Download - Union Wallonne des Entreprises

Download - Union Wallonne des Entreprises

Download - Union Wallonne des Entreprises

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WELL IN WALLONIAucts with Wallonia’s winningACTIVECOLLABORATIONSARE GROWING UPAROUND NUMEROUSRESEARCH,INVESTMENT ANDTRAINING PROJECTS.© TiltNot exhaustive!Competitiveness clusters,a winning formula?Many projects are taking shape under the newindustrial policy launched three years ago inWallonia, under the name of the “Marshall Plan”.This new policy involves the creation of clustersof businesses and also competitiveness clusters,in other words networks that link businesses,universities and research centers, as well astraining institutions, around innovative projects thatcreate economic activity and employment.Active collaborations are growing up aroundnumerous research, investment and trainingprojects. In concrete terms, since the creation ofthe competitiveness clusters, 70 projects havebeen approved by the Walloon Government,with 200 participations from companies, 130 fromuniversity centers, 40 from research centers and40 from training centers. There can be no doubtabout it; innovation is at work! ■Our investigations revealed a largenumber of excellent projects thatcould have taken their place in thislist. However, we had to make aselection in order to give arepresentative overview of theeconomic makeup of the region,provide a good balance betweenBtoB and BtoC solutions, ensuregeographical and sectoral diversity,etc. If you feel that you have beenoverlooked, please contact theeditorial staff (dynamisme@uwe.be).They will be delighted to include youin the list published on the Internet(www.uwe.be).Dynamisme December 2008 23.

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