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ProductsTable Fusion breathes new life into billiards“A table even my wife liDespite its position as world leader in the billiards ballsector, the company Saluc continues to challenge itselfand always stays up-to-date on the evolutions of its market.The proof? Just take a look at the new Table Fusion:a <strong>des</strong>ign dining table that conceals a regulation billiardstable. When boldness meets technology…SALUC SA• FOUNDED: 1923• HEADQUARTERS: Callenelle (western Hainaut)• MAIN ACTIVITY: world leader in the production ofbilliard balls made of phenolic resin under thebrand Aramith• CONSOLIDATED SALES: 20 million Euros• EMPLOYEES: 181• MARKETS: 98% of sales come from exports toabout 85 countries on the 5 continentsA billiards table at home?They take up so much space,and at today’s real estateprices, who can devote anentire room to a game? What’s more, aclassic billiards table (often not verycontemporary in <strong>des</strong>ign) is not alwayseasy to integrate into a moderninterior…When the sales people at Salucraised these two problems with thecompany’s director, he responded bygiving his Research and Developmentdepartment a single instruction: to<strong>des</strong>ign a table that “even my wife willlike”.From those beginnings in September2007, Table Fusion was born. Thesehigh-<strong>des</strong>ign dining tables hide acompletely undetectable “surprise”within: a real, American billiards tablethat perfectly meets all the technicalspecification requirements of the game.“This product is directly targeted for theleisure market”, explains Thierry Hoyaux,the director of Sales & Marketing forEurope and the Mid-East for TableFusion. “That means it has to givepleasure to the eyes and add pleasure tothe game. One of our objectives is torecentre the family around a game thateveryone can take part in, and thatcreates pure and real emotions, asopposed to the virtual sensationsgenerated by video games, for example.”A beer barrel that reduces transportation co“The future of beer: theMarc Antoine De Mees is no stranger to bringing acompany back from the brink of failure. And that is justwhat he has done with the brewery Brunehaut, morethan doubling its turnover since it was bought two yearsago. Today, it is the first in Europe to offer a recyclablebeer barrel. Both economically and ecologicallyinteresting, it’s definitely something to consider…BRUNEHAUT SA• FOUNDED: 1890• LOCATION: Brunehaut (western Hainaut)• BEERS PRODUCED: Saint Martin abbey beer,regional beers and “trendy” beers• TURNOVER: 400,000 euros in 2007• NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 5• MARKETS: Belgium (45%), USA Canada, Italy,Singapore, Japan.• WEBSITE: www.brunehaut.comRecyclable beer barrels aremuch more than just“ecological gadgets”.There is of course the green aspect: arecyclable barrel has an ecologicalfootprint 15 times smaller than a stainlesssteel barrel (when considering thefabrication, the two-way transport of thereturnable barrel, etc.). And in terms of theenvironment, the brewery Brunehautdefinitely considers itself “responsible”.Besi<strong>des</strong> being the first brewery in Europeto offer its abbey beer in plastic barrels,the company has also put in place anintegrated structure that allows it tocontrol everything down to the cultivationof the barley <strong>des</strong>tined to be used inbrewing its beers.Much more than an“ecological gadgetsBut the primary aspect that pushed MarcAntoine De Mees, Managing Director, toconsider the recyclable beer barrelsdeveloped by an Australian company andmanufactured in the USA, was theimmense financial overhead that stainlesssteel barrels represent.“Traditionally, beer is sold by the breweriesin 20, 30 or 50 litre stainless steel barrels.The breweries today face a growingeconomic problem caused by the34. Dynamisme December 2008

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