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EditorialThings are moving in Wallonia. We need to make it know abroad. Wallonia’s playersaim to network with their foreign counterparts. This is the aim of the brochure.It is published by the Walloon Business Federation (UWE), a private associationwhose task is to promote and support business. The UWE is the official mouthpieceof businesses established in Wallonia and numbers 6,000 businesses of all sizes andfrom all sectors. We wish you enjoyable reading and, above all, please do not hesitateto contact us as info@uwe.be.Eric DOMB,Président del'<strong>Union</strong> <strong>Wallonne</strong><strong>des</strong> <strong>Entreprises</strong>NOTRE LISTEAURAIT PU ÊTREPLUS LONGUE,BEAUCOUP PLUSLONGUE…Les champions de demainIl y a un an, vous ignoriez probablement que le numéro 1 mondial de la papaïne étaitwallon, que la plus grande usine de verre plat du monde était en Wallonie, que c’estaussi dans notre région qu’étaient implantés le leader mondial <strong>des</strong> dérivéschimiques de manganèse, ou les deux premiers producteurs mondiaux de chaux et dedolomie. C’était alors une fierté pour moi d’évoquer ces exemples (et il y en avaitbeaucoup d’autres) d’entreprises, parfois méconnues qui, au fil <strong>des</strong> ans ont réussi àgrimper sur la première marche du podium, au niveau mondial.Notre numéro international 2008 m’offre aujourd’hui la possibilité de vous présenterd’autres entreprises wallonnes qui ont mis au point <strong>des</strong> produits d’avenir plus queprometteurs. Des produits qui seront, j’en suis sûr, amenés à figurer eux aussi tout enhaut du palmarès : nous avons soigneusement sélectionné pour vous de futurschampions du monde ! Rien de moins…Des produits que nous devons à l’ingéniosité et au talent de nos chefs d’entreprise etde leurs équipes. En cette période de crise, les investissements en Recherche &Développement et une stratégie tournée vers l’international sont essentiels pour garantirl’avenir de nos entreprises, leur développement, leur rayonnement.Nous avons dû restreindre notre liste à 40 produits promis au plus bel avenir. Notre listeaurait pu être plus longue, beaucoup plus longue… pour vous permettre de vousimprégner de l’état d’esprit conquérant <strong>des</strong> chefs d’entreprise qui portent ces projets.Après les pôles de compétitivité et les leaders mondiaux, place donc aux championsde demain. Raison de plus pour diffuser largement ce numéro autour de vous : clients,fournisseurs, partenaires, belges ou étrangers. Ce magazine est <strong>des</strong>tiné à voyager et àporter au bout du monde une image positive de la Wallonie, de son tissu économique,de ses talents, de son savoir-faire. A nous tous de le faire savoir.Chemin du Stockoy 3B-1300 WavreTél: + 32 (0) 10 47 19 40Fax: + 32 (0) 10 45 33 43info@uwe.bewww.uwe.beBonne lecture et bonne année 2009 à tous.Eric DOMBDynamisme december 2008 .3

SummaryDynamisme december 200806689101112THE GUESTJean-Claude Havaux : the « human factor » is importantBeing a manager means…24 hours in the life ofSpin-offs spearhead Walloon innovationThe expert : Didier Paquot (Walloon Business Federation)Help and useful links141416182020COMPANIESThe Majority of SMEs InnovateCelebrating Wallonian success abroad2008 winnersWallonia figuresThree questions for Jean-Marie Moulin (CPL Industrie)22DOWNLOADthe file onwww.uwe.be22PRODUCTSIn this special feature, our journalists will introduce you to40 products « Made in Wallonia » with an international vocation(exports), a genuinely innovative dimension (strong R&D input)and a significant potential for development, particularly in anindustrial context. We hope you enjoy your read !DynamismeThe two-monthly magazine published jointly byWalloon Business Federation asbl and Maison <strong>des</strong> <strong>Entreprises</strong> <strong>Wallonne</strong>s asblUWE, Chemin du Stockoy 3, B-1300 Wavre, Tel. : +32 (0), Fax : +32 (0), dynamisme@uwe.be, www.dynamismewallon.be• Editing : Thierry Decloux, Madeleine Dembour, Yves-Etienne Massart -E-mail : firstname.surname@uwe.be • Editorial board : Luc De Cordier, Jean de Lame, Madeleine Dembour, Thierry Devillez,Yves-Etienne Massart, Didier Paquot, Vincent Reuter, Jean-Jacques Westhof • Layout : MMM Business Media• Printing : Imprimerie Vase Frères (Waterloo) • Advertising agency : Alliance Media, 32(0), info@alliancemedia.be• Cover photograph : Tilt • Inside pictures (portraits) : Walloon Public Service (Communication Department• Publishing director : Jean de Lame, Chemin du Stockoy 3, B-1300 Wavre - Annual subscription (6 issues) :EUR 30, payable to the account of Maison <strong>des</strong> <strong>Entreprises</strong> <strong>Wallonne</strong>s: 360-1149184-31• With the support of AWEX (Walloon Export and Foreign Investment Agency)Extracts and documents from this issue may not be reprinted, in whole or in part, without prior approval from the editors.Dynamisme december 2008 .5

Special guestJEAN-CLAUDE HAVAUX (ZENTECH)In many projects,the “human factor”is importantZentech is on the up. The Liège-basedbiotech company, which specializes in thedevelopment, production and marketing ofdiagnostics kits for foetus, newborn andvery young children, is in the processof finalizing a new fundraisingoperation that should bring in4.5 million euros in fresh funding. Itsdevelopment plan involves setting upa new base in Malaysia.by Madeleine DEMBOURIMPROVINGTHE HEALTH OFCHILDREN IN THEIRFIRST WEEKS OFLIFE IS AN EXCITINGAND MEANINGFULCHALLENGE.© Tilt6. Dynamisme December 2008

November. The headlines arefull of the financial crisis,but Zentech is thinking aboutincreasing its capital. The Liège-basedbiotech firm is finalizing a new fundraisingoperation that should inject 4.5million euros in fresh funding. Therange of tests developed by Zentech,which specializes in diagnostics kits forfoetus, newborn and very young children,inclu<strong>des</strong> screening for Down'ssyndrome, neonatalogy test and typeI and 2 diabetes.Going beyondthe small SME stage“Our development plan is resolutelyambitious,” explains Jean-ClaudeHavaux, who knows the companyinside out, having joined in 1985 andtaken the helm in a managementbuy-out in 2000. “Why so much ambition?We want to go beyond the smallSME stage and have a presence in allareas, reinforcing the commercialfield”, he explains. The target is theASEAN nations, where Zentech isalready active trough its Vietnamesesubsidiary, (Malaysia, Thailand,Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, thePhilippines and Indonesia), a regionwhere the majority of births areconcentrated. It is also experiencinga significant increase in living standardsand a consequent increase inthe opportunities to test children.This is the reason for the plan toestablish a head office in Malaysia.These plans to expand into Asia arenot the only “drivers” behindZentech’s search for capital. “In ourmarket, we have to provide a complete‘package’, a bit like companiesin the automobile sector that offercomplete ranges of cars,” says Jean-Claude Havaux. “The fundamentalresearch is carried out by the universities,with which we have active partnerships.Our responsibility is development,to which we dedicate around12% of our revenues, in the sameway as the leading pharmaceuticalcompanies do”.Jean-Claude Havaux also says he is“on the lookout for external growthoperations”, which could completethe company’s technological arsenalon the one hand, but also accelerateits growth. Another vehicle for growthwill be recruitment, sometimes ofpeople with a very specific profile,who are not always easy to find onthe Belgian market. The ‘BusinessPlan’ calls for the recruitment of25 people for the Sart-Tilman sitenear Liège, and 15 people for theMalaysian head office.Currently, Zentech’s shareholdersare as follows: the founding executivesown 54.1% through theirMorpho holding company, while theSRIW (Wallonian Regional InvestmentCompany) and Unibra own 14.7%,Meusinvest has a 8.1% stake and8.4% is in the hands of a privateinvestor. With the exception ofMorpho, all the shareholders haveagreed to contribute to the newshare issue, with the balancecoming from various investors andspecialist funds.Michel MORANT,University of Liege interfaceThree questions forMichel MORANTSome Walloon start-ups are afraid of rapid growth.What made Zentech decide to take the fast lane?To continue to exist, a company must develop and grow.Sometimes that requires a large financial injection, whichcan call the founders into question. The role of the foundermust therefore be clear from the start.Zentech has fully involved itself in the BioWin project:what lessons can you draw after two years of life ina competitiveness cluster?The impact of the clusters will only be tangible in a fewyears. But they allow a revolution in intercompanycontacts, which had been rather weak before. For SMEs,the preoccupation with excellence sometimes overshadowsmore “down to earth” projects. They need to focus moreon projects that are closer to their core business.Zentech works a lot with universities:what lessons have come out of this experience?The critical factor is the relationships between people,the trust between interlocutors. The universities needto be able to push the proof of feasibility of their discoveriesfarther. Then the companies would be more confidentin signing contracts and the universities could negotiatefrom a stronger position.Company profileCompany: ZentechDate of incorporation: 1985 – MBO in 2000Sectors:• Clinical biology diagnostics• Prenatal• Neonatal• Pediatrics < 14 years old• Development, production and salesNumber of employees: 432008 turnover: 4.7 million eurosR&D: 500,000 eurosExports: 90%© TiltZENTECHLiège Science ParkAvenue du Pré-Aily 10B-4031 Angleur-BelgiumTel: +32 (0)4 361.42.32Fax: +32 (0)4 367.00.63info@zentech.be - www.zentech.beDynamisme December 2008 .7

Special guest1. a managermeans ...1. TrustingThis really is essential for a growing SME. Thereare now 43 of us and we are planning to recruit 40new people over the next five years (25 in Belgiumand 15 in Asia): you can’t do that without trust.2. FacilitatingBy temperament, I’m not someone who goes intominute detail, but more someone who works onbig objectives, the general vision for the company.We have brought in a Managing Director, PatrickPoty, to work more on the operational side.3. Promoting curiosity as a valueThis is a crucial factor when I recruit someone. It’salso a value that constantly motivates mepersonally. In our sector, you cannot focus only ontechnology, you have to know the “biotope”, youhave to understand the market’s expectations.4. Expressing yourself clearly when you delegateThere comes a time when you cannot doeverything yourself and you have to delegate.However, you have to make sure that the otherperson has understood what you mean, becausewords do not always mean the same thing todifferent people. This is an essential criterion forsuccess in an SME.5. Not reducing everything to pure technologyIn many projects, the human factor is important.In my life, I have built up many long termrelationships by spending evenings with peopleand not talking business…. This also means youcan improve your knowledge of the market© Tilt“By going to our ‘historical’ partners,we are trying to protect ourselvesfrom the vagaries of the bankingmarket. Considering our sector ofactivity, we remain relatively insulatedfrom the crisis that is affecting themajor industrial sectors…”Success comes from“market” orientationThis confidence is supported by agood working knowledge of the market.For example, the Vietnamesecommercial office, set up in 2003,which will generate around600,000 euros in 2008. “Since theoffice was set up five years ago,I have been in Vietnam very often andI see how things are actually done.This is what gives me confidenceabout our impending new office inMalaysia, which will be a ‘cut andpaste’ of Zentech’s Belgian headquarters.To make this Asian operationa success, we have to keep ourears to the ground and see howthings work. In concrete terms, I amgoing to Malaysia next month and Iintend to take my time, to get a bitinvolved in life on the ground so I canget a better feel for the market…”This ‘market analysis’ aspect is reallywhat is lacking in the majority ofinnovative companies, believes Jean-Claude Havaux. “In Belgium and inEurope, it is generally very difficultto make money from innovation.We have very good universities andexcellent spin-offs but we experiencereal problems when it comes to hardselling. It’s quite logical that thefounder of the company, who is oftena researcher, and who spends yearsworking his fingers to the bone todevelop his company, finds itUNBEARABLE that one day he has toallow people in and dilute his ownership.But this is often what isrequired in order to put together astaff with this “market” orientation.The head of Zentech is half Italianand <strong>des</strong>cribes himself as multi-cultural.“I’m a convivial type. You mustn’treduce everything to pure technology.In many projects, it’s the humanfactor that’s important. In my life, I’vebuilt up many long-term relationshipsby spending evenings with peopleand not talking business…”Besi<strong>des</strong> business and turnover, thething that motivates Jean-ClaudeHavaux in his professional life is to beinvolved in improving the health ofvery young children. “Making it possibleto improve the health of childrenin their first weeks of life is an excitingand meaningful challenge. I’mvery proud that Zentech is part of thisadventure.” ■© TiltA helping hand from EuropeThe development of a new kit costs between100,000 and 150,000 euros. SomeEuropean subsidies are available to providefinance to limit the risk. So Zentech’s activitiesinclude participation in certain projectsof the European Framework Program forresearch and development. Like otherWalloon companies, Zentech has benefitedfrom the advice of the team at the NationalContact Point for Wallonia (NCP-Wallonia)which provi<strong>des</strong> a link between theEuropean Commission, the research centersand Walloon companies (small,medium or large) working in the field ofresearch and innovation. This team of professionalsoffers its free services at eachstage of your project.More information? +32 (0)10 48.50.39,ncp-wallonie@uwe.be, www.ncpwallonie.be8. Dynamisme December 2008

24 HOURS IN THE LIFE OFGet upI leave the house by bike or by car, depending on theweather and the day’s schedule (meetings outsidethe office or not).06:3007:30I BASE MY SCHEDULEON DIFFERENT TIMEZONES : MORNINGSARE FOR PHONE CALLSTO ASIAI begin the day by going throughmy letters and e-mails.08:15An hour of debriefing with Patrick Poty,who deals with the day-to-day runningof the company.09:0010:15I use the morning to make phone calls toAsia. Skype is the best invention for SMEslike ours… We have a commercial office in Vietnam andwe plan to set up a head office in Malaysia. Each projecthas its own “Business Plan”, which means we can do aproduct by product survey.I use my afternoons for outside contacts, either bytelephone or on the road.14:00I also like to maintain a network of contacts: as wellas serving as a director of other companies (DNAVision, for example), I am involved in the AST(Technological Stimulation Agency), the Bio-Vallée inGosselies, the Biowin cluster, Biotech Coaching, etc.17:00Return home.18:30I spend my evenings between channel surfing ontelevision and surfing the Internet. This is often alsowhen I reply to e-mails. ?20:00The end of my day. 00:30Behind the sceneBorn in 1955, Jean-Claude Havaux trained as a zoologist (ULg). His career began with 3 yearsin Côte d’Ivoire, where he developed a fish farming project supported by the United Nations.This was where he discovered his taste for sales. Returning home, he launched the Biotech departmentof the Brussels-based firm Sanders-Probel, before joining Techland (the future Zentech)in 1985. The University of Liège spin-off came under Italian control at the end of the 1980s, butcircumstances changed ten years later when its Italian owner died. In 2000, a management buy-outwas orchestrated by none other than Jean-Claude Havaux. A father of three grown children(25 to 19 years old), his hobbies include photography and motorcycles© TiltDynamisme December 2008 .9

