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Download - Union Wallonne des Entreprises

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ProductsLucimedA new look at luminothA newcomer to Wallonia, Lucimed <strong>des</strong>igns andcommercialises a concept stemming from researchundertaken by universities : a portable system for treatingluminotherapy. It offers the advantage of allowing the lightto naturally reach the areas of the retina which are mostreceptive to treatment, while maintaining the vision andthe freedom of movement of the wearer.LUCIMED SA• DIRECTOR: Emmanuel Delloye• SECOR: paramedical• FOUNDED: 2006• LOCATION: Villers-le-Bouille• NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: not disclosed• ANNUAL TURNOVER 2007: 300 000 euros• COUNTRIES EXPORTED TO: France, Finland,Switzerland, CanadaOut of this the Luminettewas born which resemblesa pair of spectacles and isworn in a similar manner.Conscious that they had to add anergonomic and aesthetic dimensionto the fruits of their research in orderto commercialise this product, whichwasn’t at all in their area of competence,the researchers turned towards othersources of inspiration.Amongst the people who believed inLucimed was Jacques Tilman, Director ofInov <strong>des</strong>ign agency, explains the directorof the company Emmanuel Delloye. Themodeling of the product was entrusted tothis <strong>des</strong>igner. Reason told us to believe inthis project. The mission of the <strong>des</strong>ignstudio was clear : make the Luminetteattractive, effective from a medical pointof view and perfectly adapted to users.What a surprise in the end ! The beautyof the object took precedence over itspure functionality, whilst conservingits healing properties.Such a result could only have beenobtained thanks to the implication of the<strong>des</strong>ign studio from the beginning of theprocess. There were many constraints :ergonomy, portability, respect of medicalparameters… Not forgetting the purelyeconomic aspect. Concerning thecommercialization, Lucimed also choseUrban waste vacuum cleanerSweeping genius!Innovate, innovate, innovate. With its urban vacuumcleaner Glutton ® continues to swallow up entire sectionsof the market. Its current technology has proven itselfaround the world, but this company is not one to reston its laurels. Its latest development: a system that putsout lit cigarette butts, preventing them from catching firewithin the urban waste vacuum cleanerLANGE CHRISTIAN SA• FOUNDED: 1988• LOCATION: Andenne (Namur)• LEADING PRODUCT: the "Glutton", invented in1994, launching the diversification of thecompany into urban street vacuuming.• REVENUE: 2,500,000 EUR (2007) -2008 objective: 5 million EUR.• MARKETS: Belgium (13% of revenue),Rest of World (87%).• WEBSITE: www.glutton.comThis system is one moreadditional application to theoriginal urban waste vacuumcleaner that emerged from theimagination ofGlutton founder and patron ChristianLange some fifteen years ago.The company’s principle characteristic isthat it is as oriented towards innovation asexportation, including globally.The company, which is present in around40 countries, is now targeting newmarkets in America and the mid-East.Christian Lange’s credo remains:“A satisfied customer is the bestambassador for our products.” Since thebeginning, in 1994, he has been utterlyconvinced of the global potential of hisinvention. The facts support him: potentialexists all over, which is why he himselfsweeps around the world throughoutthe year. At his side are 6 salespeople,with 3 more in the process of beingrecruited.Performance and reliability are the twowinning sales arguments. “We makeno concessions in the matter. It’s simple:every distributor in every country mustfollow training at our site. However,sometimes, by special request, we canalso organise the training on-site, at theclient’s location.”30. Dynamisme December 2008

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