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@ @ @ @* *à à *T he official S ailm ak er forW h arram catam aransW ith m ore th an 40 years experien ce w eund erstand the T ik i an d W h arram rigsb etter than an yon e else.A w ide choice of m aterials together w ithou r trad ition al sailm ak in g sk ills allow sJeckells to design an d con stru ct sails tom eet you r p articu lar req uirem ents.A II W h arram sails gu aranteed for 5 years@ .ForfurtlterdetailsCWa/lt'/Chris Jeckells.On Telephone.01603 782223Fœv.-01603 784023Email.chrislfjeckells-co-ukWebSite:www-jeckells-co-uk . .i. â. * â. à *'

Am / plynclq tpfam ,,'s(x 4,,%. j - . $.(. jM A G c / # rs f r lThe Sea Peop leM agazineoftlte<strong>Polynesian</strong> Catam aran<strong>Association</strong>New s forSea PeopleEditor's noteExploring the G ulfofFonseca456(3 PCA 2008Contributorsofthisissue:(By order(fappearance in themag)Glenn TiemanJamesW harram DesignsteamRémy RoyAnn & Nev ClementGeraldW inklerJohn JamesonElseSnitkerGuy W illingJim GoodmanLapita voyage appealLapita voyagers historyThe dream com es true91116Find the bestanchorage18Pictures 20Austrian W harram Circle m eeting 22C ontactsEditorialteam :Remy Roy,Ken & Anita H ookuyour nam eneeded <strong>here</strong>l>Editorialaddress:PCA,l18 Howeth Road,Bournem outh,Dorset,BH IO 5NS,IJK+44 (0)1202531445e-mail: editor@ pca-seapeople.orgweb site:www.pca-seapeople.orgFroln the PCA constitution:News from Sea PeopleSm a lcats voyagingLe tersDitty BagBoutiqueFaces ofSea People272836373940The objects ofthe association are topromote and further the interests ofbuilders and owners of <strong>Polynesian</strong>Catalnaranss and to encourage thedevelopmentofgood seamanship in alIits aspects amongst the association'smembers.L <strong>Polynesian</strong> Catam arans h shallm eanthe various classes of catamarans asdesigned by JamesW harram.Frontcover:b*İllathan' (Tik'i 2I) sailing dtlring the A ultlunN&'harrtl-n lueeting in Austria Ns'ith .1ohann and SusanneAtleraboardI)e trt!m be r2()t)8 Issue 72@ *TheSea Iàcople

N E W S FO / S EA P E O P LE,à u . #@ .*'rH el1oaI1sU suall)'K en svould be n'riting this piece,buthe hasbeen poorly lbraw'hile-ithasbeen lel'tto nleto pen atku''words.This u,il1be otlr lastcolunln in the SeaPeople as secretarl'.svith agreelment frol'n the PCAconnl'nittee.nol'ninationsforanew'secretarl'havebeenextended ti1Itheend o f.1antlary 09.andthe AG M sviIlbe held 3 nlonths laters hopeftllIy w'hen .1almes andH annek'eareback frol'n theirvoyaging.Th is i11ness hasboughtholue to both ofushow'longKen hasbeen doing thejob ofsecretary(since200()),and n'e both 1-1aq'e hoping thatsonaeone w'ould haN'etrolne forsvard to ,$.(J1tlnteer',circul-nstancesforcesustostand d(.luqn nou'.UntiIsonneone takes over the rolenextyear-theofticeu'ilIbe01,1sIo'w'tickoverbut-I'nostil'nportantly-yotlrl'nagazinesti1lgetprinted and posted()u t!Ken ald I-u'eu'antto beableto spend til-netogetlergetting13e1'1-T iki'snlaststlp,al'ld give her1.1nesv cock -pit-etz..jobstlathavebeensidelined forfartoolongandgo saiIing.Ith i1-1k Nvhoevertakes01-1the ne'w'roleofsecretarl'u,iI1have lotofftln - yes itcan geta bithecticattil'nes-butyougetto speak to I'nany'neqv people-nlak'enl:1-1: nesv friends (&- new'partners),andoften u'il1be the firstto hearneu,'sofboatbtlildsandlatlnehes-and ifl'otlhavea ys'illing partner/friend n'hocan lend a hand,(&.s.'ith tiling,sttlfting ofensrelopes-replyingto e-nlaiIs,ctkr-andrel'nindersto thesekrretarl')then it'stn'icethe ful.-l-he PL-A fal'n i1).stretches around the gIobe altlu'iIIlelp w'hen they can!N ol'n1natiolsto thtPf.'A. ol-ticefbrthesecretarialrolecan bedoneby slaiI.01-c-lail,And tinalIysNvearing the treasurerhat.W e haN'e hadnotilicati01frol'nthe bank'thatalïer1'tlecenlber s thel'u'iI1reqtlire l'nore 1-.fo Nvhen pal'11-1g b)'card .Plcasegive the 3 tigureC S()-((-ard Sectlrit)'û-ode)u'h 1trh isprinted on the signature panelo fV isa &-klastercards,aIol'lg u'1th otheri1'1lbrnlati01).It-u'e do notreceiN'ethe()-S(-'thePI-A Il-1ay'1lctlrpenaltl'chargesoran1ncrease1,1ourIuerchantl-ees-orbotI1.N otgood f-01-the PC-A ,YourrenevvaIforl'nn'illl'lopet-tllI)'laq'etleextraboxesreqtlired forthistield.W lelthe tl'l1ngsareback o1:1l'noreesrel'lkeel.Kelis-hoping togoback to 1isroleofPooleand Sotltl)(- oastrepresentatiN'e and organiser-al'ld stilItak e :1,1interestand prol-noting thePC'A -and introducing l'norepeopleto W lal-rCtllboats.B i'-N-TIKI1s w aiting lbrherowners& new navizations' R- *%.--w - 7' w ,.éL-.- c L'Z n.J.*-u4.> '. . . . . .w .P,/',.'h,',iö.j,E k .. V E TS2008/2009 datesTo be advisedSpling2009 (tobecontirmed)M ay 15,16 & 17PCA meetings & ot<strong>here</strong>ventsPCA AGMPoole,UK meetingW harram spring/stlmmerrendez vouslsla M oradaaFlorida Keys,USAContactKen Hook,PCA officeKen Hook.PCA ofticeDan Ktmz & Gene PerryJune 12.13 & 14Austrian W han'am Circle,Summer meet Gerald W inklerPlease.c1eckth eNvebs1tefortheIatesti1fosabotltthen-leet1ngsor1-11g theP( - -A ot-fit:e.* @u U ur.gsprintyeoN'il.k2().tlk'Dtlctl'n ber2()()8

*2008/2009<strong>Polynesian</strong> Catam aran<strong>Association</strong>E D ITO R B N O TEA lmem bers contributions in theform of articles,Ietersand photographs(blaz'kt:o white or cfy/t?l/rprint0r /rf7#l.î7t7rc'N&951 are Welcomed bySeapeople.Allmaterialwillberettlnled to thecontributor if requested. In anyeventthe PCA can acceptno responsibilityforlossordam agetocontributions. All lnaterial acceptedsolely on the basisthattheauthor accepts the assessm ent ofthePCA astoitsvalue.AlI m aterial subm itted to them agazine isaccepted on the basisthatcopyrightin the work w illbevested in the PCA who assumesallrightsworld-wide,in allformsand media.Reproduction in wholeorin partwithoutwritten permissionisprohibited.The textspublished in the magazineare the authors'responsibility.All members subm itting articlesforsubmission to the mag,w illbeentered into a draw ing at theAGM .Prizesw'illconsistof PCAclothing/burgee/item s that havebeen presented in the money savingcolumn forthatyear.Articlestbrsubm issionto the magcan be sentto the PCA Oftice orelectronicaly to pcatxt@ pcaseapeople.org(forarticles,simpletxtisbest,.doc(M SW ord)isGnealso ) a nd p cap ix@ pcaseapeople.org(for pictures ordrawings) jpg format preferred(otherslessso).(picturesshould be scanned in at300dpiresoltltion and size shotlldbeno morethan300Kb please)W ISH ES TIM E/)e thnes are /vecfazzz'zp hard. Töta nlazlqgwople are /ta-s'z7z? - v thelk-jobs,r/zez:rsaïing%amleîrz?thelk-Jtazzes.V'hat to Ivz-s/z to a1l of J-talz uz/?ez?conle r/?taz?ert'qvar az?l the rz-zne to m ake som e P/C)J resolutions-?#Jrthose /?z?zW thnes I Salze the feeling that z-rcould /7eJk ztxx/ rtpgo /vz?cf rt:the e-sw'ez?tial.S.)1 I,'z'-s'/? ḅ-olall the best for r/?tawtau'J-ear 2009:fazrrî'z'z?ls'tbr I-tadz-czwz-sz'z?p tim es;slzzzzvl-fbvather for the callrzrz?to-s. rta /arzez?p aboard lztazz-friends./faz.sharh:g I,'z-r/?r/?ezz? the /ae-s'/'znonlents tp/ .1 .s'az7z-z? .#'journej'; rta.%.af.vez?tnlzpz?zzltpzltg-to fz?z-s/? vour Hzsarzuzn cat for rstas'erv'/?t)have started rta/7zz7J azzl hope to per nlore fz-eetim aflt sea later; rta /7e zk? gxood .s'/lare to argveczbre r/?tapleasure :p/ smling ('.sy7taczk/ thought <strong>here</strong> for tazzz-%ecretarl'.Keep the ctalzwe K en, the rogue rtut'e hakv#tawe .1'nuj-z?taIt'./? and,/i-z?z?//J; to /?z?I,'e enough rz-zne totwnrz'z?lztarè)read Jwtzz-Sea f-btvve znaṯzazz-z?e.A ltd It-/?artarztar happens z?tav-er sell the boatl.. Youngenu'/vtazlf bought zwy-h-rstboatt'stvz-T-it vvas a 4Oftracïzvrzzitlzlta/?ul Jetap/ , '-keeled)1had a/tcalo'as ulterior zntarz-v'ethat,z-z?case t)/ need,I ctplz/l sell the Jtwzzta,the car (/v1hatefvr I /?J?vr?and .%al altkp'tzz?lez-better sfz-e-s'kfithr/ltopeople I /tpvze.. The Jesrz-narzbzl t4,'tal//l habv /7eta/ltb wzz?e tropical z'sW'?z?l t z-zl the faacz-/i-c fk<strong>here</strong> z-r 1%a/lvk,e?lts'

J IM 'S C O L U M NB .v the tim e you read this coltlmn James and Hanneke îvould be sailing //?ctqvo Tama Moana cJ/s'h'om Philippines Islands to Ilkopia and v4??/t?lslands../1/5,/befol'e leaving theoId Eltrope, /?cy havesenttoltstwo textsabolttvol/t?gc5,aboard Tam a M oana catam al'ans.Thehrstone wtzxmadealong the CentralAmerica coastsA-J?thehrst'TamaM oana 'builtbv an am ateur in Am erica and //?c second is t?/?t?!//tvhich isz7tpit'the)vc/knotvnLapita Voyagein the Izpps'/Pac/ch'om PhilippinestoTikopia andAnuta Islands...E x p lo rin g th e G u lf o f F o n a e c aWednesdqv.s-t./.p/t?n//p(:7r17.2008f'ter a last tbray to them arket tbr provisions itw as already noon by thetim e M anu Rere was sailingoutofLa Union,EISalvador.Thetim ing was aw fulsince the m orningIand breeze had ended and the contraryseabreezejustbeginningwhilea contrary tlood tide w as m aking thebeathopeless.JtlstasIwaspreparingto anchor atthe edge ofthe channelthe tide turned so that lNvas able tom ake it behind little Zacatillo Islandatdusk w <strong>here</strong> Ianchored in three tketof w ater.Straightinto the seato scrape the bottombutin the opaquely m uddy waterthis w'asaIlbutim possible.A lthoughthe village ashore looked inviting Isailed w ith the tide at daw n for thegult'fs outerm ost Isla M eangueraw <strong>here</strong> m ore transparent Seaw aterCould beexpeeted.lsla M eanguera w as a beautifulplaceto visitin m ostw ays.T<strong>here</strong> were nocars buta network oftrailsand roadspaved w ith dry laid slabsof black basalt,theprevalentstonet<strong>here</strong>,and lotsofhorses,m ules,and donkeyshaulingfarm products.T<strong>here</strong>w'ere also lotsofbasalt w'alIs forn-ling terraces andfences.W alking along the shore road Im etafriendly young man w ho w alked allover delivering bills. H e oftkred toshow m e petroglyphs in a rem ote valleyso w e h iked tlp a steepravine,which ctltinto the interiorandexam ined the petroglyphs,then cam edow n another way passing nlany uncultivatedfruittrees,w hich localsinsistedw e eould forage.l had a bagfull of avocados, m angoes andsapotesby the end ofthe day.Istayed abouttw o weeksalthough theanehorage w as pretty aw ful. Thestrong tidal current held the boatbeam on to the night-tim e strongsoutherlies. A non-catam aran B'ouldbe intolerable.T<strong>here</strong> were scores oft-riendly navalpersonnelon the islandbtlilding a w harf intended to attractsm allcrtlise ships.The ofticers tookme for a luneh cruise 01 their littlepatrolboatoneday.Alm ost everyone w as very friendlyhow ever t<strong>here</strong> w as a large group ofyoung m en constantly congregated,and fully drunk,nextto the store thatsold aguadiente, Central A m ericant-ire w ater.T<strong>here</strong> were also a coupleofA m erican innercity gangsters oneT le Stla I'tlople Decelnber2 008* *

ofNvl-1ol-n to Id l'nt'the n'latle 1)1s liN'i1gsel11ng drugs.()ne l'norn ing.as I1-tt- jturned ti-ol'1'1:.111ike th is jttly,look injt. - - - - +especlally trazzled, thl-eatened to. 'shootI'le becatlse,--You Nvl'1Ite guys klareal1the salues'you think youcan d(.)Ianythi1g.'-I1alllny years ofsailingpirate i1)festetlseasthe oj')Iy tilue I''$'e >*heard thatbefore NN'as NN'h 1le teac1-1ingi1-1L o sA.nge Its.ThepropanehadjtlstrtlnotltanyNvayso,NNrithin the hotlr,the anclol-s Ns'el-etlp and lNvas sa ilil1g outot-t<strong>here</strong>.A sN1:.11u Rere gat<strong>here</strong>d Nvay :.1 N'o iceca lled frolu slore, --col-ne baek !-l-1l-l'ïN'e's'erhaN'ing had enough o1-theseNvidely reported probleluso1-E ISalvador.IsaiIttdnol-stop back to La U n-i0n-spentone day cleariI'lg outo fthecotlntry,ald sailed acrosstheguIftoA Inapala-E 1-l-igre Island,llondtlras.INvtntto A l'napal:1iustto elearintothe eotlntry'-so 01)Iy stayed one 1-1ight,then sa1Ied arotl1'ld the isI:11-1d ald intoa NN'ide esttlary yN'l'11el narrosved to :1sn-tall 1-1N'eI- tlrotlgh tle labyrinth 1l'lel-nal-lgl-oq'es.'W e.>p . 4.t*1-oj -K qp .F * . 4% ... v ' '-. . ,*. 4 . ., Ij '#z .) ' -#* 4.4 e. + N,2 .. 4. l ' . .s. a. . c . #. .'.. ! (. w'1.'j.' .#k* . .,N... * z-..x - ..- -,.< , . . . g ), '' f

C O L U M Nptlblic l-narkets. A l-nol'1g the toNvn'sadvantagesare food pricesatone halfof Nlexico and Californ ia. Bananasare 25 cents/lb atthe one stlpernAarket,btltaboutl5 cents frolu :1trtlckNvhich parksalong the street-ordinaryl-narketing in Latin Alnerica.50 centsfor a naediuln avocado- tbta-likecheese for $2 lb and Ineditl'n Nvholefresh shrilnp for$'-l.20/lb.T<strong>here</strong> isalarge shrinnp packing plant in toNvnand shriI-np pondsalIaround thel'nangroN'es.A nother b ig 13Ius to S :11 Lorenzo isthe weather.Thisis said to be :1luysteriotlslydry spot during the other-Nvise soaking CentralAlnerican rainyseason-and ithasbeen reasonably dryvvhile raining I'nost nights. I collectenough vvater offthe aNvning to supplyl'ny needs.(.)feotlrse it's hot-btltthat nlakes it easy to dive into thetepid river (erocodiIes only in thennore rel-note areas).Should a htlrricanedraw'nearthisw'otlldbe the bestanchorage nzith a I-nangrove btll-nperal1around.T<strong>here</strong> u'asoneothercruisingboat <strong>here</strong>, u'hicl l'lad been <strong>here</strong>tbr 14 Iuontlsbtlthe'sdeparted.TheIoealsare friendly exeeptlbractlstol'nof hurling bttsringo !'-in luy face Nvith:1 big proud sl-nile instead of sol-nethinglike hel1o.) HONDURAI c - >f $eḻ SALVADOR z? san h- e( .19 torenzo fza union :,.z. b / a p= tPA CIFIC O CEA Nao: oekab (isla%e 0% ZGolfo ée V oû@ - -NICARM UADtlring these tNvo lnonths <strong>here</strong> in S:tl'1Lorenzo I'N'e tinalIy l'nade a properotltrigger for the larger canoe that II'nade betbre disposing oftle shop intlxlal-tl.This largel-outrigger is h01-lou', tlnlike all Iuy previous outriggers-andisattached to the crossarlnsby a Inethod tlsed in East A frica.These nesv luethods ttlrned otltw'ell.This eanoe is intended to sail as aproa-btltI-Izlstil1urorking ol'ltherig.(J/t?,?,?I-l'(L.,ltltltTal-na M oana-S/LANU RERE)'I-I1c Sca l'tltlnle Iltctllnbttr2 ()()8* @