Special GuestTHEY ARE 121 IN ACTIVITYSpin-offsspearheadWallooninnovation© belpress.comSINCE 1980, 179 SPIN-OFFS HAVE BEEN CREATEDThe Walloon economysuffered deeply fromindustry restructurationduring the 1980s and90s. The developmentof high value-addedactivities has thereforebecome a majorchallenge for the region.Spin-offs –newcompanies formed froma university researchgroup or a businessincubator – have a keyrole to play in thisperspective.by Elliott HEUCHONWalloon achievement built onbusiness-universitycollaborationAnyone who has visited a theme park ormuseum from Santa Cruz, California toChristchurch, New Zealand, and passingthrough France, Germany, Thailand and more,may very well have taken part in an interactiveattraction <strong>des</strong>igned by Alterface, probablywithout knowing it.Alterface, a spin off from the Catholic Universityof Louvain-la-Neuve, develops interactivemultimedia systems. These innovative, life-like,recreational and educational attractionsdraw visitors to museums, science centresand amusement parks. While Alterface(see page 25) has only been in businesssince 2001, it can now proudly claim to supplycustomers all around the world.For those with an interest in a completelydifferent area –specifically, unpleasant smells—closer attention should be given to Odometric(see page 31) , a spin-off from the University ofLiège. This enterprising company recentlydeveloped a solution for analysing andmanaging levels of olfactory pollution in anarea. Odometric’s expertise is geared towardsindustry as well as research facilities, publicauthorities and resident associations.These are just two examples of the wide anddiversified range of spin-offs in Wallonia.Currently, there are 121 such spin-offsoperating in the region. Biotechnology-healthand information technology account for 26% and25% of this number, respectively, making themthe two most prolific sectors in terms ofcompany creation. These are followed bymaterials (17%), biotechnology-food (11%) andinstrumentation (11%). The final 10% isdistributed between energy, electronicsand others.Wallonia’s renowned university system has hadan enormous impact on the success of thiseconomic activity. The three main universities ofULB (Brussels), UCL (Louvain-La-Neuve) andULG (Liège) are responsible for the creation ofmost of these spin-offs. However, many of thesmaller universities are also closely involved.More and more, these facilities are becomingaware that business - university collaboration isnecessary in the current economic climate.Supporting innovation leads tohigh-growth opportunitiesSince 1980, 179 spin-offs have been created inWallonia. About 80% of them are still in activity.Thanks to the launch of Wallonia’s FIRSTProgramme, 1999 became a key year for spinoffpolicy in the region. This subsidy initiativehas two goals: to orient university researchtowards activities profitable for the Wallooneconomy; and to encourage the creation ofcompanies by researchers. The programmesupports the European <strong>Union</strong>’s objective ofimproving the transferability of universityresearch results to economic applications, aslaid out in the Lisbon and Barcelona EuropeanCouncils.Since 2005, the FIRST programme has been runalongside policies dedicated to creatingcompetitive clusters, and as an integral part of alarger economic plan for Wallonia. The regionhas dedicated investments of EUR 270M toresearch and innovation, EUR 90M of which isear-marked for the spin-off programme. Thegoal of this investment is to stimulate thedevelopment of high value-added industry andthe renewal of the Walloon economic landscape,through the creation and growth of innovativespin-offs.Public investment companies also have a role toplay in this programme, in order to facilitateaccess to the risk capital needed to create newcompanies. According to a December 31, 2007review, these investment companies haveprovided a total of EUR 11.8M in funding for56 spin-off projects in Wallonia.Spin-offs have also benefited from other10. Dynamisme December 2008

© belpress.comIN WALLONIA. ABOUT 80% OF THEM ARE STILL IN ACTIVITY.financial assistance, such as export support.The Walloon government sees these results asencouraging, and hopefully they are indicativethat the region has started a new positivegrowth dynamic. However, everything is notperfect yet as far as spin-off policy is concerned.The different actors must stay alert and not reston their laurels. For instance, improvements inthe selection method for spin-offs could betteroptimise the use of seed capital. These kind ofmeasures could increase the number of highgrowth-potentialspin-offs.Success breeds successEven so, Wallonia has already experienced manyspin-off success stories.IBA (Ion Beam Applications S.A.) is one of these.It was launched in 1986 as a spin-off of theCyclotron Research Center at the CatholicUniversity of Louvain-la-Neuve. The companywas first active in medical imaging beforediversifying into radiotherapy, technologicallyadvancedcyclotrons and, later, industrialsterilisation and ionisation. Today, with 20 yearsof operations under its belt, and with more than200 IBA particle accelerators used around theworld, IBA is the world leader in its sector. Its40 sites located on three continents employmore than 1100 people.Eurogentec was created one year before IBA, asa spin-off from the University of Liège.Eurogentec’s activities include <strong>des</strong>igning anddelivering services and products for scientists inlife science research, molecular diagnostics andtherapeutic development and commercialisation(see page 38). The company’s headquarters arestill located in the Liege Science Park, but it alsohas subsidiaries in France, Germany, the UK,the Netherlands and Switzerland; a partnershipin Singapore; and production facilities in theUSA and Japan.The company now employs around 294 people.Another Walloon success story, IRIS, waslaunched in 1987 in Louvain-la-Neuve.DIDIER PAQUOTIS AN ECONOMISTWITH THE WALLOONBUSINESS FEDERATIONSpin-offs show a new face of industryThe successful economic revivals in the USduring the 90s and in Germany more recentlyshow that a broad, sound, dynamic industrialbase is still necessary for sustainableeconomic development -- even in “old, developed”economies. Indeed, R&D and technologicalprogress are rooted in industry, whileexports and many services significantlydepend on industrial production.Thus, for regions like Wallonia, the key challengelies not in moving from a “traditionalindustrial” economy to a services-based economy,but rather to an economy based onadvanced, technological industry.In many high-knowledge sectors, like biotechnology,nano-technology, new materials,ICT and food, our economies still enjoy advantagesover emerging countries. So economicpolicy must do more than initiate and supportthe creation of new enterprises aimed at economicallyexploiting the results of scientificresearch. It must also establish the frameworkand tools that allow the new companiesto experience high-growth development.The evolution from a small, research-orientedentity (the first step of a spin-off) to a growing,commercial company is not easy and can bepainful for the spin-off’s founders. They canexperience difficulties in: delegating control oftheir “baby”, admitting their own managementlimitations, finding capital for expansion,unavoidable organisational changes, etc.Public authorities can play a key role byoffering efficient and well-<strong>des</strong>igned servicesto help spin-offs successfully survive thisevolution.However, creating hundreds of spin-offswhose development stalls at 10 employeeswill not seriously help an economy catch up orgrasp new market opportunities. The ultimateobjective of any spin-off policy must be toregenerate the economic fabric by creatingknowledge and export-oriented companiesthat employ hundreds of people. ■Dynamisme December 2008 .11

SOME SUCCESSSPIN-OFFSWALLONIA CANLOOK FORWARD TOTRANSFORMINGTODAY’S SPIN-OFFS INTOTOMORROW’SSUCCESS STORIES.Alterfacewww.alterface.comDelphi Geneticswww.delphigentics.comEurogentecwww.eurogentec.com© belpress.comThis company supplies high quality solutions toconvert paper documents to digital informationin order to facilitate recording, sharing andmanagement. IRIS’s products are distributed to900 very large customers in more than50 countries, including such household namesas HP, Kodak, Samsung, Adobe, etc. In 1999,the company went public on the stock market,and currently employs 500 people at sevendifferent locations.These are only a few of the many examples thatcould be brought up. And yet, these successfulspin-off originated many years ago, without thesupport of the policies mentioned above. Butthanks to the involvement of authorities andother concerned actors in the creation process,new companies will not find the window ofopportunity shut, and Wallonia can look forwardto transforming today’s spin-offs intotomorrow’s success stories. ■IBA (Ion Beam Applications)www.iba.beIRISwww.irislink.comKitoZymewww.kitozyme.comOdometricwww.odometric.beXylowattwww.xylowatt.comHelp and useful linkswww.reseaulieu.be : the Walloon <strong>Entreprises</strong>-Universities networkgathers information about cooperation services between universitiesand companies (in th French Community of Belgium)www.sowalfin.be : the Walloon financing corporation for small andmedium businesseswww.ciuf.be : Interuniversity council of the French Communityof Belgiumwww.ncp-wallonie.be : the national contact point in Wallonia forthe European research programshttp://recherche-technologie.wallonie.be : gateway to research andtechnologies in Wallonia12. Dynamisme December 2008

CompaniesFRANK JANSSEN (UNIVERSITY OF LOUVAIN)The Majority of SMEs InnovateNewsflash: themajority of SMEs areinnovating! Every twoyears, researchershold a conference totake a better look atthis phenomenon.Recently, the eventwas hosted inLouvain-la-Neuve.Dynamisme went tofind out more.by Madeleine DEMBOURWallonia is a land of SMEs but equally aland of innovation, as we have learntfrom the special report (see pages 22)in this international issue focusing on40 innovative products.To place these innovations within an academiccontext, we went to look around the Universityof Louvain, where the InternationalFrancophone Conference on Entrepreneurshipand SMEs was held at the end of October2008. Every two years, this Conference bringstogether almost 250 researchers andprofessionals of more than 15 differentnationalities. This is a special occasionbringing together mainly the academic world,but also consultants, government officialsand, of course, entrepreneurs.For the 2008 edition, the Louvain School ofManagement proposed the following theme :“The Entrepreneur and the SME: Vectors ofChange and Innovation”.What were the reasons behind the choice of thistopic? As the organizers explain, the economistJoseph Schumpeter had already pointed outthat the majority of innovations come fromSMEs: “the majority of SMEs are innovating.Innovation depends upon both internal andexternal resources, and the entrepreneur, theinternal resource par excellence, plays a centralrole in this process.”With more than ninety different scientificcontributions, the conference revealed thestate of the art in terms of our understandingof these issues. In addition to the centraltheme, academics and professionals alsopresented contributions focusing on SMEs andentrepreneurship in general.SMEs as vectors of changeAt this university of over 21,000 students,over 20% of whom come from overseas, wemet with Professor Frank Janssen, whoteaches entrepreneurship at the LouvainSchool of Management and was President ofthe organizing committee of the 2008conference.“Innovation is an old topic for researchers!” heexplains. “In particular, we have beenaddressing the issue of whether mostinnovations come from SMEs or from a largecompanies for some time. Thereis really nounanimous answer to this question. In theend, we think that SMEs are more productivein terms of innovations, i.e. more efficient pereuro invested. And there is no doubt thatinnovation has its source on the ground, whichfavors SMEs where the way from the bottomto the top is shorter.”In concrete terms, we should remember thatit can be difficult to capture innovation inaccounting terms. Should we look at R&DIT CAN BE DIFFICULTTO CAPTUREINNOVATION INACCOUNTING TERMS.SHOULD WE LOOK ATR&D EXPENDITURE?THE NUMBER OFPATENTS FILED? THENUMBER OF PEOPLEWORKING ONRESEARCHPROJECTS?Franck Janssen(Louvain School of Management)14. Dynamisme December 2008

expenditure? The number of patents filed?The number of people working on researchprojects? Everyone knows, especially in SMEs,that this spending is not always accounted foras such. Furthermore, innovations aretraditionally measured in terms of products orservices, but not so much in terms ofmanagement innovations, for example.“Beyond innovation in the strict sense of theterm, SMEs and entrepreneurs are oftenvectors of many other changes, whethereconomic or social. You only need to thinkabout their role in terms of creating value,developing markets, organizational change orsocial innovations”, says professor Janssen.This vision of the entrepreneurial company asa “gazelle” is eminently Anglo-Saxon, he adds.From a European viewpoint, it is noticeablethat strong growth remains the exception. Theaverage size of an SME in Europe is sevenpeople. Why are they small? Because of whatis known as the “comfort threshold”, beyondwhich the entrepreneur has to start todelegate. Americans would tend to <strong>des</strong>cribethis as lifestyle business, but this does notmean a lack of innovation.Everyone has the right to“crash and burn”In a world that is ever more globalized,meaning that knowledge spreads faster andfaster, we might wonder whether innovation isbecoming increasingly difficult. How can youstill be original when you are operating in aglobal market?Frank Janssen sees one answer to thisquestion in the individualization of our tastesand consumer choices, which creates niche‘CEO WALLONIA EXPORT ANDINVESTMENT AGENCY’markets. “Niches mean innovation”, he says.“I really don’t think that the human race hasreached the limit of its knowledge. Scientificcommunications are increasing at anexponential rate, and researchers arecommunicating more and more. Thanks to theInternet, teams are being put together on aninternational level and I see exchanges ofideas accelerating more and more.”What does this acceleration mean? “We willmove towards shorter and shorter cycles ofproducts and services, with a greater rotation.The current market crisis will certainlyaccelerate this phenomenon, and alsoperhaps attract more young people towardsentrepreneurship at the same time. The bankshave taken a hit and the crisis has impactedon the real economy. Waves of layoffs willincrease necessity-driven entrepreneurship.Having control of your own <strong>des</strong>tiny, workingfor yourself… these are the values that aremaking a comeback.”Clearly, along with this renewal of ourvalues, a sociological change is also required.The fact that people who fail are vilified is areal obstacle. Our laws, the way in which wemake judgments, and so on: all this mustchange. “We all have the right to crash andburn!” ■Three questions forPhilippe SUINENWallonia has embarked upon a policy of clustering.What are the results so far?There are now 14 clusters spanning 900 companies, operating inextremely varied areas ranging from aeronautics toeco-construction, by way of clinical research, solid waste, transportand logistics, and so on.Is clustering effective on an international level?Yes, because all the Walloon clusters are engaged in internationalactivities. For example, the solid waste cluster is involved inprojects in Spain and Portugal. The Eco-construction cluster istaking part in around ten projects with foreign partners. I could listmany different examples.What role does innovation play in the internationalizationof our SMEs?Innovation is very important in terms of a company’scompetitiveness when it comes to identifying new shares of themarket and niche products. We support innovation throughbusiness clusters but also through the competitiveness clusters.IN BRIEFAlong with necessity-drivenentrepreneurship andopportunity-drivenentrepreneurship, theresearchers at the LouvainSchool of Management alsodistinguish a third category :leisure entrepreneurship.For example, people whocarry on a professionalactivity after retirement inorder to maintain theirnetworks of contacts andremain active. It also seemsthat necessity-drivenentrepreneurship createsless employment and is themost fragile category.TO FIND OUTMOREThe InternationalFrancophone Conference onEntrepreneurship and SMEsis the most important eventorganized by theInternational Association forResearch onEntrepreneurship and SMEs.The Association was createdin 1996, based on theobservation thatmanagement researcherswere increasingly fascinatedby the managementdynamics of small andmedium-sized enterprises.This is still a very youngresearch paradigm.- The 2008 Conference:www.uclouvain.be/cifepme.html- The InternationalAssociation:web.hec.ca/airepmeDynamisme December 2008 .15

