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OUT OF THE 34 COMPANIES THAT TOOK PART IN 2008, 10 WERE SELECTED AS BEING PARTICULARLY WORTHY OFNOTE IN THE AREA OF EXPORTATION.• The Wallonia Export Grand Prix “Europe”acknowledges a company that hassignificantly improved its performance and itsposition in the European <strong>Union</strong> and/or otherregions of Europe.• The Wallonia Export Grand Prix “High ExportTurnover” recognises a company that hassignificantly improved its results andpresence in markets outside of Europe.• The (maximum) five Wallonia Export Prizesreward other <strong>des</strong>erving exporting companies.For 2008, the Wallonia Export Grand Prix“Europe” award was won by AurigaInternational. The Wallonia Export Grand Prix“High Export Turnover” was awarded toEnsival-Moret. The Wallonia Export Prizewinners are: Automatic System, CP Bourg,Thales Alenia and Truflo Rona. In addition, a‘Helping Hand’ Export Prize was awarded toConcept & Forme.Some years, a ‘Youth’ prize may be awarded toa company that has particularly integratedyoung people into its export activities. Inrecognition of its efforts in this area, thecompany Croc'in was awarded this prize for2008.For this 11th version of the Grand Prix,however, 2008 has been a special year. Inparticular, two additional prizes were offered:a unique “Special Mention” Grand Prix, whichwent to GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, and a“UWE International Marketing Cell award,celebrating the 10th anniversary of theCell, which was given to CPL industries.(see page 20)The awarding of so many prizes will certainlymake this year’s Grand Prix one to remember!Building relationshipsis as important as numbersTo win a Wallonia Export Grand Prix orWallonia Export Prize, a company mustdemonstrate much more than just success inexport figures. In total, 34 companies appliedfor the program in 2008. Each had todemonstrate certain success factors, whichwere considered by the jury.Participating companies must firstly proverecent success in growing their exportbusiness, either overall or towards a new ordifficult export market.They then must demonstrate a proactiveattitude toward exportation. This can include asignificant increase in exports, the creation ofrelevant partnerships, the spectacular conquestof one or more markets, penetrating a difficultmarket or another initiative that builds theinternational awareness of the company orextends its reach internationally. Examplesinclude <strong>des</strong>ign, research and development,certification, launching of new products,products that protect the environment, etc.Finally, the qualitative character of theexportation is considered. This requires that theproducts or services being exported reflect wellon Wallonia, whether by their innovativecharacter or by their specific intrinsic qualities.All of the Grand Prix winners receive a trophy,and are invited to take part in two AWEXmissions, one of them in Europe. The ExportPrize winners also receive trophies, and areinvited on one AWEX mission, in Europe. Eachwinning company receives a grant for languagetraining from Ceran Lingua International.An exceptional prizefor an exceptional companyWhile this is the first time a “Special Mention”prize has been awarded, it is not the first timeGlaxoSmithKline Biologicals has been singledout by the Wallonia Export Grand Prix. In 1993,the pharmaceutical company won the WalloniaExport Grand Prix “High Export Turnover”award, and in 1998 it again won a WalloniaExport Prize.From its headquarters in Rixensart, Belgium,this Wallonian company has become one of theworld’s leading vaccine manufacturers. It isproud of the fact that 3 million of its vaccinesare delivered EVERY DAY to 165 countriesworldwide. It offers an excellent example of thetype of company that makes thepharmaceuticals industry a pole of excellence inBelgium, and that will make Wallonia one of2008 WINNERSWallonia Export Grand Prix“Special Mention”:GlaxoSmithKline BiologicalsWallonia Export Grand Prix“High Export Turnover:Ensival-MoretWallonia Export Grand Prix“Europe”: Auriga InternationalWallonia Export Prize:Automatic Systems, CPBourg, Thales Alenia, TrufloRona“Helping Hand” Prize:Concept & Forme“Youth” Prize: Croc’in10th Anniversary UWE Int’lMarketing Cell Prize:CPL IndustrieDynamisme December 2008 .17

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