Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC

Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC

Clinical Pathways Resource Guide - CEIC


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Mini-International Mini International Neuropsychiatric<br />

Interview (M.I.N.I.)<br />

Purpose: The Mini-International Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview assists in the assessment assessment<br />

of 20 mental<br />

disorders including substance use disorders.<br />

<strong>Clinical</strong> utility: The M.I.N.I. is not designed or intended to be used in place of a full medical and<br />

psychiatric evaluation by a qualified licensed physician-psychiatrist.<br />

physician psychiatrist.<br />

It is intended only as a tool to facilitate accurate data collection collection<br />

and processing of symptoms elicited<br />

by trained personnel.<br />

Groups with whom this instrument has been used: Adults<br />

Format: An abbreviated psychiatric structured interview that uses decision decision<br />

tree logic to assess the<br />

major adult Axis I disorders in DSM-IV DSM IV and ICD-10. ICD 10. It elicits all the symptoms listed in the symptom<br />

criteria for DSM-IV DSM IV and ICD-10 ICD 10 for 15 major Axis I diagnostic categories, one Axis-II Axis II disorder and for<br />

suicidality. Its diagnostic algorithms are consistent with DSM-IV DSM IV and ICD-10 ICD 10 diagnostic algorithms.<br />

Administration time: 15 to 20 minutes<br />

Scoring time: 5 minutes<br />

Computer scoring? A computerized version of the M.I.N.I. is available in six languages languages<br />

in the MINI<br />

Outcomes program.<br />

Administrator training and qualifications: The M.I.N.I. was designed to be used by trained<br />

interviewers who do not have training in psychiatry or psychology.<br />

psychology.<br />

Fee for use: The M.I.N.I. is made available at no charge on the internet, mainly mainly<br />

for researchers who<br />

may make single copies for their own use.<br />

Available from: hhtps://www.medical outcomes.com/indexSSL.htm<br />


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