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06242424252525262627282828292929303031323232333333343435373737383838404040434343ProductsZentechDelphi GeneticsBarco SilexBabelgomAlterfaceKitoZymeBioxtractAGC Flat Glass EuropeXylowattBelroboticsAraponicsMedi-LineGallerImperbelWetlandsLe PétaleLucimedLange ChristianOdemetricBEAMexysAutomatic systemsAseptic TechnologiesNanocylPro Fish TechnologySalucBrunehautFuterroArtboisBrasserie d'EcaussinesDetryCoqArdEurogentecUCBPrayonOKTCormanCeteorAlstom BelgiumWow CompanyA report by Thierry DECLOUX, Madeleine DEMBOUR,Liliane FANELLO and Yves-Etienne MASSARTDOWNLOADthe file on www.uwe.beSPECIAL ECONOMIEINNOVATION ALIVE AND40 new prodformulaIn this special feature, our journalistswill introduce you to 40 products“Made in Wallonia” with an internationalvocation (exports), a genuinely innovativedimension (strong R&D input) and asignificant potential for development,particularly in an industrial context.We hope you enjoy your read!by Madeleine DEMBOURFor the third year running, DYNAMISME Magazine(published by the Walloon Business Federation)has published an international issue.Why a magazine in English? We are now repeatingthe experiment for the third time. In 2006, ourend-of-year issue focused on the 5 competitivenessclusters, sectors in which Wallonia intends toposition itself for the years to come. In 2007, theeditorial team introduced 40 “hidden champions”,Walloon companies that may not always get therecognition they <strong>des</strong>erve, but which over theyears have become world leaders in their field(www.uwe.be/bases-de-donnees/leadersmondiaux).The reactions we received to these initiatives wereextremely positive, both from readers in Belgiumand readers abroad. In particular, there was a lotof coverage of the contents of these issues in thepress, and certain media organizations havealready decided to partner this 2008 issue.So what is the theme for this year? “40 newproducts with Wallonia’s winning formula”.Since June 2008, our journalists have been huntingdown products that meet the following criteria:1. An international vocation (exports).2. A genuinely innovative dimension (strongR&D input).3. A significant potential for development,particularly in an industrial context.We are presenting two major categories of product:1. Existing products: in existence for less than5 years and made in Wallonia.2. Products in development: at a prototype orpre-production stage.You will discover the results of their research in thefollowing pages. We should, however, point out thatthis list of 40 products makes no claim to be anexhaustive list (see text box opposite).22. Dynamisme December 2008

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