Thursday, March 25, 2010 - Richmond Community Schools

Thursday, March 25, 2010 - Richmond Community Schools

Thursday, March 25, 2010 - Richmond Community Schools

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380 Hub Etchison Parkway, <strong>Richmond</strong>,RegisterIN, 47374 • (765) 973-3378 • register@rcs.k12.in.usComing Up<strong>March</strong> 29Spring break beginsApril 9April 10StudentsSpeak Out:April 13NHS Induction1 2We asked students how theywould feel if Obama came to<strong>Richmond</strong> for graduation.Obama raceto the topchallengeTaylor Stein[page editor]New six weekgrading period“He’s animportant person[who may come]to speak hereat <strong>Richmond</strong>,which doesn’thappen thatmuch... I think it[would] be veryinspirational.” Jared Sprague, 10“I think it wouldbe really neat tomeet Obama, heis amazing, buthonestly it wouldtake the attentionoff us seniors...it would be aonce in lifetimeexperience.” Lauren Caudill, 12“I think that itwould show thegovernment thatwe are [still]out here in theMidwest; sincethe stock marketdownturn, Ifeel abandonedin favor ofareas with bigbusiness.”ACT TestJeff Penland, 11“I may not agreewith Obama’...but it wouldstill be great forhim to cometo <strong>Richmond</strong>.The town couldreally use thepositive publicperception.” Ian Holt, 12President Obama challenged highschool students to “race to the top,”and try to show him how their schoolrose above others.Promises of money and him as aspeaker for graduation, had studentsaround the county clambering to enter.To enter the contest, each school hadto submit a two-minute video and fouressays about their school.Senior Brandon Pope worked tohead up the making of the video forRHS. He went around RHS to pick outthings about the school that he thoughtwould show how RHS was innovative,involved in our community, andshowing how students and teachersworked together.“I feel that with this video wereally have a great shot at getting thepresident to speak at our gradation.And even if we don’t win, just to beinvolved in the project and developingthis video does so much for our schooland our community. Maybe thenegative perception that RHS seems tohave will eventually evaporate,” Popesaid.The essays for this contest had totalk about what makes the schoolunique, how it encourages personalresponsibility, working together, andhow it promotes academic excellence.Students wrote these essays.“It was an honor write an essay forthe presidential contest, I was glad tobe thought of as a good enough writer.I hope that he looks favorably on ourschool” junior Emily O’Brien said.The final six schools in the contestwill have their videos posted onthe White House’s web site and thecountry will vote on which one theythink is the best. Students shouldwatch the video on YouTube, so that ithas as many hits at possible.Nick O’Maley[reporter]This year RHS Senior PaytonJohnston has won the Wayne CountyBoys and Girls Club Youth of the Yearaward. She has put in many long hours,and they have finally paid off.The Boys and Girls Club organizationhas played a large role in many childrenand young adults’ lives in <strong>Richmond</strong>.It has played an especially big role inone teenager’s life though: Johnstonherself, who has out attending the Boysand Girls Club from elementary schooluntil she could become a junior staffmember.Johnston has accomplished morethan most teens this year, and inApril she will participate in the statecompetition for Youth of the Year.The competition will take place overthe April 15 and 16. The first day thecompetitors will meet each other, andthe actual competition will take placeon the second day. Johnston will berequired to write a three-minute speechfor the competition, which she will bepresenting on April 16.“It’s going to be kind of hard toremember the whole speech becauseI can’t use any notes, but I’ve had alot of practice with public speaking,”Good NewsTwo upcoming plays aretaking a new direction. Generally, Ms.Allison and Mr. Irwin direct the playswith the students being the actors.With this next production we will beseeing two new directors;juniors Neal Werle and AllisonMopps. Allison and Irwin will act assupervisors/producers, but Werle andMopps will make all directing choices,Johnston said.After Johnston has presented herspeech along with all other participants,they will have lunch. Following lunchthe interviewing process will begin.After all interviews have concluded thejudges will announce the finalists. Thewinner will be announced at a laterdate, but for now Johnston is focusedon the speech and interviews.As an elementary school student,Johnston attended the Boys and GirlsClub. When she was old enough tovolunteer she felt like it was the nextstep. Johnston says that her auntworking at the Boys and Girls Clubmade her feel as though workingthere would be the next step. Fiveyears passed, and Johnston is now in aposition where she can start working asa staff member. She is ready to take onthis challenge.The games floor is a busy place atthe Boys and Girls Club, but Johnstonhas learned how to keep it undercontrol throughout the day. She worksMonday through Friday from 4 pmto 6:30 pm. She supervises the gamesfloor and when parents arrive to pickup their children Johnston helps findthem. She also organizes tournamentsfor the younger kids in the game room.each producing one short play. Mopps’play is titled “Monkey’s Paw,” a shorthorror story written by W. W. Jacobsin the early 1900’s. Werle’s play is aparody written by Werle himself. It isentitled “The Real Inspector Hound,”and involves two film critics watchinga murder mystery. There is a twist,though, when they get pulled intothe play themselves. The plays will beperformed on May 7 and 9.This would be a lot of work for manyseventeen years old, but Johnston doesnot see it as much work as most.“It’s been kind of a second family tome,” Johnston said.Being active in the Boys and GirlsClub has opened many doors forJohnston. She is President of theKeystone club. Many opportunitieshave arisen for the president. For twoyears she has gone on trips with theKeystone club, last year to Atlanta, andthis year to Pittsburgh. She also workedas a Senate Page.All of these different experiencesshould put Johnston in a position shewants to be for her future goals. Manyteens at seventeen are still baffled bythe questions, “what college do youwant to attend?” or “what do you wantto be when you grow up?” Johnston,however, does not hesitate when askedwhat her plans for the future are.“I plan to be an attorney after I get adegree in law,” Johnston said.Johnston does not yet know whatkind of law practice she will get into,but she wants to work in the criminaljustice system. She believes thatworking at the Boys and Girls Clubfor so long has helped her develop herpublic speaking skills much more than<strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2010</strong>Vol. 101, Issue 12Devilette tryouts bring old and new facesKate Knight[reporter]Devilette tryouts were held lastweek. There were 12 returning to theteam and 21 eighth graders that willbe freshmen next year. In total, 33 girlsattended: one of their largest groups.Monday through Wednesday, clinicswere held, where the girls learned adance, pom, and flag routine. A mocktryout was held, to prepare them for<strong>Thursday</strong>.“I used the basics to incorporateLauren O’Brien[co-editor-in-chief]Five new German exchange studentsparticipated in a meet-and-greet eventon <strong>Thursday</strong>, <strong>March</strong> 18 after school inthe third floor lecture hall.Robin Albert, Anna-Lena Flaig,Laura Grewing, Jannik Heinemann, andBirte Klasmeier are in <strong>Richmond</strong> for amonth via the Friendship Connectionexchange program and Roxie Burgess’German classes. They are staying withjuniors Tiaan Wolmarans, SamanthaParks, and RaeAnne Schoeffler, seniorDerek Williams, and junior KaLeighMiller, respectively.Laura, who is from Pohlheim nearGiessen in Central Germany, is not anewcomer to Indiana.“I’m glad to be back in <strong>Richmond</strong>.I missed it here and all of the people,”Laura said.For the other four, however, it is all anew experience.into my routine for tryouts, so the girlswould really be tested on their abilities,”Bartlemay said.The girls are judged on what theylearned, teacher recommendations,attendance, school records, and grades.“It’s really scary and hard at first,but it’s easier as you keep going. A lotof the eighth graders come to try out.We try to help them as much as we can.They’re really intimidated and nervousat first, but they warm up after thefirst night. Tryouts are a little harder“I was surprised that everythingis much bigger. My school is muchsmaller,” Robin, from near Frankfurt,said at the meeting.Birte, from Paderborn, had herexpectations fulfilled.“I wondered if the school wouldreally be like what you see on MTV. Forexample, we do not have lockers andhave to carry all our books around. Itreally is like MTV here,” Birte said.Other than no lockers, there aremany more differences between theschools in Germany and those here.“We don’t get to choose courses suchas drums or P.E. like you have here,”Jannik, of Eschwege, said.Students start learning English early,and many are also required to takeFrench, Spanish, and Latin, in additionto German.Also, classes are on a block schedule,meaning that students have a schedulethat repeats weekly and do not go to thethis year because we added leaps andturns,” freshman Katy Robinson said.The girls that made the team foundout the news at 5:30 pm on Saturday,<strong>March</strong> 20.8th Grade:Brittannee Cummins, MadisonFansher, Lauren Griffin, Tamaya Orr,Cryssa Paxton, Chaslyn Piper, JessicaSparks, and Chrissy Youkon.9th Grade:Blythe Luce, Ashley Mills, HaleyOwens, Trey Pennington, KatyGerman students welcomed to <strong>Richmond</strong>34same classes every day. They have 11 or12 classes at one time and they changeyearly, not by semester.Days in German schools are alsoshorter, with students going home intime for lunch, but the schools runyear-round, with two weeks for springbreak and six for summer.The way free time is spent alsodiffers. For example, students do notplay sports as part of a school team;instead, they play in their spare timemore recreationally. popular sports arevolleyball, basketball, and soccer, whichRobin plays.Entertainment-wise there is littledifference. The exchange students saidthey listen to many popular Americanartists, such as Lady Gaga and LilWayne, and enjoy many Americanmovies and television programs, thelatter translated into German.“I like Two and a Half Men, FamilyGuy, OC California, Grey’s Anatomy,Lost…” Jannik said.For any questions left unanswered,the exchange students will be here untilApril 13. Having a piece of Germany intown is already impacting more thanjust the host brothers and sisters of thenew faces.“Having my brother’s [DerekWilliams] exchange student, Jannik,in my house is very interesting. I’mlearning so much about Germanyand new German words,” junior ErikaWilliams said.she would havewithout the job.Winning Wayne County Youthof the Year was a surprise forJohnston.“I didn’t really expect it. It stillhasn’t really hit me yet how big this is,”Johnston said.Johnston is now gathering herselffor another tough competition nextmonth in April, and hopes she will dowell again.[Positive stories around RHS]Casey Pohlenz, varsity coach ofthe girls basketball team, is usingthe <strong>Richmond</strong> HoopstersProgram and the RHS Spring3-on-3 League to help achieve morecontinuity between the high schoolgirl’s basketball team and futuregenerations of Red Devils.The Hoopsters program is for girlsin grades three through six, and thecost is $20. The 3-on-3 league is for1. Joan Jordan, 11 and Jessica Love, 102. Katy Robinson and Ashley Mills, 93. Haely Owens, 9, Aubrey Mills, 11, and AshleyMills, 94. Lisa McKinney, 115. Kristen Beck, 10photos by Corey Clark and Cory Powers.Robinson, Angelica Rodriquez,Samantha Strunk, and Harley Walters.10th Grade:Kristen Beck, Jessica Love, TraciMcCollum, Chelsea McCurdy, andBrooke Westerlind.11th Grade:Leah Jellison, Joan Jordan, LisaMcKinney, Jessica Melendez, andAubrey Mills.Boys and Girls Club honors senior Payton JohnstonJannik Heinemann, Laura Grewing, Birte Klasmeier, Anna-Lena Flaig, and Robin Albert at the meeting on <strong>Thursday</strong>.photo by Lindi Steyn.5Payton Johnston’s senior picture.Teacherrecovers, blooddrive honors herCory Powers[technical editor]Most students have probablyheard by now that Nutrition andWellness teacher Patricia Dawkinswas the unintentional victim ofa shooting. She is currently infair condition and continues toimprove.There are a few things thatstudents and faculty can do to showtheir support.The blood drive that is takingplace on April 21 will be held inhonor of Dawkins. Sign-ups willbegin on April 5. Students whogive blood will receive a BuffaloWild Wings coupon.There are a few requirementsthat those willing to donate mustfollow. Sixteen-year-olds candonate with parental consent;seventeen and up will not need this.Everybody who attempts todonate will be given a greeting cardthat they can fill out for Dawkins.All greeting cards will be taken toher after the blood drive.Donations are being collectedin the office for her and her familywith medical expenses. There isalso a big card in the cafeteria thatstudents and faculty can sign.both boys and girls in grades threethrough eight and costs $20 as well.Being on the Hoopsters guaranteesa spot in the 3-on-3 league. Theregistration deadline is <strong>March</strong> 24.Registration forms are available fromthe athletic office.“It gets the kids familiar with usand does something good for thecommunity,” Pohlenz said in thePalladium Item.

