Power Optimization and Prediction Techniques for FPGAs - Jason H ...

Power Optimization and Prediction Techniques for FPGAs - Jason H ...

Power Optimization and Prediction Techniques for FPGAs - Jason H ...


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2.2 <strong>Power</strong> Dissipation in CMOS CircuitsSubstituting (2.1) into (2.2) yields:E s = C · V DD∫ t1t 0dv c (t)dt∫ VDD2dt = C · V DD dv c = C · V DD0(2.3)The energy drawn from the supply in a rising transition on the gate’s output signal, E 01 ,is equal to E s . No energy is drawn from the supply when discharging the capacitor in a fallingtransition, <strong>and</strong> there<strong>for</strong>e, E 10 = 0. The average energy consumed per transition on the gate’soutput signal is:E trans = E 01 + E 102= E s + 02= C · V DD 22(2.4)The average dynamic power consumed by the gate, P gate , depends on the average rate of logictransitions on gate’s output signal:P gate = F trans · E trans = F trans · C · V DD22(2.5)where F trans is referred to as the switching activity of the gate output signal <strong>and</strong> is expressed inunits of transitions per second. In clocked circuits, it is convenient to normalize the switchingactivity by the clock period as follows:F trans = F clk · F (2.6)where F clk represents the system clock frequency <strong>and</strong> F represents the average number oftransitions on the gate output signal per clock cycle. F is referred to as the normalized switchingactivity.Substituting (2.6) into (2.5) <strong>and</strong> summing over all signals yields the familiar equation <strong>for</strong>the average dynamic power consumed by a CMOS digital circuit:P avg = F clk2∑i ∈ signalsC(i) · F (i) · V DD2(2.7)where P avg represents average power consumption, C(i) is the load capacitance of a signal i,11

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