lisht on<br />

lhe problen. Think orir as ! MAP virh dneoions. The, in<br />

hct, .i$e. dticip{6 o. diMrty pr.s..G rh. bsic d6jgn of rh€ srudy. This<br />

dEo&trcal fiadewoik rf.6 to the major th6ri.s/ modeh upon vhich ,/ersag,<br />

.oBunption ad arloptiq of agridhtzt in"owti% i^ NwFp, po\iian is

aed. ID ordcr to ulitir cxi$ine rhcorJ . an arglm.nt is maoe ro ct6srr, mcsge<br />

esin rhe adoprion olagricuhural innovatioE (AOAI)aDd toconsider rhc lrsef<br />

rcsrch @a of idovarions. adoprion. tr is al$ areued rhar rh€ Fr.cess of<br />

intodu€ing *lowtedee, anirude. ed pnctice tevetofrhe a.,me6 $ctr rirds<br />

my b. dd.rsiood by &ling $e tcad of orh€6 who have u*d DOt Eeath o<br />

Sain ituiel i!!o rh€ phenon.non lnal influcnc€ 6c ofother lypcs ofioolations.<br />

Within this €ont xl, dris charrer F€snrs th€ Beeh nodet and fi. vdabl.s dar<br />

e d.nv.d f@h rhis fr@cwort.<br />

Fir: I rlmd d Rlgd [r cud6 dD rod)<br />

Thc lheretcal frmewort I have apptied ro ny eFfth rs (t) Rose6 and<br />

Sl@naLr,s (197j) nod.t .diltusion ot imovadon.. wb(h is a sidptifi.d<br />

veBion ofa causat schenc outtin.d snd the outcomes rh,r dcscribe ho\ \hote<br />

@hEbn'elcr.ivedd.xFridc. rt .nd{f,titc. tr i:oacoure. a d.du.tiv.<br />

'nqurry tends ro esrabtkhed mod.l/ $@ry. Dcducrive studjes rnd lo b€<br />

q@ d've dd l@t to se "lcth€. o! nol a prohincnr mod€t/rheoD .\ptrins a<br />

Siven set of This co<strong>nept</strong>ual fmmc\ort ouuhcs adoptror of<br />

agncull@l imova oE, fdm.6. krostcdSe. adudes mo pdcrre le\.t. Aftl<br />

also to see that whdt ro.xrnr rhet de exposed ro rh. hessees ot radio. TV and

he inrrp.rsml n.t*ork of comuicarion. Thc sinptili.d nodcl (ditlsion oi<br />

rmoval[n) nostly rcl€var ro the dcvelopioS societics and eas, 1.h. mosr<br /> f€nrE of this nodel about f,orh on dimlsio. iJ Oc w.jghr in xnich lhe<br />

bebavioal chdScs de soughl by giving intoftaion and qrns rhe innrencc<br />

mofiunon ud afinldc. Tt nodcls chosen ro illunar rhis approach aE !d t]r.<br />

disdrcl in diffuion proccss<br />

l.l Difiulior otttrnoy,ri.n Model<br />

The fiEr slaec k -Knostedse.- in which porcnlai adoprn tind our about an<br />

rmovd@n dd gain a baic ud6ta"ai"s ol ".h.r i, is a"a b." ir "".i.. Th:<br />

Kond 3tdse ts -peis@r@- in "hrh por.nuat ddook^ rorh b \r u<br />

negarve rmpssion otrh. rmo,".n t, " "n5 ,<br />

" ,r,. ,r,,,,: ,"g.. 1r*^,in .<br />

:T_li" ,T:'":1"" n acrul) ac!+,.d "i """.a n..r.""r, ."g..<br />

^rmpEhmralrcn--. o.rB whn rh. rMov.rron .\ a.rqlj u*d sE€c,-(<br />

In<br />

ontrmarion.rheadop€,seets.nrormd,onabou..he<br />

he i;h<br />

etrre nno\duonand<br />

.onnN* or drsonrrru6 us oi rhe rmoLauon fhc<br />

rEtlch'€hr Confimaro;<br />

arso d4cnb. (he adoprion ofan innovarion rhrr ws preriolsty<br />

Sometio.s rh€* shees ningle $nn elch olher or rh.) o(!u, ,n rut^'.ar.d o(t.r.<br />

forexanplc on€. rwo. three. four. thlee, four five. The iop,cmenrauon ma, Rsuh<br />

