Power Optimization and Prediction Techniques for FPGAs - Jason H ...

Power Optimization and Prediction Techniques for FPGAs - Jason H ...

Power Optimization and Prediction Techniques for FPGAs - Jason H ...


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2.5 FPGA <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Optimization</strong>LUTswitchingactivity10310 3logic functionprimary input53331 753331 7Figure 2.17: <strong>Power</strong>-aware technology mapping.connect, as illustrated in Figure 2.17. The figure shows two mapping solutions <strong>for</strong> a circuit.The nodes represent logic functions; the shaded regions represent LUTs. Switching activityvalues are shown adjacent to each signal. In the left mapping solution, the high activity signal(with activity 10) is covered within a LUT, <strong>and</strong> there<strong>for</strong>e, this signal is not required tobe routed through the interconnect. In the right mapping solution, the high activity signal isbetween LUTs <strong>and</strong> thus, must be routed through the interconnect. It is conceivable that thetwo mapping solutions have considerably different power characteristics.In an early work, Farrahi <strong>and</strong> Sarrafzadeh proposed an algorithm that minimized power atthe expense of both area <strong>and</strong> depth [Farr 94]. Their algorithm provides a 14% power improvementover an algorithm that solely optimizes area. Li, Mak, <strong>and</strong> Katkoori presented an algorithmthat optimizes power in the portions of a circuit that are not depth-critical [Li 01]. Theirapproach reduces the mapping problem to a network flow <strong>for</strong>mulation, similar to FlowMap [Cong 94a].The authors use a novel approach to translate power objectives into edge capacities in the flownetwork. In [Wang 01], the authors focused on optimizing both area <strong>and</strong> power. Their methodcomputes a set of c<strong>and</strong>idate mapping solutions <strong>for</strong> each node in an input network, <strong>and</strong> appliesa cost function to select the best solution. The approach yields mapping solutions that use 14%less power than those produced by [Farr 94], while at the same time requiring fewer LUTs.Each published technology mapping algorithm has been shown to produce mapping solutions35

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