J IM 'S C O LU M NL a p ita V o y a g e a p p e a lF/?(?Lapita l'/ol'tzgg is ?t?Jf'in p'/-s'Iast#/ktzs'c.-4 Iot0 ./*bb'atel.ran ;/?Jcr thebridges./-rt??A?//?c vccrbeginning of //?/.$'u'onderfll vcp/l/rc. F/?g tbb'oboats p?t?v'c been ptpl/?c/'?trl and it?b'nols?/?c begin-?/'?M (?f the realsea tzlvc/k/?./rt?..F!/t.,xt@t'(J-,g%çqlt(?lllbel-()9-2008l'lontl froln today Hannekeand INvillbegin otlrlights outto Andy SlmithBoatvvorks- yard in thePh iIippiles. A l'nonth Iater, on NovenlberlstNs'e Ns'il1begin otlr LapitaVoyage- 3800 nautical l'niles, sotlththlalugh the N1oltlccas, along theN orth coastofN tN.N.'(u'tlinea,passingthrotlgh the Solonlol'1Islands and onto 'I-ikopia and zNntlta-Nsr<strong>here</strong> Nve NviIlpresentthe tN.s'l.)boats to the islandersso they can restarttheirseafaring tradition.S 00NN'n'NN'.l:1p 1ta-V Oyate.0 l-$.'rQv

J lM '.5 C O LU M NThe Iastfinishing '>*,#& - # IW .-- . > w..x .a .u ,j r j 'r'< ;. v '.tion -Help Tikopia und A ntlta e.V .--into Nvhich paylnents Nvere I'nade bypeople that in rettlrn geta chance tosail on the boats. This systel'n hasbrought in alIthe l'noney neededbuild thetNvo boats.One hulfinishedand painted.- / .., .'/ e' -'. !. . ' $,i.--. .N r.So-w'e are nearly t<strong>here</strong>.The boatsarepaid for and w'iIl soon be Gnished,now'tlere renlains a need of sol-nel'nore f-tlnds for the voyage itself 5aIlthose Iittle thingsthatnlake a voyagestlccessful.Klatls stiIIIlas to buy theiriditlnl telephone throtlgl) urhiel u'ecan regularly tlpdate the Nvebsitessoeveryone can follou'the s'oyage as itis taking place.Nlaybe solneone hasone to donate'?.u . Ḋ.Ifeelitisnottoo late to appealto theW l1al-l-al14 W orld and other lmultihulIenthusiastsforsponsorship- /donations.big ones are Nvelcolue,slnallones inlarge nulubers NvilIalso be of greathelp.W e lnodern IutlltihtlllsaiIors doosve sol-nething to the descendants ofthe Stone Age originatorsof ourcrat't.llonations should be Inade by banktransl-erto :H eIp Tikopiaund A nutae.V.I-3resdnerBank A()iIBAN :I)E6730080000 03636l00 ()0B IC :DRES 13E F F3()0Etlro cleqtles- I-nade otlt to -HelpTikopia und Antlta e.V .- shotlld besent to K Iaus I'lylnpendahl- W ildenbrtlchStasse 75,4 054 5 Il3isseldortl(îerluany. Do not send cheqtles inother ctlrrencies-as these inctlr largebank charges.H eIp Tikopia und Antlta e.V . is acharitable association and donationsare t<strong>here</strong>tbre tax deductible. Pleaseeontact K laus if you vvotlld Iike anol-ficialreceipt.ElnaiI:khyl-npeldahltp?'t-online-de'l-ltSetllàetlple I)tlct?1,1btl1-2 ()0 8@ @

LA P ITAThe Pacific was the W orld's firstocean to be exploredand settled by hum ans. It >as the greatest m aritim eadventure ofaIthe tim es.Buthow this have happened?How som e hum an people becam e the greatestsailors asthey had noteven a writing system ?Who were they?H ow did they sall?hishappenedintwo l-najorepisodes.The tirst one oeeurredbetw een approx il'nate ly50,()00 and 30,000 BC during the IatePleistocene periods from nlainlandA sia thl-ough :1 chain of Iarge andelose islands stretching tosvards N eNv(J-uineaNvhich u-erejoinedtogetheratthat tin'le t)t-Iou'Ice-Age sea level.This voyaging corridor ended at thesoutheast extrel-nity of the Solol-nonIslands.TohaveaInorepreciseideajusttlinkthat, in the sal-ne period, began theHol-no Sapiens til-nes in the lnidPalaeolithie era (Stone Age)and itisinteresting to note thats Nvith thelnodern anatonlical changes in tlzehunlan appearance, it appears alsothreeassociated traits'.l The Ianguage ability as w'eknou'ittoday.The ability to create art(thedecorated caves as knowrn inEurope are dated frol-n thisperiod).A nd the ability to build boatsu'hich is probably the I'naindiseovering forus.Isn'tit?Atker30,0()0 BC you need to think oftle w ider region of the NvesternPacitsc as a nursery tbr developingseagoing skills dtlring n-lore than25,000 years.A bout10,000 yearsagothe nlodern clil'natic cond ition sappeared an d , w ith th e1-n , th e'j . ,AI J ' # . -,'. r'. A'' a l '. 4,' r .' Y'.w '. ..,> %. .. .œ ' 1 # --- ..: zp. b '. jI .' ) .l t / ,.- .'.,I '@ ,413# a. 'l' /,. 4 ' ,I'd.. % ,.tb*glaciation .,' %- < xXz.' iNx. . ' t'.'''1. . 1.= ' .. /. .' .' . t. . ';tr'h , .... G. fṟ. .. (: . . . 'X . .' . ị.:7 ..u ..' .' i' .xls L-QL 'I W K '->u r%! F irs tro ute*o f - 'k ài manpenetration )ILapita complexforming areadeveloplnent of neu' l-nethods o 1-e blltiN':1tio 1s g 1-oNvth in htl1-na 1-1Po p ulat1o 1'1 a 1d ch a1'1ge s i1 thep a tter1s o f su bsiste1ce :11'1dsettlelnent.Itw'astil-ne fora nextstepin Pacit'iceolonisation.Then the second nlajor episode ofcolonisation began after 1500 BC inl-nodern geological tilnes in IslandS o tlt1ea st A sia a 1d u'este r1Nlelanesia.H ighly ski11ed navigatorstook soph isticated otltrigger anddotlble-hulled sailing canoes out intothe relnote Pacit-ic Ocean . Thisepisode tinished only Iater, arotlndA D I000 w'hen explorersreacled intohigher latitudes throtlgh subtropicalNveathersystelmsto N ew'Zealand.?>Chart of thewestern Oceaniaduring theglaciationIleklenlbtlr2()08* *'I-heSetI'klklple J'tfvt?lI

L a p ita c o m p Ie x*h.cwfo rm in g a re a* r-----lu a p ita c o m p Ie xT *.4 . < s o lo m o n expansio n area# * wx w Is Ia n d s**-%w A. T i o p ia à.>.u . j . x sz m oaa ..: 4. . . .w uVan u a tu .)k â.F iji+ @# 1z' i> W *Ne w w.4Qt .*A + < T o n g aCa Ie d o n IaA Lapita sitesChart of the -l-1e L :1p it:1 p e ri(.)ds NN'1)1t!1 isLapita com plex interesti1)g tlsttlday , iss1ttlatekl11tl11sarea . -sec (.)1d p el i)qj (. . e-j-j.ljs ,u.as t1-1ebegi11-1il'lg o 1- the l-el-ntlte Pacit'ie1sIal'lds tro lol'lisatiol'l. T<strong>here</strong> is 1)odotlbtthatthe lirstsettlel-nent()f-tloserenlote 1slands represelted a strategicepisotle ot-l'naritil'le expalsitll-l.T lelirst pek)ple t() sa1I deeper iltoN'lel:.1nesi:1 and N'Iik.rronesi:1 Iel't I11alyarchteolklgicaI tra1Is anlolgst tlel'nuras a distinctiN'e style o t-potterl'artlu0 re yN'eIl k 1'1o ys.' :1s t1'1e 1-ap 1t:1(.'tlIturaIû'o1-l-lplex (1i-013'1Lapita-tl'lef'irst archaeolog icaI site i1 N exs.'(.'aIedoli:1u'Ilere 's.s':ls d 1scoN'ered tl)erel-lail-lso fpotery ).Lapitapottery-1-1e 1-1rst 1:,N'1gators ss.'el-e ctlnlkontedïv 1tl1 longer gaps betNs'eel'l snlaIIer1slalds Ns'l'11c1 Nsrere not alNsrays 14sightti-olu ole to another.-l-hey llak1to use 1-1oNs' a nlore soph isticatedl'narine technology tnd nexs' largerboats 'w.'l'1ic1-1carried aIlthe needs forstlc1-1 greater N'oyages. They Iklakledp igs- tlogs and l-osN.'1 (:1II o 1-A sial1origil'l) and 1.3lalt col-nplex (.,1-rootttlbers and tree li-tl1ts tl'lat I'las beendonlesticated i1 the Asia-Ns'esternPacifik.r regik)l'1 as the banala. tlecoconI-lttlle bread f-rtlito1-thetaro root.-A Il tle islalkls grotlps Ns'hicl'l haq'eeN.'idence l-or l.-apita settIel-nent areIy ing 11 a generaI so ut1easterlyd irection 1-01-1 tle Stlllnl'l'lols. el-l'1atint2Itldes tle N'ral'ltlatu . -1-ik opia. :11-1dd ista1)t estP (.)1y 1'1esi:1isIan d s:1sF i*4i-F tlttl1'1a, S :11)kla :.11tl To 1-1ga. 7-heradiocarbo l 14 datil1g (.)t-these sitesindicates a period ti-ol'n l2()() 1().-toI()()() 13C-.Tle trajecto ry o (-l-ap 1taco I01)ists Nyqas N'k)ltlltariIy agai1st tledirection o1- the 541t1t1'le;.1st -l-radeinds...Itisiltel-estiI'lg to l'lotice-bycoltrast-thatl'lt'l'leo 1-the 1sIandsly 1ng11otlertlirectiol'lsIlaN'estlcleN'1tlentre(.)1-Lapita sites.-l-hese incItlde targetsso Iarge thatthey ïN'e1-e il'npossible ton'1issas-'Ntlstralia.So itisal'leq'idencethat all Lap ita 1'1:tN'igatklrs 1atl i1ct.ll-nl'lol-1 directi(l1'1s i1'1 5.N'I)icl tl-leyNsr(.ltltl(ald N's'(nuIdnot)expltpre.ItcotlId seellstralgtpt()you thattheT le SelI'etlple@@l)ttce 1,'t17tl1-2()()8

LA P ITA V O YA G E R Sluail'l direction of search 1ay in thel-nostdil-tietlltdirection to sail:againstthe Nvinds.Y etif you take only a Iittlereflection you understand the reason.Lapita explorers did not know w hatlald or islands they could tind in thesotltheastbtltby searching in tlpw inddirection they Nvotlld l-naxinlize theirehances to rettlrn hol-ne satkly w'ithdown w inds.N ow the question is:how w ere theyable to sailand search upw ind? Eachseaso 14- t1e t1-:1d e w ind s a reinterrupted by Nvinds frol'n otherdirections. In the southern sum lner,the northern expanse ol- A tlstraliaheats tlp and a low pressure systel'ndes'elops t<strong>here</strong>, vvhich draw s thenortheasterly trade w'inds across theequatorlinew <strong>here</strong> the CoriolisForce.w hic 1-1 resu Its frol'n the Earth'srotation,bends thelm to the let't.Thiscreates a northsvesterly nlonsoonwhose intluenee is feltasfarauray inthe Paeit'ic as Tahiti. It oeeurs eachyear between N ovenlber and A priland Nvould have provided good windstbrexploring east.Frol'n then on theboats had notto be very eftic ient tosai1upw ind.Seeondly,in the southern reaehes ofthe tropics, t<strong>here</strong> are episodes ofsvesterly Nvinds w'hieh result frol-nstlb-tropical Nveather systel-ns w'hosecentres lie ftlrther to the sotlth.Brietly.in thezonesofN'ariablesandvvesterlies Nvhich 1ie south of thetropics-t<strong>here</strong> is a suecession of highand Iovv pressure systel-ns u'lAielzIuigrate fron'l Nvest to east. Thesep 1-o d uc e ro t:1tio n al Nvind s,anticlockvvise in anticyclones in thesouthern lenlispllere, and clockw'isearound Iou' presstlre systel-ns writhassociated fronts. ln the southelmNvinter, these stlb-tropical w'eathersysteln s sh ift north i1-1 Iatitude,follow ing the suns and affect thesouthern reaches of the tropics in aband w'hieh stretches from N ewCaledonia in the westto EasterIslandin the east.T<strong>here</strong>foresin both sum merand w inter,t<strong>here</strong> w ere periodic andp redictab le interru ption s to thesoutheasterly trades w hich w ouldallow a canoe to m ake progress intothe eastataking the w'indshiftsastheyCa l'le .It tbllow s that the hard w ay w'asactu ally th e sa fe w ay . L ap itacolonisation followed the direction ofsafety ratherthan speed.The generalpattern of evidence of hundreds ofarchaeological radiocarbon dates isthatthe rem ote islandsofthe Paciticw ere settled in orderofrelative easew ith w hich explorers could return.W hile their m otives for explorationare a materofconjecture,the t'irstP acific e x p lo re1-s w e re clea r1yconcerned for their safety. Voyagesw ere elearly two-w ay;their structtlrebeing from A to B then back to A.thtls the exploration strategy w as oneof search and return.A second reason forreturn voyagingmay havebeen the extracontsrm ationit gave in tsxing position of new lydiscovered islands. To explain this,one m ight reasonably expect anyoutw ard passage into the east usingw indshifts to be rather erratic w'hilethe return, using the tradew inds(astern),would be more simple andsystem atic.T<strong>here</strong>fore,the position ofanew'island would bemore securelyt'ixed by dead-reckoning tbllow ingthe return passage.O ne other feattlreof theLapitadistribution isthataIlofthe island groups w ere large targets.This also m eantthey served asbroadsatkty netsforreturning eanoes.rel-nainsany watercraft orlleklember2008@ *The SeaPeop le Ihlqk.,I-î

LA P ITA V O YA G E R SrIVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVXVXV.VAVAVAVAVAVXVAVAVAVXVAVAVAVAVAVXV.VAVXVAVAVXVAVAVAVPN>. .4.n >. anoesromte f L L ap ita omplexformingarea 1.>. .4>. .4>. .4>. .4>. .4v / *> # ,'h$.h . . J t >. # ,s.# /,.ṯF' .:,dj,j. . .,dI1j:j12:),-. 1,.-.1 .;lr.-,-:ï 'è-.;y., ) ):'' . .-.-'.. . -'d't:1I, - ;z ,, .,. 1,. -.,.1e. '/A.X.c.- :6:.-! z' . .- . .! v.BV ' ';$'i' .x..'.'?:!! ' vu. ,z-.-,-l$te' 'KW ex . tq? '! w. . ':.( y .zvJ j.y,.z:...j' y. à ' .yz' . j w.x' '-. .. >. 'X'Vx jkkj k'k, j r/. 1 ,kj':.=.) .,' . t y . wjg;j. ' ..,. .. z -lil':' *îz' 'j,. ,ik ...j j:î'.q'.kjy' j. ..,.. xw: :, . @ ,q#il:.-, ,' ---a.-. .jk..a i-' b n.:'..-'aȯxszyja.. jl.j j:-.q.jxkjl;)l:' ': jl's;y'.' 1 .' , ,k , x wtx . .r. . Jc.sas-auaurjr:r h v sȧz.ysya.y j,ëdlt:ly -.1 $ . - ' y y. xj . y