SportsPage 2“They say that nobody is perfect. Then they tell you practicemakes perfect. I wish they’d make up their minds.- Wilt Chamberlain”• <strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> •Chris Harden[reporter]The NCAA Men’s Final Four Tournament is at Lucas Oil Field in IndianapolisSunday, the Sunday before the first roundof the tournament.The committee divides the teams intothree groups. Certain teams are assureda spot; usually teams with high rankingand winning records. Certain teams areWhat Happens Next?After those teams are chosen, they areannounced to the public through nationalmedia, which is what college basketballfans wait for on Selection Sunday.Once the teams are selected, they are putautomatically disqualified, which are into “seeds.” The lowest number seed, one,teams with low ranking and losing records.Another group of teams that the committeeputs together that could go either way.The selection committee consists of ateam representative from each school.Those representatives cannot vote for theirschool. If a team gets eight votes, thanthose teams are considered to be in thetournament. The schools are also comparedto a certain criteria that they must qualifyfor to reach the tournament. Parts of thatcriteria include: Rating Percentage Index(RPI), ranking in national polls, conferencerecord, road record, wins versus rankedopponents, and how a team finishes theregular season.is usually considered the strongest team.The highest number seed, 65, is usuallyconsidered the weakest team.After the seeds are selected, they put 16of the seeds into 4 different pods. One podincludes seeds 1, 16, 8, and 9. A second podincludes seeds 4, 13, 5, and 12. The thirdpod includes seeds 2, 15, 7, and 10. Thefourth pod includes seeds 3, 14, 6, and 11.These pods are only for the first and secondrounds of the tournament.After the second round, the third roundis often called “The Sweet 16.” Those teamstake a four day break before resuming toplaying basketball. After that round, theteams are narrowed down to four teams,called the “Final Four.”Eat the FormulaMany people wonder how teams getselected to compete in the <strong>March</strong> Madnesstournament.<strong>March</strong> Madness is a major basketballtournament held in the NCAA (NationalCollegiate Athletic Association), whichinvolves 1,006 teams that can qualify forthe tournament, and only 65 teams that cancompete. There is a women’s league and amen’s league.How do they select the teams?Thirty-one of the 65 teams areautomatically invited to the tournament.Thirty of those teams win throughconference tournaments. The Ivy Leaguedoes not hold a conference tournament.The remaining invites, 34 for the men’sand 33 for the women, are left to theselection committee held on SelectionSweetSixteen1 Kansas 9016 Lehigh 74 1 Kansas 678 Las Vegas 66 9 Northern Iowa 699 Northern Iowa 699 Northern Iowa5 Michigan State 705 Michigan State12 N. Mexico St. 5 Michigan State 854 Maryland 4 Maryland 8313 Houston6 Tennessee 6211 San Diego 59 6 Tennessee 893 Georgetown 83 14 Ohio 7714 Ohio 976 Tennessee7 Oklahoma St. 752 Ohio State10 Georgia Tech 66 10 Georgia Tech 682 Ohio State 68 2 Ohio State 7515 Santa Barbara1 Syracuse 7916 Vermont 568 Gonzaga 679 Florida State 605 Butler 775 Butler12 El Paso 59 5 Butler 544 Vanderbilt 65 13 Murray State 5213 Murray State 666 Xavier 6511 Minnesota 54 6 Xavier 713 Pittsburgh 8914 Oakland 667 BYU 9910 Florida 92 7 BYU 722 Kansas State 8215 North Texas 621 Syracuse 878 Gonzaga 651 Syracuse3 Pittsburgh 682 Kansas State 84MidwestFinal FourWest6 Xavier2 Kansas StateSweetSixteenEastSouth90 Kentucky 160 Wake Forest 9Kentucky 1100 Kentucky 171 E Tenn. St. 1680 Texas 881 Wake Forest 965 Temple 58769Cornell 1278 Wisconsin 4Cornell 12Wisconsin 4Wofford 1378 Marquette 682 Washington 1180 Washington 1164 New Mexico 3 62 New Mexico 3Washington 1157 Montana 14West Virginia 278 Clemson 759 Missouri 10 86 Missouri 1068 West Virginia 2 77 West Virginia <strong>25</strong>0 Morgan State 1573 Duke 168 Duke 1 44 Winthrop 16Final FourCornell 1<strong>25</strong>3 California 8Duke 1Purdue 4Baylor 3St. Mary 1077 California 862 Louisville 969 Texas A&M 561 Utah State 12 53 Utah State 1263 Purdue 4 72 Purdue 464 Siena 1350 Notre Dame 668 Old D. 11 51Old Dominion 1176 Baylor 3 68 Baylor 359 Sam Houston 1471 <strong>Richmond</strong>(VA) 775 St. Mary 10 80 St. Mary 1068 Villianova 2 73 Villanova 270Robert Morris 15Why is it called the Final Four?The term Final Four is only used forcollege basketball, but is used quitefrequently. If a team makes the Final Fourin the <strong>March</strong> Madness tournament, theyget a National Championship banner tohang in their gymnasium.Each week, teams play at a differentlocation. The Final Four games are held at adifferent arena each year, usually sponsoredby the city.This year, the men’s tournament was heldat Lucas Oil Field in Indianapolis, and thewomen’s tournament is going to be heldat the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas.Usually the championship game for men isheld on the first Saturday of April, and thewomen’s is held on the first Sunday.The winning team takes home the <strong>March</strong>Madness and Final Four trophy, and athletesget to go home with the pride of winning aNational Championship.RegisterAdvertisements removedFor local ads, see print version

