Download - Union Wallonne des Entreprises

Download - Union Wallonne des Entreprises

Download - Union Wallonne des Entreprises

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Special guestJEAN-CLAUDE HAVAUX (ZENTECH)In many projects,the “human factor”is importantZentech is on the up. The Liège-basedbiotech company, which specializes in thedevelopment, production and marketing ofdiagnostics kits for foetus, newborn andvery young children, is in the processof finalizing a new fundraisingoperation that should bring in4.5 million euros in fresh funding. Itsdevelopment plan involves setting upa new base in Malaysia.by Madeleine DEMBOURIMPROVINGTHE HEALTH OFCHILDREN IN THEIRFIRST WEEKS OFLIFE IS AN EXCITINGAND MEANINGFULCHALLENGE.© Tilt6. Dynamisme December 2008

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