LA P ITA VO YA G E R Scanoe 01-thisperiod have been found.A rchaeologists and historians areforced to do sol-ne inferencesfroln thelocalIegendsorfron)the actualboatsu'h ich are stilIin tlse i1the differentislands Nvhich Nvere belonging to theancientLapitaColmplex area.Fron-1 that it appears tNvo col-nl-nontraits for alIthe eanoes tlsed in this;.11-C 21:The htllls are l'nade of treetrtlnksdugout.The sail fon-ns are ustlally theOeeania Iateen sailor the crabclaw'sail,both being based on atriangtllar shape with som evariationsasthe use ornotofamast to carry it (In the mostwestern partofthe Lapita areasol-ne sqtlare saiIs svere also inuse).Fron'1the far Nvestend ofthe Lapitaarea (Neu'(-.itlinea)to its fareasternend (Salnoa and Tonga islands)itiseasy to notice thattheu'atercra ftforl'nevoltltion is go ing froln the raft'fbrln(nlade of tNvo,three and even fourhullsIashed together)to theoutriggereanoe .Th e tirstone w'as ev idently buiItforcarrying thegreatestload and a lotofpeople betu'een tn'o close islands asthe late oneNvasbtliItforcarrying Iesspeople and a sl-naller load Nvith theai1-1 to explore quick ly an areabetu'een rel-note islands...is interesting also to notice thatsol-netinles tqvo big trtlnks dugoutNvere Iashed together for transportingthe greatestIoad betvveen tvvo placesand w'hen the settlers vvere arriv'ed ina good place they dislnantled the14tll1s fo 1- nlak in g tw'o separateotltriggercanoesNvhich vvere easiertotlse in Iagoons.That is typieally thecase atTikopia w <strong>here</strong> double canoesw'ere used for voyaging as theotltrigger canoe-m ade from one hullofthe sam e double eanoe,w ere usedfortsshing.To close this chapter of the O ceaniahistory,itis im portantto say thattheL a p ita C o m p le x w o u ld n o t beredtlced only to the rem ainsofapieceof pottery as it has been done toooten butm ustbe tlnderstood asbeingagreatarea in which men (ashumanbeing) have built a true culturalcom plex based on a netofm aritim eand com m ercial exchanges betw eenislands.The pottery w asonly apal4 ofthis culture even if it is the onlyrecord ofthisuse in Oceania.Thist//-//(./t?f/tp'1.p'c beellJ$'/t7tr'/J-ilt.b'llil-Lul/aJ'I(?t'tlx, //-( ? (;. /?-1t-k'? gl'b'(?l.: /?-.1?/t)./t-/t?,?t/ in I996 (??t./ lllt'bll'.vhetl /,7'Ij.'(lk(: J/t?t?/?t)?v$b'??/?t?x/?/??? l996 '. A'r(?J$',-IetLlI(l1l(I 2Nrt?/k?/?t?/ i'lj.ltl-l'tinl(? A/?/xc?/??(l999 . ).-.11((L.k1(113(1,-'N'Z.Furtherreading:Irw in,G .J.,1992.The prehistoric explorationand colonisation ofthe Pacific,Cambridge University Press,Cam bridge,GB.Lewis,D.,1972.+ e,the navigators.The UniversityPressofHawa i,Honolulu,Hawa i,USA.Finney,B.,1994.Voyage.sofrediscovery.UniversityofCalifornia Press,Berkeley,USA.Haddon & Hornel,(1936)1975.CanoesofOceania.Bishop M useumPress,Honolulu,Haw ai,USA.Ilecel'n ber2 ()()8* *TheSeaPeop le lhlgc I5

Th e '.-/?a It- # rot 1.% tort/ to rt-at./ tl1t?W*1*eI . 1(A1-t%'abtlut r/?t- fsollilertill /zW- r/?t.-#-ha It- J?/atl?zv/their za?apz?z-/i-ctoz?rTiki4 6 # f-bat-t.a/1,.*Their acttlal /z'/e'1.%.the rt-slz/rta/ a t-/?taz-ṭ -t-r/?t?J'1112Xe D?e'?;IJ'J1e

'.' ér!YL%4L... . b ; .f- ..w :.J!y.c'-*5' . . ''< -.' !:)-Y, .4'J' . .#' '.'-1#R.;# .# ru.' 6 W- . .' .> : y , ytIxl u'i't #.Ce.'.6.vp%.or.5.saving to btly a boat or w'orking tobtlild o 1'1e a1so ta k e s serio usdedication. A. sustained effort, areftlsalto letgo of the drealm,and aNs'illingness to order one's w'hole lifearound the process of lmaking thedrealn colne true. W llatever thedreanl, it is not going to col-ne trueurithotlt the eftbrt, dedication anddeterllination to Inake ithappen.Itisnotluck.Pal4 one isthedecision to take a hardlook at recent day dreanns to see ifany are Nvorthy enotlgh to takeseriously.Solne are l'nere Nvhinzs oru'e are contlicted about them . Forexanaple,Ialvvaysdreal-n aboutbeingthin butt<strong>here</strong> is:1contlictw ithin l'nehaving to do Nvith crackers,cookies,ice creal-n, etc. As long as I al'ncontlicted Ns'ithin nlyself that drealnu'illnotconle trtle and Ideserve NvhatIgetbeeatlse thatdreal-n isnotstrongenotlgh to hold l-ny attention.Ian'lnotnlobilized to do anythillg abotltit.Iu'ould also like to paddle a kayakbtltnly shoulderNvas injured and Iac ttlalIy can1'1ot do it satk Iy . Iprobably w'ill buy a plastic footoperated kayak to get around n)ydisability btlt itw'ilInot qtlite be thekayak dreanl the u'ay lw'ant it.BtltI'l'ly footoperated kayak Nvi11 still beftln ald healthy even ifplastic.H alf :1dreanl colne true is better than nodreal'n eolne trtle. (Perhaps it Nvilleotlnteract solue of the cookies andicecrealn'?)Sonletilues t<strong>here</strong> are contlicts ofresponsibility.N ev could notsaiItbrdecadesbecause l-alnily lnelmbers hadhealth problel-ns and he had to stayhonle to help. H e drealned anddrealued ofsailing,butitdid notlookprolnising. Yet he did l'nore thandrealn, becatlse he read and studiedalnlostalIthe saiIing books he couldfind.Then lappeared in hisIifeaboutthe tilue he Nvas 1'1(.)Iollgerneeded bythe fa naily,and o ffNveNventi1-1I'ny o Idbo at. B e ing avai1ab le an d a 1soprepared forthe tim e w hen the dreamcom estrtle isessential.Sitting and drealning is fun aII byitself and l-nany tblks gain enoughsatisfaction to m ake it wrorth w hile.M any dreal-ns t5t that category andrelmain conlfortable atthat level.Butother drealms sincerely wantto connetrue.They seeln to gain theirovvn IifeNvithin tls and w,e begin to feelhelpless to resistthelu.These are thedreannsto follow'into a new 1ife.Ioncespenttheevening svith :1trampw'ho w as operating a vvelIrotted boatdow'n the Intra Coastal W aterNs'aycom pletely happy and free. H isphilosophy w'as that if l'nore peoplewould allow'the hidden and denieddream s deep in their souls to conletrtle, the Nvorld w ould be a l'nuchbetterplaceto livein.T<strong>here</strong> Nvould beIess frustration. less resentm ent, andgreatjoy to share.Thistralmp had atreluendous i1'1tluence on n)e. Irealized that I vvas standing in thewray of I-ny osvn drealu conling trtleand a yearlater Ilefthol-ne and u'enteruising by I-nyself.(-lnce the t'irststepsare taken to I-nakea drealu col-ne true, others u,iIIbecolne energized and u'ant to helpyotlsuceeedjtlsttotakethatIitleparti1'1the effort.W e1lNvish ing,lending ahand, sharing sol-ne l-naterial neededorteachingaskilu'illbringthel'njoy.The hope luay grosv Nvithin theln thatthey also lnight have the cotlrage tol'nake a dreal-n col-ne true in theirosvnlives.For solme reason Nve deny thesesecret and cherished dreanls. M ostlythey are innocentand itis tragic tlatNN,e d e n y o blrse 1ves t1-1e su'eetsatisfaetion of l'naking thenn col-netrueandsharingthejoyu'ithothers.L f)1,'t.2,.V/1l(11161/Y(.2l'The risk is to getthe happiness...#lekltlyuber20()8* *TheS ttaIàt!()p lt2 1'(ptrt-l7,

If r/?t-pleastlre tl/s'z?# collld /at-arsea /k?z-sonleht'tl'lllirststartedertlisillg il)I'ny klltlof Jzta/z,z-ris dzzllezlu/a/v/e thatftpz-z,?t.)-s-/..)f r/pt.a1,.101,.,j)tjj. tjlklx- -Crt1L%111g - < .rf-'ll.% - --tlle za/ea-s-l/rt-z-s-att-a//. n 'S'' ' 'e5''n2great li-eedoll.II'leetletlto Iearl'1saN'-dzr tlke /at-s-r tlll(?llt'lrag,e z-z? es-sezlct? z? ilg s.tysintl-,egalIeyalpdt<strong>here</strong>u.eregtltll.lctltlkbtlok'sto l)elp Il'1t',syvitlltlat..917 / ./6

F IN D T H E ,7tttlImoorings tu?.NotNvhat Iu.anted at:111,Nvith oru'itlotltluoney to spend.tions.I1)no tinlethey are aboard andsve kran ask about loeal anchorages,lhad to decide s'l-latIdid w'antand Vlrcery and Iatlndry 1'-tl-ciIitiessetc.svel'ny Iistincluded tlncrosvded anchor- Sti1havestate l'napsaboard and Idoage u'itl'lgood holding and appropri- aSk fblksto lmark thelu vith thepastelate pl -otection plus scenic environ- felttip lnarker.l'neltand nice ïvalksashore.A Inarket sonaetinaes I svant to knov Nv<strong>here</strong>orhardu.are store u'as essentialnow' tlaere isanearby spotto hide in easeand again too.ot-a hul-ricane. Tlaese are dots NvithSince Iuost distance cruisers are interestingand l-un to be u.ith,Circles around tllenl. If it is a placeI1C2rUS.B'e liketo go takeaIook atitj1 ttPPj'tOj laN.e. . jtlSt :1 teu- , 1)o u'a1)dt-o r j-tjtu l-e j-etk l-e 1)kye b ec au skt o u r a u -again.,,-coy,lpany because1-(.tulun sailing is during Iaurricane seastlciablebutsolosailorback then. though l'-tirly u,'ell nortlaunlikely to be affkcted.Unlikely,butI soon settled 01.1:1rotltine thatsvasnottotally safe..Inerlk-ct lbl-npe.lcarried a localIuap(like a state l-lapl u.itl) l-ne evrery- l alst' hav'e ntltes in the luarginsNs'lel-e.I also carried a pastelfelttip zbotltgl-ocery stores,hardNvare stores,naarker. Then urhenes'er cruiser nzlMes and phone ntl-nbersof friendsli-onl tle ltlcalarea (.)1-It.lcalperson 'vith ears-etc.W e can thank theseN'isited I'ne-Iasked thelu to l'nark l'ny Shore side l'-riends Nvith a day sailonland l'nap lbl-lut'turitln a little dot in P0a.Ce IV or a l'nealaboard to Nvatchthree placesNsrhtlrethey recolulmended the Stlnset Nvhile eating sol-ne of theI gt )A .ftel-Iladliq'edots,ljustkneu' fl-eshf-oodu'egotatthesuperluarketIu.anted to go tlael-e because fiq,e 10- earlier thataay.o s'erthe yeal-s,lvlacalshad recolunpenaed it.(atten they tionships deepen.w itl,usthese days,pt't tleir holue telephone nun,bers are sin,ply doing tlae snosv birdrigl'ton a t'i,.vu'aotaacho,uge ifthey run fron, Rhode Island to Bahalxas,lisvk?d neal-by-al-ld svlaen Igott<strong>here</strong>,I butthatisa trip area svith thousanasPI'lt'ned tlelu and they urotld take nae OfPl2CeSto anchor.(.)tIl-litle systel'nhonleforlatlndry ol-gl-oeel-y shop etc. Xvith State l-naps and felttip lmarkersa single handed uroluall I stoodsvorksurelItbr us,costs nextto noth-i ng,and has becol-ne a treasured reotltbaekthel'land dreu.interest.Btlt source.nou'Peace IV isthe thing thatstandsOutalld certainly dlusv's intel-estas all-4l2lîC7/t?/?7t7l?/W ltl-l-thlasdo.She flirtssIal'n sure ofit.llingh iesturn rightaround to eonaeoN'eral-ld lblk sjuststartasking ques-Formostofus a goodanchorage should besecure, calm , w ith anice Iandscape aroundand,as m uch as possible,sunny... .'',4 p * . ,$.p v. . u- - . . uk # :.= +-.- .- 'Ilccel'nbtr2 ()()8* *ThtS ta I'tlop ltl

A U S TR IA N W H A R R A M A U F U M N M E E T IN G 2 998Y e have been used over the years to the Austrlhn lpeetings are lea:ily tlepeldilg ()1)m eetings organised by Gerald W inkler and his tj)e ureatjlel.. Ns,k, jqat.j sjnlejlaidenthusiast friends. As one m eeting was not!.Itl131l0 1u.eatjpqtj. tnegjnu ij)genouah for those W harram addicts thev decided - . . . .lo saY lalso in autum n . ' 5CPtCI1bCrI1t0r0St 1tl0l100t1l1g B'2S. And thls tim e again itwas a .- -thriling sa lng adventureN'ery g()()d. I1oN'eN'e1-. leN' tlays. ..betore - tjyo uyoetjyjg tjyo jylj-oqyast u astlisastrtltls. 17r(.ll-n stl-nnler to 's.s'iIlter1,1is year u'e organized :1ptlre boat and sa i1i1gNs'ith 11 :1 l-eNN' lours- fl-(.ll'1 3() deg (.-sunsl)ine to 5 tlt'tg (- al'1d rai1,1 andtlo Ns.'1'1 l()()()1.1. -1-1enleeting nlid Septellber.U stlalIy tl'le nlai1 eq'ent N etls1ed Iersee :1 N'ery speeiaIistheelassic stl-nnlerl'neetiI'lg in .4tlIy- cl1l'nate (not n-1uch alpine- btlt'sNvlere you can . ioin i1'1 on N'ariotlsoccasions,Ns'itl or 'w'ithout boat.onNvater o1-on 1and. (.)f cotlrse sa iIingl-athel-panlonian-5N'I'1icl'lis dry tldstlnny )ald tilalIy 'w'e Ns'ereItlcky-u'eIlatl:1brightday 1-01-the lleeting , NN.'1tl1llLlzo.'J-R -l-l'1e Setllàtlple I)t?tzt211btl1-2 ()()8* *

S EA P E O P L El'noderate telnporattlres btltthe Iuorning of Septel-nberu'ind u'as b losving Nvith solid 6 toBeatltbrt. A.t tle l'narina Podersdorfl'net Johann and Susanne A uer,urho saiIed tlp froln the sotlth the daybefore 01 board their beautiful Tiki2 lJonath :11(sL.,(.,//?ct.t?)-e1.),They hadthe tenttIp and Nvere Nvaiting tbrtheNvind to so ften :1bit.A l-ter:1chat.Nvedropped ourlines has'ing one reef inlnain and genoa. lad to gotlpNvind-u,e tried to avoid the chopand crossed the W estsikle,n'<strong>here</strong> Nve expected laturaterstlrface.W e did not press hard and couldenjoy l-antastic sailing,nlosttilne abos'e l()knots,sol-netillestlp toI2 and once l4 .5 !!! Nvithoutyvaves,Kananaskis,otlr(-iRP Tiki26NvassaiIingabitNvet,btltsveenjoyedev'ery l'nintlte and u'ere thankftllthatdecided to go for good heavyu'eatlersuits.Around lunch til-ne,theurind haseasetl,sun did col-ne out.W ereached the Batl-ninsel, the lueetingpoint andsailingcolnpany urith othertrailer W laarl-alalcatalnarans.Boats dropped anchor and soon thera ftd id grou.and grou'.W e lneetoldfriends and new'faces and w'e cotlldalso Nvelcol-ne neqvly col-npletedboat.W e lave nou'the third H itia l7ol'lthe lake.Ithasbeen superbly builtby Hell-nutRietlertbr M ichaelBrtlse.l) trkl11bt1-2 ()t)8@ @

y y ygjg n (y yQ p y p p kycerelmony for $5,1ien Setlten ' NvithChanRpagne and sallnon sandu'iches.In the aûernoon t<strong>here</strong> l2W lnarl-alAlcatal-narans(l'nostly Tiki2 1and 26 tl, , a Pahi26,:1Tane,and theH itia ) a1'1d a F 24 triraf-ted tlp , thelargestraftsince solne years.N /er?Seulen.the wvho is usually sai1ing a Tik i26 w'ithHitia speed.'/7 at ful 1 1istal'n-Nole the i1y.The H itia hasthesal-ne saiIaero generators plan as original designs btltin the back- . - -.ground.lnstead otthe spritrig she has a gattNvitl t-blIIy battened 1'1:1in andro l1e1-jib .B eabltiftl1a 1-1dth st.N'lic1aelo rg a1iz e d IittIe k:h risteIAingAround 4 o -clock anchors Nvent tlpand the crosvd set sails southbotlndforthe city ofRtlst.W ilxdsdid furt<strong>here</strong>ase and it :1 great view'harlmony to see the tleetheading intothe l0w, stantling sun . H ow'es'erfore c:1st stilI N'e 1-y b a d-tenaperattlre to drop to deg C andrain nextday.This l'nade l'nostoftleboats head back Iater.The hard eoresailors coltintled and saiIed into theeanalofRust,Nv<strong>here</strong> 'w'e arrivetlin theevening at the inner tosvn harbotlr.T le SeltI>tloplt? l)tc kl11be1-2 ()()8@ @

a 1istoritl lotlse Ns'l'1tl-e :1Iittle priN'atebI-CNN'Cl-F NN'25 l-tl1 bj/t1)t'lO N&'l1eI-S. el'lo isted saiIarountln-1idn ightand lad:1rollal'1tit.rl-tlI1'n1.1( .)n saiI lorthbotlnd .Ikalalask1s logged eonstalt 6 knotsys'e eljtlyetltle beatltiftln ightI.-(.J1-tro 1'1'1p Iete1)e ss sttk esttnplnetl tl-ltl tll-tlnlnetlalcllnr 1knr tl'lerest(.'1-tl'lt't1iglt.W e elnntiltletltlnklerI1.1tere st11g t11:1tth1-ee1,1:11-1-:11,1,1cata1'1:11-:11s01-1the Iakel'laq'eIatly sk'ippel-s-lik e lIse o 1-11er-1-ik i2I-Ns'I'1ich see (.JI'Ily rarely ree lbd,Trix1 saiI11-1g ttlso :1-F ik i 2l -L tlcy 114Th e Pahl26,a44e Wll:,& 'theTfkf26,Two H uskles,approaching.I)e ce 1'dlnt?1'2 ()()t'l* *

xs 251!'.'ï:''A .'> . ... ' '( >'*- ' S E A P E O P L Ethe Sky'orRenate on herTiki26.Afew' other boats -unofticially ''... .x< .. .w v.x'u.k.M e . r.. . . . m.y r--..S.. N'