“Our biggest challenge isn’t someone else. It’s the ache in yourlungs and the burning in your legs, and the voice inside you thatyells CAN’T, but you don’t listen. You just push harder. And thenyou hear that voice whisper CAN and you discover that personyou thought you were is no match for the one you really are.”- Unknown• •Sports<strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> Page 3SeniorMariah CollinsPosition: GuardYears playing: 4Best Memory:Muncie Central Floor.Bus ride back fromAnderson.“Mariah is such a goodleader. She has taughtme things I couldn’thave learned in years. Ihope one day I can bethe embodiment of hertoday. She is the craziestCollins I know.” -MaddieFarris, 10Callie KinseyPosition: ForwardYears playing: 8Best Memory:Muncie CentralFloor.“I had a lot of fun withher. I am going to missher next year.” -MaddieFarris, 10Ryan JonesPosition: PointGuardYears playing: 14Best Memory:Whirlwindexperience.“He was a boldleader on and off thecourt. Always caredabout the team andwas like the father ofthe team. If we werethe Cavs he wouldbe Mo Williams. Hewas like a father tome.” -Tanner Todd,10Erik WillisPosition: ForwardYears playing: 1Best Memory:When we beatStevie J onthe way to thechampionship.“E-Dub and I keepthe bench HOTT!!!”-Stevie Jurgens, 11Girls BasketballGirls BasketballBoys BasketballBoys BasketballThomas WuertembergerPosition: FreestylesprintsYears swimming: 13Best Memory:400 free relay andsectionals 08’-09’.“He likes to act big all ofthe time, mainly becausehe is, but he is a greatleader who is able tomotivate the entire teamwith a few words.” -Benvan der Merwe, 10Austen BaumgartnerPosition: IM/500, 200Medly Relay Breast,200 Free RelayYears swimming: 4Best Memory: Goingto state senior year.“Austen did a great jobthis year of helping tobring the team togetherand makes us strong asa whole.” -Mitch Ahaus,9Kurtis WeslerPosition: Fly/IMYears swimming:10Best Memory:Who would yourather, lane 3.“Kurtis is a goodswimmer and leader,I hope one day I’mfaster than him inthe breaststroke,but it probably won’thappen.” -NickWilliams, 10Nathan RayPosition: 100freeYears swimming: 2Best Memory:Spending time withthe team out of thepool.“Nathan is my hero.One day, I hope I willbe as cool, smart, andathletic as he is.” -AlexCrist, 11Boys SwimmingBoys SwimmingBoys SwimmingBoys SwimmingSam RoganPosition: 100 back,500 free, 200 freestylerelayYears swimming: 7Best Memory:Participating in statefreshman year.“Sam was a good leader.He was funny and I wishI was as fast as him.Maybe someday hewill go to the Olympics.Go Sam.” -NicholWuertemberger, 11Jenna SchneiderPosition: 200, 500,and 200 free relayYears swimming: 7Best Memory:Walking out oursophomore year atsectionals with ourblack shirts that hadtargets on them“Jenna is a hard workerand a good role model.I’m going to miss her alot!” -Kristen Beck, 10Chelsea WilsonPosition: 100 freeYears swimming: 3Best Memory:Winning NCC all threeyears, bonding withthe team, crazinessthroughout theseason, and gettingthe boys team.“Chelsea was a funsenior to be around thisseason, she took meunder her wing and I’mreaddy going to miss hernext year!” -Jenna Slir, 9Chelsey YoungPosition: Medleyrelay, 100 Fly, 500Free, 400 Free relayYears swimming:9 Best Memory:My best memorywas this year atsectionals whenour 400 free relaywon and I went tostate with my bestgirlfriends.“Chelsey is myinspiration. I neverwould have madeit through thosepractices (and thatlane) without herlovely presence. I’llmiss her dearly nextyear.” -Lexi Scott, 11Boys SwimmingGirls SwimmingGirls SwimmingGirls SwimmingCatherine AhausPosition: 200, 100free, 200 medley relay,and 400 freestyle relayYears swimming: 11Best Memory:Winning the 400 FreeRelay my senior yearat sectionals. Weswam really reallyFAST!“Catherine is a talentedand dedicated swimmer.She has gotten methrough innumerablepractices and it won’tbe the same withouther next year!” -HannahWeikart, 11Megan FeltyPosition: Number 1diverYears diving: 4Best Memory:Watching the newkids smack“I love Megan Felty!She was an awesomeleader that I couldreally look up to inand out of the divingwell. Whenever I wasstruggling or afraid todo a dive, she wasthere to help me andmake me believe Icould do it. I’m reallygoing to miss her nextseason!” -BrookeAlderman, 10Dani KellyPosition: DiverYears diving: 3Best Memory:Playing jump ordive with coach BenYoder.“Dani shared theunique side of divingwith the tem, that’swhy I love her!”-Jessica Roberts, 9Brenton TaylorPosition: 130 poundsYears wrestling: 1Best Memory:Advancing toregionals.“If you want to win,put Brenton in.” -JakeBottoms, 10Girls SwimmingGirls SwimmingGirls SwimmingWrestling