jn*cond rhoughB rhar fredn,(ie!non anJ I,r(n ktunnd(,arun.<br />

Tle Fcond hodel to rhis ehpnical sod, is Ka€ atul ( | 95 j). To$.srep<br />

flow oodcl of nrss oe{ii, and "Fenal infuence.,. Laz6fetd and Kalz<br />

developed $e theory of lhe two-step now. In general. dc rheo,) puunhcd in<br />

P.Mnal tnflutrce il retj !dr.. rhar hr pr(.\ u,r<br />

hedia is Eccived in firsr plac. by opinion leade.s. rhc p€opt. r.ho diGrtr rec.ire

n€ m6ee. &d rh6 thcse<br />

p€oplc IraGhiG rhe nceee<br />

m an rmerpeBonat way lo lcss<br />

activ. gtuups of rhe *i.rt<br />

Und.Nood (2001) menrioned<br />

snc brsic conctuions ud<br />

a<br />

A4a99Lledia<br />

R.iv. $e su. dout of infooarion. which is nor r@ ,ince $m. p€optc<br />

rece've hoe ihfomadon $an olh.ts. Some m.hbeu of rhe audience acr as<br />

opinion l.adcc $.y hav. noE exposurc to nedia. h.E nor. and moc<br />

drvee social n€rworks sd theymp.rceived os influeniiat. FiguE2.2 Tow-srcp<br />

flow modelofm*s m.diade$rib.s th. flo\ ot inrbm,rn,i ,mm .pitrnr tckte^<br />

Oq fedbact b n.dia meseg.s $.ilt b. iniuenc.o Dy our $cral<br />

rcla$onships. To @i!. a mesege d@s not n{essit, impl) a.d atr$rer to<br />

do nol @eivc a mc$ag. d€s nor implyto do nor answ.r (we can rcc.ive rhe<br />

ocsege vi. opinion leadc6).<br />

Mass audienc. means rhat alt rhe Ec.ive6 of a messase<br />

Il is comnon lo talk abour media caregoics, sbich a( raken lo inctude<br />

bDadcar {icl.vition snd €sp.cia , 6dio). 8roup (\ido. rap. strd.s. round<br />

filharips. audio-cassclres, ov.rhcad proiecrions. Uip-chan!. posrers.<br />

pMphl€G, and leafleb: as $!lt. rEdirionat tol| mrJia such as puph-rs and<br />

livcrheatE nay be inctudcd). aid InrePesonat channets rcommunrv le.der.<br />

conkr ram.rt, dr€nsion \ortc6) And DSC d€heD nrar.aies haE been

hie@hicrtly E l€d, in lcms of cohplerny. rom mrrpeen,l<br />

cohmunicar'on rhrcugh r.dio dd r.levieon bloadcasdng, md group nedia, b<br />

mulri{ha]ml clmFisn' This nntils at$ subrum.s ne nolD, rhar cach<br />

s@kgy ce be madc noE efecriv. by incorporaring rhar. which prcced.s n<br />

Rndio brcadcsrs, for exdpte, bav. nuch oore impoct rt rhey a( backsropped<br />

urh aulhorirativ., villagr bssed inLqenon.l s@ei ed goup m€dia cff<br />

benefit fron bolh Bdio and inErpetsonat comhunicarion slppon We .<br />

o6'gn.d conDlnicarion cmpai8ns usualJ. Inrortr boad.aiinsr ri age<br />

bsed goup n.dia. and int.nsivety rrained fietd sork.b. The gcner,t rute oi<br />

hhb.meBins f,on rqo decrdcs of tictd etpeacnce N ro uk nruhift\<br />

chmncls, wh€rcvcr possibt., so that each n.diun reintorc.s and nrtrtliptics rhe<br />

rnponec. ofth. orheB in e inEgmted neNork.<br />

3J Con Asunptiotu .tr

on &drc@ beh.vio., dd ir hetp.d crplain why m.dia hpai8$ my<br />

hlve failcd lo alrer .udience arritndes md behavior.<br />

The twoi&p now rheory Save way to rhc multi,ep Iow $eog oi m6s<br /> on or dilT6ion of innovltion ih.ory. .I)pinjon lcadeu .r. nor ,<br />

group sel apan. and .. opinion teadeBhip is nor a rmir which $ne rcopte hove<br />