S E A P E O P LE# # * Thiscolumn (ast<strong>here</strong>ç/ofthemag)isyours.H ere is a 1.41ettlre o 1-Tara1p(.' be il1gsqueezed 11:11 l8 lklotNy'ide 'I-raN'e lit'ti1'1C-arriaeotl-i1tle (.irel-ladines.E arlyN1arch 2()1,()()8. e haN'e l'1oqs' latlIedtatotalo #-3 t1l'nes 11,1 6 years,i1otlT ri1'1itlad , 'N e sN., Zea l:11d , :tn d ().-a rriacotl,.$:.'1thoutany obs'iotls stress onthe poorold boatNN,l'1icl)is l1oNN'l-noretl:11thirty yearso Id ...J()h!l-/t//;?t?xt?/?,T(11z1i))()Tah itiBele(Tik i3 l)Iived in A trilsYard in lqel-nbridge I'larbotlr lbrnlanyFoal-sRetitted-Ptltlaa Ttl(ler l'1eNs'nanle )Ns'as til'la Ily Iatll-lched 01 the lst ofSeptel'lberand saiIed to her lnooring11'1(-oqsresaqzeragi1g 6 klotstotlched t?brie 11y .A l-terthe d isastrotlsstll-nllerI lope t()sai1:1bitnk)NN'.-f'I'lere Nv'as a Tiki28 11l3el-lbridge atthe Nsreekend btlt I did l't I'lèallage totlatkr1tlp 5N'1th thel'n eN'el'lthotlgh IIefta I'nessage at tle Ilarbotlr o l-lices soapo log ies to tl)en'l i1-tl)ey pass yotlrNs'ay.INs'iIltry and ptlt :.11 artitzIe ttpgethersoon abtlutt<strong>here</strong>buiId (.)'1-PaluaaTu.Regartls.Qi11!'Ik-illil?tur. i'!Don't hesitate to use itfor giving to us somenews about your boat,yotlr sailing parties orVOyages.Even a single photo withfew linescould be publishedin yotzrmag.W e hope to get somenewsfrom you soon.Rémy.R .. .Here at tle Viking Ship N'ltlsetll-n.Denlnark,ys'ejtlstfinisledaNs'eekendof sqtlare saiI sel'liIlar Ny'itl 'N ol-Ns'egianand S Nsred isl1 sqtlare sa ilors. i1-k2It1d 1l1g (.lne 'li-0 l Isle o fSkye (!).Isentlyotlsol-neI7l'1tlt(.lslaterbtlt<strong>here</strong> isone f1-0l'1'1the sl-nalIIolgsl)i13 lsailatNs'he1 -1:11'1'1es (k.r i1a 1-11'1ek'e N'isite dRosk iIde attle rettlnlli-ol'n l3tlblin o t-(.)t.1r Sea StalIi(.41'1- yot.llg -1:.11'1ie Ilad'jo il'leklt1)etrip.(1-1:11'1leke'spl'lotl.))/:-/.ift.>-%llilkL.,l-'I1 ' !fj(r.i ! 2.ii .'1.;j'' I , 841 . .A. , 1/4 t,w '%. i %# ' '=* :' 1:.x . % rJ'. # l ' . >> # ./< A ' ẏ . , /' .-e-1i1-1-1 (.ioodl-nal'1 :1l'ter ha'$'1ng btlilt hisN'lel:)1-1esia-.b-(1,l(lki.ha'$'ejo 1edusasneNs'I'nel-nbel-(.'h#-tle associati01.elckll-ne to I'linl.I)ect!11b k?1-2 ()()8* @T'1t!Skta Iàek'plt

Sm all W harram c afs voyag ing50 Years of Seag oing c oasfal Trekkers D esigns#l'(-i(.,.(lILll'r'/',?l/(.z,'In the early 70s someHinemoa have crossedoceans as the Atlantic.he W harram story beganw ith a relatively sm allseagoing catam aran 50years ago. TA N GA RO Aw'asa Iittle boat,just23 feetLOA.She proved to be a seaw orthy designather crossing of the Bay of Biscayafter Ieaving England in l955.N everthelesst<strong>here</strong> w as a lotofroomfor im provem ent. A fter the A tlanticcrossing Jam es W harram clearlyrecognised and analysed her strongand w'eak points.He started to designaportfolio ofcatam aransbased on theIessons learnt and did stick to itw'ithoutany com prom ises untilnow .Contrary to otherdesignerhe did notneglectthe w ish tbrsm aller seagoingcruisers.N ow , after 50 years m any, m anyvoyages were made in small (lessthan 30 feet) W harram catamarans;som e w ere spectactllar, som e faraw ay from the public, som e m aderem arkable offshore trips and othersdid rem arkable tlndertakings bym eans of trailer saiIing.Itw ould beim possible to com pile a com pletereport of aII these 'epic' s'oyages.Thisartiele should giveyou exam plesand a tlavour of w hat can beachieved. D id you know that theAtlantic ocean has been crossedalready seven times(*)by Tikis'?PIO NEERING PHASETom and Carol Jones cotlld betro n side red p io 1e e rs in sm allW harram deep w ater cruising.Sum m er l975 w as considered asdisastrousbetw een the A m erican Eastcoastand the Bermudas.They did alot of cruising in this area onboardtheir 23' Hinel-noa TW () RA B B ITS,'they were offshore Nvhen the w indinereased - Hurricane Blanche Ns'asclosing in: '-I'-lz'c (.'l1(lṯqe(lt() .$'?3?t?//t??-Yails t?/'?J kept /?cr l'lltlb-iltq.QJf-t.zJ$'(.ż?-t?/3?t?//J'1-(-,(Ll1(.e(1t()st()l-l//'/')t?/t?&,J'k-/'7ile /('.?-f'(? 7 -$'tî-etlL-s Jî-gl-t?(7/7/./7(./bvatel. F//t? tl(?r /?& /('??-cx/t?J'. /?&Y l-tel- /?t?t.?st()l-l//'/?()'fl1l/?t? 1-b'(.,(l.z 1t'///7tr??//shtlkillL?'//?t. k ' b()tlt //?t?/-? .(.t11RabbitJî.'ï'/?hel-l6-(')()t#?-(?.b'ttqt.'./?cKb-torl'l/'j'/?.s't?1$-l/-s'//?/-t?/qh z tl/t'?l-t)'t?11.I4'-t?Ircrt?/?t?/t?J,.,(1-1(1St'7/.)/7/'lt-t/-s',b'elj'-s'teel-ing /?c/-$-t?/,'1t.-//7hel-/7t?/7/t?-j'/?ct/(11,1.1 /?t??- stol-l'l . /k'J? jlat t/?&/s-/7k'/.?-!;.Thel-e Jt't)?-s-l:()t???/t'/? /(?xṯzc,I)ettllxc/?c(11-J,ç-t?-s,/i/()('b'(ltel-t27.,?t78/?c b'(ltel-A-t'?/i?//t?/-ail-/?t'?//'/?c (listinctiolîJt.'(?-cltlr(l to ,.7?/q7/4:2. l'Iz'/?t??? the ).rk'p?('/ blebb'Flt'?r(/t.-z-s'/ - 'kt-t? It-t.zp-t? (ll.loltt -i'f? ??ilcs//-4.,-?)the c .J.t.'. B()th l)()(lt t?/?t)/ t.'/-t?Jî'sllrvibl(.,(l )rk'//.?t'??/? I().vk'/? q tt t'??? .J'lhilbz'/a?-t?t'?/t-k'? . g' (1ll,-tl'lillg- 01- /?!//-/k)? . f.t' //7t?L'l-(?)$.'ln the late 7()'s another -W llrral,Discipline- started'. Trailer Sailing.Because ofthe nature ol-having tu'ocanoesputtogether,W l:lrrtlladesignsare easy to be taken onto a trailer.Ifyou keep things sil-nple and nlake afew'adoptions, it's a perfect boat totake w'ith you even ifyotlhaveonly afew' Nveeks of holidays. The tirstreports steln froln TreN'or Clarkson.Hewrasliving in (-iernlany atthattil-neand he tra iIed his23-footH lN E M (')Apretkrably to Greece in the sul-nnler.O nce w hen crossing the Aegean Seabound forTurkey they did stopoveratthe island of Psara. '.-1// tht? Iittle/.?(?r/?t?/r t?//'E?-t?tq/ 3't-c.zl-t.,t?;.est(ltl-( l't?/7J lltïlrl.-aLL'k. 1t?/t?l- //.7t?/ lli - qht, t?(;l-eck 3$.k'?/7 t'? 1-(1th t?1- A'i/?istt??-e-kylression t'?/p/?/v?t?t-/7t?t/ //7t? /)(?t?/./-/t?-1-1e hgea Iàe()r)le Ileceluber2 0()8* @

S m a ll W h arram' $'?//-I.t?)'ct/.t?3.t?/-y.//?j'/?t.r'!.-t.,/-1,tll()l.()lqzlIb'. t . .t//?t/t/c//'/')c/-t?/&/1-.//?c/?iïltltl-l?s.b'L?tl//.!.'ill/?F-t?1t.'/? ff/?e//'x/?.' --T11j'x b()(lt J'.s, /?(?6.:r t?t?t/-'t?/?t/t/t/t/tzt/Ib'llil(.,/t'?t'?/v-?'/?v - t?///?(?/7!///.s- -'-,t/4/,7x/c&/?llel-e-'1t'f'??;?t.?F?sft/t.7?//?c/-(? 1:()q()()(l'kThe sl-nallest W 1:tl-l-al)) L-atal-laranNvhiel'l sailed al-otld the s's'lnrld Nvasfo1-n):11,1y yt?ars IA ()R A N ()- :1'Fangal-oa N1k I(34 ').btliItand sa iledby W o Ifgan g W app 1. 1-1e st:1rtedbu ilding inl9 7 7 in V ienl'1a andla unc 1ed 1er 1-1l9 8l11-1C.i1-:1do - Italy .Together5&'ith 1'1is girlfrield he saiIedtle bltle Nvatel-rotlte arould the globeand rettlrnetl to the Nlediterraneanaftersix years.l-le reported thattheydidl-l-tdotoobadlyandhadjtlstafeqvcosnletic poilts lbr inlproN'elnent.H e:1lso proN'ed thateq'en an early trIassicW l1:1l-l-:tI)) 11 crtlising l'lode cotlld bel-ast, do il'lg :1 falltastic 224 1-1iIes aday .-1-11s krirctll')'lnaq'igatiol1 held t<strong>here</strong>cord t-ora Iong til-le.Ityvastheth irde1rctlIn 1aN'igatio1 (.'f- a W harran-1urata laral'1atthattin-te(tltherH enk deVeIde - ()1,t() stlrq'iving cycl01-1e()sca1- a 1d .1o h14 N'1arg :11-so nN A It A l).A not<strong>here</strong>pic N'oyageNN':ts luade i1-1theearly 8()-s,thisone 11)neqserdesign ,aTikiroa / Pah i26 .f.iIen 1) T iel-nan leftS al1D iego - (.7aIiforn ia for:11ifeti1'n eadq'enttlre i11 1983- he saiIed donwrnsingle-landed Iy the coastto N'lexico ,laterl'le sailed ol1tk)l'Iass'ai1al'ld afterN'isitiI'lg I'naly' d ifferel-lt islands l'lereaehed -1-1:11land i1)S otltl) E 11stzN.sia .H e ys'l.1sthe lirst.$.'1-1t)had crossed thePacilit! t.'lceall i1 a sl-nalI W l1:'I-1-t1I41.L a te1-1e lo st 1is Pah i2 6 P E R E (.îR INi1 the Ph iI1ppiles.btlt cotld rebtlildher.Thef;Ie n Tie nlan sto ry(-ilelu'rote about lis tlps and dou'nselrotlte to N'lexict.): -....//?c îî-t/ï'(.-tk'l-(.pv%t% It-t.,/-t?(?x))Io(lillv t'.???/f?/',??)'lLulth/?1. PERE GRIh'E 'x I1()bî'. #?/.$'/ (l.b' I/-r??//?t/ct/1'1(., /?t?(7(//t?/?t/I ,s-t?Jt't'I(ll-kel-Ib'(llel-0/?/ . 1.l()0 /3t?3t.'tt).//f/7t?It.-itJk-t/At?/t'141,s'i-ql/??/'It-//?()l'lIb't?A't?:'(?/7://f'?lx,(l(L'tI Itz-t/-$'))(ll.(lỊbA'e(l.I /t'?t'?/ctrt)/(lI() .ftt7,?t/ 3t'tr/,$'tL)l-l-ifl'etl /t4 .b'tne /?c ?tq?-s-/'tlt.,.j-lb'lu :???t//??/,??/?/'p? q t:'t'#?Jt'/? //?t? (leL-k'?/?/t?b.-(ll.i()lIs -v% '-h,/?t?/?c.$'.lt/t/A-/t?t/()lllt'(txt?(.af?/?t/1)L.'/('l-(.,/?t? ltl-b'th(?atly?t?ki/l/t?t./t()îj.-t?/-t/$' //?t> ll()riz()lt /&/ t trt'? bb-ilh (1('/-//c.à-IiL-iL,(1ḵ:'?//?.!f/?t'?/(llt(Ll//7t?tt)))//?F-(?t?/t.',t?/f?/'/7c 1(1-b'tIt-t/x t?/?(I(?(L'k.ltIt-t?.s'(l('l(L'lIIb'(1F-t?//t.,z/'l()/?t?î't?.b'('l'le -s't/'/t'?/'t'?/?t/ll1-.b'12(?e(1p-t/t/?/t't.zt/....''(ilenn hadnlade 1is lpastli-ol-n a 20$ old soIidNvood sparand he cotlld repairit.H eNvas reyvarded :1bit Iater: ''t/l't?/-t/(?'k'/?t?' ka t':1()() /??/'/t.?x 1,èe1.(I((j- 1 -s'(?//t?t)/ (,)1: t()B t'?11/'a T()/-/?/Lttl.b'. E-ll/t.z1-i/?$.!' //?t?)b'()l'l(l(?ḷ1ilIIj.s l.,ltelxul /at? . 1' l-qzht t?/(lt.b'k,,j't?tl'letl/?t.2 b-itl/-c//'t.,/'t?/?t/1*()1'(1l /?t> ltlsl.)()iIt /a&t,?/(J- //?t?/ )t-t?>'-s'?/-/-t??//?t@t?t/ 1)1- (l()I))llil?.$f. /?ilulb' t//?t./)t-/?t//t.,.s., / Itllqqh(?(Ll t?/?t/ .j-eII(.,(l Jk-k'//?/ l(1)2))ll/t.A.$... ' .,,, '()1 1is 's':1y to L1:1Nv'aii 1e 1'1ad aC'anadi211) creNN'l-nan (lnboard : -//7cb()(lt It't/,s' .%tlillblv /)? t? !-t.N-)- //e/?//a/-ctz-c.F/?t,/*/?sheL?t//t)'/f&4/t'?lkbolkl.lbz))()t r?/./''/?t? tlfx'k /?(? 1he .î'&t/ (Ilî.I/?&F-?t?F-t/(l()t'(.>?'??(?vb'b'il'l/t')F-it./?t'?/'l-ealizilbq /7f?1t-slotî'y?t/f?yp/t.'.%Iî.-/'/??.lli,:.0?///7 ll()t ttr&/ b(l(L'k /t) //?t? I)()(ltt?l-t?/?((t'tel-l /'?/?-/?t?t://?&t ?(,;11/!/ . / ./lb'g xt?,lftylt-t?/-ct/the A.t'?//.$,(1(1F-c/-/tletrt/ j(')l-/t/t)-/t-,'/? q v.f'? .J.//7t?/lillle It't'??//(/()l'Ij.A'ct?Bel-l'l('ll.(I',s'/?gt?t'/(,31ît'?It-t?1-t.zQ'l.(?,%l1-t.'/-)-/'/?//-t?(/p?t?F?//).-/??/Iî'tlst/p/t.JJf)t(l('k /')t/('It()lilt/!?t//?t?lt-t?.s',s't'/('2..'H e stayed in I-lavs'a iifor :1year andthen continued : --b-l-()l'l /'-/t?)î.t?// /vtt)lllle('l (lt ?/,?/',)/?t?/?//t?t'/ P(lIl3lj'l.(l 1s./('?/- (1 /t.'aJf- 'çî.qt.at?/fx. /?t2?7 -1l'el.i('(lt$'t?/3?(?/?.//?t?/?l-lzrt.zx/c?-/?-%(111(.31Jî.-/?t.'/-t.,/Iib,-e(l 1$.//?(1/t'?/?/J'ilt'?j.-iltl-zt,/f'?/-tl-)tllt/3t'(? l()ltlh.%.-?Vt?x/t()F-#.k')t'/?t.2/-cSeveral Pahi 26have successfulysailed Iong distances.l)t,ce 1)1b e r.2()()8@ @-l-l1tSettIàeklple