Companies11TH WALLONIA EXPORT GRAND PRIXCelebrating Walloniansuccess abroadEvery two years, the Wallonia Export Grand Prix celebrates the successesof Wallonian companies in bringing their products and services to a wider,international audience. This year, 10 companies have been recognised notonly for their level of exports, but also for the renown they bring toWallonia.par Kirsten ASLINGWallonia and its companies are movingfrom strength to strength. While thisspecial issue of Dynamisme highlightssome of the top products created by Walloniancompanies, we have much more to be proud of,and much more to offer the internationalbusiness community and foreign markets.This year marks the 11th year of the bi-annualWallonia Export Grand Prix. These awardsrecognise Wallonian companies that havedemonstrated particular success in exportmarkets. Along with foreign investment,exportation is one of the key factors for theinternational growth of a region. For bothforeign investment and exportation, 2007 proveda winning year for Wallonia.Our region has welcomed some of the globalheavy-hitters in international business,including Google, Microsoft, H&M, Fedex andmore. They are convinced that Wallonia willprovide them with an attractive home fromwhich to expand upon their success. Thanks tothese companies, and others, the number ofjobs in Wallonia from international companiesrose by just under 30% in 2007.Increased exports also raised Wallonia’s profileabroad. Exports rose by 8.4% in 2007,continuing the steady growth seen throughoutthe period of 1996-2007. In fact, Wallonia’saverage export growth for this period was wellabove that of the EU 15.AWEX promotes exceptionalachievementThis long-term success relies on the hard workof Wallonian companies in the export markets.To support and encourage these efforts, everyother year the Walloon Export and ForeignInvestment Agency (AWEX) organises theWallonia Export Grand Prix. First awarded in1991, these prizes reward the companies thathave progressed the most in their level ofexportation, or that have taken on – andconquered!–particularly difficult markets.Out of the 34 companies that took part in 2008,10 were selected as being particularly worthy ofnote in the area of exportation.Most years, a total of 7 prizes are awarded:AS AWEX CEO PHILIPPESUINEN SAYS, “EXPORTATIONIS A GREAT ADVENTURE”,AND THIS IS CERTAINLY TRUEFOR THE TWO 2008 GRANDPRIX WINNERS.16. Dynamisme December 2008

OUT OF THE 34 COMPANIES THAT TOOK PART IN 2008, 10 WERE SELECTED AS BEING PARTICULARLY WORTHY OFNOTE IN THE AREA OF EXPORTATION.• The Wallonia Export Grand Prix “Europe”acknowledges a company that hassignificantly improved its performance and itsposition in the European <strong>Union</strong> and/or otherregions of Europe.• The Wallonia Export Grand Prix “High ExportTurnover” recognises a company that hassignificantly improved its results andpresence in markets outside of Europe.• The (maximum) five Wallonia Export Prizesreward other <strong>des</strong>erving exporting companies.For 2008, the Wallonia Export Grand Prix“Europe” award was won by AurigaInternational. The Wallonia Export Grand Prix“High Export Turnover” was awarded toEnsival-Moret. The Wallonia Export Prizewinners are: Automatic System, CP Bourg,Thales Alenia and Truflo Rona. In addition, a‘Helping Hand’ Export Prize was awarded toConcept & Forme.Some years, a ‘Youth’ prize may be awarded toa company that has particularly integratedyoung people into its export activities. Inrecognition of its efforts in this area, thecompany Croc'in was awarded this prize for2008.For this 11th version of the Grand Prix,however, 2008 has been a special year. Inparticular, two additional prizes were offered:a unique “Special Mention” Grand Prix, whichwent to GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, and a“UWE International Marketing Cell award,celebrating the 10th anniversary of theCell, which was given to CPL industries.(see page 20)The awarding of so many prizes will certainlymake this year’s Grand Prix one to remember!Building relationshipsis as important as numbersTo win a Wallonia Export Grand Prix orWallonia Export Prize, a company mustdemonstrate much more than just success inexport figures. In total, 34 companies appliedfor the program in 2008. Each had todemonstrate certain success factors, whichwere considered by the jury.Participating companies must firstly proverecent success in growing their exportbusiness, either overall or towards a new ordifficult export market.They then must demonstrate a proactiveattitude toward exportation. This can include asignificant increase in exports, the creation ofrelevant partnerships, the spectacular conquestof one or more markets, penetrating a difficultmarket or another initiative that builds theinternational awareness of the company orextends its reach internationally. Examplesinclude <strong>des</strong>ign, research and development,certification, launching of new products,products that protect the environment, etc.Finally, the qualitative character of theexportation is considered. This requires that theproducts or services being exported reflect wellon Wallonia, whether by their innovativecharacter or by their specific intrinsic qualities.All of the Grand Prix winners receive a trophy,and are invited to take part in two AWEXmissions, one of them in Europe. The ExportPrize winners also receive trophies, and areinvited on one AWEX mission, in Europe. Eachwinning company receives a grant for languagetraining from Ceran Lingua International.An exceptional prizefor an exceptional companyWhile this is the first time a “Special Mention”prize has been awarded, it is not the first timeGlaxoSmithKline Biologicals has been singledout by the Wallonia Export Grand Prix. In 1993,the pharmaceutical company won the WalloniaExport Grand Prix “High Export Turnover”award, and in 1998 it again won a WalloniaExport Prize.From its headquarters in Rixensart, Belgium,this Wallonian company has become one of theworld’s leading vaccine manufacturers. It isproud of the fact that 3 million of its vaccinesare delivered EVERY DAY to 165 countriesworldwide. It offers an excellent example of thetype of company that makes thepharmaceuticals industry a pole of excellence inBelgium, and that will make Wallonia one of2008 WINNERSWallonia Export Grand Prix“Special Mention”:GlaxoSmithKline BiologicalsWallonia Export Grand Prix“High Export Turnover:Ensival-MoretWallonia Export Grand Prix“Europe”: Auriga InternationalWallonia Export Prize:Automatic Systems, CPBourg, Thales Alenia, TrufloRona“Helping Hand” Prize:Concept & Forme“Youth” Prize: Croc’in10th Anniversary UWE Int’lMarketing Cell Prize:CPL IndustrieDynamisme December 2008 .17

CompaniesEXPORTS ROSE BY 8.4% IN2007, CONTINUING THESTEADY GROWTH SEENTHROUGHOUT THE PERIODOF 1996-2007.ETIENNE COLLIN (WALLOONBUSINESS FEDERATIONADVISOR), JEAN-MARIEMOULIN (WINNERS 2008)AND JEAN-JACQUESGABRIEL (FORTIS).Europe's top biotechnology clusters.“We are very pleased to be recognised with thisspecial ‘Grand Prix’ award,” saysJean Stephenne, CEO GSK. “Developing ourexport markets is a key focus for us, becauseour goal is to increase well-being and lifeexpectancy around the world, by pushing backthe frontiers of pharmaceutical knowledge. Todo this, we must have a strong commercialstrategy for exportation. In our case, thisinclu<strong>des</strong> maintaining relationships withsupranational organisations, sharing ourexpertise on government affairs, commercialand pricing issues, and the overall healthcareenvironment. Thanks to these relationships, sixout of every ten doses of our vaccines go tosupranational bodies for large-scale vaccinationcampaigns, largely in the developing world.Wallonia is our home, though, and we are proudto be part of building its international profile.”GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals’ dual commitmentto Wallonian enterprise and to globalhealthcare, along with the extraordinary effortsit makes in building and supportingrelationships, are the motivation for awarding itthe “Special Mention” prize.Wallonia leading technologyAs AWEX CEO Philippe Suinen says,“Exportation is a great adventure”, and this iscertainly true for the two 2008 Grand Prixwinners: Ensival-Moret and AurigaInternational. In two very different sectors,these companies are taking Wallonianinnovation to new markets.Ensival-Moret is the winner of the WalloniaExport Grand Prix for “High Export Turnover”.This industrial pump company is at the leadingedge of industrial technology, using the mostmodern technical solutions in terms ofhydraulics, mechanical engineering andmetalworking. All of its <strong>des</strong>igning is carriedout in-house from its premises inThimister-Clermont, Belgium.Since 2000, when the two companies Ensivaland Moret joined forces, the Group hasdeveloped a genuinely worldwide commercialpresence, with agents in more than70 countries. More than 50% of the group'sproduction is exported, to more than 100countries. It proves its commitment to thisinternational activity presence by providing aglobal service centre network.“If you are serious about international success,you must support your own efforts completely,”says Louis-Marie Houbiers, CEO Ensival-Moret.“For us, this means we have to be there for ourcustomers even after they have purchased theproduct. And that translates to after-salesservice available wherever our products aresold.”Biotechnology company Auriga International isalso a technology leader, this time in the sectorof healthcare, specifically dermatocosmetology.While it develops and marketsinnovative skincare products, it has also createdclose relationships with Belgian universities tocarry out research on treating certain skintumours and disorders.18. Dynamisme December 2008

THE COMPANIES THATWERE SELECTED FORAWARDS AND MENTIONSTHIS YEAR ARE OFDIFFERENT SIZES, INDIFFERENT SECTORS ANDFROM DIFFERENTBACKGROUNDS.Auriga International has been awarded theWallonia Export Grand Prix for “Europe”, for itsstrong export growth into European markets. Toachieve this, it has established a dealer networkthat covers Western, Central and EasternEurope Alfred Marchal, CEO Auriga, explains,“Expanding our activities internationally is keyto our survival. Wallonia has the R&Dinfrastructure and expertise for us to developtruly innovative biotechnology products.Then we can test and patent theminternationally. We now have distributors in over30 countries – including all over Europe–for ourproducts”.The activities of companies like Ensival-Moretand Auriga International not only increaseexports from Wallonia, they also demonstratehow our region offers great technologyopportunities and partnerships.Six to watchThe four companies awarded Wallonia ExportPrizes have all distinguished themselves intheir dedication to building their exportbusiness based on quality and technology. Theyrepresent some of the best Wallonia has tooffer internationally. Automatic Systems, C.P.Bourg, Thales Alenia and Truflo Rona are allcommitted to research and development toimprove and increase their product offeringsand develop their brands globally. From Truflo’shigh-integrity specialist industrial valvesthrough to Thales Alenia’s satellite systems andorbital infrastructures, Wallonian companiesshow that it isn’t size that’s important for globalsuccess: it’s innovation. And AutomaticSystem’s physical access control and securityequipment and C.P. Bourg’s print finishingequipment demonstrate how fresh thinking canbring new opportunities to traditional sectors.This year, a “Helping Hand” Wallonia ExportPrize was also awarded, to company Concept &Forme, manufacturers of wood stoves. Thisspecial award recognises a company that meetsall of the Export Prize criteria, except in its levelof exportation. But Concept & Forme isfocussing on the same philosophy as theothers: success through quality and innovation.In addition, a special ‘Youth’ mention was givento company Croc’in. This manufacturer of tartletbases for the catering industry has wonnumerous awards for innovation, originality andexporting. This year, it is being recognised byAWEX for its dedication to including youngpeople in its export business, thus building afirm foundation for Wallonia’s future success.UWE international Marketing CellIn our role promoting and supportingcompanies in all fields of business activities,the UWE (Walloon Business Federation) set upthe International MarketingCell in 1998. This Cell focuses on internationaltrade, bringing companies together andproviding international market expertise.To celebrate the Cell’s 10th anniversary, aspecial prize has been awarded to one of itsmembers. CPL Industrie manufacturesindustrial chains and presses. An activemember of the International Marketing Cell,more than 70% of its production from Othée,Belgium is exported around the world. It is anideal company to represent the Cell for thismilestone year.Differences make us strong :similarities make us strongerThe companies that were selected for awardsand mentions this year are of different sizes, indifferent sectors and from differentbackgrounds. The sheer variety of business andexports available from Wallonian companieshelps make us strong internationally. Butperhaps more important are the similaritiesthese companies share, especially in theirdedication: to quality, to innovation, to newideas, even when based on traditional values.Each of these companies is a model for ourregion, and we are proud to have eachrepresent us in the global market. ■WALLONIAFIGURESEconomic indicators forWallonia:• Increase in exports 2007:8.4%• Increase in jobs fromforeign companies 2007:27.8%• Foreign investment inWallonia 2000-2007:EUR 5.3 billion• Jobs created by thisinvestment 2000-2007:13,825• GDP 2006:EUR 73,838.8 million• GDP growth 2006:4.2%Dynamisme December 2008 .19

CompaniesINBRIEFThe UWE’s (Walloon BusinessFederation) International MarketingTeam celebrates its tenth birthday in2008. The team’s mission is to boostWalloon exports by bringing togethersuppliers of goods and services within agiven sector (forming a “cluster ofbusinesses”). Its actions are based onthe technical support of a company thatis the leader in its field. Activities involveorganizing trade missions abroad toidentify business opportunities, but alsohosting delegations from overseas forvisits to Walloon businesses operating intheir sector.“We are very pleased that CPL Industrie(see opposite) has won an award. Thecompany has been with the MarketingTeam since its creation ten years ago.It has spread the word to othercompanies and has been a great help tous in terms of refining ourmethodology”, explains Etienne Collin,a UWE Advisor.The following clusters have beencreated: cement, environment, foodindustry equipment, food ingredients,mines and quarries, petrochemicals,pharmaceuticals, steel, sugar, glass, railtransport and electricity transmission.Since the team was created, visits to40 different countries have already beenorganized, with an average of7 companies taking part in each trademission.• Contacts: +32 (0),marketing@uwe.be• Sponsors: AWEX, ArcelorMittal, INGBelgium, Fortis, Solvay• Advisors: AGC, Carmeuse, Elia,GlaxoSmithKline, HeidelbergCement,Holcim, Inbev, Italcementi, Lhoist,SNCB Holding, Total, Umicore123Three questions forJean-Marie Moulin,CPL IndustrieThis SME in Liege, specialised in the mechanical sector (chainsand presses), was honoured on November 25 at the WalloniaExport Grand Prix. We spoke with director Jean-Marie Moulin.by Madeleine DEMBOURThe 11th Wallonia Export Grand Prix had a specialcharacteristic. An additional award was given out to mark the10th anniversary of the UWE International Marketing Cell:your company won it. It was a nice recognition, after havingrelaunched the company in 2002. How do you feel about it?At first, I was amazed to receive this distinction. But when you think about it, it is true that wehave been very faithful members of the UWE International Marketing Cell from the beginning.We took part in the first missions under the patronage of Michel Hahn (Magotteaux) in 1998, toTurkey and Brazil. His perfect knowledge of the world of cement manufacturing opened manydoors for Walloon SMEs. We in turn try to raise the possibilities for other SMEs: we have justintroduced CBV (Belgian Ventilation Company) in Libya, which is out biggest client.Considering that you export more than 70% of your production, whatdo the cluster formation actions put in place by the UWE offer you?This way of working in company clusters is an innovative methodology that actuallycomplements the traditional AWEX missions, without competing with them. I particularlyappreciate that clients are targeted, their needs are identified and the visitation schedule isset out before the mission gets underway.In this rather difficult time for business, what message would yougive to other Walloon companies looking to export?Go for it, now more than ever! This is definitely not the time to cut back on marketingexpenses. Sales never come looking for you: you must go out and find them yourself.As for us, we have a strong presence in France, Libya and Algeria. We just visitedTurnkey – with the UWE, of course – and Slovakia, where we may see some projects come tolife. ■Sales don’tcome to find you;you must go out andfind them yourself.20. Dynamisme December 2008