dd olhe6 do m! bur @!her,.. opinion t€adeBhip n an inregratpan oftu 8ive_<br />

.nd-rar. of cveryday Fnond ret.tio.sbips-. (Kau and L@reld | 95 j. p ll)<br />

Karz dd laasfsld se opinion tead.s as peopte in cerrajn seghenrs ofsociery<br />

0El re inrcrEr€d in psnicula, subj.ds $no in e|Iecr. somerhins rike<br />

h.dia cxpens on rhose ll is lhe* pcople, den. thar aberbs cetuin<br />

h.dia m.seges &d infoms rheir friends, fdili.s, and Feu opinion teaduFare<br />

norneserit, rmdnionat t.ade6 in ecierr slch .s polili(ans rnd ctellJ rnd rhc<br />

likc (alrhou8! de) cm be) Ra$er. rhe' ar. pcrcei\cd crp.r s h pjnrcutor<br />

One of rhe nain points in di$ussing opinion teadership !s r Eralds ro runction,l<br />

$.ory ad tne T*o - Slep ftow modet is rhar n6s nedi. cummutucalDn does<br />

not @ch the public jn one gi.nt mv.. Rathq. lhea aE two in rhe p,(c$<br />

dd indc a a tncktc-doh cffec| mong subSroups ofa popuraron lh€ opinion<br />

Ladr- $.n. is lh. lcy tolhismodclofcommunicarion<br />

ThEe difusion conc.prs de lars€t! exptorcd: opinion lead..sdrp. conmrunicdion<br />

nct*orks, and rhe crnicat nass. Opinion teadership is det,n€o as oe desree ro<br />

which & individul is abte i.tomalt, ro orher indtrrduals. nud\ or<br />

oven behdvjo! in a d.sired wa, wilh rela c ,equencr. Net\ork aill)sis

Einforced the inponace of homophile and hdebphit, in und.dandinB rhe<br />

natuE of communication ltows. Ag..t Opinion lede4 I<br />

6 olh.r individuats. Tncy need innoearions in order ro.rrend rh. rime of c(rh!<br />

& opinion leaderdd to rcnaih lhcir opinion leadeShip cmss-differc s.gnrnrs<br />

Imovation is ah on going kstr. Ho*.v.r, rhis srudy exptocd rhe farme6. v€6ion<br />

.bout opinion l€ad6. ol. in disenimdnS infomarion ,.g@,ng aSnculu,rl<br />

ieovations &d ns adoplion rbsugh *nina6. rcfresh.r cou6e. uarhrng. and<br />

famc6 d!y. dd .xhibition. ,?/,a dd ndio r,.lks.<br />

3.4 lrdiridurt Tb@r)<br />

In th. thor.ricat considcd ons of t. di fusioo Esearch I have also .r d i ned r he<br />

Roge^, 1995 lh.ory ofindividut innoraliv.n.s. Tbc indrvrdut innoFriv.ncs<br />

th€ory is baed on who adoprs rhe innolarion and vhen. A be jhaped curve is<br />

oft n us.d ro illslEt $c pcrcenbge of jndividuab d.! adopr d ,nnovariDn lh.<br />

n6t cat.gory ofldoptea is i.novalore The second Broup r rno\n os rhe cart)<br />

ado!&6. The rhird ed folnh Crclps d€ thc ert) hajon) ed |!re nrljoiD.<br />

And rhe fi,al group is rhe tassards. uho are hirhtj- ske icat and resisr.doprin!<br />

lntil abslukly na6ery. tn nan) ces. lhe) herer adopr ft. inn.varbh<br />

3.5 Dyn.mi. nod€t of.doprion<br />

Thc tMncr hs pantt s..n rhe -D)nmic modet of adoption.. nhich p.edi$<br />

lhe behavior of farneE over tine regading adopdon ot inrproved agriculrural<br />

te.hiologi.s. Linder et al (t9SO) cnphasizd rhc tengrh or rne t.! b.he.h<br />

innial ahd acrul useofnc\ re.hnol4\.

