TEST 3 - HandyBooks
TEST 3 - HandyBooks
TEST 3 - HandyBooks
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Havemeyer Foundation Monograph Series No. 14K. R. Peres, C. B. Fernandes, E. S. C. Siqueira-Pyles, K. M. Leão, M. A. Alvarenga,E. L. Squires and F. C. Landim-Alvarenga..................................................................................................Page 77Ultrastructural analysis of embryos obtained from superovulated maresF. C. Landim-Alvarenga, K. R. Peres, C. B. Fernandes, E. S. C. Siqueira-Pyles,K. M. Leão, M. A. Alvarenga and E. L. Squires..........................................................................................Page 80SESSION 6: ARTIFICIAL CONTROL OF REPRODUCTIVE FUNCTION IN EMBRYO TRANSFERComparison between short and long acting progesterone for treatment of non-cycling embryorecipient maresM. A. Pessôa, A. N. Rocha Filho and M. T. Carmo.....................................................................................Page85Pregnancy can be maintained in mares given PGF 2α during the periovulatory period by BioReleaseLAP4-150 (BRT-LAP4-150)B. A. Bringel, M. A. Alvarenga, T. F. G. Lima and R. H. Douglas.............................................................Page 88Intervals to ovulation after treatment with oestradiol cypionate (ECP) or BioReleasedeslorelin (BRT-Des)P. D. C. Fleury, M. A. Alonso, M. A. Alvarenga and R. H. Douglas..........................................................Page 89The effect of transvaginal follicular aspiration on corpus luteum formation in maresJ. T. Hayna, S. Madill and M. H. T. Troedsson...........................................................................................Page 90Effects of a single oestradiol administration on follicular dynamics and luteal function of cyclic maresC. R. Pinto, P. J. Burns and S. Whisnant....................................................................................................Page 92Pregnancy rates and plasma progesterone concentrations in embryo recipient maresreceiving hormone treatmentR. P. Arruda and P. D. C. Fleury.................................................................................................................Page 95Embryo transfer in the dromedary camel (Camelus dromedarius) using asynchronous, meclofenamic-acidtreated camels as recipientsJ. A. Skidmore and M. Billah.......................................................................................................................Page 97SESSION 7: COMMERCIAL EMBRYO TRANSFEREmbryo transfer in miniature mares: preliminary resultsA. P. Neves, C. R. Trein, G. Möller, L. R. Azevedo, E. L. R. Brito, E. Malschitzkyand R. C. Mattos........................................................................................................................................Page 101Use of deep uterine low dose insemination of frozen and cooled stallion semen in aembryo transfer programmecommercialv