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THE COMPANIES THATWERE SELECTED FORAWARDS AND MENTIONSTHIS YEAR ARE OFDIFFERENT SIZES, INDIFFERENT SECTORS ANDFROM DIFFERENTBACKGROUNDS.Auriga International has been awarded theWallonia Export Grand Prix for “Europe”, for itsstrong export growth into European markets. Toachieve this, it has established a dealer networkthat covers Western, Central and EasternEurope Alfred Marchal, CEO Auriga, explains,“Expanding our activities internationally is keyto our survival. Wallonia has the R&Dinfrastructure and expertise for us to developtruly innovative biotechnology products.Then we can test and patent theminternationally. We now have distributors in over30 countries – including all over Europe–for ourproducts”.The activities of companies like Ensival-Moretand Auriga International not only increaseexports from Wallonia, they also demonstratehow our region offers great technologyopportunities and partnerships.Six to watchThe four companies awarded Wallonia ExportPrizes have all distinguished themselves intheir dedication to building their exportbusiness based on quality and technology. Theyrepresent some of the best Wallonia has tooffer internationally. Automatic Systems, C.P.Bourg, Thales Alenia and Truflo Rona are allcommitted to research and development toimprove and increase their product offeringsand develop their brands globally. From Truflo’shigh-integrity specialist industrial valvesthrough to Thales Alenia’s satellite systems andorbital infrastructures, Wallonian companiesshow that it isn’t size that’s important for globalsuccess: it’s innovation. And AutomaticSystem’s physical access control and securityequipment and C.P. Bourg’s print finishingequipment demonstrate how fresh thinking canbring new opportunities to traditional sectors.This year, a “Helping Hand” Wallonia ExportPrize was also awarded, to company Concept &Forme, manufacturers of wood stoves. Thisspecial award recognises a company that meetsall of the Export Prize criteria, except in its levelof exportation. But Concept & Forme isfocussing on the same philosophy as theothers: success through quality and innovation.In addition, a special ‘Youth’ mention was givento company Croc’in. This manufacturer of tartletbases for the catering industry has wonnumerous awards for innovation, originality andexporting. This year, it is being recognised byAWEX for its dedication to including youngpeople in its export business, thus building afirm foundation for Wallonia’s future success.UWE international Marketing CellIn our role promoting and supportingcompanies in all fields of business activities,the UWE (Walloon Business Federation) set upthe International MarketingCell in 1998. This Cell focuses on internationaltrade, bringing companies together andproviding international market expertise.To celebrate the Cell’s 10th anniversary, aspecial prize has been awarded to one of itsmembers. CPL Industrie manufacturesindustrial chains and presses. An activemember of the International Marketing Cell,more than 70% of its production from Othée,Belgium is exported around the world. It is anideal company to represent the Cell for thismilestone year.Differences make us strong :similarities make us strongerThe companies that were selected for awardsand mentions this year are of different sizes, indifferent sectors and from differentbackgrounds. The sheer variety of business andexports available from Wallonian companieshelps make us strong internationally. Butperhaps more important are the similaritiesthese companies share, especially in theirdedication: to quality, to innovation, to newideas, even when based on traditional values.Each of these companies is a model for ourregion, and we are proud to have eachrepresent us in the global market. ■WALLONIAFIGURESEconomic indicators forWallonia:• Increase in exports 2007:8.4%• Increase in jobs fromforeign companies 2007:27.8%• Foreign investment inWallonia 2000-2007:EUR 5.3 billion• Jobs created by thisinvestment 2000-2007:13,825• GDP 2006:EUR 73,838.8 million• GDP growth 2006:4.2%Dynamisme December 2008 .19

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