2-6 K.t olcpr: Mcleg. coGmption Adoplion. Agncurmt ionourions.<br />

Diftusion of inoovation,s modet, Twojr.p ilow. Indilidual innovarion lheory.<br />

|sn@ro8y mod.t. KAp ld.t. Aericutr@ cunpnses a numb€r ol<br />

inlrinsic concepk and benefik. $hich hare becn etahor.tcd hed in rhe ,nrn .f<br />

ned'a lnd idca.rsonal comhuicarion hessaSe The$ nessascs .nhance rh€<br />

ude6tlrding ofte fam.B dbour $c n.* ideas ofasricuture ,ield. Tatien a a<br />

sel. thc Kcy Mc$ag.s reprcsenr a t6he*ork around which fhing .onnunilJ,<br />

lminS agri€ulrudt imov'|ions d{i medod of pracrices. such a comext has ne<br />

pot€mral ro encou!.ge eiptoring fu h.r uhdersrsndi.g and insiehN inro nodcln<br />

,gncur.!E, dd couered rn.n 6pon*s in $. coEnrt, bt them in<br />

Th. n.ses6 nnd€ipin th. agnculN6t innovorions ed aculnres otb.nalionl<br />

ourcoh.s &bss lbe dea. The* m.ssges compnF , tuee of adivities for<br />

p.@urng cops.s*nriat in salis4,iiE human nceds ior food. Specill prcerams<br />

e bcing broadcar ad t t.csl th@ueh veioc chtuels oi pBC. pt.V ad p I V<br />

Wo d, wbich assisl Becaus hoden agn.utluE requtres appbing<br />

4qu'Ed sFcializcd botrlcdse &d stdls Aom frany disciptinB. md a<br />

uhdersbndihgofrtE Mt fu.loN strich iDpaq on dsriuulruBt !idbitir).<br />

Tt@rcrically. hcsese isd{fined. as--A !t{hc js S.trrruth tror rLr\<br />

sful Instead. an objed usualty app.ats s a compone ofa la,ger pogram or<br />

applicaion thar .omains nant olher obiecr Thrcush lhc rnreradnh oa rhe$.<br />

obl.clJ. posmmc.s @hi.\! highe.order funcrionahy and moE compl.t

.havior Ma3 m.dia (ddio ed TV) uk it a of highty hp.rhy of<br />

2.? M.Jo.vfiiibtd: Coiccprlalrv t h!v. expticar.d jnderEndenr and deFndenr<br />

TV<br />

M;ii<br />

I<br />

IrknBon.l Copponi...ior<br />

Masr.dia nat. rh. imdadon knoM dd rnrc.Feml$ucs o.r. n<br />

ExDos@ lo asricutlurl imovarioN is co6i@6 & ,rrcFndcnr<br />

vdiable. Exposule n@r rhe choices oa $atching dd trsrcnins of ugricuhu\-<br />

progltm. R dio and ry ft lhe qi.r or exlcndd of ieovu,on. M!5, m.dia<br /> are Gl.tively moE iopon&t ar rh. tno{t.dge ,a8e. wheeas<br /> conlacis m Ghil€tr no( imponad.r $e E-uuairi tAd.lj,rt\<br />

know€! e moe .ducalcd. hlve highty s@iat sl.rls. aE noG op.n ro borh noss<br />

D.di. md inrcrpce@t .h$i.ts of comnuicrtion. aod hrving noE conteh<br />

wilh .h.rge aacnlt *l6sion as€n6 ed f.low frmc6.<br />

i I<br />

J<br />

Sll,."r.*iiOr+'ritii<br />

I<br />


J<br />

J<br />

ptsdicror vriiables. $,r ar.<br />

r.lomaron ro lhe ibmi.g<br />

," .J<br />

Adcultuie is now the p.manenr subjd of pakinan Brcaacasnn! rorporarion<br />

(PBC) which retay fm baed pmgrams lile -Khaith Khanh Har'.&ti... :Arhem<br />

Khanne, Wasdhyahh Jhotka.-...Ka eela.,and -theiayTeemt Hat whagda\..<br />

At rhis sr!8. lh.s p.o8tus .E being rFard G indcprnd.d lanaotes<br />

'' '|'''I ..-....:<br />

lll I Deummbry<br />

PTv ag.ic!hur!l nrogrrnr<br />

Pdlist& rcl.rision and pT! World pbvidB DAsnc<br />

lnrough vaious prograns ofrhe phsnohenon ].her<br />

losih s@na chdd.. kay sarh. Expcn di*lsion. Mirri<br />


art the exrendr of.gricullunl i@ovatons. R.s@h indiatca fiar pT!<br />

wnd prceians hav. . cauel Etadonship.<br />

$c cnrqion v.riabl. of impacl.<br />

4E lcs!r!r..Ti.!!9tost<br />

I<br /> the prcdicror variabtes influence<br /> lo tfthnotogy .nd oft.r fam trchniqu€s. and intomaron - r a hasic<br />