Tanning your health away““Teenagers think (tanning salons) are healthy because if they tan at atanning bed, they won’t get burned when they go outside, but 30 minutesin a tanning bed is equivalent to 12 and a half hours of sun exposure.Brittany Lietz, skin cancer survivor”• <strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> •PerspectivesPage 4Getting a bronzed body is not worth the side effectsOpinionKayla Holt[page editor]Summer is approaching and that means shorts, tank tops, tees,flip-flops, and bathing suits are all looming. What better way to getready for this than to get a great tan so you do not look like MorticiaAdams when you hit the streets and the beach?Well, in the end that tan can make you look more like a not-so-hotmess instead of a fabulously bronzed body. A perfect tan is not theperfect accessory.Tanning is common. Going to tanning beds is a simple way to getsome color in your skin, right? On an average day in the U.S. morethan 1 million people tan in tanning salons, according to www.aad.org.It is a misconception that tanning beds are safer than the sun.Tanning beds actually produce the same amount of radiation, and insome cases they can be stronger than if you were tanning in the sun.The sun can give skin a tan because its rays have UVA and UVB,types of ultraviolet radiation that affects skin.UVB radiation burns the top layers of the skin. UVA goes to thelower layers of skin where it triggers cells to produce melanin, thebrown pigment that makes a person look tan.Even though tanning beds use UVA lights, the actualconcentration of UVA rays in a tanning bed is greater than those thatcan be obtained from the sun.Sure, a nice bronze or golden skin tone can be pretty now. Butwhat it does to your skin over time is not.Both UVA and UVB cause skin to age prematurely. This alsomeans wrinkles, brown spots, and blotchiness.Tanning is not good for your eyes either. It can cause cataracts,something most probably associate with old people.As if those side affects are not bad enough, tanning is acarcinogen. This means that as the body is getting toasty, it is alsobecoming more vulnerable to skin cancer. Just ten indoor tanningsessions in a span of two weeks can actually suppress the cancerfighting immune system.Tanning beds increase the risk of basal and squamous cellcarcinoma, which are two of the most common types of skin cancer.It can also increase the risk of the most serious and deadliest formof skin cancer, melanoma. One American actually dies of melanomaabout every hour. Estimates show that one in five Americans willdevelop a form of skin cancer in their lifetime.The main treatment for skin cancer is excision, a fancy way ofsaying the doctors cut the tumors out, causing some really bad scars.Yes, it is true that the sun and tanning beds provide the body withvitamin D, but a healthy diet does the same thing, so that is no excusefor excessive exposure to the harmful ultraviolet rays.So, while being insanely corpse-like pale when you hit the beachor don your shorts is not really appealing, there are worse things,such as the dangers and effects of tanning.If a tan is an absolute necessity, there are alternatives that are nota risk to your health. Try self-tanners; they stain your skin and canlast as long as a tan. Even a spray-on tan is a great alternative.No matter what, use sunscreen for fun days in the sun and besmart about sun exposure.Baking yourself in the sun or tanning bed may make you feelbetter now but in a few years the leathery, splotchy, wrinkled skin,and any other side effects resulting from it, will not be so attractive.A person is not some kind of food to be cooked. Roasting yourselfis not cool, it is just stupid. Tanning is just not worth the risk.Everything under the sunscreen that everyone should knowLaugh with me, not at meWith Haley MillerSunscreenReapply aboutevery 2 hours.Alternatives to tanningUse a sunless self-tanner. This fake baketypically lasts from several days to a week.These come in various forms from lotions,to towels, and sprays. Just find the right onefor you.Moisturizers which have small amounts ofself tanner are great for a more subtle glow.These gradually build up color so they arepretty much fool proof.Get tan airbrushed on. It will last on averageabout 8 days, and is worth the money sincethe tan looks great and is not dangerous foryour skin.Just be pale! Love your skin’s naturalcolor and play it up with colors that arecomplimentary.Spring break is supposed to be a time where us young adultscan run free through the tropical areas of the world. Follow my topten tips so you can have maximum fun, and minimum awkwardmoments.10. If you plan on falling asleep on the beach, apply a great dealof sunscreen to your back, butt, and back of your legs. Sometimesthose waves just rock us to sleep for two to three hours. Make sureyou are fully protected so going to the bathroom isn’t a painfulexperience.9. If you meet some locals, don’t give them your phone numberunless you want them calling for the next three years. Sometimeswhen you might be suffering from a heatstroke from laying outsince 6 am, the sketchy surfer/fisherman might seem attractive.But honestly, once they wash the tanning oil and sand off, they arescrawny, probably twelve, and appear as if they are sleeping underthe boardwalk. So “Michael Florida,” “Zach Beach,” and “Fish,” STOPCALLING!Protect the lips! Use a broad-spectrumlip balm with an SPF of at least 30.Use broad-spectrumsunscreen. It blocksUVB and UVA rays.Use a moisturizerwith sunscreen init for everyday use.Makeup with SPF has limits. Use sunscreen undermakeup when outside for 10 to 15 minutes or longer.Apply sunscreenat least 20minutes beforegoing outside.At 17, Maryland native Brittany Lietz bought a white prom dress.Thinking that the perfect accessory would be a great tan she beganregular indoor tanning, which she continued to do after prom.Brittany tanned four to five times a week for three years, latersaying she never felt dark enough. Her need to tan led to a battleagainst the deadliest form of skin cancer three years later.The cancer was discovered after Brittany had an odd mole on herback examined and it was removed. The results revealed she hadstage two melanoma.After being diagnosed, Brittany took time off from college toundergo surgery and a six-week-long recovery.The surgery left Brittany with a seven-inch scar. The surgeon alsoremoved seven lymph nodes from under her arm in order to see ifthe cancer had spread.Since the surgery Brittany has had about 20 additional surgeriesto remove potentially cancerous or abnormal lesions on her body,leaving her with more scars.Despite her setbacks, in 2006, just a year after her surgery, Brittanycompeted for and won the title of Miss Maryland.8. Sit far away from your airsick brother on the plane. Althoughyou might be used to his queasy ways by now, it is embarrassing tobe seen sitting next to the barfing little boy, the mom holding thebarf bag, and the dad snoring loudly throughout the whole episode.7. Make friends with people in your hotel. They may seemstrange at first, but you might eventually be invited to a disco partyin their grandpa’s condo.6. If you plan on running on the beach to look cool, don’t. Youalways see those people who are obviously tri athletes; joggingeffortlessly barefoot in the sand. Don’t attempt to be one of them.5. PLEASE spray tan before you get to the beach. No one wantsto see your pasty white Indiana body lying on the sand. Do yourself afavor and at least buy some self tanner.SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor and the SPFnumber tells the level of UVB protection given.Beauty queen’s story shows it can happen to anyoneKayla Holt[page editor]Her platform (what she talked about) in the competition was thedangers of tanning. She did not hide her scars; she let them workboth for her and her platform.Brittany now travels the country using her scars to spread theword that tanning is not safe.“I don’t want anyone to go through what I have. I keep remindingpeople that skin cancer canhappen to you. You’re notimmune to this. This is sucha preventable cancer. Wear asunscreen of a sun protectionfactor of at least 30 every day.Avoid tanning beds and getscreened by a dermatologistregularly,” Brittany said (aad.org).Have youever beentanning?114 students surveyedYesNo 38%76%Tips for fun in the sun4. Don’t think you’re too cool for your mom to drive you places.Sometimes you may think you’re just too cool to have your momdrive you to the various places around town, and since you haveto be <strong>25</strong> to drive a rental car, you might resort to sketchy publictransportation. Suck it up and just hop in the minivan; it will takeabout 100,000 hours for the bus to come pick you up.3. Don’t take your phone to the beach! It will get sandy and saltyand then break, and then your vaca will be extremely unenjoyable.2. Unless you plan on floating to Cuba, keep track of where yourraft is going. Sometimes you will end up SO FAR from shore thatyour hotel is a tiny dot, so be careful!1. If you’re swimming in the ocean and something touches yourfoot, assume it is the Loch Ness monster’s long lost cousin. Althoughit is probably seaweed, its better to be safe than sorry, so SWIM TOSHORE![Editorial Policy]The Register is a biweekly newspaper published by<strong>Richmond</strong> High School journalism students. Thenewspaper is printed at Target Printing. Funding for thepublication comes from advertising revenue. The opinionsexpressed in this publication are not necessarily endorsedby the staff.[Letter Policy]Students are encouraged to write letters. Drop letters byroom C222, or the contact information on the front page.All letters must include the writer’s name, signature andclass. Names will be verified.STAFFIn ChargeLanie Gleeson [Co-Editorin-Chief]Lauren O’Brien [Co-Editorin-Chief]Ann Herrman [Adviser]BusinessSophie Ottoni-Wilhelm[Business Manager]Page EditorsTaylor Stein [News]Erika Slifer [Details]Kayla Holt [Perspectives]Corey Clark [Sports]Haley Miller and Lindi Steyn[Fresh Ink]Rachel Ulrich [Feature]RaeAnne Schoeffler andEmily O’Brien [InFocus]Page EditorsSean Klaine[Entertainment]David Black [Lifestyles]Copy EditorsHalie Herlyn [Copy Editor]Cory Powers [Copy Editor/Technical Editor]ReportersJonathan BirkelSarah ChanceChris HardenKate KnightNick O’MaleyCatherine PaullTaylor PhillipsErika Williams