Sm a ll W ha rram c a's voyag ingThe classic designTanenui seem s tob e a Ire a d y aqbig boat)h.../ .&/7t?/?/lnostt?/'nlb'/?t7/'j.'eal-tJ/v%aj.'nltx vt'/v?/01.11,/-/71,?2/:7L(?vlt?t'/bv'l-ke(l /8.)/-a . î't'?c/?/c'htlrter(??/4/1-/t()l?t/k-t?t(? . ti?tvdollal-s Jr/.?//t? inq-n-oving //?t? botlt. 1.î't7ï/ct)./back east . /f-(?1?Fiji(.)1//'/?l-(?lfg/?//?c Lalt 1$'/4???:/.s- (qzainst //?& trad ctbtintib' t/l/p-k'ng hltrricane xctzs-o/? /(?V(1b'all Tonga. r/?c? bal'k to 1t,.-9(Ll112(')(1,//?c??/t'.)gWillatobltttlbltFt?/k cvf-?,bvhich /,s'c'losest/t,?Salnoa.//?t??? Itl(L'kt()kSk//?74?t7one Iast/ï>?t?.Filtallî'01??7J'It't7J'o t(.?/'/7c .b.01th ypt7()i/'/3t'l.s't?-/t.?t7toF!/v('?/?/.sllentling t)?,7.70/7//.7ea(L'h t)?///7t.,Lk'tkqlitl.F'7/?t?/i//(1lclN?/V?#/o'J/t??/.thl'/3):s'//?/4,?()'t? 1 )t.'t?,'?/ Jt'/7t?rt? //?c,10('.1/?t?(?/-?/trselil.t-?/?t7 that/i??-t?t?/1.,1-()(Lls.()'k??7/p'?'??/ing 174,)/-//,21rt?5./ t'lcl-tlss //?ceqltator. #?t?-v/ 1k'J5'(bltl- ?'?(?/?/'/'?A' in.&-/,-j'/74?/'/. The ?/x?/t7/ tllîcbllll-tl k qe t.?/T6lrtlbb-(.1 /-s- /-(.??/g/.7 b ?// Ilel-ecrine:s't'.' . t.>sntall .size t)?//(.)J.î,'t?J /?t??-l() ./3/intl)t?snlall/i.'r?(J.1t11-1)0 1-.1.s'/?&?,?/t'lolt/3$'0lp(?/?//?A. Iivin u q 'kt'//'/7 a , /t'?p?/ .J't)?/ //?t?olter /.s'/t7F?t),/(?f'A /?t??)t?)t'?.F/7t?/I$.'tzs'(1fk/tv/? 1.3()int /?7 ṣpite (? ,/'/'74//tq./7ilhzJ/t?y?J///?-s'. A . tel.t)./?t?t)'/f/?&t.: back t??///?rtp?/g/?Tarajt't71.$-/7ṭ - ?/7/a J't,(1-.$'tg?-/k'/? tq'//7/-(?l/ q k.r/? vast F-t.v/t?rt'//t?t'/ u%tates t?/'slilktl.-tlnesia .s'/(?/p/?//tv at t?/?t?l// /t:??islantl%,k'/?tr'/?/('#?? k v /'/3t?tnosttl-tltlititllltlk'/7 //?t? . p(lc'i(lk'.F/?4?/'s the t?#?t0f?/'the/pt7('/ . /ik'sinc'e.,h-olt.A-/k'ty-/-t'.)/?t-/-s'/:?I-s-t7?'/t.v/ilîto .1xia. F/?c Itlst /i?/- b'eal-s t'?/'fk.l-lti.%/F? -v It.'t-zrt.z bettb'eel .#'/'?k'/k)?/pk'?t?.s-,szltlltîq.f'-vk't)? tbv<strong>here</strong> l A-t:zki/t.v/ 1/7 several?-?'versl 5'///.:.47 .p4.?re t'?/?('/ F/.?t?ilantl/i.?/t'?Jv/?cqrthe ,?t??-$'(?t??îvintlb-.s't.l(1-b.to?-?/F? J$.-c-s'/ (.l(.'l-oss //?c SlIIlI ///7t7 soltthC.'/7/)7t:/setl-b'tq?,7t7 straitx t'p/'-%1aIa(L'(L'aIf'/'//? the Iv'/i?t7 //.7ṭ,?'? ill .5'?/??,??t.,- l.lllî/?t'?L'/f //?t? (ltlel-Jt.t?J'. In 1990 C;lennlosthisboatin the harbotlrofCebu inthe Philippines (Typhoon M ike) butNvrote :' p7t?3$' l11(Lll'l4. , -9(L-(l-j-4(1-1(1/7.7t7/71-blltt /7/t'?T-/cs' It'ltel. , l'ï't.'l-egl-il3e i,%(( .4?/?7k'/,?k;rtoqethel-....''t tIn the late 19809s Coastal Trekkinga n d Trailer saiIing o f sm a llerW harram catam arans becam e qtlitepopular around the w orld, a fewexam ples'.Pahi26 AM A ZO N builtinwestern Canada w as trailed by BillGardam to F lorida for extendedcruising in the Bahamas(incltlding alot of equipment on deckl'- in thesame year Ed Bears tnomen esto m e n) sa iled 1)is T :11'1e N tliFIREW OO D som e 700 1'11,1 fromVancouver(SW Canada)to StRupertatthe A laskan boarder-'on the otherside of A m erica Gene Perry sailed hisTiki2 1PA H LIU L1don'n the eoasttothe Florida Keys.G erhard Bobretzkysailed in Europe from the A driaticSea to Turkey and M ike and JennyW ynn trailed GRATITUDE (Tiki2 1)fron-l England to Y tlgoslavia andsailed dou'n the A driatie Sea frol'nK rk'to H var.This was topped by the Hitia 17journeybyPierreandMarieLaPlantein N E Canada. They sailetl SKU Adow n the St.Laurenee river- visitedbeautiful inaccessible country: Theysailed during the day and camped atnight.SKUA was junk rigged andPierre w as satistied w ith the rig btlthad hisproblem sw ith thehatchesandthe tram poline. The boat did qtliteNvel1: --lr(? /??/eet?t@//?c t)'t'?t?.$;/ t()bb'(llx1%//?t?(?tlst1$.,///7//?clll-l,j.vlililbz 3t't?.s'/t??-/?'tr-san(l/?t'?/?itllallj.' sailetl 2-3 ??7ilest'?//-k'/?f?-t.z-blt(?()'t)'tzs'/t'?/?t'?//3-1(1(.1t()xt?'/%()N'?QJ O/?t.2/7

S m all W h arram'FIRST TIKITRANSATLA NTIC Belizel' ,disasterstrtlck M ay l9th 1990Nvhen they 13it a reef a t'L-NN' 1-nilesln Nlarch l990 Bob and D an Beggs befol-e they could reaeh their linalsetsailsi1England bound forBe1ize destination . 'F/?c #?a'/l-(lb'-%t? . /'5'td/?/tq/?/-(t-entralAlnerica l-orthe tirstTiki26 /7(,?z .//?/x/ kixsc.ul /./?c h()l-iz()l:, T,'/?t.,F?transatlantic and the tirst one i n a slt(l(le;.lI '.b.lf.(.?.b.t,-ltc.L-t?(.(.41-(11/L?ẹ)jt?tslu:1lI W 1arra n'1 afte r the i,le .s-t )j.t./.k,(? lịj't:tl F/A-/ (1.1(1.$'/t ?,7?t?t@. ' / ,'T'AN GARIIA trip (apart frol'n the hel.(??,?/(?the,-t?t?/ .'The /?,-t?é//(.j?? ṿ Jî'tq/vt?,s'Atlantic circuit , sailed by the Joness rj ancl//?csltlj'tr,( .???/jp?!/t.?t.//(?/?!/-s,/? 'Tll(1onboard V IR E ().aW lRêlrra lStyle27 /j/y-/?t?p.()4:t()/?t?c.()l.(ls . ///?///lç'(?Jt't.a/-t?to -o ter in l979 )-itsbeen s quite early 1,/,3,-,?,/,.,.ftltc.I%-. .4?4.,//.7 /?l//,s. ls't.zct., ?(?)t'during the season and the Bay ot hlllc,d ty???t/ ,b.lobb'ḷt. , #//p?g bnitl ,$'ct?Biscay gave thel'n a hard tinAe,svind jvatel. . .. .. v ia Han) Radio theirgusting tlp to force 9 and they vvere M ayday w'as received and they Nverereefed dow'n btltstillluaking 8 knots, resctled by the British Forces , butthelaterbetu'een La Coruna and M adeira boat u-as lost . N evertheless the Tikiagail'lthey encotlntered N'ery diflietllt design could be considered asconditions: '.s()()l/?/t.'3$,(ltJtp/t? ./i?F-T'&. Nvelproven .(llt(l//?& Ik-t?3.t?.$'ilt(.-l-e(ls(?(lk)?llei kqhtt()t?/.)t)??/35 . /t':c/.fzlzp yî't??-t?.%(.3013,if?/ṛ#,?g TlKl21AROUND THE W ORLDt( l?It'/??/?t ?(l.s'//t?tzt/?'/?cA-t'c5'.h'r?/'1-5'.kllots. F/?& )t't'/1'&.$' Flt' - vz//? /t? blxulk If Nve ta Ik abotlt epic N'oyages tllen(II()lbJ ?/?cj)-tt)lls.tl'f//f.s'//? cç //?t?(L'(')Q'lqll.t tlaere is one Ns'hich can be consideredt()/3/bî'ith .s.ṭ/!/k'?-?-t?//'/? q krJv'/?k'/c 3t't?/t??-(,31't as the ultinlate - Rory N'lḳrDotlgal'ssej.-el-tll ()t)'t.'t?x&???-$f. bllt this t??/?'t.-/f/ .1' circttnhnav igation .Tiki2 lf-(.)()Ik I'N (li(ll.(lill(.ul t??// //??v?!/ t t#? /?& ()ltb()Ll-(l F .AT Ns'as built real solid btlt olllybî-el'(its been a (JRP boat.allof spartanly eqtlipped . W ith 1-1(.) engilethel'n having the otltboard Nvellin the laer naotol- Nvere the Nvind and tlecockpit). 'p1,s' I,'t., (q))r()(lL'l(?(I /7t.2 skippers energy and deterlnination .- , j1tl(leil.(l -1F-t.'/?//)c/t(qrt? //?t? lt'czt///?cr He luetthe W lêtrl-tllls enroute . W ltt$. b't?eletlt()(/c/t?/-k't??-t'?/t7hl-th(.Al-,A't:lt't.2 .a I'nan .l-alt/')c/i??-c . r/?t?b.b'il(l-/?ct7t),#?q t . f)l-t7slll(lII ?'x/t?,?t/ (L'(1I1e(l P()rt() zVt???&?. z1.$' 'rhe Rory M c DougalstoryIî'ṭ, tq))l-()(l('h(?(lt??/?-Ittlktelî //7t.2 p?ll qqt? ./4. year later another epic N'oyage1//t/?/k'(' l() -1c1.% Jrc/-t? l-ltlilîg !/? started onz4ugust6'h 199 1 Rory N'lḳ, . rtlL.ftlilv'tt4?/?c .%htltllilbq .î'ct? betl, this D ougalsetsailand headed sotlth frol'nh')l.c'L.ul/'/?t?.b'tntlt()/?t?t?/??/?.(lntl/t'.5'.s' Lands End - England . Stes'e TblrnerF/&'/ (11.()1113(1t?/s()!ll(.' J't?p-l't'lltll-llilbq introdtlced I-ne to Rory in lt?9() , Ns'lelel'1Lllîgles. F/?I's ftjxbqgelxltilbq l?t?ï'c???&??/ he Nvas building his fanAous Tiki 2 l(.(lll,b.(?(l/1$.,4)() .t'tle p-t'?//t?Itlshilhzs Jî'/?à'/? ( --(-)4)1k.I'NI-.iF ZN. .T.She isan interestingl)il:(l/'/7t,betlnls (?t)//?/,$-tl z q(.'th(.zl-t() boat - basicaly a (IRP boat,btlt il1Itzlvb.ell...''addition traditional bbllkheads 'w'ereThey did sol-ne repair w'ork and tsted in (notnecessary on the (iRPconti!4ued to Teneritk (f.-anary design)and shehad adeck and cabinIslands)frol'n t<strong>here</strong>they sailed across style liketheTiki36 . (lriginally Rorythe Atlantic to Antigtla;the erossing wranted to go around the Nvorld in a l8took then)2 ldayscovering 2850 nnA, tbot beaeh eat . . . HoNvevrer the Tikithe contintled via Jal-naiea to S van Nvasa good choice . C(')(-)KlE did u'ellIsland (htlnting for a good I'nap of in bad Nveather , could sail N'ery fastt k./ k *. .kṆ. /u' $, ' ,% .* . .... .>z.-Q. =*-' .< .he'j' %Even a standard Tiki21 can cross theOceans...fCooking Fatpstuck in a calm .+iI)ec kln'lb e 1-2 ()()8* *'I-l'leSeal'tltl7le