elcn ofdy srntcSy ro prohore food suity &d cr.djcae poveny. lh,sqitl<br />

only happ€n ifsm. ore huch more ctoset),iNorved !r rhc scnerarioD<br />

dd dim8ion of lehnotog'. F,ming comhunir,.s r{hnotosicrl<br />

knowleee, 6s rell as rhe oap&ir, ro imovate b) rh€Dstvcs_ Adoption ol.<br />

innovadons has b.cohe a cenrlat focus ofagricuhurat Esealc. rn rhe sv€nrids<br />

Ret<br />

ASr.ultw r.s€h iBfid6. Laini,g tircilnica<br />

Exhibi'ion J o,rta iRJd;<br />

3,8 Diftusio! otio@!.liotr aod.t for.doprion orqriculrtrr.r t.norrrions<br />

Thb hod€t |o.xplain ldoprion of lgicutlunt imova ols p€rhrs o batanced<br />

PE*nr.tion of researh findings $ar€ $hd ae. n. rssd.._ h,sL naldr<br />

sels of expla.arory !{iables: trostedlc le\.t. adule E!cr. .nd b.tu\io,al

ft snoukl be nokd $a! ktuwtcds. lcEt vdiabl.s as,ated wnh .xposue to<br />

nedia ed inreQ.rsonal com&unicarion Characrerisrics ot lihere include a!c.<br />

iocon.. tud cdsarion. As.. a conmont) 6ed nricFndgnr \aridL nr rjcJr(tr<br />

on adoption of ituovariols {Rogd, 1983), hs used !o try io<br />

famas b€h.vior, bur wnh dubious succ€ss, Resedch rcautc shos a vaied<br />

Elarionship berw.en age .nd imovarions, adoption tev.t. Sode studies havc<br />

fourd rhar oldcr fahers aG hore ro be adopre4 ot no-rillagc lechniques<br />

(Hoovd dd Wiir.ta. t98O: Lstey.nd Nole. l98l). bur othd judies find m<br />

Elatiotuhip age dd us of asicutrulat innolarons (cartson_ .l at.,<br />

l98l). Srilt orh.rsrudiessho{ rnd}oun8.. fhrrs tu. nroru t,(et) ro .pr D.$<br />

pncricas, NoMk.rd Kosbins ( t 98j) d8ue rhal youeer rirm€r are nore tik.ty<br />

ro adopr Edued ([.ge hhnologics. while oldcr fahe6 arc mor.,rr.t) ro rdopl<br />

strucruralpracrice and othcr cuhuEt pEcrices such as lrass qare$als and sr p<br />

@ppiat. This ag.-scl.div. adopdon nay accour for the tact ofa Etaionship in<br />

other s$dies. Allhoueb .dirudes ae r.ared scpararet) th.t s rctaled ro<br />

indilidual levet vaiables. One musr dmember rhar an arnudc r defined onh ar<br />

'I pr.disposnion io aca ed des not atss!,s rcpBenr onc,s b

aiE.ts hav€ a mool obliS.tion ro produce food is dsoci.tcd wilb rhc<br />

eof ,* ptulh.s (EFii ad En in, t982;No\z[,I982c).<br />

Fanes have nixcd arhud$ row4d the u* of hyhnd seeds, r.cnilizeB<br />

peticid.vinsclicides. On the o,e lEnd. fm€6.rcspons. rs in .)e,.and on dc<br />

olh.r thenresponse h falling under fi. choices oa a/il is.xpensrve b/ I hale no<br />

non.t c? it i3 nol €sity avaitabl. and {, rhc imova ons e nor.,tacri\r.<br />

A\ar.n.$ v4i.btes relaed ro the dopion ol.agriculrurat imokrions pr.qic.s<br />

includ.: hybrid *.dyf€nilizervpesicid6 sd asriculruat rchnoloSies. Mosr<br />

siudi.s ihdicatc lhc l&ge, rhe fm si& ad rhc nore incomc F@rced by thc<br />

f@ .nbrpns., rne sE6t r rbe use ot conse aion pmrrc.s Early nudies in<br />

adoption nave shou a posnile r.larionship beNcn a,brD.r s ue ot ned,a and<br />

'ftrp.aonat conkcl and use of inno\alions.<br />

wh.t s.ens ihponan is rhar aq!6es' i.teEst. needs of tanne.s. is a<br />

pRcquisite ro adoption .tfons. ln orher wods. knortedg. or a piobten is a<br />

l@sart bur nor suf!€icn condirion for the adop on of hnoe.ions pralices<br />

The dcmand. sid. enphasiz.s adoptton ofan jnnovation rs an ouko$. or in<br />

individul leeing or @omunic.rions p@s dd€mined prindil' b fmea,<br />

3.9 lod.pdd.nrv.ri!bt6.nd proporidons<br /> research.s propose a variert ofe\ptanaron facros<br />