Entertainment<strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2010</strong>• Page 5•Video GamesTHENA HISTORY OFNOW !VIDEO GAMESVideo Games: the Good and BadCatherine Paull[page editor]Gaming has impacted the lives of many, young and old. From Pong toHalo, kids of all ages have become addicted and influenced by the videogaming scene.The popularity of video games has increased greatly over the years, justas the video gaming industry has. But staring at screen for hours on end canhave multiple effects, good and bad.Studies show that playing violent games may cause more intensefeelings of anger and aggression, and trigger hostility. The average gamer issurprisingly not a teen, but a thirty-five year old man who is overweight andoften depressed, according to the Center of Disease and Control. Violentvideo games have shown to decrease prosocial behavior, meaning proactivebehavior.On the other hand, some games can be extremely educational. Companiescreate their games and turn them into a fun way to interact and trainindividuals. The U.S Army even uses the game “America’s Army” as arecruitment tool. Also computer games have been known to be made funand educational for young children who are beginning school.Gaming enables you to enter a different world. You just have to rememberto separate fantasy from reality.GALAGAGalaga was the second in a series of the five Galaxian arcade gamespublished by Midway. This game is a spaceship shooter in which you aresupposed to destroy the enemy alien’s before they destroy you.The enemies in Galaga move in a flying formation onto the screen. Onceall of them arrive they begin to swoop down at the player ship in order todestroy it. The game is basic and the only direction to move is left or right,but playing can become increasingly difficult without handle of the controls.The game has been featured in popular culture. It was played in the filmWarGames (1982), and the TV series Lost a submarine was named Galagain honor of the game. In 2009 Hallmark released a Christmas tree ornamentshaped like a Galaga arcade machine.BATTLETOADSRare Ltd released Battletoads for NES systems in 1991 to compete withthe Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise. It was an original beat ‘em upand proved successful with other forms of game play intertwined into thestory.Battletoads is humorous, and extremely difficult. The games begins withone of the toads (Pimple) and Princess Angelica being captured by the DarkQueen, and the rest of the game the purpose it rescuing these to friends.There are beat ‘em up levels, racing levels, flying levels, and all sorts ofchallenges in this classic game. The graphics are not outstanding, somethingthat can be expected from the era in games, and the soundtrack is appropriatefor the gameplay.Old favorites...“It’s a tie between the originalSuper Mario Bros and Sonicthe Hedgehog. There’s also atie between COD:MW2 andDragon Age: Origins.”-Mr. Rigsby, Teacher1978 - Space Invaders1980 - Pacman released worldwide1981- Electronic Gamer 1st videogame magazine1983- Commodore 64 is introduced1985- Tetris is released1989- The handheldNintendo Gameboy isreleased1991- Sonic the Hedgehog isreleased1994- Playstation1996- Nintendo 641998- Gameboy Color2000 - Playstation 22001-GameboyAdvanceHalo2003- Gameboy AdvanceSP2004 - Nintendo DS““Thank you Mario! But our princess is in another castle!”- Toad, Super Mario Bros”Which do you prefer, Rock Band or Guitar Hero?Neither (10%)Rock Band(51%)GuitarHero(39%)Modern Warfare 2“Battlefield: Badcompany.I enjoy playing Armygames. I like the story line;how it’s a federation ofconvict soldiers.”-Aaron Tutt, 10100 students surveyedModern Warfare 2 is the sixth game in the Call of Duty video game franchise,and the second in the Modern Warfare series. It has been sold over 14 millioncopies worldwide, making it the third best-selling game of all time in the U.S.The game was highly anticipated by fans of the Call of Duty franchise and waswell worth the wait.Campaign and cooperative missions in the game are simple; start the levelwith set weapons and materials and finish the objective. Online and multiplayergame play is a totally different story. The more you play the game the more perksyou unlock to advance in your experience points. Players can fully customizetheir gear with their preferences so that they play their way.The graphics and audio are superb and make you feel more in the game thanthought possible. With all these features, Modern Warfare 2 is a video game toplay.Wii FitWith the creation of the Wii many things became possible in consolegaming. The Wii Fit brings those possibilities to the maximum.Being the second best-selling video game of all time, the Wii Fit is anexercise video game using the Wii Balance Board accessory.The Wii Fit includes four key categories: yoga, strength training, aerobicsand balance games. There is something for everyone, which makes losingweight easier and more enjoyable.The Wii Balance Board accessory helps you get the workout you needby weighing your body mass index and balancing your workout rather thanmaking you work out too hard or not enough. Definitely making The Wii Fitworth your money....new obsessions“Past Pacman; Present day SuperMario Bros for Wii. I’ve gotten allSTAR coins and beat world 9 becauseI’m that cool.”-Mr. Bettner, Teacher2005 - XBOX 360“Assassin’s Creed because it’sfun to sneak up and eliminatetargets.”-Mr Halloran, Teacher“I’ll have to go with any FinalFantasy game because I like thestorylines and the music.”-Madi Yoshikane, 112006 - Nintendo DS LiteNintendo WiiPlaystation 32009 - NintendoDSi“Call of Duty. I like thegraphics; they’re very realistic.Also, you make a lot of friendson multiplayer. Guys are alwayssurprised to see a girl playingCall of Duty.”-Taylor Priest, 10New ReleasesHot Tub Time MachineRated: RAdult life seems dull for bestfriends Adam (John Cusack),Lou (Rob Corddry) Nick(Criag Robinson) and Jacob(Clark Duke). In “Hot TubTime Machine” the four havean insane night of adult fun,only to awake with theirheading pounding in the yearof 1986. They now have thechance to fix their mistakes,and change their future.How to Train Your DragonRated: PGThe studio who brought youShrek and Kung Fu Pandacome out with another funadventure for the entirefamily.How to Train Your Dragon isthe story of Hiccup, a vikingchief’s son who is somewhatof an oddjob. While learningto fight dragons, a traditionfor his people, Hiccup straysfrom the norm and takes adragon as his companion.You Tube VIDEO of theISSUEvideo by TheVIDEOteacher(www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oF0RhgH1lY)The <strong>Richmond</strong> High School “Race To The TopHigh School Commencement Challenge” Video.Billboard Charts1. Boy -RihannaNeed YouNow - LadyAntebellumBreak YourHeart- TaioCruz Feat.LudacrisImma Be- BlackEyed PeasNothin’ OnYou- B.o.B6., Soul Sister-TrainBedRock - YoungMoney Feat.LloydTik Tok- Ke$haTelephone- LadyGaga Feat.BeyonceIn My Head- JasonDeRulo

LifestylesPage 6Did you know? It takes 4,000 calories to loseone pound.• <strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> •Spring into FITNESSSimple changes can make for a healthier lifestyleFood for ThoughtSubstitute your favorite unhealthy eats forHaley Millerideal for those activities. Make sure to always[page editor]bring a friend with you in order to keep safe.these healthier substitutesSpring is a great time to jump-start a fitness Walking can be a great way to work out;regime. The weather is nicer, the gyms are according to thewalkingsite.com, the average BADBETTERoffering more classes, and swimsuit season amount of calories burned from walking oneBurger King Whopper withBurger King Whopper Jr.is right around the corner. In order to get mile is one hundred. Another great option ifCheesewithout mayoin shape before the glorious gates of the you can only fit a small amount of exerciseMunicipal Pool open, we should begin eating into your day is the on demand Exercise TVCalories: 760Calories: 330healthier and exercising more.options on Comcast’s Channel 99. TheseFat Grams: 43gFat Grams: 12g<strong>Richmond</strong> is a great place to get fit. With 10-minute videos can add a workout to yourgyms such as Medfit, Earlham, Fitnessworks daily routine. Choose from options such as(Health Connection), and the YMCA, there Pilates, Yoga, abs, and aerobics.Taco Bell Volcano NachosTaco Bell Triple Layer Nachosare several places where you can get inAn important part of getting healthy isshape. Earlham College Wellness Center changing eating habits. Simple changes likeCalories:1000Calories: 350offers a pool, track, weight room, and several swapping soda, juice, and sports drinks forFat Grams: 62gFat Grams: 18gexercise machines to work out on. There are diet sodas, water, and unsweetened tea canalso classes offered throughout the week for provide results. For example, a can of Cokespecific exercise needs. Medfit is open 24 has 150 calories; if you drink two cans of Cokehours a day, making working out on your own per day, you are consuming 300 unnecessaryDairy Queen Small ChocolateDairy Queen Small Oreotime much easier.calories. Plus, drinking more water helpsCookie Dough BlizzardBlizzardIf working out inside is not your style, there your body metabolize fat more easily. Also,are several areas in <strong>Richmond</strong> where walking, exchanging high calorie and high fat items forCalories: 675Calories: 283running, bike riding, and roller blading areFat Grams: 26gFat Grams: 10ghealthier choices will provide results.welcomed and encouraged. Places like the Getting healthy is something we can all do.Cardinal Greenway and Glenn Miller Park are So grab a buddy and spring into fitness!Get a beach body in time for summer!ABStart by grabbing achair. Rest the tip ofyour foot on the chairwith your knee bentand the opposite legplanted on the ground.Bend both knees. Holdfor 3 seonds. Repeat 15reps and switch legs.EASY WAYS TO BURN100 CALORIES• Put on lip balm 765 times.• Ride your bike at amoderate pace for 21minutes.•Tread water for <strong>25</strong>minutes.• Fly a kite for 20 minutes.ABStart by laying on theground with your legsextended and yourarms behind your head.Crunch your legs andarms towards eachother. Do 15 reps.AStart laying on theground with your legsbent,• Vaccum for 20 minutes.THIGHS ABS• Hula-hoop for 20minutes.• Chew your food for 60minutes.• Canoe for 15 minutes.AKneel upright on theground with your armsextended.• Sing for 50 minutes.BZUMBAWhat is it?Zumba is a workout class that infuses Latindance with interval training and calorie burning.It has been described as a “fitness party!”Is it for you?If you find tradtional working out boring, enjoydancing, and want a simple aerobic workoutroutine that also tones, this is for you.Where to do it.Earlham College Wellness Center,Saturdays atNoon<strong>Richmond</strong> High School Tiernan Center, Mondaysand Wednesdays at 4:30 pmMEDFit, Mondays and <strong>Thursday</strong>s at 5:30 pmBENEFITS!Zumba teaches cool dance moves while gettingyour body totally toned. It is so fun you do noteven notice the workout.Keeping your arms andfeet on the groundlift your hips towardsthe ceiling then backdown, Repeat 20 reps.BUNSSPINNINGWhat is it?A vigorous hour of riding a stationary bikeduring a class where an instructor adjustslights, music, and incline to create an energizedatomostphere.Is it for you?If you like high intensity workouts, are crosstraining for a sport, and enjoy cycling.Where to do it.BENEFITS!• Wash your dog for <strong>25</strong>minutes.• Do continuous cartwheelsfor 10 minutes.• Yo-yo for <strong>25</strong> minutes.MEDFit, Mondays at 5:30 pm, Tuesdays at 5:45am and 5:30 pm, Wednesdays at 5:30 pm, and<strong>Thursday</strong>s at 5:45 am.Earlham College Wellness Center.Spinning can help athletes stay in great shapebetween sports or during the summer. The highintensity helps create large muscle mass.BYOGAWhat is it?Is it for you?Where to do it.BENEFITS!Drive towards theground and catchyourself. Bend yourelbows into a push upform. Do 15 reps.CHEST&ARMSA spiritual workout including many stretchesand positions.If you are interested in slow, relaxing poses,and core strength, as well as those who areinterested in gaining flexibility.MEDFit, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridaysat 8 am.Earlham College Wellness Center.Yoga can help relieve stress as well as allowyou to connect with your inner spitiuality. Itteaches you to relax and calm your body.