Dynamisme Hors-Série Automne 2008 .21

06242424252525262627282828292929303031323232333333343435373737383838404040434343ProductsZentechDelphi GeneticsBarco SilexBabelgomAlterfaceKitoZymeBioxtractAGC Flat Glass EuropeXylowattBelroboticsAraponicsMedi-LineGallerImperbelWetlandsLe PétaleLucimedLange ChristianOdemetricBEAMexysAutomatic systemsAseptic TechnologiesNanocylPro Fish TechnologySalucBrunehautFuterroArtboisBrasserie d'EcaussinesDetryCoqArdEurogentecUCBPrayonOKTCormanCeteorAlstom BelgiumWow CompanyA report by Thierry DECLOUX, Madeleine DEMBOUR,Liliane FANELLO and Yves-Etienne MASSARTDOWNLOADthe file on www.uwe.beSPECIAL ECONOMIEINNOVATION ALIVE AND40 new prodformulaIn this special feature, our journalistswill introduce you to 40 products“Made in Wallonia” with an internationalvocation (exports), a genuinely innovativedimension (strong R&D input) and asignificant potential for development,particularly in an industrial context.We hope you enjoy your read!by Madeleine DEMBOURFor the third year running, DYNAMISME Magazine(published by the Walloon Business Federation)has published an international issue.Why a magazine in English? We are now repeatingthe experiment for the third time. In 2006, ourend-of-year issue focused on the 5 competitivenessclusters, sectors in which Wallonia intends toposition itself for the years to come. In 2007, theeditorial team introduced 40 “hidden champions”,Walloon companies that may not always get therecognition they <strong>des</strong>erve, but which over theyears have become world leaders in their field(www.uwe.be/bases-de-donnees/leadersmondiaux).The reactions we received to these initiatives wereextremely positive, both from readers in Belgiumand readers abroad. In particular, there was a lotof coverage of the contents of these issues in thepress, and certain media organizations havealready decided to partner this 2008 issue.So what is the theme for this year? “40 newproducts with Wallonia’s winning formula”.Since June 2008, our journalists have been huntingdown products that meet the following criteria:1. An international vocation (exports).2. A genuinely innovative dimension (strongR&D input).3. A significant potential for development,particularly in an industrial context.We are presenting two major categories of product:1. Existing products: in existence for less than5 years and made in Wallonia.2. Products in development: at a prototype orpre-production stage.You will discover the results of their research in thefollowing pages. We should, however, point out thatthis list of 40 products makes no claim to be anexhaustive list (see text box opposite).22. Dynamisme December 2008

WELL IN WALLONIAucts with Wallonia’s winningACTIVECOLLABORATIONSARE GROWING UPAROUND NUMEROUSRESEARCH,INVESTMENT ANDTRAINING PROJECTS.© TiltNot exhaustive!Competitiveness clusters,a winning formula?Many projects are taking shape under the newindustrial policy launched three years ago inWallonia, under the name of the “Marshall Plan”.This new policy involves the creation of clustersof businesses and also competitiveness clusters,in other words networks that link businesses,universities and research centers, as well astraining institutions, around innovative projects thatcreate economic activity and employment.Active collaborations are growing up aroundnumerous research, investment and trainingprojects. In concrete terms, since the creation ofthe competitiveness clusters, 70 projects havebeen approved by the Walloon Government,with 200 participations from companies, 130 fromuniversity centers, 40 from research centers and40 from training centers. There can be no doubtabout it; innovation is at work! ■Our investigations revealed a largenumber of excellent projects thatcould have taken their place in thislist. However, we had to make aselection in order to give arepresentative overview of theeconomic makeup of the region,provide a good balance betweenBtoB and BtoC solutions, ensuregeographical and sectoral diversity,etc. If you feel that you have beenoverlooked, please contact theeditorial staff (dynamisme@uwe.be).They will be delighted to include youin the list published on the Internet(www.uwe.be).Dynamisme December 2008 23.

ProductsA big player in a microscopic sectorDelphi Genetics is a pioneering molecularbiology spin-off from the Université Libre deBruxelles that was set up in November 2001.It develops and markets innovative productson the biotechnology market, with aparticular focus on its cutting-edgeexpertise in DNA cloning processes.This is a sector in which American corporategiants can make multi-billion-dollarinvestments, but the quality of DelphiGenetics’ research is clearly priceless,making it one of the companies that counton the international stage.From discoveries to strategic collaborations,Delphi Genetics is now a major-leagueplayer. For proof of this, we can look to itsrecent discovery that by modifying alphafetoproteinin mice, females can be madeautomatically sterile. Extrapolated tohumans, this advance will perhapsconstitute a breakthrough for a possiblesolution to problems of female infertility.This is the hope, but whatever the outcome,the discovery will at least lead to animprovement in treatment targeting.www.delphigenetics.com (Gosselies) ■UN GRAND DE L’INFINIMENT PETITLeading edge research and <strong>des</strong>ignBarco Silex is one of the jewels in the crownof Barco, a group that is itself one of theleading lights of Belgian industry. Themicroelectronic <strong>des</strong>ign company is based onthe Einstein science park in Louvain-La-Neuve, where it employs around 30 people.It operates within the very specialized,sophisticated field of image processing, withparticular emphasis on image compressiontechnology. Barco Silex’s expertise has wonit customers amongst the leaders andinnovators of every sector of the electronicsindustry in Europe and even further afield.These include some of the most demandingcustomers of all, the leading players in theaeronautics market and the aerospaceindustry.The latest weapon in its arsenal consists oftechnology for encoding and decoding highresolutionimages based on the JPEG 2000standard, the format used by recentlyintroducedhigh definition products aimed atvarious markets (Broadcast, digital cinema,medical sector, etc.).www.barco-silex.com (Louvain-la-Neuve) ■Créée en novembre 2001, cette spin-off de l’ULBest une pionnière en matière de biologie moléculaire.Delphi Genetics développe et commercialise<strong>des</strong> produits innovants sur le marché de la biotechnologie,notamment au travers d’une expertise detout premier plan dans le domaine <strong>des</strong> processusde clonage d’ADN. Un secteur où les géants américainspeuvent investir à coups de milliards de dollars.Mais la qualité de la recherche de DelphiGenetics n’a manifestement pas de prix,puisqu’elle "compte" dans le concert international.De découvertes en collaborations stratégiques,Delphi Genetics joue désormais dans la cour <strong>des</strong>grands. Pour preuve, une récente découvertemajeure dans le traitement de l’infertilité chez lafemme, réalisée en modifiant génétiquement l'alpha-foetoprotéinechez les souris.RECHERCHE ET CONCEPTION DE POINTEBarco Silex est l’un <strong>des</strong> fleurons d’un autre fleuronde l’industrie belge, Barco. La société, implantéeà Louvain-La-Neuve, occupe une trentaine depersonnes. Son métier : la conception microélectroniquedans le domaine très pointu du traitementde l'image, et plus particulièrement de la compressiond'image. Ses clients sont <strong>des</strong> leaders et innovateursdans tous les secteurs de l’électronique enEurope, et au-delà. Son expertise lui a égalementouvert les portes <strong>des</strong> leaders du marché aéronautiqueet de l’industrie aérospatiale. Enfin, BarcoSilex a récemment introduit <strong>des</strong> nouveaux produitssur divers marchés faisant appel à la hautedéfinition (Broadcast, cinéma numérique, secteurmédical, etc.) grâce à sa technologied'encodage/décodage d'images hautes résolutions,suivant la norme JPEG2000.The self-service data transfer “hub”In the space of less than two years,Babelgom has carved out a niche for itselfwith an innovative system that automatesdata transfer between industrial partners,all without the need to install any software.Babelgom’s real innovation lies in the factthat its solution allows partners tocommunicate using the method of theirchoice and in the format specific to their ITenvironment, without either side having tomake any adaptations. Basically, thesolution acts as a go-between by adaptingthe technical formats en route: a sort of ‘EDItranslator and communicator’ provided on asoftware-as-a-service basis.Data exchange flows are entirely configuredvia web interfaces. A secure, redundantinfrastructure is equipped with all thecommunication modules required toautomate data flows. Possible applicationsinclude exchanges of price lists, purchaseorders, delivery dispatch and confirmationdocuments or invoices, all in an electronicformat.www.babelgom.com (Louvain-la-Neuve) ■LE "HUB" DE TRANSFERTDE DONNÉES EN SELF-SERVICEEn moins de 2 ans, Babelgom a creusé son trou audépart d’un système innovant qui automatise leséchanges de données entre partenaires industriels.Grâce à l’installation d’un logiciel ? Non etc’est bien là le cœur de l’innovation : la solutionde Babelgom permet aux partenaires de communiquerpar la méthode de leur choix et dans leformat spécifique à leur environnement informatique,sans devoir s’adapter l’un à l’autre. Bref :une solution qui fait office d’agent de liaison enadaptant au passage les formats techniques.La configuration d’un flux d’échange se fait entièrementvia <strong>des</strong> interfaces web dans une infrastructuresécurisée, équipée de tous les modules de communicationutiles pour automatiser <strong>des</strong> fluxde données (liste de prix, bons de commande,de factures électroniques, etc.)24. Dynamisme December 2008

Interactivity within a 3D imaginary worldBetween learning and dreams, Alterfaceworks in an area where education meetsentertainment. It has references from clientsaround the world: amusement parks,museums, science centers, zoos and themeparks. With its technical know-how, Alterfaceenables visitors to really immersethemselves in their environment, allowingthem to engage fully with the informationand interact intuitively.Alterface gives an extra dimension tolearning, communication and fun. Thecompany has extremely wide-rangingexpertise in terms of computer imaging andsignal processing (sound and images) in realtime, as well as in the creation ofspectacular and video-realistic content.The company is a spin-off from theKitoZyme’s innovation has its roots in eightyears of research at the University of Liègefocusing on a pioneering extraction processfor plant biopolymers. The Liège-basedcompany produces ingredients withscientifically proven performances,constituting an effective alternative toingredients derived from animal sources orsynthetic ingredients, which could potentiallytrigger allergies.Its main markets are in the neutraceuticals,cosmetics and pharma-medical sectors, aswell as the food industry, especiallybeverage manufacture. Kitozyme suppliesthese customers with biopolymers derivedUniversité Catholique de Louvain and hasbeen operating since the beginning of themillennium. As a company founded onresearch, it remains active in this area. So itswork with universities or as part of ambitiousEuropean projects provi<strong>des</strong> the basis forcreating ever more innovative solutions.www.alterface.com (Louvain-la-Neuve) ■from fungi (edible mushrooms ormicroscopic fungi). These innovative,environmentally friendly products derivingfrom the biotech and food industries are notmade anywhere else in the world.www.KitoZyme.com (Herstal) ■L’INTERACTIVITÉ AU CŒURDE L’IMAGINAIRE EN 3DFaire rêver ou faire apprendre : le métier d’Alterface,spin-off de l’UCL, se trouve au confluent de l’éducationet du divertissement. Ses références sont planétaires: parcs d’attraction, musées, maisons <strong>des</strong>sciences, parcs zoologiques, parcs à thèmes. Grâce àson expertise technologique, Alterface aide le visiteurà véritablement entrer en immersion dans son environnement,plonger dans l’information et y interagirde manière intuitive. Alterface dispose d’un savoirfaire extrêmement étendu en matière de vision informatiqueet de traitement de signal (images et sons)en temps réel ainsi qu'en réalisation de contenusspectaculaires et vidéo-réalistes. Issue de larecherche, l'entreprise y reste active, en collaborationavec les universités ou à travers d’ambitieux projetseuropéens.KitoZyme revolutionizes the world ofspecialty ingredientsPlant extracts for the pharmaceuticalsindustryWith BioXtract, the name says it all: thisspin-off from the Gembloux Faculty ofAgronomic Sciences produces high valueaddedplant extracts, which it markets to thepharmaceutical, herbal medicine, cosmeticsand food supplement sectors. Garlic is goodfor the heart, curcuma for rheumatism, darkcocoa fights fatigue, and these are just someof the plants that contain much sought-afternatural properties, so-called natural activeingredients. BioXtract now sells theseextracts across the globe, from Europe toCanada and Australia.The company extracts the biopolymers usingsupercritical CO 2 , a recent, environmentallyfriendlydevelopment in biotechnology that isnot widely used. An important benefit ofusing no solvents is the reduction of allergyand inflammation problems. The techniquealso allows very precise targeting of themolecules required, to produce extremelyhigh quality products with great added value.www.bioxtract.com (Achêne) ■KITOZYME RÉVOLUTIONNE LE MONDEDES INGRÉDIENTS DE SPÉCIALITÉL'innovation de KitoZyme trouve son origine dansle travail de 8 années de recherche à l'Universitéde Liège pour étudier un procédé innovant d'extractionde biopolymères végétaux. Par leursperformances prouvées scientifiquement, lesingrédients de la société liégeoise constituentune alternative efficace aux ingrédients d’origineanimale ou de synthèse, potentiellementallergisants. ,Ses principaux débouchés :les secteurs nutraceutique, cosmétique,pharmaco-médical ainsi que l'industrie alimentaire,notamment celle <strong>des</strong> boissons. Kitozymeproduit pour ces clients <strong>des</strong> biopolymères d'originefongique (champignons comestibles ou microscopiques),innovants, respectueux de l'environnementet uniques au monde et issus <strong>des</strong> industriesbiotech ou alimentaires.DES EXTRAITS VÉGÉTAUX POURL’INDUSTRIE PHARMALe métier de BioXtract est dans son nom : lesextraits végétaux à haute valeur ajoutée, que cettespin-off de la Faculté <strong>des</strong> sciences agronomique deGembloux commercialise aux 4 coins du monde à<strong>des</strong>tination <strong>des</strong> secteurs pharmaceutique, phytothérapeutique,cosmétique ou dans les nutricaments(les compléments alimentaires). L’ail estbon pour le cœur, le curcuma pour les rhumatismes,le cacao noir contre la fatigue, et ils ne sontpas les seuls végétaux à receler <strong>des</strong> propriétésnaturelles très recherchées, <strong>des</strong> principes actifsnaturels. BioXtract les extrait avec la techniqued’extraction "par CO 2 supercritique". Peu répandue,cette technique récente et respectueuse del’environnement réduit les problèmes d'allergie etd'inflammation et permet un ciblage très précis<strong>des</strong> molécules recherchées.Dynamisme December 2008 .25