@ an<br />

'movation TIE ke, conceouatiario.s can tc<br />

coupsr (t) ihiovaroG (2J carty adoprcis (j)earty

These llve ostrucr goups. s welt 6 tn fa(ors $al thcoErically ,ppear in .,ch<br />

8rcup, arc cxPtaincd b€tow<br />

ImovrtoE: Th6 is @nsid.abt. ,lprorr in lh. titeEtuc tor hr connerjon<br />

between an individuatt perc.plion ofan imovaror and his or her acceprance otil<br />

(Acarual- 2000: Maclie.l988). Thc fi6l conshcr gbut in rfiis ft\cmh.<br />

imovators' p€lc.ptioos o f i nnovation anribules, incl udes al | ftree ar ri bules.<br />

Elchis.xm'n.dforiBinp€rupohrh.!\eot.lncuhuEt<br />

3. l 0 Potential Adopters<br />

inno!ar,ons.<br />

llina.ron'2-s.rly doDt.dtj*arly hrjori., majorir, rhggcrdr<br />

' Opinion lad.6 lRog.q t995 (opinion t.!d.r +)<br />

! Cha|3c agens t995( +)<br />

'ccrrm.6 (ccf!me6 norn.F bj lds<br />

. Nunb.rdsE(posir vety influ.nces lor ujinsnew bh)<br />

I<br />

;"1*'fi;'i:il"T'Jffn',*ltl.]i:*.:' -*'. "*""-",<br />

!:},"i'fi ;'iffi;1'Jf:.:1.ilt'Jtr"tiiililt'*"'. -' *"",.,"'',<br />

,ilr#;:lT;i:Till "'.t:::md o' mess.\ \ \isf rrc'1''r f 'J'cd<br />

;:i:il1i*:i;fif""""lii;berdai of me$aBcs 6 si gtr, nc.n,'.r,.hcd<br />

Innov oh: Venruresonen*s is atmosr an obsessio. .. rnreresr in ne$ idccs<br />

lcads rh.m our of t@at cict. oap€er n r$orks and inro a EoR c.snoB\hre vrcirl

El ioBhiF _.. oia,.eived d d.viet<br />

fom la.l sial sysr.m and<br />

&@ded dubious sratls oftowcEdibitiry by ovcrage m.mbes of th. sFrem.<br />

E.rly ldoprcB: Moe inr.gnted inro<br />

ner p.c6 ... d€crc*s noccnainly abour a n€s<br />

lftal sdidl s)ieor ... csprst J b) his or<br />

'd.a<br />

bt., adoptin8 n<br />

E.rly n.jorit!: S.ldom hotd posirionsofopinion teadesh,p r a syreo... n!\<br />

d.lib.d. lor en. rine,€ adopring ... ,,Bc no( rhe fid by which rhe ne{. n<br />

tried / Nor $e last lo tay lhc otd side.,,<br />

L.L y: adopts duc ro ftoNnic .(€sir, and rh. Esull or incEsing<br />

Fer pGs@ .,. host u4ir.inry nul be Fnov.d p,ior lo aoopnon.<br />

opinion l.adcrship.. rh. mosl tocalik i. rh.iroutl@k of<br />

susprcrou o' chege agcnrs and innovarion.<br />

Edly adopre$ g.ncrally ar. froE highly educared. have h,sner<br />

noE op.n.o boih m6s m.dja &d inr.rp€mnot .hM.ts or cohnunrcalon. and<br />

have moR contact *ith chaee as€nB. M6s nediachanheb tre Rlarirety more<br />

mporont rh. knowtedg. sage. whcred inrQeenat channeh arc etatirct)<br />

morc rhPondr at rhc Frsusion sro8c.<br />

Innovation d(isions m6y b. oprionat, where fie farmets has a reatopro unil) t,,<br />