S m alt W ha rram c a's voyag ing.=#!#.-*%tfCooking Fatp atthem ooring.Rory Mc Dougalduringone of the tropicalstorm s.(eg heart breaking stlrfthrough theStraitof Gibraltar),eould stand som epayload (rememberthe deek chairs&w indstlrfer 01'1 her foredeck in theTasman Sea at F8?). Like manyothers, he eneountered very badw eather after leaving the Canaryislands:'- C-alltlries /Jt(??-/?('.???ns, Iî?t.,-/-t., belshetl/?)..F'll 'kî.,/)?(/.s'. ac'celelxlt(.ul fpt.//'krt?t?l?//7t? .s'tee up /?(?lntaino ?/.s' ix/t?/?t./A'.C'IIIIIL-IE r(?Jt? ollt //?& .%tlll-ln î't.ż?-J./7t7y?/?//J.to t'? 1 A-ty.tn.xct?Llnc'll()l-t'?/?t./250 /c3c/(.?/'?7).?/t'p?îb.'al';p -s't?/'over /?t?ḃ't(?l-l?.q-.vb-h(?rt./p?ts/t.?t7hel-se(f-'(1101!-k'?tv1l'-b.t()-s'/f'4 ,J'(ll-t-/?t?/(?'kf.(ln(l t() ?-t.-ts-/,11.1/t'?:'///7t?sitltatiol'l/(.-,/s()5't?/t?t7(llu.lrc/tq/xt?tl/...' It took hin-l 29 days tot2ro ss th e A tlan tic (2 800 nm ),.z1l-l-iving k'?'? the Crt/rk'/.p/.'lctq?'/'? If-t?Athl-illillg.1 )k't?-5- (:sḷ.-'ïL.,(L'i(lllb-/??-t??/t7 /(?elttel-t????? -J'(?Jt'?'?blxlve //t?cr(jtî.7V()engine tq?/?t# 1:0 t.'/t?t.'p-/t.'.s'. Jltsl t'?î't?x/tg/?/,l0 -p't?t?r-t'?/t7l-edll(q'//.t-.?,7tablest7,?J a c'()/?7ptJ,ss.' Follow ing Rory'sstatem entyotlcan say thatthe size ofthe cat w as only secondary - bigachievem ent. He then sailed on toPanam a. The passage through thecanal is d ifticu lt for an enginelessboat.FirstRory tried to be picked tlpPiggy-back on a freighter, but thisw as not allow ed by the C analadlninistration.Finally C()O K IE wastow ed alongside a Sw an 42. From<strong>here</strong> he sailed single handed. Roryw as using a self steering systemnam ed tH arry' w hich becam e alegend as Nve ll. 'b--ol- ,s-t'???t? 3.v()o(l.g/?/c?,I)()Its (11-1(.1xp-/'/? qj.zr,/ //?(??/g/??//?t?/11(l.l.b'It-t7x t?t ltlstic'/?t?/?-s'p?tq/?.f/t?c.oltl(l t.'t?y?c bvith :-7.,?1- -$-/rc?? qv//? 01.(1ip-t?t.'/i()? 0(- It-11-1d /()Io lt.'? tq?t/?/p) .'(**)He took a ratherunusualrotlte across the South Pacific,because he did notw antto spend t<strong>here</strong>quired cash atthe Galapagosislandsnorto pay a bond in Tahiti,w hich isrequired forvisiting yachts.Rory w asin a hurry to lneet his girltkiend inN ew Zealand and conseqtlently sailedquite Iong stretcheshaving stopsonlyat Easter Island. M angareva andRarotonga onto New' Zealand. Thetinal approaeh becanle dil-tictllt andbecam e an en dtlranee test: ''-1î'lIf)'C'Q'NA'i()1 ()/' /()1t.' ))?-(.'-%-iflI1-(.'.%/?(.)?7/?t7rt7t?t@11-b-A'bt-t.,t?llilbq ?f/? .11'-0 1/'/?c$-()?/thel-ll (?()'t?t'???, t'1-(.,(1/p'/?tr t 1-L1J)i(lbveathel-t)-/?t'?/?et?.s,(lt(.l t' z ?/t.v?)'(.31%)$-f,)/-/v'. .01t/t?t)'/t-.F/7t?It-t't///?tyr tvtat/s-Iî't?,7/t?t///?t?I(.1-b't J$.e-te?rt/ bb-ith //??-t)-,t?t>vtlles k'/?'b'ltc'c.e-%siln,/('??-L'k'?-t:',?(.-'t() //c-t?-/?/(1.)1-7 t/t.?l-x.//Irte/-$-z,.:l?(v?/-$'/,/?& (leltlt'?/'//'?c.z soltthern lt-//?/t.?/-- t??7t/ / 11(31(;1 ,?t?g /t?l.g-t.z-s'01-A'czt? b()()tx t() (/c/(.',/7t/.l)'.tl-()ḷ.lio-(1l/k)??/?-$'.l4'/?t'/?('()()kilbq. ,hIL.'I?-t?/?(.)lltI -q-?/?-vj'1.tȧt7j121.?j)?('?(I(qb's(?/?l-ic-L)t7/?t7 pasta- xt? . //tz/t.zt/alt'/t(J' /?(L'()hl)b'(1t(?l-.lt??)t(.'t?/?/t.').'t.?p7 11(31*(LJt.'l7(?/-t!'l'1(2.b'/kN/t7?/-battlilbz t?/?,both /?/?J.$-k't)'t?/I-t?/?t/???tr,?//)?//J-. l-l()bb'(?b'L.,l- (lt t'??t?A.% /t?Iî'&x/))()il1t//7t.N-& iv%t,)/'?/J'()1(.J1t't(J't() t t.rf?- 11.3,t7J?t,/ h-lvbvartls.' t-'lthel- boats NvereheaviIy dalmaged in the sal-ne storl-ns,Rory'srestll-ne:- Ikritholtlti?l//7//(?l$'c/?y'Ii((-'.,t() /7c/t'?:'/ /?t?/(.-()()S.-IE /.$'t?tlQ>z,)-(li-%))I(l('Q,l:QAllt- /t?).t- t'1'.eeb()(1-(1t('t)7/t??;?t?/-t?,?bltiltt(')l..s'p-c/?e//?(.1î(1ll()t/k'g/,?/It't?tv/?/ .$'y/t?t?t/.' He droppedanchort<strong>here</strong> tbrall'nost4 years.A fterconcluding thatthis Nvas long enouglhe started again in Nlay l996.A crossthe Taslman Sea,up the Queenslandcoast of A ustralia, IlarNvin, Bali.SingaporesNlalacca Strait.SriLanka,Aden,Red Sea,Stlez t-anal(tirsttinleuse of an engine onboard û-ookie).Nlediterranean, (îibraltars ''...Lisllllll)b'as (y?//'/t.? t??7 ()('('(1,b'k't')?? t?-s, (L%)()kiet)-?-t?.5'-s't?t)//?t.,?-(.)ltb-tl-tll/-t/tl-/v-xf?/'6J-t?t/-,seal-liel-.l'c//(lo le (-t?(?/f'?k,z./ 1.'St? llab't?t'?/l(L.ialb'xt'//t.v/ (1-0 1(1 /7t? î3'()l-I(l.F'7/7t7//)- s()??c ./à?T't??/1-(1/7Ie )$.iltls'kt./'//gt.>t)/QMtlt.)kie t??t'/t-/-(,).s-11:(?//t?/7t,)/??/7to /?& .IN'.S ()j'(.-t?/?t?b-ilislel-l-et?t/(1/.?c?-/(.-.ztr-/-$-/.?f?/t()fict/t/()(j'(l(-l-().b's/?/5.(.(J-.. . ./ ('()1(L1 t?/?)t'?x/ ,s,?7?t2/ the ,$'/7t'?,-cx ()t'ThttSea Iàeopltl* *Decelnber20()8

S m all W h arram );ètèzc'ïflLfI(l(.l .-'Rory arriN'edj(1sti1'1til'netojoinindirectlytothePC.-A.l'neetingin N'1i1Ibrook and t'inalIy arrived hol-ne1.1 ( .)(.)yi1Dartlnouth A tlgbIst23 l .OCEAN RACINGtl1 - .il-nproN'el-nents tbr the Tiki26 's 5such as spray hoodss1-1atc1)ess a tlto p ilo ts,osl-nosis pulups. central '.long spinnaker pole and it '''.'p r()s.'ed tI-1:1t (.iP S is . '.-' '- .....- .; . -,k-. c ..- e '-'-- - w'onderfu Ior thatthe rope ' '''lashingsdo w'ork (& 1-101d )u'ell un d er h ea v ytlonditions. '- rBob BeggssetoutJune 7 1992 tlonlE 1'1g lan d :11-1d tlro sse d t11e N o rthAtlantit! 1 28 days and I4 hotlrs.H eu'ascolupeting in tle Europe lSTA R patl-ick Dourl-nan picked a feu'ideas(SingleHanded TransAtlanticRaee). up fol-lais reluarkable voyages tiol'nHe rettlrned u'ith creu'viathe Azores s w England to lreland and toback' to E lgland il1 Septeluber. H is Brittany . Thisareaprovidesno fal-nilyboat u'as a G RP Tiki 26 nalned Nvkcekend sai1ing - it's rotlgh otltS H A R IN ()iT H E C H A 1.-L E N f.iE .Nvitl) t<strong>here</strong> . H e added to h 1s T ik i 26only :1 f-eu'Inoditications.To stll'n it M p)IRA an electric autopilot systel'nup: he and his sluall W lAarralAA and spray hoods silmilar to the onescatalnaran did extrel-n e Iy w'e I. H is s H A R IN (îT H E C H A L L E N G E had .crossilg til'le u'as col-npatible in alI Because ot-the rough nature of theclasses.Before the startyotlcould see area , he started to experin-lent Nvitha1Ithe big lntlltihulIracing nlachines deck pods . He vvasone tlfthe tirsttoand in betu'een the W larrkllAa croNvd. add a solid deck pod , his pod designsBob did onIy rtln tu'ice into trotlble: w,el-e laterImtlch in'lproNred .Dtlring the race the l'nast headshackles Ns'ere col-ning uldone. He Tl-ailer Sailing activities inereased adropped the 1n:1stin the nnidtlle ofthe 1otin the early 90-s , a good exal-npleAtlantie and after repair got itback is A tlstria . It's a land loeked cotlntryup.The trick did his huge spinnaker frona Nv<strong>here</strong> dozens of trips NverePole,actilg as:114arln,attached atthe juade to the different shores aroundbaseo 1-thelnastto heIp u'ith theIever Europe - btlt predolninantly to theangles to re-ereetthe l'nast.It's a bit centl-al Nlediterranean . Interestinglyofan irony thatthe slackles Nvere on enough in nlost cases Tikis Nverethe check/repair listbetbre the start. used - , they can be assel-nbled prettySolnebody replaced the o ld ones fasṭ Th is is a key po int,othersvise 1tsNvithotltticking the itel'n (.)l-fon the To getting conlplieated and tiresolne al'ld130 list.So leone else again replaced people lose interest 1fter thei1-f'irstthenl btlt B'ith the oltl outxvorn trip soon .t'lnes.....The other issue o f trotlbleNs'as Nvatercol-ning i13.Bob notik'red at '',1 Z j-(?),isslte t??-t? //?c /?-t?p)y)(?Jj'??t? .stheend o ttle -1 tirstsvet'tk thatthe port !(? ,?/c-(-lil/(? - s,t?/?o?/,:s'lj'J,t?//?t/J-t?,?'t(1, .boN: ' Nvas deeper in the Nvater. I-le 's,1.,.,7/. . ,/:.,yj.,tf)-/(?(l.v /?t?/,(?,?t/ ..y!,'t? 1(1(1bai1t'!kl20 ga llOnS obltO f tl3e folqvard c.iltli.(v.(ụl t.?!//- I)etlltl /(/-$'/?iilq x. J'.b't()lllholdsbtltkrotld nottraeeany ViSib le j-(?/?thc,(?-jgj/?t/l.l4lc.,t()t)?Iç.g/?/?/'/tverakl k i1'1g - tina11y 1.-.,lenty o f S iIkatlex '$,p.(l)) - (.//:(l -%-% /./?/:'/7t?t/1)?/t).L-II.LV xj.v/t-'?7?d id the1ob (apreraceproblel'n caused (lst/t?xL',-j/?(ȧ(./j/?(11.:(r.,.1.)#'t?IejtI,'jt?/?F?/?the 1eak ).i3ob *s participatiol1 in the c.,ai-lb.jp? /?c ?t.?/.?j/? q t:'4/?4./tljtel.(1pf?/tvI-ace brotlghta Ioto fknoNvIedge and (lcqj.-;t(l( ,l (??/F- Tiki p? //?& b3.(ltel-t?/?t/çq Sharing the Chal-Ienge pjustbefore hercrossing in the singlehanded transatlantiquerace.lltlctlln bcr2 ()()8@ *The Sea l3tklple

C a es voya gingAnna SophiaUp:MeiraBotom :Magic Carpet10ac1e(11t.).b'(liIt?Jt'tl-1.1-7.$h()ltl-s//-f?/?//?t?tlzlilL?l.....lf7t.?x&/.YtlilF/t?.r/ ll()l-llil.ḻ z/7c('?t///?ṯ.r11.ï1-/?t,s()lt'tl(.,1-l-1t/-k't?/k't('.'3500 M ILES NO NSTO PIn A ugust lt)9 8 N icolas V iv ier setsaiIsin û-anlaret(W est1-rance)in 1isTiki26 B IC-A P .I-1e crossed tle I3ayo f i!iseay 5&'ithotlt:11y d il-licu1t1es.I-leco 1'1ti11tled N.'i:1 5,1adei1-81 an d t1'1e(--anaries. then t!rossed the A tlant1c'and arriN'ed i1-1 French ()J'tliana- thecrossil'lg took 1inl 3 Ns'eek-s. D uringspring he Ns'ent tlp nol-tl) i1 thezNntiIIes.Becatlse o 1-tiI'l'le constraintsltl sa1Iekl back fr(.ln-1 ()-,uadeIk'tlped irectly !! to F rance. Probably tleIongeslnol-1stop tri13 (à'1-:1T ik i26 so1-:1r,app 350() 11-n ,s&.h1ch took 1-1i1l4 5days.l'le col'lnlents: ''ll 3t't?,$'qltl'l(? t?I()lv't)'?-r?A.s'F'/?t?',t('ll-/?(?/-t.>t'#/'h'ltlt//?t?F?11(.,/@/-.$-/(?/?t?.(lItl()lqzh I/7t?t'/lt()htt.rtl-()ltIèle3j.-/7 lb'I-iL-i.z1/?t?/-//?'v?/?Ilzlt)f./'F?t/s'/Iltlfl(1/t.',It',q(lI(.m'.t>,$'/?t?(./t /I'4.t/t/I.,$' bî-illl 4t-/'/?t/ 1'(')lz'c 7-9. T11(, t.t//'/?tr/?t/1't?t/3.-t,/-)-It-t,//tll()ll k zlll 1j.'t'?/-/-/t.zt/.?/F?/?tA('t:.y',s't?/-//). (11)(.3111 //?c l-lt(Ll(lcl's. 1t'//t/F?'t /?t/3-t? olle /??// /'l3t t.'t?/?I-//?t.'ct///?t?/'t?1-% ?/-t/-4?/?t'/?f?F-bb'()lII(l/?t'?!-t?14(.,3.,12?/.î't?/?'/ (1(1 //?t'/ T'iki 26 ('(.t1(1t. 2/?t/?f1-L.) /?t.at,3-/c,/- lt.t?t///?t?/- )t-ilh il.'That-s :.11'1 il'npklrtant statenlent al-1dtl1-1derlil'les 1'11s seanlansl-1ip and tl'lese:lNv'(.lrtliness o 1- tle 'I-ik'is 014 theotrk2asiOI-I o 1- th is 'N tlrtln zA .tlantiec1rctl1t. 'N 1tro las suggested afte1- 111st'$.N.'() z'Ntlant1c cross11gs 3 po 1nts 1-01-1l-npl-oq'en-1ent:3H P ()tltbtlard,tent toutac1-11-1u II.eIect1-1eatlttlp 1Iot.ATLANTIC AGA IN'N ot too 1-1-1tlcl W l):1rral-n sailingactiy'ities i1the Sotltl'lz'Ntlaltic (.)1-notknoss'n to c(.ln'll'1'1tln ity- stlcl) as theSo ut1 ?'h.t1antic cross1ng ()1- 1)rial-lW :1lk'e1- o 1 11s Pa1i 26 N'1z'ï()(iI( --(--A l'tP E -1-.lle 1'1as rigged l'le1-NN'itl1tl1eT ik'i soft sa'ing sailand has added :111ttIe deck pod.H e Iet-tPort()NN'en i1S o ut1) zA.fr1c:1 N'1ay l%' 2 ()()() 1-t'1- Stl1e Iena (19 days)and fi-ol-n tlere toB raziI(l7 days)-he considered tletri1.3: '...(l(L'l-().%.%(ltltllltic'1b'tl.%Jt.t.?/bt-l'llth't'?Ilit(?/'(1/-t?/e/?(.)1L., ṭ > .l'l't .J /t?e/'t' tT(.'t?/7?t?/sails /ft?(1t'/-tzt/?(1:3.1.s'?fl1b't/t'?It-/?It-t/l-t.-,s'lt))l()16 /k-??(?/x (lj'L,l.(ILtl'lḻ zri/fF/A'()l-t.z/--3z//?/.)L:l.i()(L /?t/)$-t?.$'//7cl,'1/-?//?.-' '?ṭ ,sThe sanle year the Atlantit2 didTik i 2 6 N'1E II.tA agai1). T le I-1ess'l.lvNrnel-ssa iled le1-l-r0l'lPorttlgaIto theC'ape 'Verde islalds- ys'I'1ich theycruised extensiN'ely.()1-1theyvay souththey had t(.) face N'ery d if-t'icu 1tco 1d 1t1o 1-1s... --F!/tzx(1(1!' 6 /2 ,/()1, /d)-($'t?/?.L:'(')().b'(.'bb'illec/t/1.î'itll.-31-L.,(.. t.7 t ' . tL-%/'/?111(.1111. .1/ 11t?/?) I-I-rillp-/tzrtvt.'t///?t.>,b'1()1-131tT/*1)(1s'(1 . /-/'xt1 ,.s'/tptr/ct/il?til'l-lb.//'v/7/. . q ,11,///.3Iill(.m' . /-t ?//?t?('I(,jt-to /'/?& tilvl-s.F/?/'.$f 1(1(L1e J,/eilzl x/t.zt?p- hel-x('If't?t???t?.7/i?k,rt't??/F-,$'& t'* .b'll-tliL?llt(1()Jt'llIî'k'/?t/-tat()).t-///?k'/?-q't/ta - qr/-t-tg,s'(?/'1:(.,1-t.'f?lf/-.$'t.:t?/llt(,/'//??(.,- s;)()()kj'l()xtzt? it 1î.t??-/f/'F?ṭ!.I.1z7/?t/ef?/11)-$'/trt/t//'/).//??-t'??/ -v/?//?t?1l(.,.vtt/tf .)'- (Illtl /?)-5l)lJl /?ck)?ṯtrstet,l-(?tl /')J-I'-it'L'i?f/?(/tr/-1'3(11-L,y/t?/tz.s'(lkttlilt..:1.94)11ilI.j't/.s't'l'.iLtItt(Allillu'Ib.Jt-/'/?('/y'-l)1.()l)(lI')Ij't?gt//c i' - ?/?t?/-t?J$-t.>/-&13tï1-(1e1.$'/-/'?h'(?/'4 J.('I()lt(l/n//?/?/F?trt//(11t//?ṯr/t;l()//?c>bvl'lltl.Lzr//t/t?F-(.1L.,(11-.s./k' .).,it t/t/t/t./t/(ll)()ltlf?/?t?/t'?-c't.,' 1.() /?t? jb'ill(l. T-/?t.zx(.,(lx Jî.-(?/-t?l,l()??/?t(l/'/?t'?1țb- t?/?t/ (11 t'?/' //?t?/?lll-t?tlkiltv. 1-1-t.,I$'t.,'/-t,Szrtz////?tur l.(.,(l(lj.t()$'//-t.,t?/7? /?t.7 1.(.,(,t(*,(1 ?)t?/?.s'/?t,t.J? i1ltp/?/t?./?/II'/?t.>/7t?ft/-trf-zF.tll(lll?/x?/t?/3.î't.,!.-t.,/,31('/fct/ 41e1.(1 /? t?F?t/ .//?/?v - /?t.'/-((')l-jb'(l1xl. xç/tz 3j-t/,$' /?/-//j?-v j('lil.Ib',$f/p-t/tq'/p/(1(1I.'i(L.L-i)t.(?xt'tk//j/qv,ltltilt/!///t?/t?/ct')/?.11e1.-$>?t,7-/)t'?t/-t/13()Ik.'t/// tt.riltt()//?c Jt't//(r/-.5'leil-tl.s,It-//F?ṭ !'l.()ltll(l/(?./?ct?/? ()lt t() /'/?& -sft.?t/x ?'/? t?//t?x/?.///?t'???t'/?/-s'/?t? lt-t/x Lt4lilbf. .j'vf?).-&/-.t?.$'1.1:3.,It-t/1.'t?.b.1e /?t?t//pt/tz/?,$'?/-/3p?jt.r(?t.'t?7?t.'11 .1)/t?tll(,))()l-tllltllt?/?t/l)l.()L-(,'t)3-t,F-11.-t?,?t/ ll.b'. 2/Nr()//?2'/?tfṫt)/'/?t-s()l-t- A 1(,il.(l/'(ftrt,3 4 '1'1klh;eëtI'c(.l17lkl Septelubttr,'-()()8@ @