ProductsInnovation is yours with AGC glassUnlimited possibilitiesWith over 100 glass production units and a worldwide salesnetwork , AGC Flat Glass Europe (formerly Glaverbel) is aleader in glass for faça<strong>des</strong>, interior <strong>des</strong>ign and specialistsectors. Firmly rooted in Europe with headquarters inBrussels and its Research & Development Centre inWallonia (Jumet), AGC confirms its role as the leadinginnovator in the glass industry.AGC FLAT GLASS EUROPE SA• PRESIDENT & CEO: Jean-François HERIS• SECTOR: flat glass• FOUNDED:1961 (Glaverbel, former name)• LOCATION: Europe with HQ in Brussels• NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 10 600• ANNUAL TURNOVER 2007: around 2 billion euros• EXPORTS: more than 90%Recent examples include theAntiBacterial glass (goldmedal for innovation at theBatimat internationalbuilding fair in Paris - 2007) and theenvironment friendly mirror Mirox 3 G,(Belgium Environment Prize - 2007).Most recently, AGC developed Glassiled,a laminated glass including LED (LightEmitting Dio<strong>des</strong>) with no visible wires forboth faça<strong>des</strong> and interior <strong>des</strong>ignapplications. Glassiled capitalises on allthe advantages of LED technology: longlife, intense light and the possibility ofvarying the colours (RGB). The colour andnumber of LEDs as well as the type ofglass used can be varied, allowing theproduct to be customised. “This latestinnovation captures both natural andartificial light in its own magictransparent way. It also immediatelycaptured architects and interior<strong>des</strong>igners’ imagination when it was firstshowed at Batimat last year where itshighly personalised way of using light,during the day and at night won the goldmedal for <strong>des</strong>ign“ says Jean-FrançoisHeris, President & CEO of AGC FlatGlass Europe.When used as a partition, Glassiled cancommunicate specific messages, guidethe public and subtly draw attention tospecific features. In shelves orshowcases it can attractively light theXylowatt: Sustainable EnergyTechnology born from uniAlternative energies like wind turbines and solar panelsare a growth area, but the innovative technology is oftenimported. However, biomass gasification is bucking thetrend: a Walloon technology that is developing on theexport market. Xylowatt is a company based on a boldidea: to produce energy autonomously from wood, a rawmaterial that is plentiful in Wallonia and the neighboringcountries.XYLOWATT SA• FOUNDED: 2001• LOCATION: Charleroi• BUSINESS: production of biomass-fueledcogeneration plants• 2008 TURNOVER (PROVISIONAL):1.8 million EUR• WORKFORCE: 25• MARKETS: Belgium, Germany, India, Italy,Great Britain, France• WEBSITE: www.xylowatt.com26. Dynamisme December 2008Xylowatt is in the fantasticposition of being no less than theEuropean market leader! All thanks to atechnological advance perfected at thebeginning of 2008. The company, whichspecializes in the <strong>des</strong>ign, installment andmaintenance of gas-producinginstallations, has been growing constantlysince it was set up at the beginning ofthe decade.The history of this spin-off from theUniversité Catholique de Louvain is aperfect example of the transformation ofan environmental constraint into abusiness opportunity. By producing heatand electricity from biomass, it is also ableto add value to the waste products ofsawmills, joinery shops and other forestryrelatedbusinesses. "Less than a year ago,the company perfected its Notar reactor,so-called because it produces no tar. Abrilliant sales argument!" says CEO GillesBarchman.Its wood-powered cogeneration plants cansupply energy and heat to meet the needsof a village, a community, or for industrialusage.The guiding principle of the business issustainable development. With its range ofprojects producing between 300 kWe and

offered by glassproducts on display and adds that specialtouch to attract customers' attention to akey product or service. When used in afaçade (houses, industrial sites andoffice/apartment buildings), Glassiled is theperfect way to combine the potential of LEDswith the technical specifications andaesthetics of glass. Glassiled is a dynamiclight source, bathing buildings in light andcolour and creating new landmarks on theurban landscape.And Jean-François Heris to conclude“Glassiled is a wonderful example of theunlimited possibilities offered by glass innever before expected applications. Itinsulates, protects, reflects, adds comfort,is energy efficient, can produce energy, canintegrate light, wellbeing , health and <strong>des</strong>ignaspects … the added value is immense.With our R&D Centre in Jumet, we are todaymore than ever committed to furtherpushing the boundaries of glassapplications, glass functions and glasstechnologies to create the best possibleglass products.” ■versity research10 MWe, Xylowatt is able to replace annual oilconsumption of 55 million liters and cut outaround 250,000 metric tons of carbon dioxideemissions per year!After Belgium, the company has its sights onGermany, a country where this advancedtechnology, which outperforms all its rivals interms of electricity yield, appears to have ahuge potential. Xylowatt is in an excellentposition to take advantage of the wave ofgreen energy projects in Europe and themarkets for access to energy, "both in theemerging economies and the developingcountries". Gilles Barchman believes that "thecompany is giving itself the means to do this:the best proof of this is that we have decided,in spite of our small size – 25 people – to sendone of our commercial engineers to spend ayear looking at prospects in India. This shouldallow us to prepare for business in 2010, 2011and beyond."Thanks to its constant investment in researchand development, Xylowatt is now in a positionto effectively process biomass containingpollutants. ■After the lawn mower comes the Ballpicker ®Belrobotics:robots for green spaces!What does theKremlin have incommon withItalian soccer clubs?Or more specifically,what do theKremlin’s lawnshave in commonwith the fields oftop Italian clubs?A piece of Walloontechnology thatgrows morepopular by the day:robot-mowers fromBelrobotics. Now thecompany’s latestproduct, a robot that collectsgolf balls, gives it a niche marketall to itself.Since 2002, Belrobotics has stepped up agear thanks to its export sales. The resultis a jump of over 80% in its sales figuresfor 2008. A third of these derive from theBelgian market, while two-thirds areexported to the four corners of the world.The robot mower is the company’s firstproduct.From industry to golf clubs, sportsgrounds, private properties and soonpublic services (for mowing parks andedges of highways), the robots developedby Belrobotics are aimed at all markets.The beauty is that they work entirelyautomatically, to the extent that theyeven return to recharge when they sense areduction in capacity. The next developmentwill be a solar power supply for therecharging stations. This would save ametric ton of CO 2 per year for each robot!With its sonar system, the robot can avoidany obstacle in its path. Environmentalfriendliness, autonomy, efficiency, silentoperation… this box of technologicaltricks has everything going for it.Depending on the model chosen, themowers can autonomously tend lawnsof up to a hectare in size.If you already have expertise regardingwide-open green spaces, it makes sense toleverage your technology. This was theinspiration behind an even cleverer versionBELROBOTICS SA• FOUNDED: 2002• LOCATION: Wavre• BUSINESS: <strong>des</strong>ign and marketing of robotmowersand “ballpicker” robots• 2008 TURNOVER (PROVISIONAL):1.8 million EUR• WORKFORCE: 20 FTE• MARKETS: international: Belgium, exports insideand outside the EUof these mowers: the Ballpicker ® , amachine that scours driving ranges tocollect the players’ balls. Once it hasfinished its round, it returns to its base todrop off its harvest.With its electric motor, the Ballpicker ® isable to collect balls in perfect silence, andthe light-weight <strong>des</strong>ign stops it frompressing the balls into the ground. Whenyou think that some golf courses lose up to25,000 balls a year…It also saves on staff, as the machinecollects the tens of thousands of balls thatcustomers go through on a good day. Themachine is constantly collecting, meaningthat opening hours can be extended, andallowing for faster ball rotation. The clubtherefore has to buy a lot fewer balls. All inall, these robots can save a lot of money! ■Dynamisme December 2008 .27

ProductsAraponics controls plant nutritionAraponics is currently diversifying intobiotechnology applications from its corebusiness of developing and marketingequipment for growing small plantsusing hydroponics, in other words a liquidnutrient growing medium.A real niche market but also a promisingone, according to the researchers from theUniversity of Liège who set up the spin-off.Hydroponics is widely used in the marketgardening and horticultural sectors. Themain advantage of the technique is that itgives accurate control of the plants’ mineralnutrition and consequently their growth,while allowing yields to be monitored.The technology has captured the attention ofthe leading public research laboratories,as well as some major private groups, bothin Europe and the rest of the world.The system could ultimately also be usedfor an alternative source of human proteinproduction from a plant host. Araponicsis already looking at new developmentsbeyond hydroponic plant cultivation:products that could soon find applicationsfor the mass market.www.araponics.com (Liège)ARAPONICS CONTRÔLELA NUTRITION DES PLANTESDévelopper et commercialiser du matériel <strong>des</strong>tinéà la culture de petites plantes en hydroponie(c'est-à-dire sur milieu nutritif liquide), voilà bien unmarché de niche. Un marché porteur à en croire leschercheurs de l’ULg qui sont à l’origine de cettespin-off. Principal avantage : cette technique permetun contrôle précis de la nutrition minérale <strong>des</strong>plantes et donc de la croissance. Et un monitoring<strong>des</strong> rendements.Cette technologie, qui suscite l’intérêt <strong>des</strong> plusgrands laboratoires de recherche et groupes privés,pourrait permettre à terme une production alternativede protéines humaines par un hôte végétal.Araponics envisage déjà de nouveaux développementsau-delà de la culture de plantes en hydroponie: <strong>des</strong> produits qui pourraient également concernerprochainement le grand public.Global success in the fight against incontinenceIncontinence is a problem that mainlyaffects women, but men would be wrong toimagine that none of them will be affected.The condition is more unpleasant thanpainful and has long been treatable withsurgery. This is where MEDI Line comes in,with its revolutionary surgical instrumentused in operations to remedy problems ofincontinence. It was invented by Prof. Jeande Leval for use in a procedure to supportthe urethra by implanting a sling made ofprolene (an inert, anti-allergy plastic).The innovative aspect of his invention lies inthe "inside out" method, an ingeniousprocedure that made it necessary to createnew surgical instruments. The techniquemeans that the surgical intervention is evenmore precise, faster and poses less of adanger to neighboring organs. Also, only aminimal incision is required to implant thesling, which limits the risk of hemorrhage.A global success story.www.mediline.be (Angleur) ■Setting chocolate on fire!SUCCÈS MONDIAL DANS LA LUTTECONTRE L’INCONTINENCEPlus désagréable que douloureux, le syndrome del’incontinence peut être pris en charge par la chirurgie.C’est là qu’intervient MEDI Line, grâce à uninstrument révolutionnaire utilisé dans les opérations<strong>des</strong>tinées à juguler l'incontinence chez leshommes. Objectif de son inventeur, le Pr. De leval :soutenir l’urètre grâce à la pose d’une bandeletteen prolène (un plastique inerte et antiallergique).La nouveauté consiste à passer du dedans endehors, une méthode ingénieuse qui impliquait dedisposer de nouveaux instruments chirurgicaux.Ainsi le geste opératoire est-il encore plus précis,plus rapide et moins dangereux pour les organesvoisins. En outre, les bandelettes sont placéesaprès une incision minimale, ce qui limite le risqued'hémorragie. Le succès est mondial.Molten, eruption, explosion, magma… theLiège-based chocolate-maker Galler has away with words when it comes to its wares.Almost like a fashion <strong>des</strong>igner’s collections,the pralines are exhibited in shows held inglamorous locations. Following on fromfresh flowers, air, water and sea, 2008 seesa range of new chocolate sensations. Milkand dark chocolate are spiked with Sichuanpepper, Espelette pepper, pink pepper andtea with its smoky notes, in this fieryexplosion of flavor.Another innovation for this year also playswith a mix of flavors, with skillfully pairedcombinations of beans from around theworld producing exceptional tasteexperiences. Venezuela, Papua New Guinea,São Tomé, Tanzania, Ecuador, SantoDomingo: a combination from the antipo<strong>des</strong>that transports you to another place. This isthe aim of these “Blended” bars, with theirartful aromas of toasted bread, dried fruit,herbs or orange flowers.www.galler.com (Vaux-sous-Chèvremont) ■IL MET LE FEU AU CHOCOLAT !Fusion, éruption, explosion, magma, le chocolatierliégeois Galler a le sens de la formule ! Après lesfleurs fraîches, l’air, l’eau, la mer, 2008 voit unedéclinaison de sensations inédites de chocolaten fusion. Poivre de Sichuan, piment d’Espelette,poivre rose, thé aux notes fumées, le chocolat aulait ou noir joue avec le feu et les saveurs.Un mélange de saveurs que l’on retrouve dansune autre innovation de cette année. De savantsjumelages de fèves d’origine débouchent sur <strong>des</strong>saveurs rares. Venezuela, Papouasie, Arriba,São Tomé, Tanzanie, Equateur, Saint Domingue,ce mélange <strong>des</strong> Amériques invitent au voyage.C’est l’objectif de ces tablettes "Blenbed" qui diffusentsavamment leurs touches de pain grillé, defruits secs, <strong>des</strong> notes d’herbes sèches, de fleurd’oranger.28. Dynamisme December 2008

After the black roof comes the "green"white roofImperbel has already established a globalreputation for waterproofing products,whether for high-tech membranes or itsliquid finishing products. The Belgian marketleader, which is based in Perwez (WalloonBrabant), exports two-thirds of itsproduction, throughout Europe as well as tothe United States. All its products are 100%recyclable. The company has patented arevolutionary recycling machine, which haswon it an EMAS Award from the EuropeanCommission for its environmental initiatives(energy saving and limitation of CO 2emissions). The company recycles 100% ofthe waste from its production of bituminousmembranes, as well as old roofingmaterials, to produce new bitumen with alimited carbon footprint. Imperbel is nowalso selling reflective white membranes thatreduce the temperature of the roof, as wellas bituminous membranes with integratedflexible photovoltaic cells for use in roofing.www.imperbel.bewww.derbigum.be (Perwez) ■Wetlands Engineering is a company involvedin the treatment of earth, water and rawmaterials: it has focused its developmentaround a core business of developing,producing and marketing systems based onapplied bioremediation of organic waste insoil and water. Its techno-scientific approachhas made it a national and internationalplayer in the world of industrialbiotechnologies, supplying innovative productsto improve environmental performance basedon chemistry, engineering, microbiology,agronomy, toxicology, automation, electricityand computing. Wetlands’ contribution tosustainable development is to bring cuttingedgeenvironmental biotechnologies to themarket.Its expertise has also led to involvement invarious high-profile European schemes,including the Sophied project, which waslaunched in response to the issues faced bythe color industry and aims to develop new,sustainable processes for European industry.www.wetlands.be (Louvain-la-Neuve) ■APRÈS LE TOIT NOIR,VOICI LE TOIT BLANC "VERT"Imperbel, c’est une réputation mondiale qui n’estplus à faire en matière d’étanchéité. Leader sur lemarché belge, l’entreprise perwézienne (Brabantwallon) exporte deux tiers de sa production, danstoute l’Europe et aux Etats-Unis. Ses produits sont100% recyclables et recyclés dans une machinerévolutionnaire dont elle possède le brevet, ce quilui a valu de la Commission européenne un EMASAward pour ses efforts en faveur de l’environnement.L’entreprise recycle à 100% les déchets deproduction de membranes bitumineuses ou de toituresen roofing, pour produire du nouveau bitume,avec un impact CO2 limité. Imperbel commercialisedéjà <strong>des</strong> membranes blanches réfléchissantesqui diminuent la température du toit et <strong>des</strong> membranesbitumineuses intégrant <strong>des</strong> cellules photovoltaïquessouples.White biotechnology provi<strong>des</strong> solutionsfor industry"Long life" rose petalsRoses have the ability to transport us to aworld of dreams and sensuality. EtienneRozet, the founder of Le Pétale (Vedrin), wasinspired by a television report on a Hinduwedding to think of a way of making thesedreams accessible. After several months ofresearch, he resolved the issue of preservingthe petals, and since 2007, has been sellingnatural rose petals packaged to retain theirfreshness. The petals can be stored in therefrigerator for about ten days. He is nowfocusing on finding new distributionchannels and developing just-in-timeworking methods. "In this market, speed isvery important, as well as maintainingexcellent quality of service and standards ofpreservation."www.lepetale.be (Vedrin) ■LA BIOTECHNOLOGIE BLANCHE AUSERVICE DES INDUSTRIELSTraitement de la terre, de l'eau et <strong>des</strong> matièrespremières, Wetlands Engineering a axé son développementautour d'un cœur de métier : le développement,la fabrication et la commercialisationde systèmes liés à la bioremédiation appliquée audéchet organique, au sol et à l'eau. Une approchetechnoscientifique qui en a fait un acteur nationalet international dans le monde <strong>des</strong> biotechnologiesindustrielles. Elle fournit <strong>des</strong> produits innovants auservice de l'environnement, en matière de chimie,ingénierie, microbiologie, agronomie, toxicologie,automation, électricité et informatique. Grâce à sonknow-how, la société est aussi impliquée dansdivers projets européens de haut vol, tel que le projet"Sophied", qui entend résoudre les problèmesrencontrés par l’industrie <strong>des</strong> colorants.DES PÉTALES DEROSE "LONGUE" DURÉEAvec la rose, on pénètre un monde de rêve et <strong>des</strong>ensualité. C’est en regardant un reportage sur unmariage indou qu’Etienne Rozet, créateur de l’entrepriseLe Pétale (Vedrin), a commencé à réfléchirà la manière de rendre ce rêve accessible. Aprèsplusieurs mois de recherches, il a résolu la questionde la conservation, et s’est lancé, depuis 2007,dans la vente de pétales de roses naturels dans<strong>des</strong> emballages fraîcheurs se conservant au frigoune dizaine de jours. Aujourd’hui, ses priorités vontà la recherche de nouveaux canaux de distributionet au développement du travail à flux tendus."Dans ce marché, la rapidité est très importante,tout en conservant une excellente qualité de serviceet de conservation."Dynamisme December 2008 .29