DetailsB<strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2010</strong>FromLauren O’Brien[co-editor-in-chief]• Page 7 •Indy to AnaheimPA<strong>Richmond</strong> advanced six BPA members to nationals, this year to be held in Anaheim, California.Nineteen total BPA members traveled to Indianapolis on Sunday, <strong>March</strong> 7 and returned Tuesday, <strong>March</strong>9, to compete in the state-level competition over Sunday and Monday. Four seniors and two juniors placedhighly enough in their categories to qualify for nationals, starting on May 4.Three days in Indy consisted of a meeting on Monday night after arrival, and awards on Tuesday morningbefore returning home, with many separate competitions along the way, plus a dance on Monday afteranother meeting.The video production team, made up of seniors Katy Atwell, Brandon Pope, and Joleesa Wade, andjunior Chad Bell, submitted a video created about senior Joseph Roan. The video focused on how he hasovercome his condition of cerebral palsy to become a very talented boxer. The video was aired on the dailyannouncements before the state conference.Junior Kunal Brahmbhatt and senior Derek Williams competed individually in entrepreneurship andbanking and finance respectively, and their presentations also placed them in a high enough percentile toadvance.Other members who competed at state took part in many other categories of competition; presentationmanagement, fundamental word processing, human resource management, and database applications.The trip was not, however, all work and no play. Students stayed at the Marriott Hotel in downtown Indy,spending time together in their rooms and the city.“With most of our free time we just walked around in the mall and ate where we wanted. I probablywalked to the mall from the hotel over ten times. State was pretty fun,” senior Kaly Reichter said.AdditionalStateCompetitorsHuman Resource Management – Elaine Brady, 9Keyboarding Production – Roshni Brahmbhatt, 9Economic Research Project – Lorraine Burwell, 12Presentation Management – Dakota Collins, 11Database Applications – Aaron Cruez, 11Computer Animation Team – Logan Durham & Zach Volner, 12Interview Skills – Taylor Gabbard, 11Payroll Accounting – Alex Hazelbaker, 12Banking & Finance – Craig Mayle, 12Fundamental Word Processing – Alicia Ponder, 12Graphic Design Promotion – Kaly Reichter, 12Database/Fundamental Spreadsheet Applications – Chris Shoemaker, 12Did you know? The BPA celebrated its 40th birthdayin 2006.www.bpa.orgAbout AnaheimAverages over 328days of sunshineannually, withan average dailytemperature of 73degrees.Anaheim, CAAnaheim is thelocation of theDisneyland Resort.36 miles southeast of LosAngeles, and 15 miles eastof the Pacific Ocean..2nd largest city in the OC,10th largest city in California,59th largest city in the nation.Katy Atwell, 12Video Production Team2nd place“I can’t wait for Nationalsin Anaheim. California,here we come!”Chad Bell, 11Video Production Team2nd place“It feels good to bepart of a team that hasput in a lot of work,to make a video thathas inspired a lot ofpeople, such as myself.”Brandon Pope, 12Video Production Team2nd place“I’m pretty pumped forNationals. We’re gonnahave a blast in Anaheim.My team is taking it all.”Joleesa Wade, 12Video Production Team2nd place“I’m really excitedto go to Nationals,not because it’s inCalifornia but becausewe want others to seeone of the unsungheroes.Kunal Brahmbhatt, 11Entrepreneurship2nd Place“I’m really excitedto go to Cali my firstyear in BPA. I thinkit’s pretty cool that forsomething I enjoy, Imiss school and go toCali.”Derek Williams, 12Banking and finance7th place“I’m excited I madeit to Nationals inCalifornia my first yearin the BPA. I didn’texpect to make it muchfurther than State.”1.2. 3. Video production team Brandon Pope and Katy Atwell, 12, Chad Bell, 11, and Joleesa Wade, 12, display their awards. 2. State winner Kunal Brahmbhatt, 11, plays Rock Band. 3. <strong>Richmond</strong> and other district BPA members enjoy the dance. 4. Advisers Denise Selm and Angela Nolte. 5. The theme forthis year’s BPA conference. 6. Brandon Pope, 12, and Chad Bell, 11, pay attention at the assembly for voting delegates. photos provided.RegisterAdvertisements removedFor local ads, see print version

FeaturePage 8“Everyone played their best, it was really nice to see everyoneshow up and be united as one big music group.”- Megan Cramer, 11• <strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> •MARCHM USICALE2On Sunday, <strong>March</strong> 14, the <strong>Richmond</strong> Music Boosters sponsored their second annual<strong>March</strong> Musicale, celebrating <strong>Richmond</strong> High School musicians. Eight students had soloperformances. According to Terry Bettner, the students were chosen because they could performa group I level solo. Along with the soloists, the Percussion Ensemble and the Brass Ensembleperformed pieces for the crowd of students, parents, and music enthusiasts.FEAT URIN G...Brennyn Bailey,12Instrument: ClarinetTime played: Since 6thgradeMusical Future?Minoring in music incollege.I’m glad that I can entertain people!“ ”Allison Mopps,11 Brit tany Mundhenk ,12Instrument: ViolinTime played: Since 6thgradeMusical Future?Possibly participate incommunity orchestra andmaybe give lessons.“<strong>March</strong> Musicale is a chance to showeveryone what we’ ve accomplished.”Instrument: VoiceTime played: Since shecould talkMusical Future? Goingto Ball State for voiceperformance.The students sharing their talents andsupporting each other is really awesome.Jenna Schneider,12Instrument: FluteTime played: 7yearsMusical Future?Minor in flute atBall State.Jonathan Birkel,10 Bennet t Ritchie,10 Sam Rogan,12 Brent Smith,12“15 63 41. Grace Wyatt and Mandy Jones, 102. Jared McKinney, 10, Zach Deckerand Erika Williams, 11, and JoshCotton, 103. Autida Tran, 124. Alyssa Mathews, 115. Members of the Brass Ensemble6. Caleb Durham, 10, David Comiso,12, Brandon Hazelbaker, 10photos by Erika Williams and Megan Cramer.I think that it’s great that studentsare able to showcase their talents.”“”“Instrument: PianoTime played: Since 7years oldMusical Future?Might continue to playthroughout college.“Instrument: VoiceTime played: A longtimeMusical Future?Hopefully, if my voicematures in the correctway.Instrument: French HornTime played: 7 yearsMusical Future? Minorin music and performingwith various ensembles.It’s good to have an opportunitylike this to perform.It was a” had great this experience. opportunity.It’s good weIt was a great audience to play in front of.”“ ”Instrument: PianoTime played: 2 years3 monthsMusical Future?Going to school formusic theory andcomposition.It was nowhere near as bad as state [was].“ ”RegisterAdvertisements removedFor local ads, see print version

