Doctor of Physical Therapy - Walsh University

Doctor of Physical Therapy - Walsh University

Doctor of Physical Therapy - Walsh University

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Supporting OurBy Captain Michael P. Smith, Class <strong>of</strong> ‘69president, reserve <strong>of</strong>ficers associationWounded WarriorsWe must never forget those who are serving at the “tip <strong>of</strong> the spear.” Clearly, Reserve Officers Association (ROA) haskept our “wounded warriors” right up front. ROA is one <strong>of</strong> the few organizations with a Congressional charter toadvise Congress on military issues related to our national security.Thus, I routinely provide testimony to the various CongressionalCommittees on military matters. Those who have returned fromwar, whether members <strong>of</strong> the regular military components orReserve and Guard (our “Citizen Warriors”), have all been part<strong>of</strong> our recent ROA activities. Last September 29th, “WoundedWarriors” from Bethesda Naval Hospital and Walter Reed wereinvited to sit right up front while ROA hosted President Bush,the Commander-In-Chief, at a major Presidential address on theGlobal War on Terrorism (GWOT). After the televised program,President Bush spent time to speak with each “Wounded Warrior”and listened to their various war experiences from serving in Iraqand Afghanistan. These special members <strong>of</strong> the military, manyReservists and Guardsmen, are providing relief to our active force.They are like honored Olympians – who have reached out for thegold. They have been determined and continue to reach out towardwinning the GWOT…working tirelessly and with firm dedication,perseverance, focus and discipline to enter that special winners circle.To be a winner, you have to pay the price. Clearly, our “WoundedWarriors” have indeed paid the price for our freedom and country,and all are winners.Just recently, at the ROA 2007 Mid-Winter conference inWashington, we again honored our “Wounded Warriors” by invitingthem to attend our banquet program. Each was recognized withtheir families and showcased to our collective membership. The2007 Minuteman <strong>of</strong> the Year, Congressman Gene Taylor (D-MS),saluted these special members <strong>of</strong> our military. In speaking withthem, all were especially honored to be with our members fromaround the country. However, as wounded as each <strong>of</strong> them was,they had a desire to return to the battlefield with their respectiveunits and friends. During our opening plenary session, Chairman <strong>of</strong>the House Armed Services Committee, Congressman Ike Skelton(D-MO), our keynote speaker, saluted all who have served and areserving, especially our “Wounded Warriors.”This is the ROA’s significant 85th Anniversary Year and a veryspecial time since our founding by General John Pershing, General<strong>of</strong> the Army, at the Willard Hotel in Washington. We celebratedthat special day in 1922 during our 2007 Mid-Winter Conference.A number <strong>of</strong> members, along with a recently commissioned NavyReserve <strong>of</strong>ficer, joined me once again at the famed Willard Hotelon Pennsylvania Avenue. We lifted our glasses and toasted GeneralPershing in the same ballroom in which ROA was created 85 yearsago. We saluted his vision and leadership that evolved into one <strong>of</strong>the most effective military support associations in the United States.Thank God it continues today. The strength <strong>of</strong> any organizationis a diverse membership that is focused and disciplined on thevision <strong>of</strong> its leadership. As a collective team, the ROA, the ReserveOfficers Association League (ROAL), and the national staff with ourindustry partners and congressional supporters continue to worktoward our mission and goals.Clearly, ROA continues our mandate to support our mission andCongressional Charter: “…to advocate strong Reserve Componentsand national security, and to support Reserve <strong>of</strong>ficers and theirfamilies in their military and civilian lives.” ROA has been successfulin educating the public, the Congress and the Executive Branchon both accomplishments and the needs <strong>of</strong> “Citizen Warriors” andtheir families. Before I leave <strong>of</strong>fice as the National President I hopeto say to our 75,000 membership: “Mission Accomplished!”13

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