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3 - Christian Medical College


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Vol.No.50. No. 10 FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY SEPTEMBER 03, 2012X NATIONAL PAEDIATRIC RHEUMATOLOLOGOGYCONFERENCEThe Department of Paediatrics, in collaboration with the DepartmentClinical Immunology and Rheumatology hosted the X NationalConference of Paediatric Rheumatology- NCPR 2012 on August24 and 25, 2012. The conference theme was 'New insights andtherapeutic advances in Paediatric Rheumatology.' About 150doctors, including paediatric rheumatologists, rheumatologists,paediatricians and postgraduates from all over India attended thisevent. At the inaugural function, Rev. Paul Ravikumar said theopening prayer and Dr. Debashish Danda, Organising Chairmanwelcomed the gathering and stressed the need for trained paediatricrheumatologists. Felicitations were offered by Dr. Sunil Chandy,Director-Designate and Dr. Anil Kuruvilla, Head, Division of ChildHealth. Dr. Sathish Kumar, Organising Secretary outlined thecontents of the two day event.On the first day of the conference, new takes on categorisation andtreatment of juvenile idiopathic arthritis were discussed. Dr. RayfelSchneider, Professor of Paediatric Rheumatology, Hospital for SickChildren, Toronto, Canada gave an excellent lecture on 'Systemicarthritis - an auto inflammatory syndrome.' A session on theinterface of paediatric rheumatology with other specialities likegastroenterology, radiology, medical genetics and endocrinology washeld. Dr. Sumita Danda, Professor of <strong>Medical</strong> Genetics, presentedan update on the recent findings on mutations causing autoimmunedisease. Dr. Malathi Sathyasekaran, PG alumnus of CMC, Velloreand Paediatric Gastroenterologist, discussed the immunologicaldisorders affecting the gut. Dr. P. Raghupathy, former Professor ofPaediatrics and Paediatric Endocrinologist, discussed the effects ofchronic steroid therapy in children with various rheumatic disease.In the interesting cases session, doctors from PGI, Chandigarh,KKCTH, Chennai, IPGMER, Kolkata, CMC, Vellore, and ICH,Kolkata presented a variety of interesting and difficult cases inPaediatric Rheumatology.He will judge between many peoplesand will settle disputes for strong nationsfar and wide.They will beat their swords into ploughsharesand their spears into pruning hooks.Nation will not take up sword against nation,nor will they train for war any more.Every man will sit under his own vineand under his own fig-tree,and no one will make them afraid,for the Lord Almighty has spoken.Special Prayers : September 02 - 08, 2012Sunday Services : September 09, 20126.00 pm : <strong>College</strong> ChapelDr. Deepak Singh6.30 pm : Hospital ChapelSing Song Service-Hospital ChoirDays to Remember :Micah 4 : 3- 4Transfusion Medicine andImmunohaematology : Dr. Sukesh Chandran and StaffGeneral Conference of Seventh Day Adventist (USA)Healthy Aging Month : September 1-30Teachers Day : September 05International Literacy Day : September 08We welcome :Dr. A.K. Jana, Professor, Department of Neonatologyon his return from sabbatical leave.Upcoming Events :<strong>College</strong> Day : November 03, 2012Baccalaureate Service : November 04, 2012<strong>Medical</strong> Graduation : November 05, 2012