InFocus<strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2010</strong>fold it over once and put it in your pocket.”Kin Hubbard• Page 9 •Gambling: tostake or risk money,or anything of value,on the outcome ofsomething involvingchance“The safest way to double your money is toGamblinga dangerous addictionteens are victims of gambling addictionsDavid Black[page editor]Just like drugs, or alcohol, or video games, or anything thatcan get its user hooked, gambling is an addiction. Whether it islegally gambling in a casino or illegally gambling in an ordinaryhousehold, the effects of gambling hold an even greater risk onteenagers.With the advent of internet gambling, and the amountof time that teens spend on the internet, the availability ofonline gambling sites to these younger consumers is simplerthan ever. Credit card companies are also providing cards toyounger and younger people, allowing teens to large amountsof money that can be used on the online web sites.Gambling has also been proven to be more appealingto teenagers. According to NPGAW (National ProblemGambling Awareness Week) teens are more impulsive thanadults, are more likely to take risks and seek immediateIndianaCasinosThe BluechipcasinoThe Blue Chip Casino is a mixture of a spa,hotel, and casino. It has 65,000 square feet ofgaming, a 22-story spa tower, a 10,000 squarefoot spa/salon/fitness center, and 486 rooms.IndianaLIVE!casinoMichigan City, IndianaShelbyville, IndianaThis casino is the closest casino toIndianapolis, being an approximate 20minute drive southeast from downtownIndianapolis. Its new facility is 233,000square feet and is never closed.Games of riskSports wageringSports wagering is an extremely commonpractice in America, among people of allages. But it is actually illegal in all but fourstates. Nevada, Oregon, Montana, andDelaware are the only states that allowsporting betting, but the National GamblingImpact Study Commission estimates that$380 billion dollars are wagered illegallyevery year. Altough most people dont knowthis, betting on march madness is illegaltoo, and the FBI estimates $2.5 billion areillegally bet every year on the tournament.gratification. All these traits make gambling highly attractivefor teenagers and are the reason 70% of teens have gambled inthe last year according to the NPGAW.The National Council on Problem Gambling has declaredthat gambling is “the most popular high-risk activity amongteenagers, outpacing drinking, taking drugs, and smoking.”Although the physical effects of gambling obviously aren’tnearly as harmful as drugs or alcohol, teen gambling can havea long-term effect that can last throughout adulthood. Asteens grow older, gambling only becomes easier to be a part ofthrough casinos and the lottery.Gambling takes place everyday, whether is <strong>March</strong> Madnessbrackets, shooting dice, or a simple poker game. And eventhough these acts are so ordinary that many don’t view them asgambling, teenagers have to be careful, because the addictionto gambling is a very dangerous one.According to the American PsychologicalAssociation the Internet could be asaddictive as alcohol, drugs, and gamblingBlackjackthe Statsmillion people display some15 sign of gambling addictionIn a given year, approximately 1%of the U.S. adults (3 million) meetcriteria for pathological gambling.Pathological and Problem Gamblers are more likelythan others to have problems with drinking, drugsand smoking, and to suffer from depression.www.overcominggambling.comwww.myaddiction.comBlackjack is the most commonly playedcard game in casinos. This card game is verypopular because it is the only game that canliterally be beaten by a single player. Manystrategies, including card counting havebeen made to beat the game and casinoshave to constantly change their rules for thegame to beat these strategies. The movie“21” is based on a true story of MIT studentsthat beat casinos in blackjack by countingcards.Two-thirds of the adultpopulation placed some kindof bet last year% of Americans have gambled during their86 lives and 60% gamble in any given year.Gambling profits in casinos aremore than $30 billion whilelotteries are about 17 billion annuallyTEXAS HOLD’EM“I used to play“I used to gamblepoker with mywith my friendfamily. betsbennet, but i waswere around 5-10always broke so hedollars. When youhad to give me moneygamble and lose, itto gamble with. isucks.”never gambled withmy own money.”- Steve Henry, 12Register- Erik Kolb, 10AdvertisementsThis card game is probably the mostpopularly played version of poker andis commonly linked to gambling. TexasHold’em is the main event of the WorldSeries of Poker and has gained muchmore popularity over this past decade.The World Series of Poker has made thegame into a spectator sport, with theinvention of hole-card camera whichallows spectators to see the player’s cards.What do you gamble on?Consequences of Gambling at RHSRaeAnne Schoeffler[page editor]Although today RHS does not experience problems with gambling, in thepast, gambling during school has been apparent.“It is not a whole lot of a problem. It has not risen to a level where it is adistraction,” Officer Thalls said.Around six or seven years ago there was a small problem with studentstossing quarters; people could bet on the outcome of tossing quarters in cups.No instances in gambling, however, have become large enough to really affectthe school.The laws for gambling in school are the same as the laws for gamblinganywhere else. If one were to get in trouble for gambling, the punishmentswould range in severity.“There are a lot of technicalities and discretion in gambling, so thepunishment depends on exactly what a person does,” Thalls said.If a student commits a minor offense, the student may just be lectured andreleased with a warning. However, if the offense involved major amounts ofmoney, the laws concerning the act would be looked up and the student wouldbe treated under those circumstances. If the student is under 18, his or herparents would be involved, but if over 18 the student is subject to go to jail ifthe case is serious enough.the odds• The odds of winning a state lottery is one in 18 million• The odds of winning any prize in Powerball is one in 35but the odds of matcing all 5 numbers is one in 80,809,128• The odds of winning the Mega Millions lottery is one in135,145,920Compare these to your odds of:• Getting hit by lightning - one in 500,000• Getting killed in a car accident in a year - one in 6,500“I gamble on theNFL Madden videogame. The amount ibet on depends buti once won $20.”- Tavonn Crisp, 10Shooting DiceShooting dice or Craps is a game thatinvolves betting on the outcome ofrolled dice. This game is very commonoutside of casinos and among teenagersbecause it is very simple and can beplayed just about anywhere. Shootingdice in the streets is commonly linkedto violence, as this is practiced in manypoorer neighborhoods and has led tomeny cases of violence. The game isvery addictive and is usually played forsmaller amounts of money, although thisreally depends on who is playing.removedFor local ads, see print version

Feature”Page 10An E vening in Hollywood“You can think of Hollywood as high school. TV actorsare freshmen, comedy actors are maybe juniors, anddramatic actors - they’re the cool seniors.-Owen Wilson• <strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> •Prom <strong>2010</strong>May 15 EarlhamMay 15 EarlhamSave the date!Prom <strong>2010</strong>: Location details and what to expectProm is going to be held inthe Runyan Center at EarlhamCollege. Director of the Runyan124Student Center, Rich Dornberger,commented on the benefits ofhaving prom at this location.• “We provide a safe and secureenvironment for our guests oncampus. We have 24-hour securitycoverage and a trained staff torespond in case of an emergency.”• “The Huffman Garden is an enclosedcourtyard adjacent to the studentcenter and the dining hall. Inspiredby Japanese traditions, it’s a greatplace to sit.”• “The Runyan Center is the hub oflife on campus. Built in the late 1960’sas a fine arts and student recreationplace, it has grown to be the center ofextracurricular life on campus.”1. Walkway to the Runyan Center.2. Winding staircase up to the balcony,where prom court pictures will possibly betaken.3. The Huffman Japanese Garden near thedining hall, which is a possible place forstudents to go and relax during prom.4. Earlham Runyan Center, where thedance will be held.photos by Erika Williams.3How has prom been in the past?“I thought prom was okay.The food could have beenbetter.”-Mariah Collins, 12“I liked it last year, butwe really needed abigger space.”-Mackenzie Farris, 12“It was really fun, butI’m hoping my seniorprom is better.”- India Thompson, 12“It was so fun! Me andmy date, Rajan, went ina big group in a limo.”-Dara Stevens, 12“We had a big groupincluding my best friendSara. It was really fun!”-Sydney Bell, 12“I hated it at the gorge; itwas freezing cold, and Ican’t dance. We left early.”- James Eversole, 12The stages of planning a promForm a prom committeeA prom committee is pertinent to the processof creating a prom. Together, this committeebecomes the foundation of prom and is incharge of all decisions regarding prom. A promcommittee can eventually be split up into subcommitteesto help make all aspects of prommore manageable.Brainstorm ideasGet together and brainstorm ideas. Fund-raisersare always a good cushion—they can be atime to have fun and bond as a council, as wellas provide a way to help pay for prom. In thebeginning, it is important to consider a plethoraof theme ideas, all with an open mind.Investigate ideasDevelop more than one theme idea; don’tdecide the most important part of prom on awhim. After these ideas have been somewhatdeveloped, carefully contemplate each themeidea and begin to make a final decision.Choose theme and locationBefore making a final decision on the theme,gather a group of prom committee membersand visit all possible prom locations. Narrowdown and determine where prom will beheld, then vote on a final theme. The locationcould influence the theme decision. Once thetheme has been decided, discuss decorations,refreshments, party favors, tickets, and prices.Also, be prepared to hire a photographer and DJin the near future. This is where sub-committeeswill start to become vital.Address the detailsBe organized in attacking the specifics, in eachand every stage of the overall process. Makesure everything is scheduled to get done… ontime! Remember to communicate; let otherprom committee members know how plansare progressing. Take things as they come, beprepared to overcome any obstacles, and havefun with the making of prom!RegisterAdvertisements removedFor local ads, see print version