ProductsLucimedA new look at luminothA newcomer to Wallonia, Lucimed <strong>des</strong>igns andcommercialises a concept stemming from researchundertaken by universities : a portable system for treatingluminotherapy. It offers the advantage of allowing the lightto naturally reach the areas of the retina which are mostreceptive to treatment, while maintaining the vision andthe freedom of movement of the wearer.LUCIMED SA• DIRECTOR: Emmanuel Delloye• SECOR: paramedical• FOUNDED: 2006• LOCATION: Villers-le-Bouille• NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: not disclosed• ANNUAL TURNOVER 2007: 300 000 euros• COUNTRIES EXPORTED TO: France, Finland,Switzerland, CanadaOut of this the Luminettewas born which resemblesa pair of spectacles and isworn in a similar manner.Conscious that they had to add anergonomic and aesthetic dimensionto the fruits of their research in orderto commercialise this product, whichwasn’t at all in their area of competence,the researchers turned towards othersources of inspiration.Amongst the people who believed inLucimed was Jacques Tilman, Director ofInov <strong>des</strong>ign agency, explains the directorof the company Emmanuel Delloye. Themodeling of the product was entrusted tothis <strong>des</strong>igner. Reason told us to believe inthis project. The mission of the <strong>des</strong>ignstudio was clear : make the Luminetteattractive, effective from a medical pointof view and perfectly adapted to users.What a surprise in the end ! The beautyof the object took precedence over itspure functionality, whilst conservingits healing properties.Such a result could only have beenobtained thanks to the implication of the<strong>des</strong>ign studio from the beginning of theprocess. There were many constraints :ergonomy, portability, respect of medicalparameters… Not forgetting the purelyeconomic aspect. Concerning thecommercialization, Lucimed also choseUrban waste vacuum cleanerSweeping genius!Innovate, innovate, innovate. With its urban vacuumcleaner Glutton ® continues to swallow up entire sectionsof the market. Its current technology has proven itselfaround the world, but this company is not one to reston its laurels. Its latest development: a system that putsout lit cigarette butts, preventing them from catching firewithin the urban waste vacuum cleanerLANGE CHRISTIAN SA• FOUNDED: 1988• LOCATION: Andenne (Namur)• LEADING PRODUCT: the "Glutton", invented in1994, launching the diversification of thecompany into urban street vacuuming.• REVENUE: 2,500,000 EUR (2007) -2008 objective: 5 million EUR.• MARKETS: Belgium (13% of revenue),Rest of World (87%).• WEBSITE: www.glutton.comThis system is one moreadditional application to theoriginal urban waste vacuumcleaner that emerged from theimagination ofGlutton founder and patron ChristianLange some fifteen years ago.The company’s principle characteristic isthat it is as oriented towards innovation asexportation, including globally.The company, which is present in around40 countries, is now targeting newmarkets in America and the mid-East.Christian Lange’s credo remains:“A satisfied customer is the bestambassador for our products.” Since thebeginning, in 1994, he has been utterlyconvinced of the global potential of hisinvention. The facts support him: potentialexists all over, which is why he himselfsweeps around the world throughoutthe year. At his side are 6 salespeople,with 3 more in the process of beingrecruited.Performance and reliability are the twowinning sales arguments. “We makeno concessions in the matter. It’s simple:every distributor in every country mustfollow training at our site. However,sometimes, by special request, we canalso organise the training on-site, at theclient’s location.”30. Dynamisme December 2008

erapyto pass it on to professionals in thisparticular field.And so the communication specialistslooked into creating a differentiating visualidentity for point of sale on the Internet.Made of welded plastic, the main part ofthe Luminette can be completely recycled.To avoid any unnecessary pollution andheavy handling at the end of the productslife-cycle, the battery can be easily removedto be subjected to its own recycling circuit.The company subcontracts, moreover,the production and assembly of theLuminette. Walloon partners or suppliershave often been privileged, so as to favourthe local economy. By alleviating theLuminette of its constraints, <strong>des</strong>ign was ableto make the product more attractive andready to use. ■Extract from the book Wallonia + Design + Enterprise,50 success stories , co-edited by Wallonie Design andLuc PireJoining environment and industryOdometric: a "nose" tofight olfactory pollutionThe environment is acrucial challenge,and this is the areain which Odometricintends to find itsplace in the sun,with a business thatis all about odor.Odors emitted byindustry, odors thatcan affect localpeople and finally,odors that cause theauthorities to reactwith regulations orcontrols.2009, a pivotal yearSustained growth at an unwavering rhythm, afull order list and lots of new projects in hand:this is the best barometer for the company’shealth. The buildings have doubled in size.The number of employees is expected togrow, as well. Cities place order for several–and sometimes dozens of—machines.2009 will be a pivotal year for the company.The prototype for a new machine will betested, with the goal of being launched in2010. Its market? The same: street cleaning–but with a more environmentally-friendlydimension. That’s all we know about it: exceptthat Christian Lange divulges that there’s nomachine like it on the market now. And there,as well, he delegates and gives responsibilityto his employees… ■In this age of "not in my back yard",respecting your environment also meansrespecting your neighbor. Companies needto be able to cohabit successfully in orderto secure the future of their businesses.Odometric understands this perfectly.According to founder Julien Delva,positioning is one of the keys to success forhis company: "we want to be and to remainat the heart of the three decision-makingcenters when it comes to issues of odor.We are there to serve all three parties: localpeople, companies and the authorities. Anyof them can come to us, because we havepositioned ourselves as an objectivepartner."Odometric’s core target market is the"Grande Région", the cooperation areacovering parts of Belgium, France,Germany and Luxemburg, although it willmake its first foray into the south of Francein December. What about its Walloonidentity? "A commercial plus-point, in thesense that our partners expect a specialhuman contact and have a perception ofseriousness and professionalism" - and asJulien Delva has French blood in his veins,he knows what he is talking about.The company’s expertise is based on itsolfactometry laboratory and an "odor jury"of sixty volunteers. These are the tools thatallow Odometric to help companies toanticipate any potential problems relatingto odor nuisance. Its specialist knowledgealso means that it is able to find ways ofODOMETRIC SA• FOUNDED: 2008• LOCATION: Arlon• BUSINESS: Identifying, measuring, modeling andevaluating the impact of sources of odor• 2008 TURNOVER (PROVISIONAL): 110,000 EUR• WORKFORCE: 2• MARKETS: Grande Région, France• WEBSITE: www.odometric.beworking out a solution acceptable to allparties.In addition to its human expertise andchemistry know-how, the company mayvery soon have a technological weapon inits arsenal: Odometric is currently workingon an electronic nose by the name of Fidor.The advantages of this technology are thatit can detect, identify and quantify odors ona continuous basis. This innovative odormeasurement and monitoring systemappears to have a bright future ahead of it.Landfill sites, wastewater treatment plants,composting centers, livestock facilities,biomethanization plants and above allindustry are the natural outlets forOdometric’s business. You only need tothink about the agri-food, chemical, paint,paper, coating, metal or tire industries torealize what kind of growth margins thistechnology has. ■Dynamisme December 2008 .31

ProductsSee without being seenFounded in 1965 by self-taught electronicsenthusiast Fernand Van Genechten, andheaded today by his son Philippe, BEA(which stands for "Bureau d’ElectroniqueAppliquée": Bureau of Applied Electronics)is considered a leader in detectiontechnology for automated doors. Thecompany has been propelled up through theglobal ranks by revising and improving radartechnology for other applications. Forexample, the Eagle, the company’s bestsellingcreation, is based on digitaltechniques that have profitably replacedanalogue, and which are taking reliabilityand user-friendliness to a new level withinthe industry. Another non-negligibleadvantage: BEA is very keen on "<strong>des</strong>ignprocess" and works with an externalCome up with a box that is solid, watertight,transparent, attractive and respects thehygiene standards of the medical sector:this was the challenge that industrial<strong>des</strong>ign agency Phil Design Studio took on forcompany Mexys. The engineers of thisMons-based company developed- in close cooperation with anaesthetists -an electronic key baptised Xlight. Xlightmakes it possible to automatically connectdifferent types of medical equipment(monitors, respirators, syringe pumps, etc),directly to a medical PC, without any need tochange the configuration parameters. Whenthe key is read, the apparatus is<strong>des</strong>igner, Pierre Nicolaï, who brings legibilityand emotion to these technicallyconstrainedproducts.www.bea.be (Angleur) ■Prescription <strong>des</strong>ign for leadingmedical materialsBased on its extensive expertise in publictransport, Automatic Systems, a worldleader in access control and throughputmanagement equipment, is introducing anew line of high-security gates for metroand railway revenue collection systems.The TGH 800/810 automatic gates and theTGL 870 interlock are specially adapted forpeople with reduced mobility. The lineintegrates the most stringent technicalcharacteristics: robust and reliable,enhanced user safety, reduced piggybackingand tailgating and programmableopening/closing time. It can alsoaccommodate future technologicalautomatically connected. One apparatus canbe disconnected and another connected atany time.www.mexys.com (Mons) ■Extract from the book Wallonia + Design + Enterprise,50 success stories, co-edited by Wallonie Design and Luc Pireevolutions such as enhanced detection andEthernet connection with supervisionsystems. These gates offer the best answerto varied technical specifications worldwide,without compromising on configuration oroptions.www.automatic-systems.com (Wavre) ■VOIR SANS ÊTRE VU !Fondée en 1965 par un autodidacte férud’électronique, Fernand Van Genechten, et pilotéeaujourd’hui par son fils Philippe, l’entreprise BEA(pour Bureau d’Electronique Appliquée) estconsidérée comme un <strong>des</strong> leaders de la détectionpour portes automatiques. La technologie qui apropulsé BEA au rang mondial est celle du radarrevu et réformé à d’autres applications.Par exemple, l’Eagle, best-seller de leurscréations, est basé sur le traitement digital,suppléant profitablement l’analogique et projetantle niveau de fiabilité et de convivialité à un rangjamais atteint dans l’industrie. Atout nonnégligeable : BEA est férue de "<strong>des</strong>ign process" ettravaille avec un <strong>des</strong>igner externe, Pierre Nicolaï,qui confère lisibilité et émotion à ces produitstechniques contraignants.DESIGN POUR MATÉRIEL MÉDICALDE POINTEConcevoir un boîtier à la fois solide, étanche,transparent, esthétique et respectant les normesd’hygiène en milieu médical : tel est le défi relevépar l’agence de <strong>des</strong>ign industriel Phil Design Studiopour la société Mexys. Les ingénieurs de cettesociété montoise ont mis au point – en étroitecollaboration avec <strong>des</strong> anesthésistes – une cléélectronique baptisée Xlight. Celle-ci permet deconnecter automatiquement différents types dematériel médical (moniteurs, respirateurs etpousses-seringues…), directement sur un PC,sans aucune intervention dans les paramètres deconfiguration. Grâce à la lecture de clé, laconnexion d'un appareil est automatique. On peut àtout moment déconnecter un appareil et enbrancher un autre.TGH automatic gates: rapid and safeaccess to metro stationsACCÈS RAPIDE ETSÛR DANS LES STATIONS DE MÉTROSur base de son expérience dans le transportpublic, Automatic Systems, leader mondial ducontrôle d’accès, a développé une nouvelle ligne debarrières haute sécurité pour les métros et cheminde fer. Ces nouvelles barrières sont spécialementadaptées aux personnes à mobilité réduite :robuste et fiables, ouverture/fermetureprogrammable, elles peuvent aussi intégrer lesévolutions technologiques futures nécessitant surune détection accrue ou <strong>des</strong> connexions avec<strong>des</strong> systèmes de surveillance. Ces portes offrentla meilleure réponse pour répondre auxspécifications techniques variées dans le mondeentier, sans compromis sur la configuration ou<strong>des</strong> options.32. Dynamisme December 2008

