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Companies11TH WALLONIA EXPORT GRAND PRIXCelebrating Walloniansuccess abroadEvery two years, the Wallonia Export Grand Prix celebrates the successesof Wallonian companies in bringing their products and services to a wider,international audience. This year, 10 companies have been recognised notonly for their level of exports, but also for the renown they bring toWallonia.par Kirsten ASLINGWallonia and its companies are movingfrom strength to strength. While thisspecial issue of Dynamisme highlightssome of the top products created by Walloniancompanies, we have much more to be proud of,and much more to offer the internationalbusiness community and foreign markets.This year marks the 11th year of the bi-annualWallonia Export Grand Prix. These awardsrecognise Wallonian companies that havedemonstrated particular success in exportmarkets. Along with foreign investment,exportation is one of the key factors for theinternational growth of a region. For bothforeign investment and exportation, 2007 proveda winning year for Wallonia.Our region has welcomed some of the globalheavy-hitters in international business,including Google, Microsoft, H&M, Fedex andmore. They are convinced that Wallonia willprovide them with an attractive home fromwhich to expand upon their success. Thanks tothese companies, and others, the number ofjobs in Wallonia from international companiesrose by just under 30% in 2007.Increased exports also raised Wallonia’s profileabroad. Exports rose by 8.4% in 2007,continuing the steady growth seen throughoutthe period of 1996-2007. In fact, Wallonia’saverage export growth for this period was wellabove that of the EU 15.AWEX promotes exceptionalachievementThis long-term success relies on the hard workof Wallonian companies in the export markets.To support and encourage these efforts, everyother year the Walloon Export and ForeignInvestment Agency (AWEX) organises theWallonia Export Grand Prix. First awarded in1991, these prizes reward the companies thathave progressed the most in their level ofexportation, or that have taken on – andconquered!–particularly difficult markets.Out of the 34 companies that took part in 2008,10 were selected as being particularly worthy ofnote in the area of exportation.Most years, a total of 7 prizes are awarded:AS AWEX CEO PHILIPPESUINEN SAYS, “EXPORTATIONIS A GREAT ADVENTURE”,AND THIS IS CERTAINLY TRUEFOR THE TWO 2008 GRANDPRIX WINNERS.16. Dynamisme December 2008

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