FeatureDress<strong>March</strong> <strong>25</strong>, <strong>2010</strong>It’s more than aDid you know? While teenagers attending the prom in the early1900’s wore their Sunday finest, there was no pressure to buy a brand new dressfor the occasion. In contrast, a recent survey showed that more than half ofteenage girls now spend more than $400 on a prom dress for the big event.www.associatedcontent.com• Page 11 •Fun Facts:$<strong>25</strong>0 to $400 is theamount spent bygirls on a dress.$80 to $180 isthe amountspent by guyson a tuxedo.It is said that prom is anoff shoot of the debutanteballs put on by the richfor their teenage children.$50 to $175 isthe amountgirls spend ontheir hairstyle.Back in the 1990’s peoplewould not go out and buyan expensive prom dress,they wore their Sundayfinest.$0 to $400 is theamount teens spend onprom transportationsuch as limos, rentalcars, and borrowingtheir parents car.Prom store at RHS open to studentsfor finding the perfect dress to rentTaylor Phillips[reporter]It is every girl’s dream to make sure that they have the perfect prom. But, with theeconomy the way it is, things can be difficult in making that dream come true.Downstairs in the basement, a beautiful prom store awaits for anyone who wouldlike to go to prom, or another dance such as Snowball. The prom store is a store thatwas created by Mrs. Rummel. Dresses can be rented for $15 and other accessories suchas jewelry, shoes, and handbags are also available.Many of the dresses come from Formal Affairs, and sometimes teachers givedonations.Donations by students are also very acceptable. If you have a dress you would like todonate contact Mrs. Rummel in R146.Dress sizes range from 4-22. Before the dress is brought back it is required to have itdry cleaned.If you cannot pay for a portion of the dress thestore has a sponsorship fund. There are also paymentplans available.If you would like a dress for an occasionsuch as prom contact Mrs. Rummel to set up anappointment.“I think it’s fantastic that we make it available, soit’s fair everyone can go to prom,” Exceptional Edteacher Cindy DeLucio said.Prom StoreWhat: Prom dressPrice: $15 rental feeWhere: Basement in RHSWho: Mrs. Rummel in roomR146 for an appointmentand more informationDillard’s and Formal Affairs answer questions on promAdvice given on styles and colors for the perfect prom dress this seasonFormal Affairs:Q: What are the top colors for prom this yearand why?A: Some of the top colors for prom this yearare royal purple, bright green, orange, andyellow. The colors stand out; royal purple isreadily available and it is a very popular color.Q: What is the price range for a prom dress atyour store?A: The price range for a prom dress at ourstore is from $<strong>25</strong>0 to $400.Q: What is the most common style of dresses?A: The most common style of dresses are ballgowns. The style will probably be transitioning to print styledresses next year instead of solid colors.Shop online atalycedesigns.comContact KimEnglish if youwould like toschedule anAdvertisements removedFor local ads, see print versionRegisterDillard’s:Q: What are the top colors for prom this year and why?A: The top colors this year are mainly bright oranges,greens, and yellows. Color choice also depends on theperson.Q: What is the price range for a prom dress at your store?A: Our prom dress maximum price is about $170.Most common body shapes:Hourglass Apple PearHourglass figures:The hip and bustare almost of equalsize with a narrowwaist.Q: What is the most common style of dresses?A: The most common style ofprom dresses are long ones.Apple figures:Broader shouldersand bust, andnarrower hips.Top colors for dresses:OrangeQ: Do you think short dresses are appropriate forprom?A: Long dresses are more formal.If you have any question relating to prom contact the person in chargeof the juinors sectionPurplePear figures: thehip measurementis greater than thebust measurement.Yellow

It’s Time for:Board games have been a form of entertainment for along time. Games have evolved over the years but stayengaging for all age groups.Game Night !Basically an electronic charades, Guesstures isa quick, easy and highly entertaining game. Theactive player receives four cards, some from theeasy category and some from the difficult. Theharder the word, the more points it is worth.When each word is put into the timer device,the player only has a few seconds to correctlycommunicate the word to their teammatesand snatch the card. This may seem prettyeasy, but when there is a time limit, a lot morepressure is put on the player and the game getsincreasingly more difficult.The initial idea of “men vs. women trivia”was created by a radio announcer PaulRedman. The Battle of the Sexes boardgame was created in 1997. The goal is tomove your piece across the board, butin order to move the player must answera question concerning the opposite. Anexample of a question that a female mustanswer may be “Where is the Superdomelocated?” and a question for a male may be“How do you stop a run in stockings?”A great ice-breaker, this game is fairly simplewith a great range of ways to play. Apples toApples has two decks of cards: Things andDescriptions. During each round, a description isselected and players must try to pick the thingsthat most match the description. At the end ofthe round, the player who picked the descriptionchooses the thing that most appeals to them, andawards the player the card. As one can imagine,some very humorous conversations can developfrom this game. Useful for all occasions, thisgame has endless combinations and can beplayed time and time again.Based off of the game Ludo, Cranium wasexpanded and created for the purpose ofincluding a variety of skills rather than justluck. This game was made to expand creativityand encourage everyone to get involved andshow off their talents.. To play this game, onecan engage in a number of activities suchas sculpting, drawing, humming, answeringquestions, or acting. It allows creative thinkingand does not only focus on one talent, makingit fun for all types of people.Board games: the scienceEmily O’Brien[page editor]In modern society, electronic gamesare becoming increasingly popular, whiletraditional board games are often forgotten.However, the time has come for us to dust offthe old Monopoly board, as research shows therewards available from playing board gamesare worth taking into consideration.The New England Journal of Medicinerecently completed studies showingthat challenging the brain with mentallystimulating, fun activities is incredibly goodfor it.For example, senior citizens who spent a lotof their time doing such activities (like playingcards, board games, or doing crosswords)reduced their risk of being affected bydementia by up to 63%. That is a big deal forsomething as easy as rolling a die!Although board games are mentallystimulating, there is no proof that one mentalactivity that’s better than another. AFrenchstudy showed that knitting, gardening,traveling and doing odd jobs also reduced therisk of dementia. Although physical activitiesdid not seem to have much of an effect in thisstudy, there is evidence that it benefits thebrain in other ways.However, another study by RealNetworksInc. showed that playing board games isproven to relieve stress and gain mentalbalance.In an online survey by the company, 75% ofthose with children could notice educationalimprovements in their children who playedcasual games, such as board games and cardgames.Another positive outcome of board gamesis the social benefits. It gives people a chanceto reconnect with their loved ones. Withthe huge amount of technology availableto the public, old ways of communicationare often lost. Playing a game as a familyor with a group of friends is a great way tostrengthen relationships, as well as betteringcommunication skills and patience.So next time you are bored at home, playa board game with your family. It is a greatway to have a good time while simultaneouslyhelping yourself.W hat do you think?“Board games are a cheap,fun way to bond with friends andfamily. My favorite is Life; it isfun to relate it to your future,Allison Miller, 11“Boardgames are a goodexcuse to gather and havesome fun with relatives,or friends that you do notsee that often,Jon Iturriaga, 12”“My favorite game is Trouble.It’s really simple, and I like thatyou get to pop the bubble toroll the die!”Lexi Scott, 12”“Board games are a good way tobond with my family and friends.Pictionary is my favorite. It’s prettyintense!”Kaitlyn Taylor, 11““Board gamesare a greatway to passthe time andhave fun withfamily andfriends. Life ismy favorite,Chad Bell, 11”Cranium isthe best, I likehow so manypeople can playat once,Lexi Newman, 9 ”“I love Disney SceneIt. Whenever myfriends and I play”it we have a blast!Alyssa Mervin, 11C lassic board games: W hat you did not know!MonopolySince its creation in 1935,over 500 million people haveplayed the game.The longest game ofMonopoly lasted 1,680 hourslong, which is 70 days!The game is sold in 103 countriesand produced in 37 languages.ChessIn 1922, World Champion José RaúlCapablanca played 103 opponentssimultaneously and won 102 of thegames (with 1 draw).The longest game ofchess lasted 20 hoursThe number of combinations ofchess moves used in one gameis larger than the number ofelectrons in the universe.and fi15 minutes, andused 269 moves.ClueClue is the only board game that hashad a film made following its plot.This game was orignally called“Cluedo” before the Parker brothersbought it and renamed it in 1949.North America is the only continent thatuses the name “Mr. Green.” Everywhereelse calls him “Reverend Green.”ScrabbleThe highest score for one game is 1049, byPhilip Appleby in 1989.The original game didnot have a board andwas only played withtiles.Scrabble was createdin 1949 by AlfredMosher Butts.CandylandThe first Candyland boardgame was sold for one dollar.This game was designedfor children to help themrecognize their colors.Over 40 million copies ofCandyland have been produced.Chutes and LaddersChutes and Ladders is known as Snakesand Ladders in most other parts of theworld, and is only Chutes and Ladders inAmerica.This game was created in ancient India,and was originally supposed to teachchildren about right and wrong.

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