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Download - Union Wallonne des Entreprises

Download - Union Wallonne des Entreprises

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ProductsInnovation is yours with AGC glassUnlimited possibilitiesWith over 100 glass production units and a worldwide salesnetwork , AGC Flat Glass Europe (formerly Glaverbel) is aleader in glass for faça<strong>des</strong>, interior <strong>des</strong>ign and specialistsectors. Firmly rooted in Europe with headquarters inBrussels and its Research & Development Centre inWallonia (Jumet), AGC confirms its role as the leadinginnovator in the glass industry.AGC FLAT GLASS EUROPE SA• PRESIDENT & CEO: Jean-François HERIS• SECTOR: flat glass• FOUNDED:1961 (Glaverbel, former name)• LOCATION: Europe with HQ in Brussels• NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 10 600• ANNUAL TURNOVER 2007: around 2 billion euros• EXPORTS: more than 90%Recent examples include theAntiBacterial glass (goldmedal for innovation at theBatimat internationalbuilding fair in Paris - 2007) and theenvironment friendly mirror Mirox 3 G,(Belgium Environment Prize - 2007).Most recently, AGC developed Glassiled,a laminated glass including LED (LightEmitting Dio<strong>des</strong>) with no visible wires forboth faça<strong>des</strong> and interior <strong>des</strong>ignapplications. Glassiled capitalises on allthe advantages of LED technology: longlife, intense light and the possibility ofvarying the colours (RGB). The colour andnumber of LEDs as well as the type ofglass used can be varied, allowing theproduct to be customised. “This latestinnovation captures both natural andartificial light in its own magictransparent way. It also immediatelycaptured architects and interior<strong>des</strong>igners’ imagination when it was firstshowed at Batimat last year where itshighly personalised way of using light,during the day and at night won the goldmedal for <strong>des</strong>ign“ says Jean-FrançoisHeris, President & CEO of AGC FlatGlass Europe.When used as a partition, Glassiled cancommunicate specific messages, guidethe public and subtly draw attention tospecific features. In shelves orshowcases it can attractively light theXylowatt: Sustainable EnergyTechnology born from uniAlternative energies like wind turbines and solar panelsare a growth area, but the innovative technology is oftenimported. However, biomass gasification is bucking thetrend: a Walloon technology that is developing on theexport market. Xylowatt is a company based on a boldidea: to produce energy autonomously from wood, a rawmaterial that is plentiful in Wallonia and the neighboringcountries.XYLOWATT SA• FOUNDED: 2001• LOCATION: Charleroi• BUSINESS: production of biomass-fueledcogeneration plants• 2008 TURNOVER (PROVISIONAL):1.8 million EUR• WORKFORCE: 25• MARKETS: Belgium, Germany, India, Italy,Great Britain, France• WEBSITE: www.xylowatt.com26. Dynamisme December 2008Xylowatt is in the fantasticposition of being no less than theEuropean market leader! All thanks to atechnological advance perfected at thebeginning of 2008. The company, whichspecializes in the <strong>des</strong>ign, installment andmaintenance of gas-producinginstallations, has been growing constantlysince it was set up at the beginning ofthe decade.The history of this spin-off from theUniversité Catholique de Louvain is aperfect example of the transformation ofan environmental constraint into abusiness opportunity. By producing heatand electricity from biomass, it is also ableto add value to the waste products ofsawmills, joinery shops and other forestryrelatedbusinesses. "Less than a year ago,the company perfected its Notar reactor,so-called because it produces no tar. Abrilliant sales argument!" says CEO GillesBarchman.Its wood-powered cogeneration plants cansupply energy and heat to meet the needsof a village, a community, or for industrialusage.The guiding principle of the business issustainable development. With its range ofprojects producing between 300 kWe and

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