Closed vial technologyHow can injectable drugs like vaccines bepackaged with no risk of bacteria growth?Instead of using traditional glass vials, whichneed to be washed, sterilized, dried, filledand then stoppered, all in a controlledenvironment to limit the risk ofcontamination, why not turn the process onits head? Why not avoid all risk ofcontamination by supplying thepharmaceutical industry with ready-sealed,clean and sterile plastic vials, and machinesto fill them without opening them (thanks toa stopper that can be pierced and then resealedusing a laser)? This is the idea thatled to the creation of Aseptic Technologies in2002. Registered under the "Crystal®" tradename, this closed vial technology is aimed ata global market, which means that over 95%of sales will derive from the export market.The company (22 staff members to date) soldits first machine in the United States in 2007,and another very high capacity unit is beingsold to GSK Biologicals in Belgium. AsepticTechnologies is targeting sales of 20machines a year by 2015, which equates to amarket share of around 8%.www.aseptictech.com (Gembloux) ■Using nanotubes to createanti-static plasticsLA TECHNOLOGIE DU FLACON FERMÉComment conditionner <strong>des</strong> médicaments injectables(les vaccins par exemple) sans risquer queprolifèrent les bactéries ? Plutôt que de recouriraux traditionnels flacons en verre, qu'il faut laver,stériliser, sécher, remplir et ensuite bouchonner,pourquoi ne pas faire le contraire ? Pourquoi nepas fournir à l'industrie pharmaceutique <strong>des</strong> flaconsen matière plastique déjà fermés, propres etstériles, ainsi que les machines pour les remplirsans les ouvrir (grâce à un bouchon pouvant êtrepercé et ensuite "cicatrisés" par un tir laser !), évitantainsi tout risque de contamination ? C’est cetteidée, enregistrée sous le nom de "Crystal ® ", qui està la base de la création d’Aseptic Technologies en2002. L’entreprise (22 collaborateurs à ce jour) réalise95% de ses ventes à l’exportation.DU PLASTIQUE ANTI-STATIQUEGRÂCE AUX NANOTUBESWhen it was founded in 2002, Nanocyl’s goalwas to become a major player in carbonnanotube technology. Today, Nanocyl isamong the top 3 companies in this sector. Itsfactory, which was inaugurated in 2007,produces 40 tonnes of nanotubes per year,99% of which are exported, in particular toAsia. At the same time, researchers are alsodeveloping a range of new products whichcontain nanotubes, and which are marketedunder the names PlastiCyl, EpoCyl, AquaCyl,BioCyl and ThermoCyl. These products,which are utilised in the automotive andelectronics industries, make it possible toproduce electrically conductive plastic. Thischaracteristic is particularly interesting toprotect devices from electrostaticdischarges.www.nanocyl.com (Sambreville) ■It’s tough being a fish!© belpress.comFondée en 2002 avec comme ambition de devenirun acteur majeur dans l’industrie <strong>des</strong> nanotubesde carbone, la société Nanocyl figure aujourd’huidans le top 3 de son secteur. L’usine, inaugurée en2007, produit 40 tonnes de nanotubes par an dont99% sont exportés, en Asie notamment.Parallèlement, les chercheurs ont aussi développéune gamme de nouveaux produits contenant <strong>des</strong>nanotubes, et qui sont commercialisés sous lesnoms PlastiCyl, EpoCyl, AquaCyl, BioCyl etThermoCyl. Utilisés dans l’industrie automobile etélectronique, ces nouveaux produits permettentnotamment de rendre le plastique conducteur, cequi s’avère très intéressant pour très intéressantpour protéger les composants <strong>des</strong> chargesantistatiques.A fish’s life is far from tranquil, what withwater intakes, nuclear power stations,hydroelectric dams, pumps… Falling foul ofany of these obstacles spells the end of theroad. While working in Norway, DamienSonny, an expert in fish migration andresearcher at the University of Liège,discovered infrasound barriers and provedthat they can work effectively. The principleis to create barriers emitting sounds thatscare the fish away from these deadlyobstacles. This is the idea that led him tocreate ProFish Technology. The spin-off hasalready installed a series of infrasound unitsat Tihange, to divert fish away from themouth of the canal supplying water to thenuclear power plant. Another installationnear the hydroelectric plant at Merytherm,on the riverOurthe, was ableto "divert" at leasta thousand youngsalmon on theirway down to theriver Meuse andto the sea. Theyoung companyworks with asubcontractor,the GemblouxbasedfirmMalcourant. Itsown offices are inJambes… in the Chemin <strong>des</strong> Pêcheurs(Fishermen’s Way)!www.profish-technology.be (Jambes) ■DUR DUR D’ÊTRE UN POISSON !La vie d’un poisson n’est pas un long fleuvetranquille : prises d’eau, centrales nucléaires,barrages hydroélectriques, pompes… S’engagerdans ces obstacles signifie la mort. Expert enmigration <strong>des</strong> poissons, un chercheur de l’ULg,Damien Sonny, a découvert en Norvège <strong>des</strong>barrières à infrasons, qui effraient les poissons etles écartent <strong>des</strong> obstacles mortels. C’est sur cetteidée qu’il a créé la société ProFish Technology.La spin-off a déjà installé une série d’unitésinfrasons à Tihange et une autre installation prèsde la centrale hydroélectrique de Merytherm,sur l’Ourthe, qui a permis de "détourner" un bonmillier de jeunes saumons en <strong>des</strong>cente vers laMeuse. La jeune société travaille avec un soustraitant,les ateliers Malcourant à Gembloux.Elle-même est installée à Jambes… chemin <strong>des</strong>pêcheurs !Dynamisme December 2008 .33

ProductsTable Fusion breathes new life into billiards“A table even my wife liDespite its position as world leader in the billiards ballsector, the company Saluc continues to challenge itselfand always stays up-to-date on the evolutions of its market.The proof? Just take a look at the new Table Fusion:a <strong>des</strong>ign dining table that conceals a regulation billiardstable. When boldness meets technology…SALUC SA• FOUNDED: 1923• HEADQUARTERS: Callenelle (western Hainaut)• MAIN ACTIVITY: world leader in the production ofbilliard balls made of phenolic resin under thebrand Aramith• CONSOLIDATED SALES: 20 million Euros• EMPLOYEES: 181• MARKETS: 98% of sales come from exports toabout 85 countries on the 5 continentsA billiards table at home?They take up so much space,and at today’s real estateprices, who can devote anentire room to a game? What’s more, aclassic billiards table (often not verycontemporary in <strong>des</strong>ign) is not alwayseasy to integrate into a moderninterior…When the sales people at Salucraised these two problems with thecompany’s director, he responded bygiving his Research and Developmentdepartment a single instruction: to<strong>des</strong>ign a table that “even my wife willlike”.From those beginnings in September2007, Table Fusion was born. Thesehigh-<strong>des</strong>ign dining tables hide acompletely undetectable “surprise”within: a real, American billiards tablethat perfectly meets all the technicalspecification requirements of the game.“This product is directly targeted for theleisure market”, explains Thierry Hoyaux,the director of Sales & Marketing forEurope and the Mid-East for TableFusion. “That means it has to givepleasure to the eyes and add pleasure tothe game. One of our objectives is torecentre the family around a game thateveryone can take part in, and thatcreates pure and real emotions, asopposed to the virtual sensationsgenerated by video games, for example.”A beer barrel that reduces transportation co“The future of beer: theMarc Antoine De Mees is no stranger to bringing acompany back from the brink of failure. And that is justwhat he has done with the brewery Brunehaut, morethan doubling its turnover since it was bought two yearsago. Today, it is the first in Europe to offer a recyclablebeer barrel. Both economically and ecologicallyinteresting, it’s definitely something to consider…BRUNEHAUT SA• FOUNDED: 1890• LOCATION: Brunehaut (western Hainaut)• BEERS PRODUCED: Saint Martin abbey beer,regional beers and “trendy” beers• TURNOVER: 400,000 euros in 2007• NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 5• MARKETS: Belgium (45%), USA Canada, Italy,Singapore, Japan.• WEBSITE: www.brunehaut.comRecyclable beer barrels aremuch more than just“ecological gadgets”.There is of course the green aspect: arecyclable barrel has an ecologicalfootprint 15 times smaller than a stainlesssteel barrel (when considering thefabrication, the two-way transport of thereturnable barrel, etc.). And in terms of theenvironment, the brewery Brunehautdefinitely considers itself “responsible”.Besi<strong>des</strong> being the first brewery in Europeto offer its abbey beer in plastic barrels,the company has also put in place anintegrated structure that allows it tocontrol everything down to the cultivationof the barley <strong>des</strong>tined to be used inbrewing its beers.Much more than an“ecological gadgetsBut the primary aspect that pushed MarcAntoine De Mees, Managing Director, toconsider the recyclable beer barrelsdeveloped by an Australian company andmanufactured in the USA, was theimmense financial overhead that stainlesssteel barrels represent.“Traditionally, beer is sold by the breweriesin 20, 30 or 50 litre stainless steel barrels.The breweries today face a growingeconomic problem caused by the34. Dynamisme December 2008

kes”First sales in April 2008Currently in the introduction phase, the firsttables were sold in April 2008. “For themoment, sales follow our fancy”, admitsThierry Hoyaux. “We go where the windtakes us. The contacts and successes weexperience at one fair determine our nextprospection steps. That’s why it isimpossible for us to forecast our sales in thecoming months”. Thierry Hoyaux and histeam particularly target specialist <strong>des</strong>ignerfurniture stores, high-end kitchen <strong>des</strong>igners,architectural firms, as well as, of course, thecompany’s usual customers, comprised ofbilliards clubs and billiards wholesalersaround the world. ■Futerro: for a clean and innovative technologyBioplastics wrap it upin WalloniaBioplastics fromvegetable originsrepresent a tiny part ofworld-wide plasticproduction, but areenjoying considerablegrowth within thatsector. There areinnumerablepossibilities, but theseare still to be developed.Futerro, a joint ventureborn within theframework of theWalloon Marshal Plan,sees a future market foritself here.FUTERROstsone-way barrel”enormous increase in the price of stainlesssteel as well as of transportation costs. What’smore, the brewery must clean a traditionalstainless steel barrel using chemical productsand sterilise it with steam. Then the barrelmust be filled and sent in a container by boatand then truck to its <strong>des</strong>tination. Once it hasbeen emptied, it is returned by truck and boatas far as Antwerp. Then, it is again put on atruck and sent to Brunehaut, where it ischecked, repaired if necessary, sterilised andrefilled. As much as nine months can passbetween these two refill operations.” Ninemonths during which the brewery issupporting its investment in a barrel that costit 70 euros and the deposit for which – fixedglobally by the beer manufacturing giants – isbarely 30 euros. This is not an inconsiderableeconomic issue. Marc Antoine De Mees isthus convinced that these “one-way” barrelsrepresent the future. The more so as thecompany should soon have a recyclable barrelthat is both smaller and less expensive. Justwhat is needed to convince hesitantcustomers! ■Big leaps in technology are often the resultof genius and hard work, but opportunity– and sheer luck – play their part, as well.This is the case for the Futerro project, ajoint venture set up to develop a productiontechnology for bioplastics from vegetableorigins. PolyLactic Acid (PLA) is a polyesterobtained from lactic acid, which itselfcomes from the fermentation of sugar(sugar beet or sugarcane) or from starch(corn, wheat, potato or manioc). “Since1991, we have known that PolyLactic Acidoffers interesting potential, and that youcan make polymers with it”, explainsPhilippe Coszach, head of R&D at Galactic,one of the two shareholding companies inthe joint venture. “In the meantime, ourcompany focussed on lactic acid, becausethere was already a market, but the PLAproject continued to progress, although atvariable speeds. Our objective has alwaysbeen to develop our own productionprocess for PLA.”Factory will be ready in 2009Then, one day, an opportunity gave new lifeto the project. Thanks to the WalloonRegion and its Marshall Plan, Galactic wasconvinced to develop its project in Wallonia(and not in China, where a partnership wasalso possible). In particular, it joined forceswith the Research Centre of TotalPetrochemicals.This created an ideal partnership: thanks toits significant experience in polymer• FUTERRO JOINT VENTURE SHAREHOLDERS(50/50): Galactic (Escanaffles) and TotalPetrochemicals (Feluy).• OTHER PROJECT PARTNERS: University ofMons-Hainaut and Materia Nova Natiss.• DESCRIPTION: development of a productiontechnology for PolyLactic (PLA) bioplastics fromrenewable vegetable sources.• PEOPLE INVOLVED IN THE PROJECT:15+ doctors, engineers and techniciansapplications, it will also bring expertise toeverything downstream. “In essence,Futerro is following two objectives”,comments Jean-Michel Brusson, head ofR&D for Total Petrochemicals. “Firstly, todemonstrate that there is an economical,reliable and performant process forproducing PLA. Secondly, to producestandard PLA, followed by PLA withimproved properties.”Launched in October 2007, the project willgive birth, by the end of 2009, to a pilotplant in Escanaffles (Hainaut), capable ofproducing 1500 tonnes of PLA each year.The two project leaders specify that theproject is currently concentrating on thepackaging market. But in the longer term,many other applications are foreseen:computers, GSMs, fabrics, automobilefinishings, etc. ■Dynamisme December 2008 .35

Products10 days to build a house!Artbois is a company set up in 1989 by PatrickVan Horenbeeck. Since 1996, it has specializedin glued laminated timber. Since January 2007,it has occupied new large premises in theGantaufet industrial area of Etalle (as somepieces can measure up to 42 meters in length,the company was starting to outgrow itsoriginal workshops!). In February 2008, PatrickVan Horenbeeck filed a patent for a newconstruction system by the name of Artblock.Essentially, the system is based on totallymodular, wooden "self-supporting blocks".The blocks consist of two faces in gluedlaminated timber connected by variable lengthspacer bars, which determine the depth ofinsulation. The Artblock system is attractive,economical, fast and very practical – serviceducts are integrated into the system from theoutset. It will be used for the first time inJanuary 2009, for a private customer in theGaume region. A second order for two duplexhouses in the Drôme region is also on thebooks. More generally, Artbois is aiming itssystem at the institutional market: day-carecenters, offices, retirement homes, etc.www.artblocks.be (Etalle) ■10 JOURSPOUR CONSTRUIRE UNE MAISON !Créée en 1989, la société Artbois (Etalle) s’estspécialisée depuis 1996 dans le lamellé-collé.Son créateur, Patrick Van Horenbeeck, a déposé enfévrier 2008 un brevet pour un nouveau système deconstruction baptisé Artblock. L’idée ? Des "blocsautoportants" en bois, complètement modulaires,composés de 2 faces en lamellé-collé solidariséespar <strong>des</strong> entretoises à la longueur variable, définissantl’épaisseur de l’isolation. Esthétique, économique,rapide et très pratique – les gaines techniquessont intégrées dans le système dès ledépart –, le système sera mis en œuvre pour lapremière fois en janvier 2009, chez un particulieren Gaume. Une deuxième commande concernedeux maisons mitoyennes dans la Drôme. Artboisvise également le marché <strong>des</strong> collectivités : crèche,bureaux, maisons de repos etc.Gingerbread-flavoured and therapeutic beers© L'Avenir du LuxembourgBelgium is a country of beers, and over thepast few years has seen several artisanalbreweries resuscitated. Indeed, this was thecase for the "Brasserie d'Ecaussinnes"brewery which was taken over in 2001 byyoung couple Isabel and Hugues VanPoucke. Starting out with second-handequipment they found in the Czech Republic,these two enthusiasts have just acquired acompletely new brewery installation whichcan produce up to 10 million litres of beerper year. To differentiate themselves fromthe competition, the young brewers offernew beers like Cookie Beer: an 8% beerflavoured with speculoos (Belgiangingerbread cookies). They also produceLoubécoise, an 8%, maple syrup flavouredbeer, as well as beers with therapeuticproperties. 95% of the production is soldabroad, primarily in Europe, but also in theUSA and Japan.www.brasserieecaussinnes.be (Ecaussinnes) ■"Ready made" meat dishesBIÈRES AU SPÉCULOOS ET AUX PRO-PRIÉTÉS THÉRAPEUTIQUESPays de la bière, la Belgique a vu ressusciter cesdernières années plusieurs brasseries artisanales.C’est notamment le cas de la Brasseried'Ecaussinnes, reprise en 2001 par un jeune couple,Isabel et Hugues Van Poucke. Ayant débutéavec du matériel d'occasion déniché en Tchéquie,ces deux passionnés viennent d'acquérir une toutenouvelle installation brassicole qui peut produirejusque 10 millions de litres de bières par an. Pourse démarquer de la concurrence, les jeunes brasseursproposent de nouvelles bières comme laCookie Beer, une bière au spéculoos 8%, laLoubécoise, bière au sirop d'érable 8%, ou encore<strong>des</strong> bières aux propriétés thérapeutiques. 95% dela production est vendue à l’étranger, principalementen Europe mais aussi aux Etats-Unis et auJapon.The idea began to take shape two yearsago at Groupe Detry, which specializes infresh meats (800 metric tons sold per week)and cured meats (240 tons/week). Inresponse to the way the market and people’seating habits were evolving, Aubel (a brandcreated by the group in 1998) wanted todifferentiate itself from the competition bydeveloping products that could meetdemands for high quality and freshness,but also make everyday life simpler.Since the beginning of October 2008, it hasbeen marketing a range of meats withgourmet sauces packaged in trays readyfor traditional slow cooking in the oven.These are fresh products with a shelf life ofsix days. The concept is the result of a137,000 euro investment, and was testedprior to release by around 100 of thecompany’s 640 employees.www.aubel-detry.com (Aubel) ■LA VIANDE "PRÊTE À L’EMPLOI"La réflexion a débuté il y a deux ans au sein duGroupe Detry, spécialisé dans la commercialisationde vian<strong>des</strong> (800 tonnes/semaine) et charcuteries(240 tonnes/semaines). Au vu de l’évolution dumarché et <strong>des</strong> habitu<strong>des</strong> alimentaires, Aubel(marque du groupe créée en 1998) souhaitait sedémarquer par le développement de produitsrépondant à <strong>des</strong> exigences de qualité et defraîcheur tout en facilitant le quotidien de chacun.Depuis début octobre 2008, elle propose unegamme de viande assortie de sauce fine enbarquettes prête pour une cuisson lente au fourtraditionnel. Il s’agit de produits frais dont la duréede vie est de 6 jours. Ce concept, qui représenteun investissement de 137.000 euros, a été préalablementtesté par une centaine de collaborateurssur les 640 que compte l’entreprise.Dynamisme December 2008 .37

