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CompaniesINBRIEFThe UWE’s (Walloon BusinessFederation) International MarketingTeam celebrates its tenth birthday in2008. The team’s mission is to boostWalloon exports by bringing togethersuppliers of goods and services within agiven sector (forming a “cluster ofbusinesses”). Its actions are based onthe technical support of a company thatis the leader in its field. Activities involveorganizing trade missions abroad toidentify business opportunities, but alsohosting delegations from overseas forvisits to Walloon businesses operating intheir sector.“We are very pleased that CPL Industrie(see opposite) has won an award. Thecompany has been with the MarketingTeam since its creation ten years ago.It has spread the word to othercompanies and has been a great help tous in terms of refining ourmethodology”, explains Etienne Collin,a UWE Advisor.The following clusters have beencreated: cement, environment, foodindustry equipment, food ingredients,mines and quarries, petrochemicals,pharmaceuticals, steel, sugar, glass, railtransport and electricity transmission.Since the team was created, visits to40 different countries have already beenorganized, with an average of7 companies taking part in each trademission.• Contacts: +32 (0),• Sponsors: AWEX, ArcelorMittal, INGBelgium, Fortis, Solvay• Advisors: AGC, Carmeuse, Elia,GlaxoSmithKline, HeidelbergCement,Holcim, Inbev, Italcementi, Lhoist,SNCB Holding, Total, Umicore123Three questions forJean-Marie Moulin,CPL IndustrieThis SME in Liege, specialised in the mechanical sector (chainsand presses), was honoured on November 25 at the WalloniaExport Grand Prix. We spoke with director Jean-Marie Madeleine DEMBOURThe 11th Wallonia Export Grand Prix had a specialcharacteristic. An additional award was given out to mark the10th anniversary of the UWE International Marketing Cell:your company won it. It was a nice recognition, after havingrelaunched the company in 2002. How do you feel about it?At first, I was amazed to receive this distinction. But when you think about it, it is true that wehave been very faithful members of the UWE International Marketing Cell from the beginning.We took part in the first missions under the patronage of Michel Hahn (Magotteaux) in 1998, toTurkey and Brazil. His perfect knowledge of the world of cement manufacturing opened manydoors for Walloon SMEs. We in turn try to raise the possibilities for other SMEs: we have justintroduced CBV (Belgian Ventilation Company) in Libya, which is out biggest client.Considering that you export more than 70% of your production, whatdo the cluster formation actions put in place by the UWE offer you?This way of working in company clusters is an innovative methodology that actuallycomplements the traditional AWEX missions, without competing with them. I particularlyappreciate that clients are targeted, their needs are identified and the visitation schedule isset out before the mission gets underway.In this rather difficult time for business, what message would yougive to other Walloon companies looking to export?Go for it, now more than ever! This is definitely not the time to cut back on marketingexpenses. Sales never come looking for you: you must go out and find them yourself.As for us, we have a strong presence in France, Libya and Algeria. We just visitedTurnkey – with the UWE, of course – and Slovakia, where we may see some projects come tolife. ■Sales don’tcome to find you;you must go out andfind them yourself.20. Dynamisme December 2008