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Download - Union Wallonne des Entreprises
Download - Union Wallonne des Entreprises
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SummaryDynamisme december 200806689101112THE GUESTJean-Claude Havaux : the « human factor » is importantBeing a manager means…24 hours in the life ofSpin-offs spearhead Walloon innovationThe expert : Didier Paquot (Walloon Business Federation)Help and useful links141416182020COMPANIESThe Majority of SMEs InnovateCelebrating Wallonian success abroad2008 winnersWallonia figuresThree questions for Jean-Marie Moulin (CPL Industrie)22DOWNLOADthe file onwww.uwe.be22PRODUCTSIn this special feature, our journalists will introduce you to40 products « Made in Wallonia » with an international vocation(exports), a genuinely innovative dimension (strong R&D input)and a significant potential for development, particularly in anindustrial context. We hope you enjoy your read !DynamismeThe two-monthly magazine published jointly byWalloon Business Federation asbl and Maison <strong>des</strong> <strong>Entreprises</strong> <strong>Wallonne</strong>s asblUWE, Chemin du Stockoy 3, B-1300 Wavre, Tel. : +32 (0), Fax : +32 (0),,• Editing : Thierry Decloux, Madeleine Dembour, Yves-Etienne Massart -E-mail : • Editorial board : Luc De Cordier, Jean de Lame, Madeleine Dembour, Thierry Devillez,Yves-Etienne Massart, Didier Paquot, Vincent Reuter, Jean-Jacques Westhof • Layout : MMM Business Media• Printing : Imprimerie Vase Frères (Waterloo) • Advertising agency : Alliance Media, 32(0),• Cover photograph : Tilt • Inside pictures (portraits) : Walloon Public Service (Communication Department• Publishing director : Jean de Lame, Chemin du Stockoy 3, B-1300 Wavre - Annual subscription (6 issues) :EUR 30, payable to the account of Maison <strong>des</strong> <strong>Entreprises</strong> <strong>Wallonne</strong>s: 360-1149184-31• With the support of AWEX (Walloon Export and Foreign Investment Agency)Extracts and documents from this issue may not be reprinted, in whole or in part, without prior approval from the editors.Dynamisme december 2008 .5