ProductsVery healthy chickenCreated in 2002 by a joint initiative of theUniversity of Liege and the private sector,CoqArd SA concerns itself with animalproduction. It is, in particular, at the rootof the development of the "Coq ArdennaisColumbus ® " chicken, a worldwide first inbalancing Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids.The company also participated in settingup an economic interest group that bringstogether companies actively interested indeveloping products to create anEquilibrium Menu. This Menu is the object ofscientific studies into the impact of Omega 3on human health. In November 2008,the company partnered with Delhaize tolaunch the commercialisation of theLimousin cockerel, which is raised for70 days in outside pens and which alsoprovi<strong>des</strong> an excellent Omega 3 /Omega 6 ratio.www.coqard.bewww.menuomega3.eu (Nandrin) ■Champion of EuropeEXCELLENT POUR LA SANTÉ,CE POULET !Créée en 2002 à l’initiative de l’Université de Liègeet du secteur privé, CoqArd SA s’intéresse à la productionanimale. C’est elle, notamment, qui est àl’initiative du "Coq Ardennais Columbus®", unepremière mondiale au niveau de l’équilibre entreOméga3 et Oméga6. Elle a également participé aumontage d’un Groupement d'Intérêt Economiqueregroupant <strong>des</strong> sociétés actives désireuses dedévelopper <strong>des</strong> produits permettant de créer un"Menu Equilibrium" qui fait l’objet d’étu<strong>des</strong> scientifiquesdans le domaine de l’impact <strong>des</strong> Oméga 3sur la santé humaine. En novembre 2008, elle alancé en partenariat avec Delhaize la commercialisationdu "Coq de Pêche", élevé 70 jours en parcoursextérieur et qui présente également unexcellent rapport Oméga3/Oméga6.Eurogentec continues to lead its field.The Liège-based biotech company haspositioned itself as a "CMO" (ContractManufacturing Organization), supplying veryhigh quality components (oligonucleoti<strong>des</strong>)for use in the molecular diagnostic kitsproduced by diagnostics companies. Themanufacturing procedures for diagnostickits must follow European directives as wellas ISO 13485 requirements. Eurogentec hastherefore decided to adhere to these samestandards for the components that itsynthesizes (oligonucleoti<strong>des</strong>). Newinstallations have been built, in which theseoligonucleoti<strong>des</strong> can be synthesizedaccording to strict conditions, so as to avoidany contamination (use of gloves, caps, shoeprotection, air filters and a positive pressureenvironment in the various rooms).Eurogentec was very recently audited forISO 13486 certification, and expects to beofficially certified at the end of December2008. The Liège-based firm will then be thefirst CMO in Europe to achieve ISO 13485certification for the production ofoligonucleoti<strong>des</strong> to be used in diagnostics.www.eurogentec.com (Liège) ■The next generation biopharmaCHAMPION D’EUROPEEurogentec continue sa course en tête. Cettesociété biotech liégeoise se positionne commeune "CMO" (Contract Manufacturing Organisation),fournissant <strong>des</strong> composants (oligonucléoti<strong>des</strong>)de très grande qualité en vue de les incorporerdans <strong>des</strong> kits de diagnostics moléculaires.Des nouvelles installations ont été crées pour permettrela synthèse de ces oligonucléoti<strong>des</strong> dans<strong>des</strong> conditions strictes pour éviter toute contamination(port de gants, bonnet, protection chaussures,filtre à air, surpression dans les différentessalles). Très récemment Eurogentec a été auditépour obtenir la certification ISO 13485, ce quidevrait officiellement se faire fin décembre 2008.A ce moment, l'entreprise liégeoise sera lapremière CMO en Europe à être certifiéeISO 13485 pour la fabrication <strong>des</strong> oligonucléoti<strong>des</strong>diagnostiques.Global biopharma company UCB’s conceptof ‘next generation biopharma’ is aboutconnecting patients, people and science innew ways to gain fresh insights. It is aboutcreating a new generation of solutionsaddressing the full spectrum of symptoms.It is about networking to cross-fertiliseknowledge, expertise and resources. UCB’sCentral Nervous System research centre inWallonia develops medicines that make areal difference to the lives of people aroundthe world. One notable example is Keppra ® ,an epilepsy medication that achieved1 billion EUR?in sales in 2007. Now, Keppra ®XR, an add-on therapy for adults, hascompleted Phase III trials. Finally,Brivaracetam, which builds on UCB’sproprietary expertise in the SV2A protein,has the potential to become the next goldstandard for treating epilepsy and is inPhase III trials.www.ucb-group.com (Braine-l’Alleud) ■LA BIOPHARMACIENOUVELLE GÉNÉRATIONLa société biopharma UCB lance le concept de«biopharma nouvelle génération ». L’idée est decréer une nouvelle génération de solutionscouvrant le spectre complet de symptômes.On se trouve ici au croisement de la connaissance,de l'expertise et <strong>des</strong> ressources. Le centre derecherche du Système nerveux central d’UCB enWallonie développe de tels médicaments.Un exemple notable est Keppra ® , un médicamentluttant contre l’épilepsie dont les ventes se sontélevées à 1 milliard EUR en 2007. Le Keppra ®XR, une thérapie complémentaire pour adultes,a passé la phase III (essais). Autre exemple,Brivaracetam, qui se fonde sur l'expertise d’UCBdans la protéine SV2A et a le potentiel pour devenirle prochain standard de traitement de l'épilepsie,est aussi en phase III (essais).38. Dynamisme December 2008

ProductsNew advances in meat and fish processingPrayon has just developed a brand newrange of phosphates to improve meat andfish processing: the "Carfosel I" range("I" stands for "Instant"). These new productsoutperform equivalent physical mixturesin terms of solubility and dissolving speed.These properties become particularly usefulin extreme conditions. For example, CarfoselI salts dissolve very well even in freezing brinesor brines with a very high salt concentration,improving the homogeneity of the brine.The range, which has been on the marketsince the beginning of 2008, will enable thecompany to win new business, particularly inthe food industry. Iceland is already emergingas an important client, in particular for saltcod processing. Germany, which traditionallyuses very cold brining techniques, is anotherThis is not a bucket!market with great potential. On a larger scale,North and South America offer great exportpotential.www.prayon.com (Engis) ■NOUVELLES AVANCÉES DANS LETRAITEMENT DE LA VIANDE ETDES POISSONSPrayon vient de mettre au point une toute nouvellegamme de phosphates <strong>des</strong>tinés à améliorerle traitement de la viande et du poisson :les "Carfosel I" (I pour Instant). L’avantage ?Une meilleure solubilité et vitesse de dissolutionque les mélanges physiques équivalents.Commercialisée depuis début 2008, cette gammeva permettre à l’entreprise de conquérir denouveaux marchés dans le domaine alimentaire.L’Islande se positionne déjà comme un clientimportant, en particulier pour le traitement de lamorue. L’Allemagne, qui par tradition emploie <strong>des</strong>saumures très froi<strong>des</strong>, constitue également unmarché à haut potentiel. A plus grande échelle,l’Amérique du Nord et du Sud offrent de bellesperspectives d’exportation.It’s all the rage! The decorative householdbucket developed by OKT Benelux inGembloux (38 employees) is a greatexample of the successful marriageof technique and marketing. With itsmarine and, more recently as winterapproaches, snowman motifs, this plasticitem completely differentiates itself fromthe classic, generally banal and sad article.The technique utilised – IML (In-MouldLabelling, which integrates the labeldirectly into the moulded item duringmanufacturing)—has existed for about15 years, but this is the first time it hasbeen used with such large motifs.This "Made in Gembloux" innovation isa true first in the IML market.www.okt.com (Gembloux) ■CECI N’EST PAS UN SEAU !Il fait fureur ! Le seau de ménage mis au pointpar la société OKT Benelux à Gembloux(38 personnes), est un bel exemple d’allianceréussie entre technique et marketing.Avec ses motifs de poissons et, plus récemmentà l’approche de l’hiver, de bonhommes de neige,cet article en plastique se démarque totalementdu produit classique, généralement banal et triste.La technique utilisée – l’IML ( "In Mold Labelling",soit l’étiquette fondue dans la masse) - existedepuis une quinzaine d’années, mais c’est lapremière fois qu’elle est utilisée avec de si grandsmotifs. Une innovation "made in Gembloux"qui constitue une véritable première sur lemarché de l’IML.Bottled creamCorman de Goé (Verviers) is considered theleader in butters made from technologicalprocesses. It has been developing theseproducts for more than 70 years and exportsthem to 80 countries, many of which are inSouth-East Asia (Japan, Korea, etc). Thecompany’s Balade brand light creams andbutters are their flagship products, and leadtheir respective markets in Belgium. During2008, the packaging for the creams evolved,and they are now available in very modern25 cl bottles, combining practicality, hygieneand fresh taste.www.corman.be (Verviers) ■LA CRÈME EMBOUTEILLÉEL’entreprise Corman de Goé (Verviers) est considéréecomme le leader <strong>des</strong> beurres techniques, <strong>des</strong>produits qu’elle développe depuis plus de 70 ans etqu’elle exporte dans 80 pays dont une bonne partieen Asie du sud-est (Japon, Corée). Les crèmes etbeurres allégés de la gamme Balade sont un deleur produit phare, affichant un leadership sur leurmarché respectif en Belgique. Au cours de cetteannée 2008, le packaging <strong>des</strong> crèmes a évolué etcelles-ci sont à présent disponibles en bouteille de25cl résolument moderne, alliant practicité, hygièneet fraîcheur de goût.40. Dynamisme December 2008

ProductsAutomatic trailer hitch controlIf you own a caravan or trailer, you have surelyalready had to check that a rear light or a turnsignal is functioning properly…Did you do thisalone? Of course not! It’s a Mission Impossibleto control the circuit and at the same time tosee if the light is working, several metresaway. Liege-based SME Ceteor (7 employees)has just launched a new product onto themarket: the Booster Tester, which of coursefulfils its primary jump-starting duty for alltypes of diesel or petrol vehicles. But what’sreally new is inside the control system, whichmakes it possible to check the connectionbetween the trailer and the vehicle – all byyourself. This new tool was specially developedfor all workshops, garages, dealers andinstallers of trailer hitches, and completes therange of this SME that exports 80% of itsproduction.www.sosbooster.com (Harzé) ■Smartlock ri<strong>des</strong> the railsAlstom’s team in Charleroi is entirelydedicated to renovating railway signallingsystems. Over the past 4 years, theWallonian site has particularly focussed onthe development of the new Smartlock 400which manages ground signallinginfrastructure (a sort of "new generation"signal box). This standard product cansatisfy the needs of many operators. InBelgium alone, it will replace 369 signalboxes located along the railway network with31 new units within a very tight deadline (for2012). The Brussels Metro is also migratingto this new technology, within the context ofthe renovation of the Shuman station.Foreign operators, too, are very interested,including Network Rail in the UK, andoperators from Algeria, Australia, etc.www.alstom.com (Charleroi) ■Having the sea… at homeVOTRE REMORQUE SOUSCONTRÔLE AUTOMATIQUESi vous êtes propriétaire d’une caravane ou d’uneremorque, vous avez certainement déjà vérifiéle bon fonctionnement d’un feu arrière ou d’unclignotant… Avez-vous réalisé cela seul ?Mission impossible que d’actionner un circuit, etsimultanément de contrôler un feu situé quelquesmètres plus loin ! La PME liégeoise (17 personnes)Ceteor vient de lancer un tout nouveau booster dedémarrage, le "Booster Tester" qui permet, nonseulement de démarrer tout type de véhicule dieselou essence (sa fonction première), mais égalementde tester, seul, la bonne connexion entrela remorque et son véhicule. Ce nouvel outil,spécialement développé pour les ateliers, garages,vendeurs et installateurs de prises remorques,vient compléter la gamme de cette PME quiexporte 80% de sa production.SMARTLOCK SUR LES RAILSA Charleroi, <strong>des</strong> équipes d’Alstom sont entièrementdédicacées à la rénovation de la signalisationferroviaire. Le site carolorégien a notamment planchédurant 4 ans sur le développement d’un nouveléquipement appelé Smartlock 400 qui gère l’infrastructurede signalisation au sol (une sorte decabine de signalisation "nouvelle génération"). Ceproduit générique permettra de satisfaire un largenombre d’opérateurs. Rien qu’en Belgique, il s’agitde remplacer 368 cabines de signalisation situéesle long <strong>des</strong> voies de chemin de fer par 31 nouvellesunités et ce dans un délai serré (pour 2012). Lemétro de Bruxelles migre aussi vers cette nouvelletechnologie, et ce dans le cadre de la rénovation dela station de métro Schuman. Des opérateursétrangers sont également très intéressés, commeNetwork Rail en Grande-Bretagne, mais égalementles opérateurs algériens, australiens, etc.The passion of waves prompt WOW engineerssince 1988. When creating the company, thefirst objective was the achievement of a littleenergy consumer wave generator thanks to theuse of resonance. In 1991, the first Wave Ballwas born after several years of research anddevelopment. The Wave Ball won numerousawards for its innovative aspects and is alwaysadvanced, evolved and developed by integratingadvanced technologies from many projects thatWOW has developed. Effectively, an “Industryand Technology" activity is born in 1995 inWOW with the slogan "Engineering your ideas"and develops a tender for specific projects.Since 2002, WOW team began to dream ofbringing the sea in private pools. In this context,the Wave Ball was not suited to private budgetsand the specific technical constraints (coverageof the pool). New research on resonance led usto develop a new generator integrated to privatepools, which like a giant Jacuzzi, masters airbubbles to create waves. In 2006, this systemcalled "Wave It" is presented for the first time inthe World Pool Fair in Lyon and won theinnovation prize. The official launch was madein November 2008 at the same place.www.wowcompany.com (Naninne) ■LA MER À LA MAISONConnue depuis plus de 15 ans pour sa Boule àVagues dans les piscines publiques, aquariums,centres de formations,... WOW met aujourd’hui lesvagues à la portée de tous en proposant le Wave Itpour les piscines privées ou publiques. Ce systèmefonctionne par injection de bulles d’air à la manièred’un jacuzzi. Dès 2002, l’équipe de WOW s’est miseà rêver d’amener la mer dans les piscines privées.Dans ce cadre, la Boule à Vagues n’était pasadaptée à <strong>des</strong> budgets privés et à <strong>des</strong> contraintestechniques spécifiques. De nouvelles recherchessur la résonance permis de développer un nouveaugénérateur. C’est en 2006 que ce système, le WaveIt (prototype) est présenté pour la première fois auSalon Mondial de la piscine à Lyon et y remporte leprix de l’innovation. La version commercialisable aété présentée à ce même salon en novembre 2008.Dynamisme December 2008 .43

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