The next day's session commenced with a discussionon the various aspects of Paediatric Lupus.Dr. Rajiv Sinha, Paediatric Nephrologist, ICH,Kolkata gave an overview of evidence basedmanagement of lupus nephritis. This session wasinteractive and was marked by enthusiasticparticipation from the audience. Dr. Rayfel Schneidergave a keynote lecture on 'Recent advances inmanagement of systemic arthritis'. He revealedthe evidence for the use of biologics like IL-1 andIL-6 blockade in the treatment of systemic arthritis.The later sessions discussed various aspects of paediatric rheumatology like approach to vasculitis, vaccination,rehabilitation of children with arthritis and fever in immunocompromised children. The conference ended with asession on Landmark Papers in Paediatric Rheumatology by Dr. Sujata Sawhney, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi.CLINICAL EPIDEMIOLOGOGY UNIT WORKSHOPSOver the last two months the ClinicalEpidemiology Unit (CEU) hasconducted the E3: DissertationCompletion Workshop for the finalyear MD and MS students. Thisworkshop was attended by over 75postgraduates who were assisted byfaculty from the CEU, Department ofBiostatistics and the South AsianCochrane Centre. The CEU also conducted two Database Creation Workshops using the Epi-data software. The mainresource person for these workshops was Mr. Prasanna Samuel, Department of Biostatistics.The CEU will be conducting more of these workshops, along with reference manager workshops, in the coming months.Please contact Mr. Alphonse (Phone No.2329) for further details.UPCOMING EVENT : SHILOH'12Shiloh'12, the annual medical students missionary conference, is scheduled to be held at the Chapel Lawns, <strong>College</strong>Campus, Bagayam from September 27 to 30, 2012. The theme for this year is 'Stewardship of Healthcare' and it aimsto look at alternative and evolving models of missions in healthcare, in addition to reaffirming proven strategies.The conference is open to medical, nursing and allied health students, medical graduates and their families.In short, everyone in the community is invited. The plenary speakers are Rajkumar Ramachandran (Logos Ministries),Arul Anketell (Healthcare <strong>Christian</strong> Fellowship), L.T Jeyachandran (RZIM) and Arun Andrews (RZIM). Apart from theplenary sessions, there will be seminars focussing on opportunities for medical students to be involved in public health,policy making, palliative care, urban and rural missions and holistic health care as career options.For more details, log on to register online at Registrations can also be done at the Missions Office, Directorate (Phone No.6101).WARD SUPPLY PHARMACY DEDICATEDThe renovated Ward Supply Section of the Pharmacy Department was dedicated onAugust 17, 2012. This section caters to the needs of all Wards and various Departmentsof the Hospital.Grateful thanks to all those involved in initiating and refurbishing the Ward SupplyPharmacy.

CONFERENCE ON ACCESS TO CERVICAL CANCER SCREENINGRUHSA Department, CMC, incollaboration with the Sydney School ofPublic Health, the University of Sydney,Weill <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong>, CornellUniversity and Cancer Council Australiaorganised a one-day Symposium on'Access to Cervical CancerScreening in India,' on August 18,2012 in Chennai. The symposiumprovided a unique forum for experts todiscuss and determine the types,structures, strengths, and weaknesses of currently implemented cervical cancer screening programmes in India. Thespeakers and participants included physicians and health care professionals, from India and abroad, with varied and vastexperiences in the field of cervical cancer screening.The Vice Principal (UG), Dr. Anna Pulimood welcomed the gathering and Dr. Rita Isaac, Professor and Head of RUHSAintroduced the theme and the objectives of the symposium. Professor Sankaranarayanan, Head, Early Detection andPrevention Section (EDP) and Head, Screening Group (SCR), International Agency for Research on Cancer (WHO-IARC) delivered the key note address on 'IARC Perspective on Cervical Cancer Screening Implementation.'Dr. Jerard Selvam, Deputy Director, Tamil Nadu Health Systems Project spoke on the national programme and therecently launched State Government's plans for cervical cancer screening and management. Professor Surendra Shastri,Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai, Dr. Usha Poli, MNJ Institute of Oncology and Regional Cancer Centre and Dr. RitaIsaac presented their experiences of cervical cancer screening programme in their respective project areas in India.The panel and small group discussions focussed on methods to improve access, quality and monitoring and evaluation ofcancer cervix preventive programmes in India. Professor Lyndal Trevena, University of Sydney, moderated the day'sproceedings. The symposium concluded with a plan to document suggestions to strengthen the cervical cancer preventiveprogramme in India.CONGRATULATULATIONSTIONSDr. Sukria Nayak, Professor and Head, General Surgery Unit-IV has been awarded Fellow of the Royal <strong>College</strong> ofSurgeons (FRCS) Glasgow.Mr. T. Nandakumar, Audit Officer, Internal Audit Department successfully completed the Intermediate Examination ofCost and Management Accountants conducted by the Institute of Cost Accountants of India.Dr. Vinod Joshua John, MS Registrar, Department of Ophthalmology, was awarded the best poster award by theTamil Nadu Ophthalmic Association 2012. The poster, 'Rare case of Disseminated Rhinosporisiosis withoculosporioiosis in a HIV positive patient' was presented by Dr. Vinod Joshua John, Dr.Pushpa Jacob andDr. Deepa John.SITUATIONS TIONS VACANTANT1. Assistant Professor with MCI-recognised post graduate degree in M.S (Ortho.) for the Department of H.L.R.SSalary scale : Rs.27,005-1,080-48,605/-. Accommodation provided (subject to availability).Apply with bio-data, certificates and testimonial copies with contact phone number, e-mail ID and address to thePrincipal, <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong>, Bagayam, Vellore - 632 002 or by email princi@cmcvellore.ac.in on or beforeSeptember 08, 2012 for Item 1.