S m all G larram (-,1,')'.' )l.(x'()b'L.,lk,(l ./-t'?? hel. /?/t'?)$' a161 /tq(J'ty?/?'t'//J.be(lllt.)/?t()//7(.2-%(-,(1-b'.' Th is isan interesting report, about realtrotlbles.It-s notclear ifthey startedto experil-nent too Iate svith dragdev'ices,or ifthey Nvere atthe w'rongtilne at tle u'rong spot.Nevertlnelessit clearly show's that the catal-narandid u'ell.TIKI30ADRIATIC to SOUTH AM ERICAln 2003 the t'irst Tik i 30 Atlanticcrossing took place - (Jtlnther andG tlndiZilnl-nerlnann sailed theirTiki30 AN N A S(.)Pl1IA frol-n N ovelnber2002 frol'n the Cape Verde lslandstoG uadelotlpe acrossthe Atlantic.Theyhave btliltnearV ienna and started otltin Italy in l999.Laterthey saiIed v iaG reet!e to N orth A frica and then viaG ibraltar to C ulatra,Nv<strong>here</strong> they l'netotherW larrêlllfolks.(.)n their u'ay to the Cape Verdeislands they used the traditionaldotlble jib - tradevind settlp: -..D lrilg //?c t('lltlbing ltvt4-Jt't., hatl(.t???.$'/t?/7/lt()l.tll(?(lstel-Ib.It.-k',?t'/.s-lll()stIb.-5/?//(?/.7t()26/s-?il?kqltsts)t?'?(,/()1:1 .î,/'Jr(.?tl(.lt's t?/'1.011e/? seas. F/?t.z ?-c-s'/ lt.-4?-î-/,? I(?avb't//?t -y-t?11111v. l'1-sc 11.b-trtl/ ()1/1--'tl-tLltleb-iltl%tlil'/')?-//?t2fîl-xt/k'?7t.z(,1-1.1It-t?1.e l-t?1-1- /?/t?(lst-t'/ t?/?(?11t k'/-s'l )Ḷ,1(*)1-1(1(.e.14'c('t'l?/h't.ztht?lt.>/7t?/-.bb-itll //?& fk-lejî-v% /?t.)t?p?c(/ (.3111 t() t?t'/c'/'?b'itl.,(?/'/?t.2l)lat('%?v?t)/t.z)f./p.?t/s,t.?/'/')t.?/.tie //7t?Lk'l(?bvs/(? t t.rt.z//.7t.z,-(1l'1(Ll?/-$'t?//'?t2.z??)il'l//7t? l:()1-l1.ltal It't()' lî.b-hel-e //?cJ't)'('?î/t.vt.at/tl-/?()thel-).F/7t? big t'/t'z'l.v/'/?/tt.:'t?-s't?/'//?c 'tl-Lltlebt.-k))t/$'t?k'/'t/-t.,//?csttlbilizing&/l,(L.tJt-/?c?stlililçq t/t?Jt'?It-/'7t7(ln(Ll//?t?/ lossibililLb' t?/'tet.?.s'l. . . tlncl /' ?t.?t7k't7/t?l-(?etllle .z t> J$-/?t???//?t?tb'ill(ly?k'//t?x?/?.''They enjoyed theirAtlanticcrossingobN'iously'very l'nuch ''...I'#'c c'tldfe/?/tr? t>Ak' -ṭ.r (I()I))hill. /3.s'/?((;()1(1l(lkl-eIe) jlst>t.z/t'?/-c lî-trc,(21(1/??-k)?t.ritt?/?(?t?/-t'/bltt.'4/?? - v/?/t?slll(1llfn-(?,7t.zilt//7c.zeb-elîingbk'li(L.h et/v'(.-z (1 ?jk'tr nleal F?t-,a-/ (lt)b'.fll/rk'/'?g the Jr/Jt'?/ccrossilhq If.'c sh()It'trtq/no -s-/'r.z?A- t' (?('.$t?t7A-ickness t7//?(?/g/7Cilln(liis??t'?/v??t7//J.v.-t.-'/-l'selzsitive t()it.& V/.7trJk'tq/,j'(lble t()/??-t?/,?t'??-t?nteals(.,/7//7t?s . piritA.&?T't,(111 /?trtil'le .-,1 Iile (?('/tv/.?/.s'bt,l.'al'lf.,)'isF/a/t?(.)1 /7t?1î'est(?l-l'l/?f'?F-/zt'?/?. lzl,7e/c/?//?tr,s'!/??l-()se t'?/(lb()ltl6.30 /t'?t('t?/tille It.qt),hanltl'tr?l.,t?rt?t'/2 124,7,.?7,'-,1/ 9.'1.5'Jî't.'t'll-l zpzpe(1 //?t?(LlltfL.l'l()l-?',?/(? //?t? tlll-qllt.)F-s't., )îxlt(?l- ??t?f?/- //.7t.,/?t.v?:'/7jltst.s,t'?p?//?oj-.J7é?/)?/t?(Ll(?J-ty/p-t.,.,.1 ??.$'t?. F/?& t7?('/?(?r is (#?Jr?.?,I')lll-i(?tlk'??//?t? Ckll-ibb(xln tè'tprt,/san(Ll. F/lt., boats'#1.'t().'-$'//?t? q vta /t.zbl-eeze t?,?t/alt?/'(1,s'ltiltlen (111//7t7tt-'lvl-b-itll:/.$' çztln(?t?/?t'/il://?/-s'/'?,?4?/?,?&/?/ lrt? lxullize //7:// l1.-t? Lll-(.'f/?t-zrt?.l-t.'l?as(.ql/?'-(y?t'?j'l'-iel'l('lIj.-f?tq.t.at./?t'ltl Itrt.z t'lb-b't ,?t'?/'k'c't? the ?-/?/tr/?-s't?tl-lliLtaltl'?-trt?/?behin(l Q7 that.$'/rt-z/('/?(?j'b-an(Llk'F?/,'-t'?/(.tj'?/,s'./-/t?J.'t?It.t?t?î.-t?F-seelî' s'?/T./7ql-(?eltlp-c,t.z-s-.'?Llitlît-t?jt'll-g(?ttltltt .//?t??-c 3't?t?-s't7??)'//?/)?e.l.)lIt. t ' //?c sea t?/?t/?/.j-.'? .J-/tq/1'(?J1.-t,t?'t.,t.'/-beel'l.b.()/?é?/7y?).-(11,1(1.%() /?t?/?/c/i?/'?' .N othing to add,in 2004 G untherandG undi reached Veneztlela and theysailed A NN A SO PHIE again for another adventure in 2005, exaetly 5()yearsaûer......Notes.'*) Sqtcfo'l990,Styl-l.199 l,Bcggs2x k'?? l9 92, 1z'?.v.,/t?/-Jx in 1#(h'9 d.-9 Q,Zilnlnernlalltl2000.**) Dettlils (3j% .#/t?r/-J'S(ulpl,lllle #23.l994The twin jibs or4( tradewindsail )during the Atlanticcrossing.Sources:Seapeople M agazines -PCAM ultihullsM agazineW orld W ideW ebTwo G irls, tw o <strong>Catamaran</strong>s -Jam esW harram .M ultihullVoyaging -Thom as Firth JonesPersonaltiles.Ileeem ber20()8* @'l-htStla I'e(.)p 1tl

LE T TE R S FR O M P C A M S M B S S .w'#OO PS!Sorry but..(/lseems thatmy editor's note in the Iastissue ofthe m ag has created a confusion forsome ofthe readers.)Hello Remy,Iam memberCharlesTaitfrom Florida,USA.Ijtlsttinished reading youreditorialin isstle /71.One pointshotlld be made.ln paragraph 2 yotlsaid 'Butifyouthinkaboutit,w,e(ashum anbeings)couldberesponsible.Thenin paragraph 3 you said 'Today we knowthathtlm an activities are causing a globalwarm ing.M y pointisthatitmustbconeortheother!Yourfirststatementwas the betterbecatlse w'e could be atfault(ithasnotbeenproven).1know thatisvery populartoblame htlm ans forwhatm ay be happening.especiallywiththe 'AIGore Loonies'butt<strong>here</strong>isjustasmtlchevidence thatthewarnling trend isanattlraltlucttlation(they havebeen happening forallofrecorded history'!)RenlenlberIearning abotltthestlnlm erthatneverwas?A lI of Europe alnaost starved that year!The leftieshaveevenchangedthebuzzword froln G lobalW arlmingto Clil-nateChange!Thisisbecause t<strong>here</strong>hasbeena notedcooling foracoupleofyears.So don'tplan 01your'NorthWestPassage'jtlstyet!Sincehulmancreated'greenhouse gasses'only amotlntto 2% of thetotalIthink' it irresponsible to continue to feed thisN'eo'controversiall'nessageoffear.IhopeaIliswellatthenlagazine and yourdoing agreatjobwith theaboveexception.FairW ilds,CharlesSV.Tait.FloridaUSA.H elIo,I've'welIreceived theS eaPeop le//7llNvasa 1ittle ango'to read on page 5 thatthe PCAbringsitssupportto theA l(Joredogluasaying hunlanactivities are catlsing a global w'arning !!!!!!!! It's aeril-ninalnnanipulation againstthe people to getI'noretaxesand to lnakea Iotofnloney w'ith the increase ofthe price of the petrol and w ith the ''green petrol'w'hich ki1Ia Iotofpoorpeoplein increasing the falnines.Thel-nain reason ofthevariation ofthe tel-nperatureon ourearth isthe activity ofthe sun and sinceone l'earitsactivity isatitsIoverIevelasin l953 or1954 so th isdognlaisasu'indle.Itcotlld be betterto develop the free energiesand tostop to infectthe naturalplantsw'ith the GM O-pesticides.etc....Bertrand Fercot,France.kjklitor%'a'lsbver: 1'-!'?-,j.//)'/ It'(??//t/ Iike t() ?-c,??2t?I.-t? (?(l()llht.'F/?c IAQ-vI J$.'////7(.,1.,c/-bl-iltgs /'/.s,.$.?/7/?4?/-/t()t(?/?).'l )()Iiti(.(lI/?t?r().-.r/?(?()bje(.t.v(t'/)c . .t%s()(-i(lti()lt/-t?t()l)l-()l,t()t(?//7t.:I9()Ib'lle,%i(lltt.)-t?/t???t?/-t?/?,s'.tlleil-/?!/,'/t/t.,/-,î'ctt'?I$'/?t?/-.s'.(lt(lt()t?t).(?/F-t?t!t7tlethist.'t/?'/f?-'s??t?/( .>t?/)t?g////?(?/f')?/-hlt1-l-i(.'(1ltes t)'(???.$'t?(y?/t.,/?t)'t?x il: //?t? L-tll-ilulluletlt 11./?t.z/? /ll('lbte /t?t'?/-??///?t?///?&J.htlb.-(?( ..(?/.$'trt/?/?t?(lL?(ltll(?t'/??t'?/-(?thal'600 ,'p?/2t7/')!'/t?,?/,q'iltJ/trj/j(lt(lt/&,s'//-?/t'/(?t/(lIl,t()sl6/4.)7.-/9(-.,/*//?(?holtses t)?.s'tlleb'killetl .4,/7./1.'4f?/?c(?/?/t,/,7//?:.:l7tlntiniL-tllt.Rt.z/??//)/?'t).jb'Ili('ll/'x tllL,/ṫ-t?.y'/t??-?2))(l.tf?/'//7t.,salnejA'/t)/?7(./(Lb'Ia 1/,A,/?:??t,?//t'p.lf.'/?)'J?F/?c ltl(lil3p-c't./.j'trl/?is //?(?(l(?t(')l.e.vtt;lli()l!'/?l.ltlitl'./??//?t?e(Il-Ib'trtv/?//cx//?t)/J.t.z.%t1iletl/t'?,.l'hl-eL.,l.t.ztp/-.s.(:l()lbv.//?(?Iltll'titll('t'?t?x/xt?/?t/itJt't/.s't//?-t.zt?(/),jé-ivflltcliltz /t?;l()ti(.(.,//7f?/êIIl't().b't//?ct()t(lIi(b'(?/'//?t?('()lltll-b'Jt,t?.vLlxp/'p/t/t?(l.v(1t/gxt?/-/be(.(l.b'(:f?/'/?(?l,l(l.vs/?/-f7t/?/t.'/t?(t'(.'htl-L'()(lI.F/?&l-lLlititlly?(?/??/t?/,'t?/?is//?t.,,$;t.pt't?/?t/))()()lx'.vtj,?//?(.,bb'()l-l(it?/?t/ /?t?),t'?//c3'f.,??tll???;t?.$'/litllc /'ls-j't.!'t(')l'('f?t)J'/'??ttr..I'()ltt-:?F7/?f?//?Itltîlc, /?c,?j(')l- /?t?/.l/t?)t.t()(.f?/?)'J',?(.t>v()lle()lle1$-/2c-'/7/?c htl.v ?f??t?3,t?/,?/?(.,ll()ll(?b'/t'?p-bltî-/'??tr(1' $'/?'?qlt?/)t'?/t.,(?j'bj.'(ltel.'A( .F/?c2c(?x?/t?/'tlis?'.$'/?t?t()t(lII(),vtt?/'/?t?(l-LlbIL.,.$'t?/./x)$.'/?/t)./?(?/-c - qll'lbq t)/jp-t?(.//1'113//?t.z.q,(at?)f-/?t?,?L.()lle.v//,(./rttilt/)ct.t)??/xt?tllel-e /,s'lt()/?/t/?/.lt()/t'?F-&,s'/t().$./f?/)bj.'(It(.)l-,s'//-t.'t),??/?? - $.:':???t///?t., ,//f?t?t/k'/?-v.1/?t/,11,31-//?t.>Ietkl-b'll/f??f?I$.',(IL?1(')l-(:sl(lli()!ti.b'(/?/!'/(.,t?111-??t)?)(l('/!'!'i(b',isn'tj'/.'?//is/?t,)/(1(1()tN?t?,iltstt?lt()li('il?v.F/?t?-t?is/,?4.,11(21-L.,('ort)?/A,il (v(?t?f//?t.zt?///?tll-()lt',l(l/-/t?/.//beLvlllse t'?/'/?c t?//?/b'izllt/t?/?t?-s'//,s'(llt(l,?'/?/9(6)3 /?/F.t?t?t/I.,b'()ll('t??//t/,?-1/3/7t)/fLl-f.p-t??/?(.,7-/3x/?bs'llitbllJt-tpx lL.,(lb'iL.,l-/?t?/?(1/?t?/)?(?!/,?t/Lls/?clt()1.l'l(lITt't/gtv/?ixt?/.t?/?t/.?f?t()4 ()kilos/t'?rtlt)?t/?/sltbje(.'t.Qnlllîl'tn-l.lilîg //?t?gI()b(JIIj.'t?-???'/?$.rit/'.$'J'/?t?It./?111(1:r/ṭ z. . . 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B A GF O R S A L EN o Reserve-tlffers IIRN'ited .lN A RA I 'IF I3O G S RUN F R E E 'M y SaiIingHolnetbr 10 yearsbtltonthebeach asasulml-nerlotlseforlast6 years.Lots01-gearbutalso Iotsofu'ork .2(ICEA N BIRD TRIM A RA N 'SW ING A LON C;'SaiIed lertlntiIacoup Ieofyearsago,been 01asqN'inging I'nooring sintre.Again needslotsofT1-(-.3 l.1()B Y I-AT I4 011stands-:.1Il'nostneNs.'tral-npo-Iineand foresai1,good I'nain-good hulIs.4 Shopping Ilinghy about4 1-1,25117Suzuki,pltlss'ariotlsotheroutboardsand lotsofgearto goNviththe boatsorseparately !5 N'Iyhotlsei1'1the N'ilIageo t-(t'tllatra isvaeantandaq'ailableatl-easonablerentto anyone Nvanting toN'ieqvany ot-above-so Ns'hile youconsideran offeryoucanenjoyaN'erydil-ferentHoIidayonlIhada(-tllatra,PtnrttlgaI.fierry F Iel-ning in yearbook.00351289798453003519 l62 56599 gerryiIlportt/lhotl-nail.c(.)l'nTiki26 '2A m igos'' Il'nagine N1u ItihtlIs l99 1(J-R P .JeckellssaiIs2()()4sSpinnakers,9.9 Nlariner2005,Tacktiek Depth Speed 2008,rerigged 2006-Solarpalel.Lights,Deck Tent,Origo Cooker,fsttedm attresses2()()4 -Anchor,W tlrps,Fendersetc.M uch w ork done overlastl-eu'years.V GC .Lying Poole.Price,El2 -7 50TelNigelDyer07973840773 orntdyert?tiscali.eo .tlk.'..r k. A.'Y x..:7'.? A . .% .z' x h .'..Js. .j '# w*k. , j '.'. x.. - . . j!l -. ûik.s', .lr S x ')r x' . ... . 'k hx lj. :..## x j4.,-c.. . . .; . -$k; ..Ḡ! .' p w.':g ; 'Tiki26 -Skinny D ipper-u'ooden-built 1988due to iIlheaIth,Skinny l-lipperisup tbrsale.N'Itltrl'lNvork hasbeendone to repai1-l-otalol'1g a stringerhul1-& also olle bealn.N ovv fully ftlnction ing-t.rNsrasatthestartoftl'lez4zoresJesterchallenge race,theelectricalauttllell'nletusdtlNN'l-1.Ful1ilventory to stillbedol-lesbuttlbs'iotlsly saiIs,ropestk fendersto be incltlded .Price in tlle regionof E5500-to c(.)N'e1-costo1-repairl-naterial-(plusbuying Ilerintl'le 1stplace).Seriousoffersonly please,1,(.)til-ne Ns'asters-e-nlailIlook-kenti?virgin .I-1et-o1-'wqrite to the addressin theyearbook.C-an e-l-nailpicturesofSkinny 1)ipper.A tpresentlying in Poole.1t. .;m, '!. I'< .* ,'; * ' .s-t- . .u, a. . - H --) 'n:.$.r .Q- - '- X ., . .S k 1l'lly 1)1pperatlel-lloorilg.Iàt.'/ole IIarbotlr-2()()5N1elanesia fol-sa1eat preselt lying il1 otlr baek garden,tlpside d()NN'n.Repairdoneto haldle atli-ont,tk.rtaken to tlpe IlealeBoatShoNv.Priee ask ing 1-01-isE2()(),to pay forcostso f tle Ns'tl(ntl, t epoxy. i1-1 builkling the outrigger.A gain,seriotlso t-t-ers01)1y- 10 tilue Ns'astersscontacteitherby e-l-nailhl.lllk-kent xt/N'irgin-let,orNsrite to us,addressin yearbook.(-':tI1e-lltilp ictures.-.-A ...' -x'> '.nu- .-.,s -- p u - ..-'