adopl or Ejed th. idea colt€criE, *tcF a d(ision is r.eherr b, consnsus<br />

among thc lilming conmuniry. or odhorily_bascd. Nh.r. ! lecjsion ts ilrpos.d<br />

by dnorher p.'$n or o'ean,alon rhor pos6\e, Rquhr. poq(r. \uJu! ir

Opinio. ldd.r: An opt ia, /.dgr is tu iMividut who in influencing rhe<br />

dejsions of in rhen $ciat syslem (Khhore. 200oTh.r. manr srudies<br />

on .gicultual i&ov ions i. lh. ftcdu.e rhar hare ,ru*d on opinion<br />

rcddeship,In this study. rh. innvncc ot n opinian lead./ onu|cdecision ro,n<br />

aghcuh@l innoEtions is .l$ osi{iei.d sienirctuL<br />

Cbmg. rg.rat RogeE (1995) 4sens thar cr4,as oge,. h surinS the<br />

adolion of imvaioN h posirively rlat d ro rhc clot or rh c .hdne, aF.t s<br />

cfons in conracting individuats. The agenl is rsponsbte fof such tdsks a\<br />

$*$in8 ed d.\etop,nS rhe need ror !he8.. rrgdlnl ,nrcn6 ru Lhan!1. Jn,t<br />

lBnslatins rhc inreds inro d.cisions b adopr This Esearch exahines lhcrher.<br />

when pesenr, a .r?,a? ,ged is o f&ror rhat oitlcts 6z of b.uer<br />

s..dyfenili2.ryp.$icid6 and asnculrurc &chnoto!ies<br />

Co-rt.Der: Co,f@e6 are indilidut anons rhc commun{) or l..mrcA \ho<br />

h.lp 0$6 in rctlins rhen rn praaic. dd or rh€ iniovarion co-fam.r<br />

u a key pe@n rn rhe aea where rhe study is beinSconduded<br />

Nrhb.rdr: A nubcrdlr is e influ. ial nemb.r *ho lakes d.cisions and<br />

navhg a good repni.ation on lhe !i|age/rown and tooz!. ThB nunrNrdft r\ truarcd<br />

4 e rndep.ndcnl vdiabl. oo which fme6 d.p..d tor e.nin8 mBqg?r<br />

Egad'ns cops culdlation nelhods dd other pracrices ofnnjovarons.