2. Lecturer Gr.III (AH) for the Department of PharmacyQualification : M.Pharm in Pharmacology, Pharmacy Practice and Clinical Pharmacy.Salary scale : Rs.11,150-445-20,050/-.Accommodation not provided.3. Associate Research Officer for the Department of Clinical VirologyQualification : M.Sc. (Applied Microbiology / <strong>Medical</strong> Microbiology / Biotechnology / Bioinformatics).Preference will be given to those having experience with cell culture.Salary : As per institutional rules.Accommodation not provided.4. Associate Research Officer for the Wellcome Trust Research LaboratoryQualification : M.Sc. (Microbiology / Biochemistry / Biotechnology).Salary : As per institutional rules. Accommodation not provided.5. Junior Research Fellow for the Department of Clinical Immunology and RheumatologyQualification : M.Sc. or M.Tech in Life Sciences, preferably with experience in ELISA, Molecular Techniques and PCR.Salary : As per institutional rules. Accommodation not provided.6. Tutor Gr.IV with BOT (regular degree) for the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation(Occupational Therapy)Salary scale : Rs.7,255-290-13,055/-. Accommodation not provided.7. Senior Interns for PhysiotherapyEligibility : BPT graduate from IAP recognised college / university. Applicants should have completed 6 months ofcompulsory internship on or before September 01, 2012 and have experience of less than 1 year after completion ofinternship.Stipend : Rs.7,000/- per month. Accommodation not provided.Apply with bio-data, certificates and testimonial copies with contact phone number, e-mail ID and address to the Principal,<strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong>, Bagayam Vellore - 632 002, on or before September 15, 2012 for Items 2, 3, 4 and 5and September 17, 2012 for Items 6 and 7.8. Health Aide Gr.V for the Department of Community HealthQualifications : SSLC + One year training. Preference will be given to those who have completed ANM Training.Only female candidates need apply.Salary scale : 4,480-180-8,080/- + DA and HRA as per rules. Age limit : 30 years.Job description : To make home visits and maintain registers relating to antenatal, immunization of children etc.; supervisethe work of part time Community Health Workers; and conduct health education. Applicants should stay at the workplacein Kaniyambadi Block.9. Graduate Technician Trainee (Project) for CMC Vellore, Chittoor CampusQualifications : B.Sc. (Science Graduates). Preference will be given to those who have finished B.Sc. MLT or B.Sc. withCMAI Diploma in <strong>Medical</strong> Lab.Technician course.Age limit : 30 years. Consolidated pay : Rs.4,200/-.Job description : To work in the CMC Vellore, Chittoor Campus.Application form available at www.home.cmcvellore.ac.in Link : "Administration". Icon :“M.S.Office”Applications without General Application Form will not be accepted.Apply with biodata, photograph, telephone number, certificates and testimonial copies to the <strong>Medical</strong> Superintendent,<strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong>, Vellore-632 004 on or before September 17, 2012 for Items 8 and 9.Please Note : The website for applications to the one year Distance Education Programme in Diploma in Allergy andAsthma, Department of Pulmonary Medicine should read as : http://www.cmch-vellore.edu/DAA/main.html

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