Power Optimization and Prediction Techniques for FPGAs - Jason H ...

Power Optimization and Prediction Techniques for FPGAs - Jason H ...

Power Optimization and Prediction Techniques for FPGAs - Jason H ...


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2.3 FPGA Architecture <strong>and</strong> Hardware Structuresrouting trackslogic blockf1f2f3f44-LUTclkD FFMUXI/Ob) logic blockSRAM cellSSSS...SMUXa) abstract FPGA structuref1 f2 f3 f4c) 4-LUTFigure 2.8: (a) Abstract FPGA architecture; (b) logic block; (c) LUT.spersed between rows <strong>and</strong> columns of logic blocks. Today’s commercial <strong>FPGAs</strong> use look-uptables(LUTs) as the base element <strong>for</strong> implementing combinational logic functions, <strong>and</strong> containflip-flops <strong>for</strong> implementing sequential logic. A K-input LUT (K-LUT) is a small memory capableof implementing any logic function that uses, at most, K inputs. A simplified FPGA logicblock is shown in Figure 2.8(b), comprising a 4-LUT along with a flip-flop. A programmablemultiplexer allows the flip-flop to be bypassed. Figure 2.8(c) shows the internal details of a4-LUT. 16 SRAM cells hold the truth table <strong>for</strong> the logic function implemented by the LUT.The LUT inputs, labeled f1–f4, select a particular SRAM cell whose content is passed to theLUT output.The logic blocks in commercial <strong>FPGAs</strong> are more complex than that of Figure 2.8(b) <strong>and</strong>contain clusters of LUTs <strong>and</strong> flip-flops. Figure 2.9 shows the logic blocks in Virtex-4 <strong>and</strong>Stratix II. A Virtex-4 logic block [Figure 2.9(a)] is referred to as a Configurable Logic Block(CLB) <strong>and</strong> it contains 4 SLICEs, where each SLICE has two 4-LUTs, two flip-flops, as well21

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