Download - Union Wallonne des Entreprises

Download - Union Wallonne des Entreprises

Download - Union Wallonne des Entreprises

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24 HOURS IN THE LIFE OFGet upI leave the house by bike or by car, depending on theweather and the day’s schedule (meetings outsidethe office or not).06:3007:30I BASE MY SCHEDULEON DIFFERENT TIMEZONES : MORNINGSARE FOR PHONE CALLSTO ASIAI begin the day by going throughmy letters and e-mails.08:15An hour of debriefing with Patrick Poty,who deals with the day-to-day runningof the company.09:0010:15I use the morning to make phone calls toAsia. Skype is the best invention for SMEslike ours… We have a commercial office in Vietnam andwe plan to set up a head office in Malaysia. Each projecthas its own “Business Plan”, which means we can do aproduct by product survey.I use my afternoons for outside contacts, either bytelephone or on the road.14:00I also like to maintain a network of contacts: as wellas serving as a director of other companies (DNAVision, for example), I am involved in the AST(Technological Stimulation Agency), the Bio-Vallée inGosselies, the Biowin cluster, Biotech Coaching, etc.17:00Return home.18:30I spend my evenings between channel surfing ontelevision and surfing the Internet. This is often alsowhen I reply to e-mails. ?20:00The end of my day. 00:30Behind the sceneBorn in 1955, Jean-Claude Havaux trained as a zoologist (ULg). His career began with 3 yearsin Côte d’Ivoire, where he developed a fish farming project supported by the United Nations.This was where he discovered his taste for sales. Returning home, he launched the Biotech departmentof the Brussels-based firm Sanders-Probel, before joining Techland (the future Zentech)in 1985. The University of Liège spin-off came under Italian control at the end of the 1980s, butcircumstances changed ten years later when its Italian owner died. In 2000, a management buy-outwas orchestrated by none other than Jean-Claude Havaux. A father of three grown children(25 to 19 years old), his hobbies include photography and motorcycles© TiltDynamisme December 2008 .9

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