D IT T Y B A GJ-)-t?&t?t13't.?/'//h'il?k.r11//?g Ilitlb.flt/k.rt'L)l't?//1ï'(L-4 ??t?r?/')t.z?-A',1)()(l.v-J.'/(ll.b'-(.31./'.'its t.//?t/1)1.L?1't.z.$'b-(21--$-t?/t.zf)).Jf'flllL.,(1.(.)/t.',6.(.1..$.t.,t.,/(ḃ'cl-b'iç'g.s'(1.b.t'(?/?/t?/'??.t'?'t?l$.L'()()k./?t?//& bb'tl.%htpl.(,31./)t?//f?/?s(.'l.ltl)bcl'.***flk'/'p,Sfztzatib'w,///run f/lz/trpz/lf///cl//l.Jipr2f-s'.s'lze.s'(t()-t.r/'1,c()llel-?/t??/?(?/-.s'.b';)(l('e).//'b'()l(.$'t?/g.Ict?/.$.kll()b3'(;,?t/jj't.z'//;)ltI?/?t.,2lt(l(1(1..11.b'()r/trt/xt.zt'f??)/t/(./1.b'('/'t?31-(1t?(/isp/t.atazt/czt/'. - - . - - - . - .. .-- .- . - - - - - - -- -,ForSale:Tangaroa M k lS picttlre in lnag 71F O R SA L E Ij Hulls /decks very strongly btlilt l2 marine ply ,cascover sheathed.Son'1e rottlnder2 beam llotlnt-Tiki26unfinished project.Picturesinl'nag71ings,& 2cabinends.RearsleepingeabintopsareItisalw ayssad wrhen an interesting and absorbing sound , raised giving com fortable sitting headroom .projectcomktsto anend,even nlore so Nvhen the yanaaha9.9 outboard in box tlndercentreeockpitend is notreached due to externaltbctors.This is Nvitla wrlneel steering . A lloy m ast- roller reetingthesituation Ifind nlyselfin,lboughta setof Tiki genoa , 45 Ib CQR + 5lf'tof38 chain.251b CQ R26 plans three years ago, purchased top quality 3()t-t3/8 chain & snaallDanforth . Fendersand Iotsm aterials from Robbins Tin-lberand to date have ofrope , etc.conapleted one hullup to the pointw <strong>here</strong> itneeds A very com fortable boat . N eedsTLC Nvlich dtle toa finalsanding and then painting. age and health Ican no IongergiN'e . A sking f25()()The hullhas8m 1m Perspex w indow'sfastened w ith btlt w'ill consider sensible offel-s . 0 l208 8l4628interscrew s.Both hatehesarecovered in tibreglass ansaphone . M obile 07527 558235.Speak slou'andand haN'e 3l6 stainlesssteelhasps and staplesfor clearplease . Addressin yearbook .security,w ith the tbre deck hatch on hinges and pc,ter(;p-g(?p?the m ain hatch on bronze sailslides.The keelhasa 251-1-117)x 51-n1'1stainlesssteelstrip tbrprotection. T angaroa M kl . BuilderNO413.The rudderisconaplete butnottixed,fasteningUntsnishedproject,hadtostopworkonitdtletopoints have been eutw ith a routerand t5lled w'ith iII 1,1e:t1th . 3 8 m arine plyurood- W essex resinresin and w'ood flourforsvatertightness. sheated . A Ilchains and ropes,Jeckells sails-spritThishullison adolly having solid rubbertyreson ketch rig . Cross bealns and l'nountilg brackets.a 251M 113 l6 stainlesssteelaxelrod.itisa rugged Includes351b plough anchor , 30lb lisherm ansantlnitbuiItin25111-n plyw ood forlongevity. chorand rudders . A lso,galley liIIings,F las'elRatl-The hulI is being oftkred for sale along w ith ford w ith burnerald grill , and copperbot-enoughl'naterialsforthe otherhulIand l'nostofthe restof foral1 . Polytunnelalso aN.aiIable.M any extras atrtheboat(Ididn'tbtly the Itluberforthe l'nastat cunlulated overthe yearand untbrtlnately stluethis stage)and you willrequire l'nore resin and deterioration.Pleasecontact:()l87385()6()()nlaybea bitm oreglass:10th.D avittG',-ct???Jçv?(?(/Thissale representsachance tbrthe new ownertogeta head start in the construction ot-a Tiki26 Pahi42 forsale: piettlre in l'nag 7 Iand ptlrchase the l'naterialsatcheaperprieesthan Isvalted to build a Captain Cook (pahi42 )aldyou cotld source them at today's prices. w hen Sailherto A tlstralia and Neu'Zealand.llelbre Iptlrchased the Oktlm e M al-ine pIy costE953 and Stal-ted to bblild Ibelieved itw otlld take Ille I.5 -2the Dotlglas Fir and sapele ltlm ber cost f 757. I years to have her in the w ater,butittook lle l0w orked tJ1'1the basisthat200 nAiles offshore in a years.I1ived on the boatforsevreralyears.Abotltga1e vvas not the best til-ne to w orry abotlt the two years ago Ilmoved in to a tlatand u'astlnablequality ofI'naterialsorNvorkl-nanship.to keep up w'ith the lnaintenance.A tthe age of71I lkltlnd that it took a 1ot of tilme to source the I nONV need t() sellher,and like to getan offer.nlaterialsurhich costf3785 and Ihave reeeiptsfor Thisisaopportunity forson'1eone Nvhocan use histhis annotlntNvhich you u,'illneed to prove thatthe hands,forshe hasto go.Iask 30.000 euro,btltsl'leboatisVA T paid.Ifyou already havesolme pIy or Shallhaveto go forlessif lcan'tgetthat.tiluberIannNvilling to keep itand redtlce the price. lcan beeontacted by phone3 I0320 88()380.M a k'e l-le:11offer . Contactn'le01-107976 209028 . Ore-l3ailsundowrertfl'sN/aladtntl.llkliL-e A'/t?(./?F?&./f/.theSundowrnerisatLelystad in tleN etherlands.CI(?l-(1lXIc.1t7/'?5'A'Q'11llitty bag isnow av'ailable online N'iathePCA Fortll'n see w'ebsite 1.-01-detailsNv'Nv'vs'.pctl-setlpetlple.tlrgIfyouw'antto add a pietureoran add to theonlinedity bag pleasesend to pcaynixt/hpcêl-setlpetlple.tll-gThttSea Iàeople* @Ilecelnber,2()t)8

The Sea People SUBSCRIPTION FORM A PCA MEMBERSHIPNew m em bers get1free backissue ofThe5-t'flrt'tzr/t'magazine Qty UnitPrice TOTALmo1yea r- 3 or4 issues Ilcltldes1yearot-PL'A lnenlbership P &r17incltlded 'E2t) >BACK ISSUES ORDER (indicate the issue number/s you want-P A P included.)Single back issueofThe,.%'z/People.BU Y IN l3U LK -5to 9issues.BUY IN l3ULK -10 ormoreissues.ITEMS ORDERQtl UnitPrice TOTALf23.75eatrhi!3.25eachf17.0()eachQty UnitPriceR ed Bu rgee llotlblethickless.prilted Iogo botl'lsidtls ṫ(12 :jx eacl+ I -. j)B t.'6 tla c1aseballCap (.'kllourNaN'3'uritlurliteIklgo (P KQP /?lt./l/f/t)'f& Inc.I yot.j)TeeShirt (SiztsSt(JXX X L ) (-'olotlrs:h'sN.AaN 13.Ilk'-B(9.i3l,Sl3ah;.Z-K. f)I2elttrh(shortsIeeN'es) ('(li.1?.,Ilg,IIN 13 13&'15TeeShirt (SizcsN1tk)XX X L) (- . f213eacl- o I(ltlrs: yï'-N 1).19k -It .l)N 1$,(.;It ,:,x(long sleeN'es .. - lightIllaterial) I jàTeeSh irt (Sizesj.it'X X X l.) . , t'14tlatlh(.t'I(.'u rs:q -N l$-I$k -I!l.It.I)N I4.(.i.() j: ck j:(long sleeN'es- l'leas'l'I'nateri:1l)Poloten n is(tlollarfbtlttols) .. . , t 15 eakzh(-t)l()uIs. W .N 13sllk-1)1-It.IIN 1$.13(i,lsg.II.().(SizesStoX X X L ) l )s.jyS (-tll(.ltlrs:NN',N I).Isks14l-1,IIN l!,14()i.ilg-lI.()- fI6 eaclw'eatshirt(h;i/tlsj.llo X X X L)SI).(91.-I. ,j.(y. . jkg j,a.,j,**lbrX X 1-&,X X X L sizes-pleaseadd().5()fperitel'nTOTALColou rs:WJu=u'hite.N =-nattlral-A- ash,N B= nav),'bltle-Bk = bIack'.B(5= bottlegreensB l- royralblue.Sb= skyblue,S.'-sunflosver-Z= zinc-K= k laki-()(.iu=.olivegreen,R= red-Bg- burgtlndy-DN B-z-deep 1'1aN')'blue.G= gold-(.iR=-grey,()=-orange,H=-heather.P-u-ptlrple,E (.î= elneraldgreen-Kf-iunkelI)'greenPA CKING A PO STANEBurgee:t1K:f 0.75 Europe:f 1.40 W orld:f 1.75Clothing item s: t.;K :f 2.50 tirstitem ,f 2.00 each extraitemEu ropeairm ail:f 3.00 perittlmNvorld airm ail:f 5.00 per itemCreditscardswecan acceptart!N'isa & s'IastercartlPal'l-nentN.N'itl'lorderil'lSterlingcleqtles(01-creditcartl)aspriced abov'e.Pleaseadd equis'aleltof-:5 if-lon-sterlilg cheqtleforourctlrrelcl'colNrersion costs.YotlrN al'lt't(assl(.)NN'n01'1trretlitcard):FirstN al-ne:T()T.A L.A5.'1(')t.lNT:TO TALQ(I1'1easeof-crtditcard pal'nlent):(.-ard N tll'nber: û-ard expiry date:.........'200 ....5'-otlrA dd ress:Postthisto:PC A O fflce.1l8 H oweth Road,Bournem outh,BH 10 5NS.U nited K ingdomOrcontactthesecretarl'lbraIternativesn'al'so1-pay,il)g 01-stlpp I)'ing trardetailstotheo t-lice+4 4(())I2()2 53l44 5orel-nailS eeretaryki'pca-seapeop le.(.)rgorP(.-A rt'/'sea-people.orgPleasegivetlspholentln-lberselnailadresses-etc.to helpthe ol-ticeand otherP(-A luel-nbersto contactl'(.)tlIletreluber2()()8 X Istle72 TlcStlaI'eople lhlzL.'-?#

a ,. .y xxxguNNX 1 ' e-@ k ' .-.z.-. . .a.z.j.f ' : .,, ġà3k., , ,. .. .l . ., . .- . .. ... ' q -< ' .w:..;. ,. %. > - .>'..x -..%.tz' -î . ' . z ' .f . . '*i:x* 'z K c. -i -... Q ' .'#. . x.-., '4i*-*i .''''-' ' .s. . # @. : '- # . e' . . #: .' # *- ê . *. l>A>'N< < .-' ' '/.>v < . x> W N .r Y ..w ' . ' ' ' '. . > ...- M . KN < . .v.. '. V ' *< f F %/, i ' i . . ,x x 8 ,. +.l . p.. .x 1 j$ - .,re. -S é!-''8' . . 'z.A'b' v,.. -. . -' .- 'ka w q .'.. X 'e- -.- - ' .. ' v' V Y-.. .- +...'4ts ,', .. > w. '.. '.,, ./,/4,.q;t'.',.*.t- .$,x ;. ,.? u. v .r * v . .R A * /'' b M -' kA! ' W, k. 2. . 'We' . .1. z. .1.. . . . mzl. ..- .. , . t. . . uwul j . 'i .-. =- . 2 >. .x;>'.-A j f. 7 ' ' 1J.>+s> -':z

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