MODEL<br />

FGer.4 sdc: HrFri6id n*r by& e:fu<br />

3.12 Tieo..ric.l<br />

TS I i Famc6 qe €xpo*d ro $. nes.86.<br />

TS2: Thcy rE a% of thc .xircna of rhc imovarion ,nd san sm.<br />

ud.6ra.dine ofhow n fundion.<br />

TSI: Famqs fomaposirive neSati!.3r ude lowards rhe innolarions.<br />

TS4: The fm.6 engqc in acdviries, which tead lo , choic. of acc.prdce or<br />

TS5: A famc6 eek einforc.nflr fo, rhc innov{ion daision, ne has made. bur<br />

he m.y rev€E his pevioc dmbion if exposed rc conflicrins ncseses<br />

aboul rhe imoEtioo.<br />

! ^.eee. ori'!'rurhnil;ei;il;<br />

I<br />


T36: Th. l.t1r6 i @r wirh opilio! tad6.<br />

TS7: Th. yield incr.b6 ttough 1he adoption of dodeh i.chnotogy.<br />

Hl: G@t r tn. dpore to ,t INg6 of lericul@t idovltioc, lne<br />

g&atcr th. knowledS., lhitu(l€ an.l, pra.licc lcv.l<br />

's<br />

Hl FallM int Eom-red $reuC! inrcrpeson.l co@icalion @ lit ty lo<br />

Havc a hignd agrialtuFl imovatioB'adoprion eorc rhm $os. who 6r. .ot.<br />

Hl: Thc higher is ih. expos@ ro asjcutrE lehrologiqt i|mvadol1 rhc<br />

hi$erwill b. rhe rel€vdl indei of ue.<br />

I rb On rn. dE6ge borh. ro ndro md fv f.tms .\D6.d . !d..<br />

H, No. dey<br />

?. Ho: Inc f.rn c. sFnd dtu on lij.ning Edjo md wrchjng TV in a wk wnh<br />

Hi No, thcy ligni6@lty dideor or rhe av.6se.<br />

L flo: Or lh. .vcGg. rhcy ratrc s4 jnrnd in borh Rdio {d TV aericutrue<br />

}l: Nq dE inrGl in bod 6, sisnificady diit mi<br />

4. H. TheF R rc drftod*j Ltdng rnr*j of Tva igrtrutMt pbg'm<br />

H,:.^o. hE E a 3isni66r dtfdme .lMs Lh. FrfotllMi of d,fi*nr<br />

rrv aSncurM p.o8tu<br />

t. go Thd. is no di{orde in rh. freq!.ncy of tkr.nin8 ladio agricuhml<br />

l.: Nq IEE i! a siSnifitui difr@e<br />

6. H. At avengc, rhr. ( nodifa.EM in Gp.ndents$risiadion wnh amujr<br />

H.: No, lhd n . srglifi.d<br />

7. Ho Ar rhc .vsgc rtr., coDrld.xr.djon agots, numbdd&, md co-f.llow<br />

H.: No, lhc4 h r si8rin.&r di'I.6ce.<br />

3 H. lh.c s no dtf.,fl( In rh. &.qu6.y of tdcnins ud erch,.B<br />

P6(ic'd64tudc,d6 Adlmffir<br />

fl,: No, ln* is a sjgninhr diffcmcc.

9.<br />

12.<br />

tb Tn.c is norgnjficrd drfi.En.. ii.n.nnon<br />

4 No. rh.( iri risniii..,rdifi.Hc.<br />

*"":;#ff *.* riik.d sirh.xktr,ion ,!.frs ,or rio\iDs r.d icrl<br />

H, Thcr. is no sigitficrnr tink<br />

Ho is no high in.i.!*.rhr.<br />

H. Th.E is inces. in .rkr.<br />

H0 hisht) monvaB tlm.ts rosJds adopnn-r rsro .ro!sr,onj<br />

dr I h.r tra,isniflrnr mr.ofmorr Ni<br />

lr Ho f.D.usrrirf(nonlidgo\.mn.{,nc.nht.!.E,nd.Fndenr<br />

F. N6, rhq rrcnor<br />

i1 Ho jhs chmg. in rEd,Lon.,.pp@ch rnd Ed,o. Tv 6 i,,<br />

q No,6., e nor ,id.pcn&nr.<br />

I5. th ftft ir md'f.ric. m intomlrioi gtr.n b) \rou: euM!.<br />

Hr No. ih{rc E! !i3triltcrd d,tf.rncc.<br />

| 6. tl.. Thft is no dirl:Em. ii itrfotuid gv.n<br />

Hr: N6,lh.E isa sienificrnr datr.knc..;ons by tsrc6 rEmmS plornms<br />

3.15 Ch.Dt rsono.ry<br />

This d.*rib.s $c rhcoEricat underpinninss of rn,s Eseuch iud\<br />

Cl4iryinS difftsion p@$ of innorition dd tnen considerin8 the \ idcr 1..a of<br />

agncult@ deriv.d rh. f.@so,k. Th. purpo* ws ro .3rabtrsh rhe<br />

facto6 rh.t rill b. cxoitr d in rhi, srldy. As orh.r DOI iudr.s har. dotrc. rhi\<br />

sfudy dilia r.s@h i. dill$ion of iuovariom s i|3 foundalron b€cau* of ns<br />

M.L ue iB feu o. ncsg6 u* comnunic6tioi in broader *ns)_ and irs<br />

choice of faclos rbsr hale srudi.d.nd .nhanc.d by oth.R. Thb studr- witl<br />

dnder diflBion of imoladon c$dh moe clc!&t lo lhe aedcutrudl<br />

innovatioB. Ir willexahin.$c reteran..ofrhe mod.h pbposed rn lhr chapter<br />

ad tbe cor$ponding Foposirions in order |o puiJe a rcsBl<br />

rcearch question. ll {ilt aho cxahinc lhe r!,cbn (kno$redse. atrrude and<br />

behaviotpoposed in rhenodetsare b.inSehpha3izdd by l.armcrs ar (netr ra.m.

ffi,tffi,'_,#i*ffi5<br />

ffi;rilit:il&Hx,ii:<br />

#,tlfH.f#il18<br />

ft::ltiri'jiilfl !i8#y #r,xr-.H#:::f#,f: i:fr.*<br />

ffi ;fi r,#ffifr rffi ffi,l*,#",;;j*)L #ff ff;;<br />


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